3,696 research outputs found

    La adaptabilidad de la educación física en el medio natural en entornos urbanos

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    Realizamos un análisis de los antecedentes relacionados con la educación física en el medio natural. Considerando la importancia de esta, realizaremos una revisión legislativa y haremos una propuesta educativa para llevar la educación física en el medio natural a un centro situado en el centro de Madrid, en el que a priori, la puesta en práctica de la actividad física en el medio natural es más difícil.Grado en Educación Primari

    Impact of climate change on wave energy resource: the case of Menorca (Spain)

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    The aim of this paper was to analyse how changes in wave patterns, due to the effect of climate change, can affect wave energy power and yield around Menorca (NW Mediterranean Sea). The present and future wave energy conditions were derived from recently developed high-resolution wave projections in the NW Mediterranean. These wave projections were forced by surface wind fields obtained, respectively, by 5 different combinations of global and regional circulation models (GCMs and RCMs) for the A1B scenario. The results showed that the projected future spatial and directional distributions of wave energy are very similar to those of the present conditions. The multi-model ensemble average illustrated a slight general decrease in the annual and seasonal wave power (except for summer). However, the inter-model variability is large since two models showed opposite trends to the other 3 in most cases. Such inter-model variability is lower(higher) for winter(autumn). Another result is the reduction of the temporal variability in the future, considering both the multi-model mean and each single model projection. Such a decrease is consistent with the future seasonal redistribution of energy throughout the year. This would entail an increase in the efficiency of wave energy converters deployed in this area due to the more regular temporal distribution of the energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving power system static security margins by means of a real coded genetic algorithm

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. P. Martín and A. Sierra, "Improving Power System Static Security Margins by Means of a Real Coded Genetic Algorithm," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1915-1924, May 2016. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2439579This paper introduces a new method of removing thermal overloads and voltage limits in an electric power system by means of the Evolution of Corrective and Preventive control Actions (ECPA). The goal is to find the minimum number of control actions that solve the identified limit violations at minimum cost. A recombination operator based on form theory allows the codification of control actions in a natural and simple way. ECPA has been tested on the IEEE 30-bus and the IEEE 118-bus systems. The limit violations are solved at minimum cost and with fewer control actions on average than alternative methods

    Economic impact of overtopping and adaptation measures in Catalan ports due to sea level rise

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    In this paper, the impact of sea level rise (SLR) throughout the 21st century in the overtopping of port breakwaters is analyzed at a regional scale, focusing on the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). The study is made considering three scenarios of SLR and two levels of storminess, computing the overtopping discharges in 47 ports to assess those exceeding a tolerable threshold and to roughly estimate the monetary value of the consequences of such discharges. Possible adaptation measures are examined, selecting the most cost-effective and assessing the cost of its implementation for the different scenarios and two damage levels. Results show that, as it could be expected, the number of ports affected by overtopping will increase with SLR, as well as the economic impact. Another remarkable finding of this paper is the significant savings in adaptation measures achieved allowing a minimum level of damage in contrast to the zero-damage option.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Passive Microstrip Transmitarray Lens for Ku Band

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel 12 GHz radiating design based on the idea of transmitarray lens device. In this document, an overview of the functioning of this kind of devices is given and the proposed transmitarray lens is studied, with architecture discussion and selection, as well as some ideas about the design, and manufacturing. In the document, some design, manufacturing and validation of the constituting elements of the lens (radiating elements, transmission circuits and transitions) are presented, together with a complete prototype of assembled transmitarray lens. Radiation pattern measurements in anechoic chamber, as well as gain and directivity values are offered

    Weaving a fabric of socially aware agents

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    The expansion of web-enabled social interaction has shed light on social aspects of intelligence that have not been typically studied within the AI paradigm so far. In this context, our aim is to understand what constitutes intelligent social behaviour and to build computational systems that support it. We argue that social intelligence involves socially aware, autonomous individuals that agree on how to accomplish a common endeavour, and then enact such agreements. In particular, we provide a framework with the essential elements for such agreements to be achieved and executed by individuals that meet in an open environment. Such framework sets the foundations to build a computational infrastructure that enables socially aware autonomy.This work has been supported by the projects EVE(TIN2009-14702-C02-01) and AT (CSD2007-0022)Peer Reviewe

    Analysis of the optimal deployment location for tidal energy converters in the mesotidal Ria de Vigo (NW Spain)

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    The potential power output expected from the installation of a tidal farm near the mesotidal Ria de Vigo (NW Spain) is assessed using two different tidal stream energy converters (TEC). For this, the results of a previous resource assessment based on a 28-day long hydrodynamic simulation are used. From this data we identify the areas susceptible of hosting the farms, select the optimal location for them, and assess the total available and extractable energy for each turbine type. Finally, using a simple farm design based on standard inter-turbine separation, we estimate the expected power supplied by the farm. Irrespective of the site, the total available tidal power in the areas susceptible of hosting the farms is around 150 MW; at the optimal location, the hourly extractable power is about 22.5 MW, of which only between 10% and 15% can be harnessed by the designed farms, powering between 4411 and 6638 homes. A local analysis of the most energetic subregions within these sites increases this ratio up to 30%. Nevertheless, the power output is sufficient to fulfil the needs of between 1660 and 2213 households, depending on the chosen site and the selected TEC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Geología, Mineralogía y Metalogenia del yacimiento de Aznalcóllar. Parte III. Metalogenia.

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    En este trabajo se estudian algunas importantes estructuras sedimentarias del yacimiento de Aznalcóllar, principalmente las que están relacionadas con la formación de lóbulos de turbiditas piríticas. En base a estos datos y a los caracteres petrológicos, mineralógicos, estructurales y geoquímicos descritos en anteriores trabajos, se propone un modelo genético. De acuerdo con él, Aznalcóllar es un yacimiento estratiforme, exhalativo-sedimen­tario, polimetálico y proximal, aunque no directamente enraizado en un foco volcánico, del tipo Kuroko

    Wave energy potential along the Atlantic coast of Morocco

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    This study analyses the wave energy resource along the Atlantic coast of Morocco using a 44-year series of data obtained from numerical modeling (hindcasting). The spatial distribution of wave power is analyzed using data from 23 points along that coast. The estimated resources (average wave power up to 30 kW/m and average annual wave energy up to 262 MW h/m) are considerable and slightly lower than at the neighboring Canary Islands. The central part of this area (between latitudes 29°30'N and 34°N) is the most productive, while in the northern and southern parts the resource is significantly lower due to the shadow effect of the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands, respectively. The study of the temporal variability indicates a considerable seasonal trend, being the wave energy resource over four times greater in winter than in summer. Moreover, the power matrices of two wave energy converters (WECs) are considered to estimate the average power output at all the studied points. Finally, a multi-criteria analysis is carried out considering five different factors in order to select the best places for WEC deployment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    p53 directly regulates the glycosidase FUCA1 to promote chemotherapy-induced cell death

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    p53 is a central factor in tumor suppression as exemplified by its frequent loss in human cancer. p53 exerts its tumor suppressive effects in multiple ways, but the ability to invoke the eradication of damaged cells by programmed cell death is considered a key factor. The ways in which p53 promotes cell death can involve direct activation or engagement of the cell death machinery, or can be via indirect mechanisms, for example though regulation of ER stress and autophagy. We present here another level of control in p53-mediated tumor suppression by showing that p53 activates the glycosidase, FUCA1, a modulator of N-linked glycosylation. We show that p53 transcriptionally activates FUCA1 and that p53 modulates fucosidase activity via FUCA1 up-regulation. Importantly, we also report that chemotherapeutic drugs induce FUCA1 and fucosidase activity in a p53-dependent manner. In this context, while we found that over-expression of FUCA1 does not induce cell death, RNAi-mediated knockdown of endogenous FUCA1 significantly attenuates p53-dependent, chemotherapy-induced apoptotic death. In summary, these findings add an additional component to p53s tumor suppressive response and highlight another mechanism by which the tumor suppressor controls programmed cell death that could potentially be exploited for cancer therapy