49 research outputs found

    De nuevo sobre la categoría de alienación

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    El autor plantea la posible conexión entre el proceso de inversión epistémica del conocimiento y el proceso propiamente alienativo de la sociedad en la obra teórica de Karl Mar

    Defensa de la poli(é)tica

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    The local and global standard ways of getting involved in politics have led to a growing and widespread sense of unease which has given rise to an unavoidable challenge to the current philosophical activity; Politics itself must be subjected to a critical revision. If it is admitted that the Political Philosophy can only be refounded starting from its own radical self-criticism, it is also necessary to take it out from the matrix on which the real present politics has been set up, a militaristic base founded on the uneven distinction between friend/enemy and some others. Furthermore, it entails to recognise the need for a conceptual rebuilding of the relationship between a political action and an ethical attitude, between a political position and a moral disposition in the world of life of the modernity. It is in this theoretical and programmatic context where the article informs about how it became advisable to introduce the category of «poli(e)thics» in the philosophical-political discourse some years ago, in order 10 highlight that strict and reconstructive task which involves not only a Critical Philosophy of Politics but also a Political Philosophy of Legitimacy made up of the ethical imperative of dissent and the poli(e)thical imperative of resistance to social evil and domination. Nevertheless, as it has recently come up some uses of the category of poli(e)thics which distort its meaning and its form, the article supports the original proposal of poli(e)thics although it previously gives arguments to dissociate itself from those distortions.El generalizado y creciente malestar con los modos estándar del hacer político a escala mundial plantea un reto inexcusable al filosofar del presente: someter la política misma a revisión crítica. Reconocer que la filosofía política sólo puede refundarse partiendo de su autocrítica radical conlleva, a su vez, que se deshaga de la matriz sobre la que se levanta la política realmente existente, que es una matriz belicista basada en la distinción amigo/enemigo y sus derivados. E implica, además, que se reconozca la necesidad de reconstruir conceptualmente la relación existente en los mundos de la vida de la modernidad entre acción política y actitud ética, entre posición política y disposición moral. En este contexto teórico-programático, el artículo informa de cómo surgió hace años la conveniencia de introducir la categoría de «poli(é)tica» en el discurso filosófico-político, para marcar así esa estricta tarea reconstructiva que va desde una filosofía crítica de la política a una filosofía política de la legitimidad constituida por los imperativos de disidencia y resistencia ante el mal social y la dominación. Sin embargo, dado que recientemente han surgido algunos usos de la categoría de poli(é)tica que la distorsionan en el fondo y en la forma, el artículo defiende la propuesta poli(é)tica originaria desmarcándose previamente y de forma razonada de esas distorsiones

    The Spanish Political Philosophy of the 20th century. (A poli(e)thic interpretation of its three moments)

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    Este ensayo interpretativo de la historia de la filosofía política española en el siglo XX está realizado desde la doble perspectiva de la realidad del poder y la posibilidad de la justicia. Desde una concepción genealógica de la historia, que avanza de forma retrospectiva desde el presente hacia el pasado, se contempla la continuidad y discontinuidad del siglo en tres grandes momentos, considerado cada uno como efecto estructural del anterior: un momento democrático, que va desde el fin de la dictadura a finales del siglo xx; un anterior momento autocrático, desde 1936 hasta la transición democrática; y un momento oligocrático previo, que transcurre desde finales del siglo XIX a la sublevación militarista. Poniendo un mayor énfasis en el momento democrático, se analiza en relación con la política del siglo XX con la evolución del pensamiento político español, hasta su conversión parcial en disciplina académica.This interpretative essay of the Spanish Political Philosophy History along the xxth Century is carried out from the double perspective of the reality of power and de possibility of justice. From the genealogical conception of History, that develops in a retrospective way from the present to the past, the continuity and discontinuity of the century in three great periods considered each one as the consequence of the previous one: a democratic period, that runs from the end of the dictatorship to the end of de century; prior to this one an autocratic period that runs from 1936 to the democratic transition; and a previous oligocratic period that runs from the end of the xix century to the military uprising. The evolution of the Spanish political thinking until its partial conversion into an academic discipline is analyzed regarding the xxth Century politics, highlightening the democratic period

    avier Muguerza’s Debate with Jürgen Habermas. (About the Iuspoli(é)tica Relationship Between Individual and Society)

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    Se explora en este trabajo el debate filosófico entre Muguerza y Habermas, a partir del encuentro de ambos en el verano de 1994 en Madrid. Para ello se interpretan y apostillan algunos de los aspectos medulares de sus respectivos pensamientos éticos y jurídicos, tanto en sus acuerdos como en sus desacuerdos. El texto se centra en la controversia entre dos de sus tomas de posición, en apariencia irreductibles. A saber, la «primacía de la conciencia moral del individuo», defendida por Muguerza, y la «primacía de la ley jurídica de la sociedad», preconizada por Habermas. El trabajo concluye sugiriendo un tercer enfoque, que metódicamente atempere la controversia, en referencia a la dualidad del «individuo» constituido en-relación-intra-societal, y la «sociedad» instituida por individuos-en-inter-relación.This paper explores the philosophical debate between Muguerza and Habermas, starting with the meeting of the two in the summer of 1994 in Madrid. To this end, some of the core aspects of their respective ethical and legal thoughts are interpreted and apostilled, both in their agreements and in their disagreements. The text focuses on the controversy between two of their apparently irreducible positions. Namely, the “primacy of the moral conscience of the individual”, defended by Muguerza, and the “primacy of the legal law of society”, advocated by Habermas. The paper concludes by suggesting a third approach, which me- thodically tempers the controversy, in reference to the duality of the “individual” constituted in-intra-societal relationship, and the “society” instituted by individuals-in-inter-relationship

    The empire glocalized societies: a poli(e)thical approach

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    Si se parte del doble supuesto de que la violencia ilegítima es la matriz del mal social contemporáneo y de que esa violencia se transfiere de forma transversal a todos los ámbitos de nuestros mundos de la vida, entonces la estructura política del mundo se erige como el contexto constituyente de toda violencia. Desde un punto de vista poli(é)tico, esa estructura es teorizada —a partir de los estudios empíricos de Chalmers Johnson, Michel Mann y Niall Ferguson— como la propia de un «mundo de sociedades glocalizadas del imperio». Surge esta interpretación de un modo particular de combinar «visión» y «mirada». La visión —como cuestión de articulación y contenido— se fija en lo nuclear, el imperio. La mirada —como cuestión de perspectiva y forma— se dirige a la glocalización del conjunto de la red mundial núcleo-periferia. Las sociedades glocalizadas del imperio quedan definidas así a nivel planetario por un orden mundial conformado en sentido estricto por una nueva estructura política imperial de coerción militarista y de hegemonía capitalista.Working on the assumption that both illegitimate violence is at the core of the contemporary social evil and it is transferred all along the whole areas of our worlds of life, the consequence would be that the political structure of the world becomes into the context that constitutes all kinds of violence. From a poli(e)thical point of view, this structure is theorized —following the empirical studies by Chalmers Johnson, Michel Mann and Niall Ferguson— as one belonging to a «world of empire glocalized societies». This interpretation arises from a particular way of combining «vision» and «look». The vision —understood as articulation and content— focuses on the nuclear, the empire. The look —understood as perspective and form— focuses on the glocalization of the worldwide net core-periphery. Consequently, the empire glolocalized societies are defined by a worldwide order shaped in strict sense by a new political and imperial structure of militarist constraint and capitalist hegemony

    Iron distribution through the developmental stages of Medicago truncatula nodules.

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    Paramount to symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) is the synthesis of a number of metalloenzymes that use iron as a critical component of their catalytical core. Since this process is carried out by endosymbiotic rhizobia living in legume root nodules, the mechanisms involved in iron delivery to the rhizobia-containing cells are critical for SNF. In order to gain insight into iron transport to the nodule, we have used synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of this metal in nodules of the legume Medicago truncatula with hitherto unattained sensitivity and resolution. The data support a model in which iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of the infection/differentiation zone of the nodule (zone II). The infected cell subsequently takes up this apoplastic iron and delivers it to the symbiosome and the secretory system to synthesize ferroproteins. Upon senescence, iron is relocated to the vasculature to be reused by the shoot. These observations highlight the important role of yet to be discovered metal transporters in iron compartmentalization in the nodule and in the recovery of an essential and scarce nutrient for flowering and seed production

    MtNramp1 mediates iron import in rhizobia-infected Medicago truncatula cells.

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    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a process that requires relatively high quantities of iron provided by the host legume. Using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence, we have determined that this iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of zone II of M. truncatula nodules. This overlaps with the distribution of MtNramp1, a plasma membrane iron importer. The importance of MtNramp1 in iron transport for nitrogen fixation is indicated by the 60% reduction of nitrogenase activity observed in knock-down lines, most likely due to deficient incorporation of this essential metal cofactor at the necessary levels

    A trial comparing growing rabbits differing in 18 generations of selection for growth rate reveals a potential lack of effectiveness in the genetic selection progress

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    [EN] Simple Summary There is evidence that the genetic progress in paternal rabbit lines is lower than expected due to animal- and environmental-related factors, as well as founding factors intrinsically linked to the effectiveness of the selection process. In response to this question, we conducted a trial to evaluate the response after 18 generations of selection for increased growth rate within a paternal line on rabbit performance. Our results indicate that there were no differences in the key indicators in selection for growth rate (average daily gain and feed conversion ratio) between both populations differing in the generation of selection. These findings indicate a lack of effectiveness in the genetic progress of paternal rabbit lines based on different works carried out with these same genetic lines and generations.Abstract A total of 338 weaned rabbits (from the R line, selected for post-weaning growth rate) were used to evaluate the response to 18 generations of selection for increased growth rate on rabbit performance. Animals were obtained from two vitrified populations of the R line: R19V, belonging to the 18th generation (n = 165), and R37V, belonging to the 36th generation (n = 173), were allocated in individual and collective pens (178 and 160, respectively). A fattening trial was conducted from weaning (28 d of age until 63 d of age). During the trial, the body weight (BW), daily feed intake (DFI), average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were weekly monitored. Additionally, mortality and morbidity were daily registered. On days 49 to 53, an apparent faecal digestibility trial was also performed (12 animals per generation). Our results indicate that the generation of selection for growth rate did not affect mortality and morbidity. There were no differences in the diet digestibility according to the generation of selection. Regarding performance traits, R37V animals showed higher global BW (+6.7%; p = 0.0011) than R19V animals. R37V animals showed the same BW at weaning; however, R37V animals showed higher BW values in the last three weeks compared with R19V animals. Animals from the R37V generation also showed a higher DFI from 56 to 63 d of age (+12%; p = 0.0152) than R19V animals. However, there were no differences in global ADG and FCR between generations. These results indicate that the selection for growth rate in growing rabbits has slowed down, suggesting a lack of effectiveness in the genetic progress.We are grateful to the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU.Marín-García, PJ.; Martinez-Paredes, E.; Ródenas Martínez, L.; Llobat, L.; Cambra López, M.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2023). A trial comparing growing rabbits differing in 18 generations of selection for growth rate reveals a potential lack of effectiveness in the genetic selection progress. Animals. 13(12):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13233625111131

    Plasma urea nitrogen as an indicator of amino acid imbalance in rabbit diets

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    [EN] In recent decades, recommendations on dietary protein content have been considerably reduced, while fibre content has been increased. Under these conditions, an adequate dietary amino acid balance could be crucial to optimise feed efficiency. Plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) level could be a good indicator of an amino acid imbalance and its potential has already been studied in other species, but not yet in rabbits. The main objective of the present work was to detect the possible interest of PUN in pinpointing amino acid deficiencies in rabbits. Two experimental diets were formulated from the same basal mixture, following all the recommendations for growing rabbits, except lysine, whose content was variable, following current guidelines in diet P8.1 or lower from those in P4.4 (with 8.1 and 4.4 g/kg dry matter of lysine and with 757 and 411 mg of lysine per MJ of digestible energy). Three different trials were designed: one where the animals were fed ad libitum (AL) and two others in which fasting periods of 10 h were included; one where feeding was restored at 08:00 h (Fast8h) and the other at 18:00 h (Fast18h). A total of 72 three-way crossbred growing rabbits (24 animals for each trial in a split-plot trial) up to a total of 12 recordings were used. Blood samples were taken every 4 h in AL trial and every hour after refeeding up to a total of six controls, in trials Fast8h and Fast18h. The differences between balanced and unbalanced diets in lysine were highest (P<0.001) between 04:00 h and 12:00 h in animals fed ad libitum, and at 3 h after refeeding (21:00 h) in Fast18h. These results suggest that PUN could be an adequate indicator to detect deficiencies in amino acids in growing rabbitdiets.This study was supported by the Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) from the Spanish Government (AGL2017-85162-C2-1-R). 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