1,161 research outputs found

    Drones-as-a-Service (DaaS) : An analysis of the Operator as Service Provider and its potential liabilities under light of Regulation (EU) 2019/947

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    Giving the consolidation of a framework that allows for the operations of drones for commercial purposes by the new implemented Regulation (EU) 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft, this thesis introduces the reader to both the origin of the technology, the potential business applications of drones in the civil environment, and the current provisions regarding the risk-based operational characteristics of the Regulation as means to analyse the previously existing air and contractual law’s provisions. Through the exploration of the relevant legal principles and regulatory guidelines available for the interpretation of liability assignment and applicability, and by comparing the regulation to the contractual model in order to provide a deeper understanding of how the technology can be commercialized on a Drone-as-a-Service model, the author presents the relevant need of further legislation addressing the application of liability regimes harmonization between Member States from the perspective of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operator to satisfy the modern Cloud-Based Services Agreements model and allow the use of Internet as a platform for cross-jurisdictional performance. The first chapter revolves around the historical development and the growing civil interest in the application of drones to activities as a novel, as well as to already established activities that are currently performed by different technologies. Furthermore, it presents the possibility of its characterisation under the framework currently employed by cloud-based services regarding its commercial contractual format. The second chapter focuses on introducing the new Regulations (EU) 2019/947 and 2019/945, which have set the legal and regulatory frame for the safe conduction of activities of unmanned aircrafts, including the principles that served as base for the development of the provision;, the operational rules; machinery requirements and classifications; and the categories’ classification system that have been created for risk assessment. Overall, the frame serves as a guide for anyone interested in venturing in this business. The third chapter explores the international laws and EU air laws that will influence the ruling and potential jurisprudence regarding liability decisions. It aims at presenting both the relevance of Member States autonomy over regulatory decisions and importance towards contractual liabilities disputes. The focus is strongly focused on Operators that will be employed by service providers under the conceptualised cloud-based services agreements contracts framework. Finally, the thesis presents its conclusions and recommendations towards the commercial parties and legislators

    De qué depende el concepto de función lineal, una experiencia de investigación en el aula

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    En esta comunicación se presenta algunos desarrollos en la propuesta de investigación, detallando los elementos del enfoque teórico adoptado y su articulación con la REA en cuanto a las relaciones que se establecen entre el saber puesto en juego en el aula y el profesor, el estudiante y la valoración de los instrumentos en el proceso de enseñanza, todo esto desde el diseño del tetraedro Didáctico (Lurduy y otros, 2005). Se exponen a su vez parte de los instrumentos tenidos en cuenta para el análisis y recolección de dichas relaciones como una aproximación al momento lógico de la investigación

    Optimal Fair Scheduling in S-TDMA Sensor Networks for Monitoring River Plumes

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    Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are a promising technology to provide oceanographers with environmental data in real time. Suitable network topologies to monitor estuaries are formed by strings coming together to a sink node.This network may be understood as an oriented graph. A number of MAC techniques can be used in UWSNs, but Spatial-TDMA is preferred for fixed networks. In this paper, a scheduling procedure to obtain the optimal fair frame is presented, under ideal conditions of synchronization and transmission errors. The main objective is to find the theoretical maximum throughput by overlapping the transmissions of the nodes while keeping a balanced received data rate from each sensor, regardless of its location in the network. The procedure searches for all cliques of the compatibility matrix of the network graph and solves a Multiple-Vector Bin Packing (MVBP) problem. This work addresses the optimization problem and provides analytical and numerical results for both the minimum frame length and the maximum achievable throughput

    Conversaciones con profesionales sobre la violencia de género en España

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    En los últimos tiempos se ha tomado conciencia social sobre el grave problema que supone la violencia de género, pasando de ser un problema privado a convertirse en un problema público. Han surgido especialidades profesionales que trabajan para superar este problema desde el ámbito educativo y académico, policial, judicial, social, psicológico, etc. Conocer la opinión de los distintos profesionales que intervienen en estos temas es básica para acometer nuevas reformas que conduzcan a eliminar la violencia en el ámbito familiar y en especial la violencia de género. El objetivo de este trabajo es reflejar las reflexiones vertidas sobre la violencia de género producidas en el I Congreso Virtual sobre Violencia de Género "La Violencia de Género en el contexto de la Globalización", que han tenido lugar desde el campus virtual de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía desde el día 8 al 17 de noviembre de 2011, realizándose dichas reflexiones en una zona intermedia de población, entre lo profano y el experto, aunque en ocasiones se aproximen a alguno de los dos extremos. Se recogen las reflexiones de profesionales participantes y las respuestas que se sitúan a caballo entre la opinión pública y la experta. Para introducirnos en la temática incluimos una reflexión referida al tratamiento que ha tenido la violencia de género en Españ

    Scaling Milton Keynes power requirements for electrical transportation

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    Milton Keynes is home to the UK’s first installation of a wirelessly charged passenger bus route. This Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) system enables a fleet of 8 electric buses to service a demanding 15-mile urban route. Opportunistic wireless charging of the batteries during the layover time at the routes allows reducing the size of the batteries, consequently improving cost and performance characteristics of the bus. This paper aims to analyze the effects of electric buses on the electricity distribution grid. In particular, the paper analyses scalability of the IPT solution to all urban routes in Milton Keynes and compares peak power requirements generated at different points in the network with typical industrial and commercial (I&C) loads

    Optimal scheduling and fair servicepolicy for STDMA in underwater networks with acoustic communications

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    In this work, a multi-hop string network with a single sink node is analyzed. A periodic optimal scheduling for TDMA operation that considers the characteristic long propagation delay of the underwater acoustic channel is presented. This planning of transmissions is obtained with the help of a new geometrical method based on a 2D lattice in the space-time domain. In order to evaluate the performance of this optimal scheduling, two service policies have been compared: FIFO and Round-Robin. Simulation results, including achievable throughput, packet delay, and queue length, are shown. The network fairness has also been quantified with the Gini index

    Los distintos lenguajes de circulación de la información, como instrumentos de recolección en las investigaciones didácticas

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    En este taller se muestran algunos de los desarrollos obtenidos en el seminario Configuraciones Didácticas dirigido por el Profesor Orlando Lurduy y en tres propuestas de investigación en el aula conducentes a optar el título de Licenciado en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas. Por ultimo se pretende despertar un interés por identificar y mejorar el papel de los distintos tipos de lenguaje de la información en las investigacione

    Conceptos de Neuromarketing aplicados a las caracteríticas del empaque y envase para la aceptación del champú como producto de cuidado personal

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    The traditional marketing has been influenced by the Neuroscience, nowadays it is no longer important what the company assumes that the client wants but knowing the reason why a client prefers a certain product or brand. The fusion of Marketing with Neuroscience has given rise to a new discipline called Neuromarketing, which goes beyond satisfying consumer needs to identifying the real reasons why the individual makes the decision to purchase. Therefore, big companies have chosen to apply strategies of Neuromarketing in their strategic plans with the primary goal of achieving customer loyalty. Likewise, most strongly positioned brands that sell personal care products are concerned to identify conscious or metaconscious perceptions that consumers have regarding the packaging features such as color, shape and material. For this reason, in this investigation we used with certain characteristics of shampoo containers to determine the association between variables such as color, texture and shape and perceptions that consumers have according to price, quality and quantity.El Marketing tradicional ha sido revolucionado por la Neurociencia; por lo tanto, en la actualidad no es importante lo que la empresa asume que quiere el cliente, sino identificar la razón por la cual el cliente compra o prefiere una marca. Es así, que la fusión del Marketing con las Neurociencias ha dado origen a una nueva disciplina llamada Neuromarketing, la cual va más allá de sólo satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor e intenta identificar las verdaderas razones por las cuales el individuo toma la decisión de compra. Tomando en cuenta esto, grandes empresas han aplicado estrategias basadas en conceptos de Neuromarketing que ayuden a fidelizar a los clientes. De la misma forma, la mayoría de marcas fuertemente posicionadas que comercializan productos de cuidado personal se encuentran interesadas por identificar las percepciones conscientes o metaconscientes que tienen los consumidores en cuanto se refiere a características del empaque como el color, forma y material. Por consiguiente, en esta investigación se jugó con ciertas variables del envase de champú para determinar si existe relación entre éstas y las percepciones que tienen los consumidores con respecto al precio, cantidad y calidad