72 research outputs found

    Sobre a Xeometría e Topoloxía das Curvas Alxébricas

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Matemáticas. Curso 2021-2022O traballo centrarase en probar que o xénero topolóxico dunha curva alxébrica proxectiva coincide co xénero aritmético de Clebsch-Noether, entendendo o primeiro deles como o xénero topolóxico da súa superficie de Riemann asociada. Comezarase vendo a existencia do modelo non singular dunha curva. Posteriormente, obtense que tal curva lisa pode ser encaixada isomorficamente en P3 e, dende aquí, esta pode ser proxectada ao plano nunha curva con nodos ordinarios como únicas singularidades. Esta resultará ser un modelo birracional da orixinal. Chegados a este punto pódese definir o xénero aritmético. Utilizarase a proxección da curva con só nodos ordinarios como singularidades sobre unha recta P1 para o cálculo dunha triangulación da superficie de Riemann asociada á curva. Este feito permitirá obter a igualdade dos xéneros.This document focuses on proving the equality of the topological and the arithmetic genus of an algebraic proyective curve, understanding the former as the topological genus of its associated Riemann surface. We start by proving the existence of a non singular model of a curve. Then, we obtain that said curve can be projected isomorphically into P3 and, from there, can be projected into a plane in a curve with only ordinary nodes as singularities. This curve will be a birrational model of the initial one. Given all of this, the arithmetic genus can be defined. We will use the proyection of the curve with only nodes as singularities into a line to calculate a triangulation of the Riemann surface associated to the curve. This fact will lead us to obtain the equality of both genus

    Tratamiento médico de la estenosis arterial intracraneal. ¿Es el mismo en prevención primaria que en secundaria?

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    In this study we review the risk factors associated with the formation and progression of an atheroma plaque, the mechanism involved in cerebral ischemia secondary to intracranial atheromatosis and possible medical treatment in primary and secondary prevention. DEVELOPMENT: Medical treatment of intracranial stenoses (ICS) is aimed at stopping the progression of the atheroma plaque and at preventing recurrences in the case of symptomatic stenoses. It is based on the control of vascular risk factors, the use of statins and antithrombotic therapy (antiplatelet or anticoagulation drugs). Although antiplatelet agents have not proved to be beneficial in the primary prevention of stroke, they are recommended in patients with ICS in order to lower the risk of heart attack associated with this pathology. The use of antiplatelet drugs in the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke secondary to an ICS is based on clinical trials which have shown that antiaggregation prevents non-cardioembolic strokes. Nevertheless, several retrospective studies have observed that oral anticoagulation is better than antiaggregation with aspirin. Two prospective clinical trials are currently being conducted which will, in the next few years, help to determine what the first choice medical treatment is for this group of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Medical treatment of ICS patients must include the control of vascular risk factors and the use of statins. New studies are needed to be able to establish the first choice antithrombotic drug in secondary prevention

    Urgencias neurológicas y guardias de Neurología

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    In recent years different studies have highlighted a progressive increase in the demand for neurological care in emergency departments. To analyze the convenience of specific neurology shifts or the role that the neurologist should play in the emergency department, it is necessary to answer questions such as: What is the demand for emergency neurological care? What are the most frequent neurological emergencies? Who should attend to neurological emergencies and why? Are specific neurology shifts necessary? Neurological emergencies account for between 2.6% and 14% of medical emergencies. Stroke represents a third of all neurological emergencies, while the diagnoses of acute cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy and cephalea constitute 50% of all neurological care in the emergency department. On the basis of quality of care criteria and professional competence, the best care for patients with a neurological emergency is provided by a specialist in neurology. The implementation of specific neurology shifts, with a 24 hour physical presence, is associated with greater quality of care, better diagnostic and therapeutic orientation from the moment the patient arrives in emergency department, reduces unnecessary admissions, reduces costs and strengthens the neurology service

    Cefalea en urgencias

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    Headache is among the most frequent neurological symptoms in the Emergency department. Although most of the patients suffer from primary headaches (migraine), an acute headache might be the only symptom of a serious disease, such as subarachnoid haemorrhage. The physician’s task is to make the diagnosis, carry out an appropriate selection of the patients who require further diagnostic evaluation and relieve the pain. An accurate history will identify most of the patients with secondary headaches. Clinicians should suspect secondary causes in sudden onset headache, headache in patients aged over 50 years, and also in those patients with abnormalities on neurological examination

    Fisioterapia en cefalea tensional. ¿Debe recomendarse a nuestros pacientes?

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    La cefalea tensional es la patología neurológica más prevalente, y a pesar de su elevada frecuencia, la investigación en esta cefalea primaria es escasa, su fisiopatología es desconocida y el número de tratamientos médicos disponibles es muy limitado. Por ello, resulta muy gratificante encontrar publicaciones de grupos españoles abordando el tratamiento de la cefalea tensional desde el punto de vista de la atención fisioterápica

    Trastornos neuropsiquiátricos en la enfermedad de Parkinson

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    This paper reviews the main neuropsychiatric disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and describes the neuropathological hypothesis proposed to explain these symptoms. Development. This disease is usually associated with neuropsychiatric complications such as depression, anxiety and apathy. Besides, psychiatric symptoms are one of the most common side effects of antiparkinsonian drug-therapy. Conclusions. Depression is the most frequent emotional disorder reported in patients with PD. Up to 20% of parkinsonian patients meet DSM-IV criteria for major depressive episode and another 20% for dysthymia, while the prevalence of depression in normal aged population is about 2-8%. The relationship between PD and depression has not been fully established. Some investigators have suggested that depressive symptoms in PD are causally related to the underlying neuropathological process, affecting predominantly serotoninergic and dopaminergic pathways. Alternatively, depression in PD may represent a normal reaction to the progressive physical impairment induced by the disease. Otherwise, up to 20% of parkinsonian patients present levodopa-induced psychiatric complications. Visual hallucinations are the commonest, but delusions, confusional states, sexual disorders and sleep disorders have also been described. Serotonine and dopamine have been implicated in the neuropathological basis of these disorders

    Dúplex-Color para el diagnóstico de la estenosis carotidea

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    This article summarizes the technique and the interpretation of the results in the ultrasound study of the carotid arteries.El articulo resume la técnica y la interpretación de los resultados en el estudio con ultrasonidos de las arterias carótidas

    Eptinezumab for the preventive treatment of episodic and chronic migraine: a narrative review

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    Chronic migraine; Episodic migraine; Preventive treatmentMigraña crónica; Migraña episódica; Tratamiento preventivoMigranya crònica; Migranya episòdica; Tractament preventiuEptinezumab, a monoclonal antibody that targets calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), was recently approved in Europe for the prophylactic treatment of migraine in adults who have at least four migraine days a month. Eptinezumab is administered by intravenous infusion every 12 weeks. During recent months, a considerable amount of evidence from eptinezumab trials has been published. The aim of this review is to describe the existing evidence on the tolerability, safety and efficacy of eptinezumab in patients with migraine. Data from randomized (PROMISE-1, PROMISE-2, RELIEF and DELIVER) and open-label (PREVAIL) phase 3 clinical trials have demonstrated the favorable effect of eptinezumab in migraine symptoms from first day of treatment. These studies showed that eptinezumab results in an overall reduction in mean monthly migraine days (MMDs), increases in the ≥50% and ≥ 75% migraine responder rates (MRRs) and improvements in patient-reported outcome measures in both patients with episodic migraine (EM) and with chronic migraine (CM), including patients who failed previous preventive treatments. The RELIEF trial also showed that eptinezumab, within 2 h of administration, reduced headache pain, migraine-associated symptoms and acute medication use when administered during a migraine attack. Eptinezumab benefits manifested as early as day 1 after dosing and with the subsequent doses lasted up to at least 2 years. Treatment-emergent adverse events reported by ≥2% of patients included upper respiratory tract infection and fatigue. Current evidence demonstrates that eptinezumab has a potent, fast-acting, sustained migraine preventive effect in patients with EM and CM. Eptinezumab has also shown to be well tolerated, supporting its use in the treatment of patients with migraine and inclusion in the current migraine therapeutic options.The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Medical writing was funded by Lundbeck Spain in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines. Lundbeck Spain was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or the decision to submit it for publication