2,794 research outputs found

    Oil prices and their effect on potential output

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    Despite the relevance in terms of policy, we still know little in Spain about where and by whom jobs are created, and how that is affecting the size distribution of firms. The main innovation of this paper is to use a rich database that overcomes the problems encountered by other firm-level studies to shed some light on the employment generation of small firms in Spain. We find that small firms contribute to employment disproportionately across all sectors of the economy although the difference between their employment and job creation share is largest in the manufacturing sector. The job creators in that sector are both new and established firms whereas only new small firms outperform their larger counterparts in the service sector. The large annual job creation of the small firm size class is shifting the firm size distribution towards the very small production units, although not uniformly across industries of different technology intensit

    Efectos económicos de la corrupción

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Economía. Curso académico 2020-2021.[ES] El trabajo se apoya en el modelo neoclásico de demanda agregada para ir desglosando y estudiando sus variables: consumo, inversión, gasto público, exportaciones e importaciones en relación con los efectos de la corrupción. Además, el nivel de precios, el mercado de trabajo y las expectativas o valores esperados del resto de variables se incluyen (por el lado de la oferta) para presentar un análisis más completo y exhaustivo de los efectos sobre el PIB. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura más reciente sobre los efectos que provoca la corrupción en estas variables, y en definitiva, sobre el crecimiento económico de un país, reuniendo y explicando además factores determinantes que ayudan a entender dicho impacto, como pueden ser el nivel de desarrollo de las economías (según el nivel de renta), dimensión de los gobiernos, la proximidad entre países o regiones, el nivel de efectividad de los servicios públicos, calidad de las instituciones, o la estabilidad política, que pueden hacer cambiar dichas correlaciones al ser tenidos en consideración

    Integration and Operational Experience in CMS Monte Carlo Production in LCG

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    This note describes integration and operational aspects of the CMS Monte Carlo production in the LHC Computing Grid (LCG). In 2005 the McRunjob MC production system was ported to LCG-2 in order to make use of the distributed computing and storage resources available in LCG for CMS. The full production chain (generation, simulation, digitization with pile-up, reconstruction, injection in the data transfer system and publication for analysis) was implemented. Experience gained during the implementation and operation of the production system in LCG has been used to build ProdAgent, the new MC production system. ProdAgent takes also advantage of the new CMS event data model, event processing framework and data management services. Integration and operational experience with ProdAgent is also described in this note

    Sub-national public debt in Spain political economy issues and the role of fiscal rules and decentralization

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    Sub-sovereign public debt in Spain more than doubled over the period 2007-2011 leading to growing concerns on its sustainability and the potential negative spillovers for general government public finance consolidation targets, in particular by rating agencies and international organizations, in the context of the more general public debt crisis suffered by the euro area. Spain offers an interesting case study to understand the fundamental determinants of sub-sovereign debt for a number of reasons. Firstly, the country has witnessed successive waves of fiscal decentralization that have increased the amount of public services provided directly by sub-national governments in a framework of increased fiscal co-responsibility (fiscal autonomy). Secondly, this decentralization process took place in a period in which a number of supra-national and national fiscal rules were put in place in the country. Thirdly, while fiscal rules provide some explicit coordination among the different levels of government, there is also a high degree of market-imposed discipline, as most regional government’s debt is regularly scrutinized by rating agencies. Within this framework, we analyze the evolution and the determinants of sub-sovereign public debt, focusing on regional government debt determinants, including of liabilities accounted for outside the extant definition of EDP public debt. Among the set of determinants we pay special attention to institutional factors (fiscal decentralization, fiscal autonomy, fiscal rules) and market discipline. We do so by estimating empirical models in which we exploit the pool structure of our data (17 regions, over the period 1995-2010) within a GMM econometric approac

    Nutritional Importance of Selected Fresh Fishes, Shrimps and Mollusks to Meet Compliance with Nutritional Guidelines of n-3 LC-PUFA Intake in Spain

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    Fishery products are the main source of dietary n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). Following the European Commission’s request to address the risks and benefits of seafood consumption, and taking into account the great variability of nutrient and contaminant levels in fishery products, the present work aims to estimate the n-3 LC-PUFA provided per serving of selected fishes, shrimps and mollusks that are commonly consumed in Spain. This would enable the establishment of a risk–benefit analysis of fish consumption and provide recommendations for fish intake to comply with nutritional guidelines of n-3 LC-PUFA intake. We confirmed high variation in the pattern and contents of fatty acids for different species. n-6 PUFA were minor fatty acids, whereas palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1 n-9), and mainly eicosapentaenoic (C20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic (C22:6 n-3) acids were the major fatty acids in the sample. Therefore, consumption of 2–3 servings per week of a variety of fishery products may contribute to compliance with the recommended daily n-3 LC-PUFA intake while maintaining an adequate balance to avoid contaminant-derived potential risks (metals and others). Taking the fatty acid content of fishery products described in this study into consideration, it is advisable to include one serving of fatty fish per week in order to meet recommended n-3 LC-PUFA levels.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI10/0052

    Origen, evolución e influencia de las reglas de waterpolo sobre la dinámica del juego

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    The aim of this study was to describe the origin and evolution of the different regulations in water polo that have existed throughout its almost one hundred and fifty years of history and their possible influence on the game dynamics. A content analysis of the texts published on paper by the Fédération Internationale de Natation was carried out, focusing on semantics, based on some key categories of this sport. The main conclusion is that many regulatory changes have been made over the years. However, there is no scientific evidence of their effects on the game dynamicsEl objetivo de este estudio fue describir el origen y evolución de sus diferentes reglamentos a lo largo de sus casi ciento cincuenta años de historia y su influencia en la dinámica del juego. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de contenido de los textos publicados en papel por la Federación Internacional de Natación Amateur, centrándose en la semántica, a partir de algunas categorías clave de este deporte. Se concluye que han existido numerosos cambios normativos a lo largo de los años. Sin embargo, sigue sin existir evidencia científica de sus efectos en la dinámica del juegoS

    Shooting performance in high level women's water polo according to the final ranking

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the situational framework (numerical equality, counterattack and numerical inequality) associated with shooting performance in women’s Water polo considering three different levels in the final ranking (high -1st-4th-, medium -5th-8th- and worst -9th-12th-). Material and Methods: All shots (2698) made in 34th European Championship in 2020 were analyzed in the present study. The study was developed with an observational design. The reliability between three observers was verified using the Kappa concordance index. The shots were registered using Polo Direct Analysis v1.0 software. Results: There are differences between the high level teams (ranked at 1st-4th) and the rest of the teams, appreciating a greater scoring efficiency in equality lob shots (.5; 1.0; 1.2) and reverse shot [.7; .5; .2]) inequality short post (3.0; 1.8; 1.7) and counterattack in the situations shots from left side (1.6; .7; .5), shots from center with feint (2.9; 1.5; .7), drive (2.0; .8; .7) and rebound shot (.9; .7; .3). Discussion: The existence of differences between the top-ranked teams, those in the intermediate zones and the lowest-ranked teams are found. There is a greater scoring efficiency in the top-ranked teams. Conclusions: It is concluded that in order to achieve a higher performance in women's water polo, athletes must have the ability to withstand great efforts and perform fast swims to convert counterattack situations. Likewise, and in static situations, it is necessary to have fast ball circulation, lining up players with a great versatility of shooting in the different game situations, which therefore allows them to have more resources and take advantage of the opportunities generated by the opponentS