829 research outputs found

    Granivorous habit in olrog’s gull (<i>Larus atlanticus</i>): implications for its specialist status

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    En este trabajo se dan a conocer observaciones sobre hábitos de alimentación desconocidos para la Gaviota Cangrejera (<i>Larus atlanticus</i>) en el puerto Ingeniero White, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entre 2002 y 2005, 281 individuos fueron observados alimentándose de granos en las banquinas del acceso y playa de estacionamiento del puerto. Los grupos de alimentación variaron entre 2–51 individuos. En el 78% de los casos este comportamiento ocurrió durante la pleamar, cuando el acceso a sus presas del intermareal era restringido. El uso de recursos de origen humano apoya la hipótesis que Larus atlanticus posee cierta plasticidad trófica y que puede comportarse como generalista. Se presenta una síntesis del estado actual del conocimiento de la dieta de esta especie y se propone una explicación para las distintas observaciones obtenidas a lo largo de la costa argentina.We report on unknown feeding habits of the Olrog’s Gull (<i>Larus atlanticus</i>) in the area of Ingeniero White port, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Between 2002 and 2005, 281 individuals were observed feeding on grains along the shoulder of the road and in a parking lot besides the port. Feeding groups were of 2–51 individuals. This behaviour was observed mostly (78%) during high tides, when access to intertidal prey is limited. The exploitation of human resources by Larus atlanticus supports the hypothesis that this species has some degree of trophic plasticity and could behave as a generalist. We briefly review the literature on its diet, proposing an explanation for the different observations obtained along the coast of Argentina

    A temperature-dependent physiologically based model for the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata

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    In order to set priorities in management of costly and ecosystem-damaging species, policymakers and managers need accurate predictions not only about where a specific invader may establish but also about its potential abundance at different geographical scales. This is because density or biomass per unit area of an invasive species is a key predictor of the magnitude of environmental and economic impact in the invaded habitat. Here, we present a physiologically based demographic model describing and explaining the population dynamics of a widespread freshwater invader, the golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata, which is causing severe environmental and economic impacts in invaded wetlands and rice fields in Southeastern Asia and has also been introduced to North America and Europe. The model is based on bio-demographic functions for mortality, development and fecundity rates that are driven by water temperature for the aquatic stages (juveniles and adults) and by air temperature for the aerial egg masses. Our model has been validated against data on the current distribution in South America and Japan, and produced consistent and realistic patterns of reproduction, growth, maturation and mortality under different scenarios in accordance to what is known from real P. canaliculata populations in different regions and climates. The model further shows that P. canaliculata will use two different reproductive strategies (semelparity and iteroparity) within the potential area of establishment, a plasticity that may explain the high invasiveness of this species across a wide range of habitats with different climates. Our results also suggest that densities, and thus the magnitude of environmental and agricultural damage, will be largely different in locations with distinct climatic regimes within the potential area of establishment. We suggest that physiologically based demographic modelling of invasive species will become a valuable tool for invasive species managers

    Ecosystem modeling to evaluate the ecological sustainability of small-scale fisheries: A case study from El Hierro, Canary Islands

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    This paper examines various fishery management scenarios based on the recovery of small-scale fisheries (SSF) following a submarine volcanic eruption in 2011 in El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). After this catastrophic event, the SSF composition of La Restinga fishing community was affected by socio-economic and demographic changes. The uncertainty derived from this situation provides an opportunity to evaluate the fisheries’ sustainability and advice on different management options under an ecosystem-based approach. The Ecopath with Ecosim modeling framework was used to build a model of El Hierro Island, where the versatile and traditional multispecies small-scale fleet of La Restinga operates. Our main goal is to improve traditional fisheries, based on the relevance of key local fisheries and multi-specific fishery strategies in the light of scientific knowledge. Temporal simulations for the next decade were analyzed by creating scenarios of alternative fishing effort distributions based on the fishing trends observed in El Hierro small-scale community of La Restinga after a natural hazard. The outcomes of this modeling prototype show the vulnerability of some littoral and demersal species, the resilience of migratory species, and the sustainability of SSF diversification practices. These results could develop an adaptive and co-management strategy with the local fishing community to preserve the small-scale fishing system and marine resources.En prens

    Influence of laser wavelength on Laser-Fired contacts for crystalline silicon solar cells

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    In the Laser-Fired Contact (LFC) process, a laser beam fires a metallic layer through a dielectric passivating layer into the silicon wafer to form an electrical contact with the silicon bulk [1]. This laser technique is an interesting alternative for the fabrication of both laboratory and industrial scale high efficiency passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC). One of the principal characteristics of this promising technique is the capability to reduce the recombination losses at the rear surface in crystalline silicon solar cells. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize LFC because this process is one of the most promising concepts to produce rear side point contacts at process speeds compatible with the final industrial application. In that sense, this work investigates the optimization of LFC processing to improve the back contact in silicon solar cells using fully commercial solid state lasers with pulse width in the ns range, thus studying the influence of the wavelength using the three first harmonics (corresponding to wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm). Previous studies of our group focused their attention in other processing parameters as laser fluence, number of pulses, passivating material [2, 3] thickness of the rear metallic contact [4], etc. In addition, the present work completes the parametric optimization by assessing the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact property. In particular we report results on the morphology and electrical behaviour of samples specifically designed to assess the quality of the process. In order to study the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact feature we used as figure of merit the specific contact resistance. In all processes the best results have been obtained using green (532 nm) and UV (355 nm), with excellent values for this magnitude far below 1 mΩcm2

    Role of color doppler imaging in early diagnosis and prediction of progression in glaucoma

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    This longitudinal and prospective study analyzes the ability of orbital blood flow measured by color Doppler imaging (CDI) to predict glaucoma progression in patients with glaucoma risk factors. Patients with normal perimetry but having glaucoma risk factors and patients in the initial phase of glaucoma were prospectively included in the study and divided, after a five-year follow-up, into two groups: “Progression” and “No Progression” based on the changes in the Moorfields regression analysis (MRA) classification of Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT). An orbital CDI was performed in all patients and the parameters obtained were correlated with changes in HRT. A logistic discrimination function (LDF) was calculated for ophthalmic artery (OA) and central retinal artery (CRA) parameters. Receiver operating characteristics curves (ROC) were used to assess the usefulness of LDFs to predict glaucomatous progression. A total of 71 eyes were included. End-diastolic velocity, time-averaged velocity, and resistive index in the OA and CRA were significantly different ( ) between the Progression and No Progression groups. The area under the ROC curves calculated for both LDFs was of 0.695 (OA) and 0.624 (CRA). More studies are needed to evaluate the ability of CDI to perform early diagnosis and to predict progression in glaucoma in eyes

    Metavolcanic rocks from schistose domain of Galicia-Tras-os-Montes: petrography, geochemistry and tectonic environment (Galice, NW. Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se estudia el vulcanismo intercalado en los grupos litoestratigráficos inferiores que integran el Dominio Esquistoso de Galicia Tras-os-Montes (DEGTM) denominados de muro a techo Santabaía, Nogueira y Paraño. El grupo de LalínForcarei que completa la secuencia no será tratado en este trabajo. La edad de estos grupos debe comprender desde el Precámbrico hasta el Devónico Inf. Los tres grupos tiene un cierto carácter vulcanosedimentario, más marcado en el grupo de Santabaía que en los dos grupos superiores. Se encuentran en ellos diferentes niveles volcánicos y vulcanosedimentarios de espesor y continuidad lateral variables, correspondientes a neises microporfídicos de dos micas y ortoneises biotíticos, además de algún nivel de riolitas y tranquitas presentes hacia la parte alta del grupo de Paraño. Geoquímicamente se caracteriza por ser un vulcanismo ácido de naturaleza calcoalcalina en el que predominan los términos riolíticos y iodacíticos de alto contenido en K, posiblemente originado en la zona externa de un margen continental pasivo existente durante el Ordovícico-Silúrico en el NO. de la Península, en el que tendrían lugar diferentes episodios o etapas de aportes volcánicos alternando con etapas más largas de sedimentación detrítica.[Abstract] The Vulcanism interbedded in the lower litostratigraphic groups of the DEGTM is studied. Those gruoups are known as Santabaia, Nogueira and Paraño from bo~tom to top; The sequence is completed with the Lalín-Forcarei group that is not studied in this paper. The age of the whole sequence is probably, from Precambrian to lower Devonian. The three groups show volcano-sedimentary features which are dominant in the Santabaia group. Several volcanic and volcano-sedimentary levels with different thickness and extension are found; these correspond to two mica microporfidic gneisses and biotitic ortogneisses and seldom ryolites and trachites in the uppermost pan of the Paraño group. Geochemically correspond to acid calcoalcaline vulcanites with ryolites and K rich ryodacites as main types. These rocks are possibily related to an external area of a continental margin which existed during Ordovician-Silurian time in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. Several volcanic stages would alternate with sedimentation in this geotectonic environment

    Tug-of-war between corrugation and binding energy: revealing the formation of multiple moiré patterns on a strongly interacting graphene-metal system

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    The formation of multidomain epitaxial graphene on Rh(111) under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions has been characterized by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. At variance with the accepted view for strongly interacting graphene-metal systems, we clearly demonstrate the formation of different rotational domains leading to multiple moiré structures with a wide distribution of surface periodicities. Experiments reveal a correlation between the STM apparent corrugation and the lattice parameter of the moiré unit cell, with corrugations of just 30-40 pm for the smallest moirés. DFT calculations for a relevant selection of these moiré patterns show much larger height differences and a non-monotonic behaviour with the moiré size. Simulations based on non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) methods reproduce quantitatively the experimental trend and provide a detailed understanding of the interplay between electronic and geometric contributions in the STM contrast of graphene systems. Our study sheds light on the subtle energy balance among strain, corrugation and binding that drives the formation of the moiré patterns in all graphene/metal systems and suggests an explanation for the success of an effective model only based on the lattice mismatch. Although low values of the strain energy are a necessary condition, it is the ability of graphene to corrugate in order to maximize the areas of favourable graphene-metal interactions that finally selects the stable configurationsWe acknowledge financial support from Spanish grants MAT2013-41636-P, MAT2011-23627, MAT2011-26534, CSD2010-00024 (MINECO, Spain) and S2009/MAT-1467 (CAM, Spain). A.J.M.G. was supported by a Marie Curie action under the Seventh Framework Programme. P.P. was supported by the Ramón y Cajal Progra

    Quantitative nanoscale electrostatics of viruses

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    Electrostatics is one of the fundamental driving forces of the interaction between biomolecules in solution. In particular, the recognition events between viruses and host cells are dominated by both specific and non-specific interactions and the electric charge of viral particles determines the electrostatic force component of the latter. Here we probe the charge of individual viruses in liquid milieu by measuring the electrostatic force between a viral particle and the Atomic Force Microscope tip. The force spectroscopy data of co-adsorbed 29 bacteriophage proheads and mature virions, adenovirus and minute virus of mice capsids is utilized for obtaining the corresponding density of charge for each virus. The systematic differences of the density of charge between the viral particles are consistent with the theoretical predictions obtained from X-ray structural data. Our results show that the density of charge is a distinguishing characteristic of each virus, depending crucially on the nature of the viral capsid and the presence/absence of the genetic material.MINECO of Spain through project FIS2011-29493, FIS2014-59562-R, and the Spanish Interdisciplinary Network on the Biophysics of Viruses (Biofivinet, FIS2011-16090-E). CSM acknowledges funding from BFU2013- 41249-P, and Biofivinet. MGM acknowledges funding from the Spanish Government (BIO2012-37649), Comunidad de Madrid (S-505/MAT-0303), and by an institutional grant from Fundación Areces to the Centro de Biología MolecularPeer Reviewe

    The male mouse meiotic cilium emanates from the mother centriole at zygotene prior to centrosome duplication

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    Cilia are hair-like projections of the plasma membrane with an inner microtubule skeleton known as axoneme. Motile cilia and flagella beat to displace extracellular fluids, playing important roles in the airways and reproductive system. On the contrary, primary cilia function as cell-type-dependent sensory organelles, detecting chemical, mechanical, or optical signals from the extracellular environment. Cilia dysfunction is associated with genetic diseases called ciliopathies and with some types of cancer. Cilia have been recently identified in zebrafish gametogenesis as an important regulator of bouquet conformation and recombination. However, there is little information about the structure and functions of cilia in mammalian meiosis. Here we describe the presence of cilia in male mouse meiotic cells. These solitary cilia formed transiently in 20% of zygotene spermatocytes and reached considerable lengths (up to 15–23 µm). CEP164 and CETN3 localization studies indicated that these cilia emanate from the mother centriole prior to centrosome duplication. In addition, the study of telomeric TFR2 suggested that cilia are not directly related to the bouquet conformation during early male mouse meiosis. Instead, based on TEX14 labeling of intercellular bridges in spermatocyte cysts, we suggest that mouse meiotic cilia may have sensory roles affecting cyst function during prophase IThis work was funded by BIOUAM02-2020 to J.P. and R.G. and grants PID2019-104941RB-I00 from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ACCI-2020 from CIBERER to F.G.