31 research outputs found

    Aberrant intracellular calcium cycling in the heart : mechanistic insights into catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and heart failure

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    Heart disease is the biggest killer world-wide, causing a quarter of all deaths. During the past two decades, it has also risen above infectious diseases as the leading cause of years of life lost. Heart failure, characterized by weak pump function of the heart, and disturbances in heart rhythm (arrhythmias) are common and interrelated mechanisms underlying cardiac mortality. Intracellular calcium ions are crucial to contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, as well as to control of its rhythm. How calcium is handled and regulated is thus essential to normal cardiac function, and disturbances in these processes can have catastrophic consequences. Understanding the mechanisms of these disturbances is important for improving disease prevention, diagnosis, and management. The studies in this thesis focus on two conditions where cardiac calcium handling is impaired. Studies I - III examine the mechanisms of a genetic arrhythmia disease named catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), which is characterized by stress-induced ventricular tachycardia in a structurally normal heart. Study IV investigates cardiac function in a model of another genetic disease, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). This systemic disease mainly affects the kidneys, and the mechanisms of the concomitant decline in cardiac function have thus far remained underinvestigated. We evaluated clinical data on cardiac function of CPVT patients, including 24h electrocardiograms, intracardiac monophasic action potential recordings, and exercise stress tests. We used cell models to study the underlying disease mechanisms in detail. During conditions of stress, CPVT cells showed increased spontaneous and irregular release of calcium from within the intracellular stores through the cardiac ryanodine receptors. These receptors, which function as intracellular calcium release channels, harbor the disease-causing mutation. The spontaneous release of calcium led to changes in the membrane potential of the cells, manifested as afterdepolarizations during the resting phase of the cardiac cycle. These afterdepolarizations were reproduced in the clinical monophasic action potential recordings of CPVT patients, and were shown to trigger arrhythmias in these patients. Changes in intracellular calcium alter the membrane potential, and these changes are reflected on the electrocardiogram. Thus, irregularities that might correspond to those observed in the cell model were then investigated in 24h electrocardiograms of CPVT patients. Increased irregularity of cardiac repolarization was found in the CPVT patients. Such irregularity was greater in the electrocardiograms of CPVT patients with a history of more severe arrhythmic events. Additionally, we found slowed depolarization in response to stress in CPVT cells and patients, suggesting reduced conduction velocity might contribute to an arrhythmic substrate in these patients. Cardiac function in ADPKD caused by mutations in polycystin-2, another intracellular calcium channel, was investigated in a zebrafish model lacking expression of the polycystin-2 protein. The zebrafish lacking polycystin-2 showed signs of heart failure, including reduced cardiac output, edema, and arrhythmias. Hearts, which were then examined in more detail ex vivo, showed impaired cycling of intracellular calcium, which is likely to underlie the cardiac dysfunction observed in vivo. The association of ADPKD with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) was examined using the Mayo ADPKD Mutation Database, which contains data on genotyped ADPKD patients. Examination of the ADPKD Database showed IDCM to be very common among ADPKD patients. IDCM was most prevalent in patients with mutations in polycystin-2, suggesting impaired calcium cycling as a potential pathomechanism. Studies I-III shed new light on mechanisms of arrhythmias in CPVT and related conditions, opening the way for future studies on arrhythmia risk and therapeutic evaluation. Furthermore, the results encourage pursuing the novel stem cell models for studying pathomechanisms and therapeutics. Study IV showed an association between ADPKD and IDCM. The zebrafish model suggested impaired calcium cycling as an underlying mechanism, highlighting the usefulness of zebrafish as a model in cardiac research.Sydänsairaudet ovat maailmanlaajuisesti yleisin kuolinsyy, aiheuttaen neljänneksen kuolemista. Kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana ne ovat ohittaneet tartuntataudit suurimpana menetyttyjen elinvuosien aiheuttajana. Sydämen vajaatoiminta ja rytmihäiriöt ovat sydänkuolleisuuden taustalla olevia yleisiä ja toisiinsa liittyviä mekanismeja. Solunsisäiset kalsiumionit ovat elintärkeitä sekä sydämen supistuvuuden ja relaksaation, että sen rytmin säätelyn kannalta. Kalsiumin tiukka säätely on siten sydämen normaalin toiminnan edellytys, ja tämän säätelyn häiriöillä voi olla vakavia seuraamuksia. Näiden häiriöiden mekanismien ymmärtäminen on tärkeää sairauksien ehkäisyn, diagnostiikan ja hoidon kannalta. Tämän väitöskirjan osatyöt paneutuvat kahteen sairauteen, joissa sydämen solunsisäisen kalsiumin säätely on häiriintynyt. Osatyöt I - III tutkivat katekoliaminergisen monimuotoisen kammiotiheälyöntisyyden (CPVT) mekanismeja. Tämä perinnöllinen rytmihäiriösairaus aiheuttaa henkeä uhkaavaakin kammiotiheälyöntisyyttä stressin yhteydessä rakenteellisesti terveessä sydämessä. Osatyössä IV tutkitaan sydämen toimintaa liittyen autosomissa vallitsevasti periytyväään munuaisten monirakkulatautiin (ADPKD). Tämä perinnöllinen systeeminen sairaus vaikuttaa oleellisesti munuaisiin, mutta samanaikainen sydämen toiminnan heikkeneminen on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Arvioimme sydämen toimintaa CPVT-potilailla käyttäen menetelminä sydänsähkökäyrän pitkäaikaisnauhoitusta, sydämen rasituskoetta ja elektrofysiologista tutkimusta, johon sisältyi oikean kammion aktiopotentiaalimittaus. Lisäksi käytimme solumalleja mekanismien yksityiskohtaiseen selvittämiseen. CPVT:n taustalla ovat mutaatiot sydämen ryanodiinireseptorissa, joka on kalsiumin säätelyssä oleellinen solunsisäinen kalsiumkanava. Stressin yhteydessä CPVT-soluissa esiintyi lisääntynyttä spontaania ja epäsäännöllistä kalsiumin vapautumista solunsisäisistä varastoista mutatoituneiden ryanodiinireseptorien läpi. Tämä johti solukalvon jännitteen muutoksiin, jotka havaittiin sydämen lepovaiheen aikana ilmenevinä jälkidepolarisaatioina. Vastaavia jälkidepolarisaatioita havaittiin myös CPVT-potilaiden aktiopotentiaalimittauksissa, missä ne ajoittain laukaisivat kammiolisälyöntejä. Solunsisäisen kalsiumpitoisuuden muutokset vaikuttavat solukalvon jännitteeseen, mikä taas heijastuu sydänsähkökäyrään. Tämän vuoksi solumallissa todettua kalsiumpitoisuuden vaihtelua vastaavia muutoksia tutkittiin CPVT-potilaiden sydänsähkökäyrissä. Vastaavasti, myös sydämen repolarisaation vaihtelu oli lisääntynyt CPVT-potilailla. Tämä vaihtelu oli suurempaa niiden CPVT-potilaiden sydänsähkökäyrissä, joilla oli aiemmin todettuja vakavia rytmihäiriötapahtumia. Tämän lisäksi löysimme CPVT-soluilla ja -potilailla stressin yhteydessä hidastuvaa depolarisaatiota, viitaten hidastuneen sähköisen johtumisen mahdolliseen osuuteen rythmihäiriölttiutta lisäävänä tekijänä näillä potilailla. Tutkimme sydämen toimintaa polykystiini-2:n mutaatioista aiheutuvassa ADPKD-mallissa. Käytetyltä seeprakalamallilta puuttuu polykysteiini-2-proteiini, joka normaalisti muodostaa solunsisäisen kalsiumkanavan. ADPKD:n yhteyttä tuntemattomasta syystä johtuvaan laajentavaan sydänlihassairauteen (IDCM) tarkasteltiin Mayo-klinikan ADPKD tietokannasta, joka sisältää tietoa genotyypatuista ADPKD-potilaista. Seeprakalamallissa todettiin sydämen vajaatoimintaan viittaavina löydöksinä alentunut sydämen minuuttitilavuus, turvotusta ja rytmihäiriöitä. Kalojen sydämiä tutkittiin tarkemmin kuvantamalla solunsisäistä kalsiumia, jonka säätelyn havaittiin olevan heikentynyttä ADPKD-kaloilla sopien havaitun sydämen vajaatoiminnan syyksi. Mayo-klinikan tietokannassa IDCM oli yleinen diagnoosi ADPKD-potilaiden keskuudessa. Vallitsevuus etenkin polykystiini-2-mutaatioita kantavien ADPKD-potilaiden keskuudessa oli yleistä, viitaten heikentyneeseen kalsiumin säätelyyn mahdollisena tautimekanismina. Osatyöt I III tuovat uutta tietoa CPVT:n ja senkaltaisten tautitilojen yhteydessä esiintyvien rytmihäiriöiden mekanismeista, avaten samalla tien tuleville rytmihäiriöriskiin ja hoidon tehon arviointiin liittyville tutkimuksille. Lisäksi tulokset kannustavat jatkamaan uusien solumallien käyttöä tautimekanismeihin ja hoitoihin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa. Osatyö IV:ssä havaittiin yhteys ADPKD:n ja IDCM:n välillä. Tutkimukset seeprakalamallilla viittaavat heikentyneeseen solunsisäisen kalsiumin säätelyyn taustalla olevana mekanismina, samalla alleviivaten seeprakalamallin käyttökelpoisuutta sydäntutkimuksessa

    Genetic and functional implications of an exonic TRIM55 variant in heart failure

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    Background: To tackle the missing heritability of sporadic heart failure, we screened for novel heart failure associated genetic variants in the Finnish population and functionally characterized a novel variant in vitro and in vivo. Methods and results: Heart failure-associated variants were screened in genotyping array data of the FINRISK study, consisting of 994 cases and 20,118 controls. Based on logistic regression analysis, a potentially damaging variant in TRIM55 (rs138811034), encoding an E140K variant, was selected for validations. In HL-1 cardiomyocytes, we used CRISPR/Cas9 technology to introduce the variant in the endogenous locus, and additionally TRIM55 wildtype or E140K was overexpressed from plasmid. Functional responses were profiled using whole-genome RNA sequencing, RT-PCR and Western analyses, cell viability and cell cycle assays and cell surface area measurements. In zebrafish embryos, cardiac contractility was measured using videomicroscopy after CRISPR-mediated knockout of trim55a or plasmid overexpression of TRIM55 WT or E140K. Genes related to muscle contraction and cardiac stress were highly regulated in Trim55 E140K/- cardiomyocytes. When compared to the WT/WT cells, the variant cells demonstrated reduced viability, significant hypertrophic response to isoproterenol, p21 protein overexpression and impaired cell cycle progression. In zebrafish embryos, the deletion of trim55a or overexpression of TRIM55 E140K reduced cardiac contractility as compared to embryos with wild type genotype or overexpression of WT TRIM55, respectively. Conclusions: A previously uncharacterized TRIM55 E140K variant demonstrated a number of functional implications for cardiomyocyte functions in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest a novel role for TRIM55 polymorphism in predisposing to heart failure.Peer reviewe

    Etuaivoidentiteetillisten ihmisen monikykyisistä kantasoluista johdettujen astrosyyttien tuottaminen

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    Astrosyytit ovat hermoston tukisoluja, joiden toiminnalliset ja morfologiset ominaisuudet vaihtelevat eri aivoalueilla. Astrosyyttien ominaisuuksien vaihtelun on todettu olevan erityisen suurta ihmisen aivoissa. Ihmisen pluripotentit kantasolut (hPS-solut) mahdollistavat astroglian monimuotoisuutta säätelevien mekanismien tutkimisen. Olemme luoneet menetelmän, joka tuottaa hPS-soluista ihmisen etuaivojen astrosyyttejä, ja kuvanneet tuotettujen astrosyyttien erityispiirteitä. Määritimme hPS-soluista erilaistettujen solujen geenien ilmentymisprofiilin päivänä 0 (D0), neuronaalisen induktion jälkeen D12 sekä solujen kasvutekijöillä monistamisen jälkeen D30 ja D60. Astrosyyttien lopullinen määräytyminen toteutettiin siliaarisella neurotrofisella tekijällä (ciliary neurotrophic factor; CNTF) ja D95-ikäisien astrosyyttien osoitettiin ilmentävän lähes 100 prosenttisesti yleisesti käytössä olevia astrosyyttimarkkereita. Erilaistamisen aikana tehty geeniprofilointi vahvisti solujen etuaivojen identiteetin. Kuvasimme solunsisäisen kalsiumkuvantamisen avulla, että erilaistamamme astrosyytit olivat elinkykyisiä ja antoivat toiminnallisia vasteita ATP:lle. Lisäksi määritimme astrosyyttien perustehtävää eli kykyä säädellä immuunivasteita aivoissa tutkimalla niistä erittyvien sytokiinien määriä. Totesimme D95-astrosyyttien viljelynesteessä merkittäviä pitoisuuksia MCP-1- ja TIMP-2-proteiinia yhteneväisesti näitä proteiineja ilmentävien geenien kohonneisiin mRNA-määriin. Astrosyyttien erilaistamismenetelmä oli toistettavissa usealla hPSC-linjalla, ja tutkimuksemme osoitti, että erilaistamamme etuaivojen astrosyytit tarjoavat uudenlaisen keinon sekä astrosyyttien soluspesifisten ominaisuuksien että yhteisviljelmissä muiden hermoston solujen kanssa hermoston solujen yhteisvaikutusten tutkimiseen. Potilaskohtaisista hPS-soluista erilaistettujen astrosyyttien avulla voidaan selvittää ihmisen astrosyyttien toimintaa myös sairaustiloissa

    Generation of the Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Astrocyte Model with Forebrain Identity

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    Astrocytes form functionally and morphologically distinct populations of cells with brainregion-specific properties. Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) offer possibilities to generate astroglia for studies investigating mechanisms governing the emergence of astrocytic diversity. We established a method to generate human astrocytes from hPSCs with forebrain patterning and final specification with ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). Transcriptome profiling and gene enrichment analysis monitored the sequential expression of genes determining astrocyte differentiation and confirmed activation of forebrain differentiation pathways at Day 30 (D30) and D60 of differentiation in vitro. More than 90% of astrocytes aged D95 in vitro co-expressed the astrocytic markers glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S100 beta. Intracellular calcium responses to ATP indicated differentiation of the functional astrocyte population with constitutive monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) expression. The method was reproducible across several hPSC lines, and the data demonstrated the usefulness of forebrain astrocyte modeling in research investigating forebrain pathology.Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of let-7c Regulates Cardiac Regeneration after Cryoinjury in Adult Zebrafish

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    The let-7c family of micro-RNAs (miRNAs) is expressed during embryonic development and plays an important role in cell differentiation. We have investigated the role of let-7c in heart regeneration after injury in adult zebrafish. let-7c antagomir or scramble injections were given at one day after cryoinjury (1 dpi). Tissue samples were collected at 7 dpi, 14 dpi and 28 dpi and cardiac function was assessed before cryoinjury, 1 dpi, 7 dpi, 14 dpi and 28 dpi. Inhibition of let-7c increased the rate of fibrinolysis, increased the number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) positive cardiomyocytes at 7 dpi and increased the expression of the epicardial marker raldh2 at 7 dpi. Additionally, cardiac function measured with echocardiography recovered slightly more rapidly after inhibition of let-7c. These results reveal a beneficial role of let-7c inhibition in adult zebrafish heart regeneration

    Antiarrhythmic Effects of Dantrolene in Patients with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia and Replication of the Responses Using iPSC Models

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    Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is a highly malignant inherited arrhythmogenic disorder. Type 1 CPVT (CPVT1) is caused by cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) gene mutations resulting in abnormal calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Dantrolene, an inhibitor of sarcoplasmic Ca2+ release, has been shown to rescue this abnormal Ca2+ release in vitro. We assessed the antiarrhythmic efficacy of dantrolene in six patients carrying various RyR2 mutations causing CPVT. The patients underwent exercise stress test before and after dantrolene infusion. Dantrolene reduced the number of premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) on average by 74% (range 33-97) in four patients with N-terminal or central mutations in the cytosolic region of the RyR2 protein, while dantrolene had no effect in two patients with mutations in or near the transmembrane domain. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were generated from all the patients and differentiated into spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes (CMs). The antiarrhythmic effect of dantrolene was studied in CMs after adrenaline stimulation by Ca2+ imaging. In iPSC derived CMs with RyR2 mutations in the N-terminal or central region, dantrolene suppressed the Ca2+ cycling abnormalities in 80% (range 65-97) of cells while with mutations in or near the transmembrane domain only in 23 or 32% of cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate that dantrolene given intravenously shows antiarrhythmic effects in a portion of CPVT1 patients and that iPSC derived CM models replicate these individual drug responses. These findings illustrate the potential of iPSC models to individualize drug therapy of inherited diseases.Peer reviewe

    Genetic and functional implications of an exonic TRIM55 variant in heart failure

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    BackgroundTo tackle the missing heritability of sporadic heart failure, we screened for novel heart failure-associated genetic variants in the Finnish population and functionally characterized a novel variant in vitro and in vivo.Methods and resultsHeart failure-associated variants were screened in genotyping array data of the FINRISK study, consisting of 994 cases and 20,118 controls. Based on logistic regression analysis, a potentially damaging variant in TRIM55 (rs138811034), encoding an E140K variant, was selected for validations. In HL-1 cardiomyocytes, we used CRISPR/Cas9 technology to introduce the variant in the endogenous locus, and additionally TRIM55 wildtype or E140K was overexpressed from plasmid. Functional responses were profiled using whole-genome RNA sequencing, RT-PCR and Western analyses, cell viability and cell cycle assays and cell surface area measurements. In zebrafish embryos, cardiac contractility was measured using videomicroscopy after CRISPR-mediated knockout of trim55a or plasmid overexpression of TRIM55 WT or E140K. Genes related to muscle contraction and cardiac stress were highly regulated in Trim55 E140K/− cardiomyocytes. When compared to the WT/WT cells, the variant cells demonstrated reduced viability, significant hypertrophic response to isoproterenol, p21 protein overexpression and impaired cell cycle progression. In zebrafish embryos, the deletion of trim55a or overexpression of TRIM55 E140K reduced cardiac contractility as compared to embryos with wildtype genotype or overexpression of WT TRIM55, respectively.ConclusionsA previously uncharacterized TRIM55 E140K variant demonstrated a number of functional implications for cardiomyocyte functions in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest a novel role for TRIM55 polymorphism in predisposing to heart failure.</div

    Vezf1 regulates cardiac structure and contractile function

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    Background Vascular endothelial zinc finger 1 (Vezf1) is a transcription factor previously shown to regulate vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. We aimed to investigate the role of Vezf1 in the postnatal heart. Methods The role of Vezf1 in regulating cardiac growth and contractile function was studied in zebrafish and in primary cardiomyocytes. Findings We find that expression of Vezf1 is decreased in diseased human myocardium and mouse hearts. Our experimental data shows that knockdown of zebrafish Vezf1 reduces cardiac growth and results in impaired ventricular contractile response to β-adrenergic stimuli. However, Vezf1 knockdown is not associated with dysregulation of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ transient kinetics. Gene ontology enrichment analysis indicates that Vezf1 regulates cardiac muscle contraction and dilated cardiomyopathy related genes and we identify cardiomyocyte Myh7/β-MHC as key target for Vezf1. We further identify a key role for an MCAT binding site in the Myh7 promoter regulating the response to Vezf1 knockdown and show that TEAD-1 is a binding partner of Vezf1. Interpretation We demonstrate a role for Vezf1 in regulation of compensatory cardiac growth and cardiomyocyte contractile function, which may be relevant in human cardiac disease.Peer reviewe

    Zebrafish Heart Failure Models

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    Heart failure causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The understanding of heart failure pathomechanisms and options for treatment remain incomplete. Zebrafish has proven useful for modeling human heart diseases due to similarity of zebrafish and mammalian hearts, fast easily tractable development, and readily available genetic methods. Embryonic cardiac development is rapid and cardiac function is easy to observe and quantify. Reverse genetics, by using morpholinos and CRISPR-Cas9 to modulate gene function, make zebrafish a primary animal model for in vivo studies of candidate genes. Zebrafish are able to effectively regenerate their hearts following injury. However, less attention has been given to using zebrafish models to increase understanding of heart failure and cardiac remodeling, including cardiac hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Here we discuss using zebrafish to study heart failure and cardiac remodeling, and review zebrafish genetic, drug-induced and other heart failure models, discussing the advantages and weaknesses of using zebrafish to model human heart disease. Using zebrafish models will lead to insights on the pathomechanisms of heart failure, with the aim to ultimately provide novel therapies for the prevention and treatment of heart failure.Peer reviewe