32 research outputs found


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    The cord blood specimens of 12 preterm and 20 term babies were investigated. We determined serum calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), vitamin-D binding protein (DBP), ceruloplasmin (Cp) and copper (Cu) levels in two groups. We found that Ca, P, and MG levels of cord sera did not differ between the groups (p > 0.05), but DBP, Cp and Cu values showed a significant decrease in the preterm group (p < 0.05). The Cu and Cp values of the preterm infants correlated with those of the term infants

    Effect of curcumin on plasma TBARS and IL-6, adipose tissue AFABP-4 and liver FGF-21 in fructose-induced metabolic syndrome rats

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    640-645Elucidation of the positive effects of curcumin on oxidative damage and inflammation, as well as clarifying the parameters related to adipose tissue and liver, would contribute furthermore to literature. Here, we have demonstrated the potential healing effects of curcumin in rats with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Twenty-four adult male Wistar albino rats were selected for the study. Only corn oil was administered to the control group rats, while corn oil and 20% fructose were administered to the MetS group rats for eight weeks. The curcumin dose groups were administered 100 and 200 mg/kg of curcumin dissolved in corn oil along with 20% fructose. Plasma TBARS, IL-6, adipose AFABP-4 and liver FGF-21 levels were determined using the ELISA method. It was observed that plasma TBARS and IL-6 levels were significantly decreased in the 100 and 200 mg/kg curcumin dose groups compared to the MetS group (P ≤0.008). Adipose tissue A-FABP-4 levels in the 200 mg/kg curcumin dose group were significantly decreased compared to the MetS group (P ≤0.008). FGF-21 levels in the 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg curcumin dose groups were significantly increased compared to the MetS group (P ≤0.008). The healing effects of curcumin administration on MetS were effective on inflammation and lipid peroxidation. Curcumin administration decreased the adipose tissue AFABP-4 levels and increased the liver FGF-21 levels

    Kafeinin rat karaciğer ve kalp dokusunda oksidan stres üzerine etkisi

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    Amaç: Biz bu çalışmada kafeinin rat karaciğer ve kalp dokusunda malondialdehit (MDA), nitrik oksit (NO) ve gelişmiş okside protein ürünleri (AOPP) düzeylerine etkisini araştırdık. Yöntem ve gereç: Çalışmaya 30 rat dahil edilmiştir. Ratlar eşit 3 gruba ayrılmıştır, kontrol grubu ve 2 kafeinli grup. Grup 1’e 30 mg/kg kafein, grup 2’ye 100 mg/kg kafein 14 gün boyunca verilmiştir. Bulgular: MDA ve AOPP düzeyleri karaciğerde kafeinli gruplarda dozla ilişkili olarak anlamlı azalmalar göstermiştir. Kalp dokusunda MDA ve AOPP düzeyleri kafeinle azalmıştır ancak bu etki dozdan bağımsızdır. NO düzeyleri karaciğerde kafeinli gruplarda kontrol grubuna göre artmıştır ancak kalp dokusunda kafeinin NO düzeylerine etkisi önemsizdir. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar göstermiştir ki kısa süreli kafein alımı karaciğer dokusunda oksidatif stresten koruyucu etki göstermektedir. Bu etkiler karaciğerde doz ile ilişkilidir. Kafeinin etki mekanizmalarının bilinmesi için daha ileri çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Aim: To investigate the effect of caffeine on the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) in the liver and heart tissues of rats. Materials and methods: The current study included 30 rats, which were divided into 3 groups: a control group and 2 caffeine-treated groups. Group 1 was given caff eine at 30 mg/kg and Group 2 was given caff eine at 100 mg/kg (a high nontoxic dose) for 14 days. Results: MDA and AOPP levels in the liver tissue of the caffeine-treated groups decreased significantly as a result of the dose. MDA and AOPP levels in the heart tissue also decreased, but this eff ect was not significantly affected by the dose. NO levels in the liver tissue of the caffeine-treated groups were higher than those in the control group; in the heart tissues, however, NO levels were not significantly aff ected by caffeine. Conclusion: Th ese results show that the short-term consumption of 2 different doses of caffeine may potentially protect against oxidative stress in the liver. Th is eff ect is related to the dose of caffeine in the liver tissue. Further studies will be needed to discover the mechanisms responsible for these findings

    Kafeinin rat karaciğerinde oksidan antioksidan mekanizmalara etkisi

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    Amaç: Kafein (1, 3, 7 trimetilksantin) bir pürin alkoloit olarak birçok yiyecek ve içeceklerin içeriğinde bulunur. Kahve, çay, çikolata, kola ve bazı gazlı içecekler kafein ihtiva eder. Biz çalışmamızın temel hedefi olarak, kısa süreli oral kafein alımının rat karaciğerinde olası antioksidan etkilerini iki farklı dozda araştırmaya çalıştık. Yöntemler: Kafein verilen ratların karaciğer dokularında lipit peroksidasyon ürünü olan MDA düzeylerini ölçtük. Bunun yanında kafeinin antioksidan özelliğini incelemek için, enzimatik ve non enzimatik antioksidan sistem üzerinde araştırmalar yaptık. Karaciğer dokularında SOD, katalaz, GPx, GST aktivitelerini ve GSH düzeylerini ölçtük. Çalışmamızda 30 adet (ortalama 250 gr ağırlığında) Wistar cinsi erkek rat kullanıldı. Ratlar üç eşit gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1: Kontrol grubuydu. Grup 2’ye 30 mg/kg, Grup 3’e 100 mg/kg (nontoksik yüksek doz) kafein 14 gün boyunca (kısa süreli) oral yol ile verildi. Bulgular: Çalışmamızın sonuçları, 14 gün düşük doz (30 mg/kg) ve toksik olmayan yüksek doz (100 mg/kg) kafein uygulamasının, karaciğerde lipit peroksidasyonununu azalttığını göstermektedir. Kafein alımıyla rat karaciğer dokusunda SOD, katalaz, GPx ve GST gibi antioksidan enzim aktivitelerinde ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı artış saptanmıştır. Karaciğer dokusu glutatyon düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında kontrol grubuna göre kafeinli gruplarda hafif artış tespit edilmiş, ancak gruplararasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Spearman korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre doku MDA düzeyi azalırken, GPx, GST, SOD aktivitesi artmış ve güçlü negatif korelasyon görülmüştür. Doku GST aktivitesi ile doku katalaz aktivitesi arasında güçlü pozitif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Kafeinin bu dozlarda; lipit peroksidasyonunu azaltması, antioksidan enzim aktivitelerini artırması ile oksidatif stresi iyileştirmesi, yapılan araştırmaların da ışığında antioksidan olabileceği görüşünü desteklemektedir. Kafeinin antioksidan olarak uygun dozunun belirlenmesinde, etki mekanizmalarının açığa kavuşturulmasında ileri hayvan ve insan çalışmalarının gerekli olduğunu düşünmekteyiz. (Gazi Med J 2012; 23: 13-8)Objective: Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) is a purine alkaloid which exists in a variety of foods and drinks. Today, caffeine is a regularly consumed substance, found in coffee, tea, chocolate and cola. The main aim of our study was to compare the potential antioxidant effects of oral caffeine intake in rat the liver at two different doses over a short period of time. Methods: We measured malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, which is a product of lipid peroxidation, in rat livers following caffeine administration. In addition, we evaluated superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione S transferase (GST) activities as well as glutathione (GSH) levels in the liver. Thirty male Wister rats were used. Rats were equally divided into three groups. Group 1 was the control group, Group 2 received 30 mg/kg of caffeine and Group 3 received 100 mg/kg caffeine (non-toxic high dose) orally for 14 days (a short time period). Results: Our results showed that the 30mg/kg and 100 mg/kg caffeine doses decreased lipid peroxidation in liver. Antioxidant enzyme activities in the rat liver, like SOD, catalase, GPx and GST, showed a statistically significant increase with caffeine intake. Liver glutathione levels, in comparison to the control group, showed a slight increase, but this was not statistically significant. Results from the Spearman analysis showed a strong negative correlation between MDA levels and GPx, GST and SOD activities. Tissue GST activity and tissue catalase activity showed a strong positive correlation. Conclusion: Decreased lipid peroxidation and increased antioxidant enzyme activities demonstrate improved control of oxidative stress, suggesting that these doses of caffeine may have antioxidant activity. (Gazi Med J 2012; 23: 13-8

    Lipid peroxidation and hyperbilirubinemia in infants

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    In this paper, an improved space charge measurement system based on the pulsed electro acoustic technique (PEA) is presented. The new system gives an essential way to examine the role of space charge in electrical aging process under AC conditions. The system setup for AC measurement is presented and detailed in this paper with comparison to the old system. There are two features with improved PEA system. A pulse generator with a 3 kHz repetition rate is utilized to reduce the measurement time. The Eclipse data acquisition system is used to achieve the high data acquisition rate. The results which were taken from both old and new PEA system show that hetero-charge can be formed in the region close to the lower electrode under AC electric field. Apparently the results captured from the new system have better phase resolution than the old system. The space charge decay profile measured by the new system can reflect vividly on the charge dynamically changing. The utmost space charge information was saved as the measurement time was dramatically shortened by the improved system