828 research outputs found

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - A foreword

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    In 2002, ASPE (Assistência à Saúde de Pacientes com Epilepsia)* initiated an Epilepsy Demonstration Project (DP) in Brazil as part of the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy "Epilepsy out of the Shadows", led by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE)1-4. Demonstration Projects have been carried out in several countries and their main aim is to develop treatment models for people with epilepsy in primary health care settings, improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their families5-9. The project in Brazil has targeted areas in Campinas and São José do Rio Preto municipalities, both in São Paulo State, in Southeastern region8. A task force has been established to assess strategies to expand this nationwide. The DP was carried out in six phases as shown in Figure 1. The Brazilian DP was officially closed during the IV Workshop of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy "Epilepsy out of the Shadows", held on May 4-5th 2006, in Campinas. The workshop reviewed the results of the project and discussed the establishment of a National Epilepsy Policy. This supplement presents some results from all phases of the Brazilian DP which were discussed during the Workshop. In brief, we believe that the DP had an impact in our society and brought a new perspective on epilepsy. Awareness campaigns are now carried out on September 9th (Epilepsy Awareness Day) annually in many sites around the country. Regulations and Bills related to epilepsy have been proposed in several regions. Epilepsy has been officially adopted as a theme to be considered in elementary education by the Ministry of Education. Currently, a National Epilepsy Programme, endorsed by the main Brazilian non-governmental organizations in the field of epilepsy, is under review at the Ministry of Health. We hope that this will benefit some of the many people with epilepsy in the country and will eventually bring epilepsy out of the shadows in Brazil

    Statistical analysis driven optimized deep learning system for intrusion detection

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    Attackers have developed ever more sophisticated and intelligent ways to hack information and communication technology systems. The extent of damage an individual hacker can carry out upon infiltrating a system is well understood. A potentially catastrophic scenario can be envisaged where a nation-state intercepting encrypted financial data gets hacked. Thus, intelligent cybersecurity systems have become inevitably important for improved protection against malicious threats. However, as malware attacks continue to dramatically increase in volume and complexity, it has become ever more challenging for traditional analytic tools to detect and mitigate threat. Furthermore, a huge amount of data produced by large networks has made the recognition task even more complicated and challenging. In this work, we propose an innovative statistical analysis driven optimized deep learning system for intrusion detection. The proposed intrusion detection system (IDS) extracts optimized and more correlated features using big data visualization and statistical analysis methods (human-in-the-loop), followed by a deep autoencoder for potential threat detection. Specifically, a pre-processing module eliminates the outliers and converts categorical variables into one-hot-encoded vectors. The feature extraction module discard features with null values and selects the most significant features as input to the deep autoencoder model (trained in a greedy-wise manner). The NSL-KDD dataset from the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity is used as a benchmark to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Simulation results demonstrate the potential of our proposed system and its outperformance as compared to existing state-of-the-art methods and recently published novel approaches. Ongoing work includes further optimization and real-time evaluation of our proposed IDS.Comment: To appear in the 9th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2018

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Outcome assessment

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    Purpose: To assess the outcome of patients with epilepsy treated at primary care health units under the framework of the demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil, part of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy. Method. We assessed the outcome of patients treated at four primary health units. The staff of the health units underwent information training in epilepsy. The outcome assessment was based on: 1) reduction of seizure frequency, 2) subjective perception from the patient's and the physician's point of view, 3) reduction of absenteeism, 4) social integration (school and work), and 5) sense of independence. Results: A total of 181 patients (93 women - 51%) with a mean age of 38 (range from 2 to 86) years were studied. The mean follow-up was 26 months (range from 1 to 38 months, 11 patients had follow-up of less than 12 months). Seizure frequency was assessed based on a score system, ranging from 0 (no seizure in the previous 24 months) to 7 (> 10 seizure/day). The baseline median seizure-frequency score was 3 (one to three seizures per month). At the end of the study the median seizure-frequency score was 1 (one to three seizures per year). The patients' and relatives' opinions were that in the majority (59%) the health status had improved a lot, some (19%) had improved a little, 20% experienced no change and in 2% the health status was worse. With regard to absenteeism, social integration and sense of independence, there were some modest improvements only. Discussion: The development of a model of epilepsy treatment at primary health level based on the existing health system, with strategic measures centred on the health care providers and the community, has proved to be effective providing important reductions in seizure frequency, as well as in general well being. This model can be applied nationwide, as the key elements already exist provided that strategic measures are put forward in accordance with local health providers and managers

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Situation assessment

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    Purpose: To provide a situation assessment of services for people with epilepsy in the context of primary health care, as part of the Demonstration Project on Epilepsy in Brazil, part of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign 'Epilepsy out of the shadows'. Methods: We performed a door-to-door epidemiological survey in three areas to assess the prevalence of epilepsy and its treatment gap. We surveyed a sample of 598 primary health care workers from different regions of Brazil to assess their perceptions of the management of people with epilepsy in the primary care setting. Results: The lifetime prevalence of epilepsy was 9.2/1,000 people [95% Cl 8.4-10.0] and the estimated prevalence of active epilepsy was 5.4/1,000 people. Thirty-eight percent of patients with active epilepsy were on inadequate treatment, including 19% who were taking no medication. The survey of health workers showed that they estimated that 60% of patients under their care were seizure-free. They estimated that 55% of patients were on monotherapy and that 59% had been referred to neurologists. The estimated mean percentage of patients who were working or studying was 56%. Most of the physicians (73%) did not feel confident in managing people with epilepsy. Discussion: The epidemiological survey in the areas of the Demonstration Project showed that the prevalence of epilepsy is similar to that in other resource-poor countries, and that the treatment gap is high. One factor contributing to the treatment gap is inadequacy of health care delivery. The situation could readily be improved in Brazil, as the primary health care system has the key elements required for epilepsy management. To make this effective and efficient requires: i) an established referral network, ii) continuous provision of AEDs, iii) close monitoring of epilepsy management via the notification system (Sistema de lnformacao da Atencao Basica - SIAB) and iv) continuous education of health professionals. The educational program should be broad spectrum and include not only medical management, but also psycho-social aspects of epilepsy

    Controlling Level of Unconsciousness by Titrating Propofol with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) can be used to fit a mapping from patient state to a medication regimen. Prior studies have used deterministic and value-based tabular learning to learn a propofol dose from an observed anesthetic state. Deep RL replaces the table with a deep neural network and has been used to learn medication regimens from registry databases. Here we perform the first application of deep RL to closed-loop control of anesthetic dosing in a simulated environment. We use the cross-entropy method to train a deep neural network to map an observed anesthetic state to a probability of infusing a fixed propofol dosage. During testing, we implement a deterministic policy that transforms the probability of infusion to a continuous infusion rate. The model is trained and tested on simulated pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models with randomized parameters to ensure robustness to patient variability. The deep RL agent significantly outperformed a proportional-integral-derivative controller (median absolute performance error 1.7% +/- 0.6 and 3.4% +/- 1.2). Modeling continuous input variables instead of a table affords more robust pattern recognition and utilizes our prior domain knowledge. Deep RL learned a smooth policy with a natural interpretation to data scientists and anesthesia care providers alike.Comment: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 202

    Economic factors influencing zoonotic disease dynamics: demand for poultry meat and seasonal transmission of avian influenza in Vietnam

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    While climate is often presented as a key factor influencing the seasonality of diseases, the importance of anthropogenic factors is less commonly evaluated. Using a combination of methods-wavelet analysis, economic analysis, statistical and disease transmission modelling-we aimed to explore the influence of climatic and economic factors on the seasonality of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the domestic poultry population of Vietnam. We found that while climatic variables are associated with seasonal variation in the incidence of avian influenza outbreaks in the North of the country, this is not the case in the Centre and the South. In contrast, temporal patterns of H5N1 incidence are similar across these 3 regions: periods of high H5N1 incidence coincide with Lunar New Year festival, occurring in January-February, in the 3 climatic regions for 5 out of the 8 study years. Yet, daily poultry meat consumption drastically increases during Lunar New Year festival throughout the country. To meet this rise in demand, poultry production and trade are expected to peak around the festival period, promoting viral spread, which we demonstrated using a stochastic disease transmission model. This study illustrates the way in which economic factors may influence the dynamics of livestock pathogens

    Low Numbers of FOXP3 Positive Regulatory T Cells Are Present in all Developmental Stages of Human Atherosclerotic Lesions

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    BACKGROUND: T cell mediated inflammation contributes to atherogenesis and the onset of acute cardiovascular disease. Effector T cell functions are under a tight control of a specialized T cell subset, regulatory T cells (Treg). At present, nothing is known about the in situ presence of Treg in human atherosclerotic tissue. In the present study we investigated the frequency of naturally occurring Treg cells in all developmental stages of human atherosclerotic lesions including complicated thrombosed plaques. METHODOLOGY: Normal arteries, early lesions (American Heart Association classification types I, II, and III), fibrosclerotic plaques (types Vb and Vc) and 'high risk' plaques (types IV, Va and VI) were obtained at surgery and autopsy. Serial sections were immunostained for markers specific for regulatory T cells (FOXP3 and GITR) and the frequency of these cells was expressed as a percentage of the total numbers of CD3+ T cells. Results were compared with Treg counts in biopsies of normal and inflammatory skin lesions (psoriasis, spongiotic dermatitis and lichen planus). PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: In normal vessel fragments T cells were virtually absent. Treg were present in the intima during all stages of plaque development (0.5-5%). Also in the adventitia of atherosclerotic vessels Treg were encountered, in similar low amounts. High risk lesions contained significantly increased numbers of Treg compared to early lesions (mean: 3.9 and 1.2%, respectively). The frequency of FOXP3+ cells in high risk lesions was also higher compared to stable lesions (1.7%), but this difference was not significant. The mean numbers of intimal FOXP3 positive cells in atherosclerotic lesions (2.4%) was much lower than those in normal (24.3%) or inflammatory skin lesions (28%). CONCLUSION: Low frequencies of Treg in all developmental stages of human plaque formation could explain the smoldering chronic inflammatory process that takes place throughout the longstanding course of atherosclerosis

    Transhiatal vs extended transthoracic resection in oesophageal carcinoma: patients' utilities and treatment preferences

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    To assess patients' utilities for health state outcomes after transhiatal or transthoracic oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer and to investigate the patients' treatment preferences for either procedure. The study group consisted of 48 patients who had undergone either transhiatal or transthoracic oesophagectomy. In an interview they were presented with eight possible health states following oesophagectomy. Visual Analogue Scale and standard gamble techniques were used to measure utilities. Treatment preference for either transhiatal or transthoracic oesophagectomy was assessed. Highest scores were found for the patients' own current health state (Visual Analogue Scale: 0.77; standard gamble: 0.97). Lowest scores were elicited for the health state ‘irresectable tumour’ (Visual Analogue Scale: 0.13; standard gamble: 0.34). The Visual Analogue Scale method produced lower estimates (P<0.001) than the standard gamble method for all health states. Most patient characteristics and clinical factors did not correlate with the utilities. Ninety-five per cent of patients who underwent a transthoracic procedure and 52% of patients who underwent a transhiatal resection would prefer the transthoracic treatment. No significant associations between any patient characteristics or clinical characteristics and treatment preference were found. Utilities after transhiatal or transthoracic oesophagectomy were robust because they generally did not vary by patient or clinical characteristics. Overall, most patients preferred the transthoracic procedure