106 research outputs found

    Abelian Duality

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    We show that on three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds without boundaries and with trivial first real de Rham cohomology group (and in no other dimensions) scalar field theory and Maxwell theory are equivalent: the ratio of the partition functions is given by the Ray-Singer torsion of the manifold. On the level of interaction with external currents, the equivalence persists provided there is a fixed relation between the charges and the currents.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, a reference added, submitted to Phys. Rev.


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    Resumo: Esse artigo analisa a participação do time de futebol brasileiro nos jogos Pan-Americanos de 1954, realizado na cidade do México. Investiga a constituição do selecionado nacional, que foi montado exclusivamente por jogadores que atuavam em clubes do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e que acabou sagrando-se bicampeão Pan-Americano. Dentro dessa constituição clubista nos aprofundamos, especialmente no acompanhamento dos dois jogadores do Esporte Club Floriano da cidade de Novo Hamburgo, acompanhando a trajetória do selecionado nacional por meio da repercussão ocorrida no jornal local da cidade O 5 de Abril, que dedicou uma ampla cobertura aos jogos do selecionado e especialmente aos filhos da terra e atletas do Floriano Paulo (Paulinho) e Raul Klein.Palavras Chave: Futebol, Pan-Americano, Floriano. Floriano in Pan-American Games since 1956: the coverage of 5 de Abril newspaper Abstract: This article analyzes the participation of the Brazilian football team in the Pan American Games 1954, held in Mexico City. It investigates the establishment of the national selected one, which was set up exclusively by players who worked in the Rio Grande do Sul state clubs and eventually crowned Pan American two-time champion. Within this club constitution we delve especially in monitoring two players of Sport Club Floriano, located in Novo Hamburgo, following the journey of the national selected one by the impact occurred in the local town newspaper O 5 de Abril, which devoted extensive coverage to the games selected and specially to the local children and athletes of Floriano, named Paulo (Paulinho) and Raul Klein.Keywords: Football, Pan-American, Floriano. El Floriano y los Juegos Panamericanos de 1956: cobertura del periódico O 5 de Abril Resumen: En este artículo analiza la participación del equipo de fútbol brasileño en los juegos Panamericanos de 1954, celebrada en la Ciudad de México. Investiga el establecimiento del seleccionado nacional, que fue creado exclusivamente para los clubes y jugadores que estaban activos en el Rio Grande do Sul y que finalmente se coronó campeón Panamericano. Dentro de esta constitución clubista hicimos una atención especial a los dos jugadores del Esporte Club Floriano de la ciudad de Novo Hamburgo, y siguiendo la trayectoria del seleccionado nacional por medio del impacto por rebote que se llevó a cabo en el periódico local de la ciudad O 5 de Abril, que dedicó una amplia cobertura a los juegos de la selección y especialmente los hijos de la tierra y los atletas Floriano Paulo (Paulinho) y Raúl Klein.Palabras Clave: Fútbol, Panamericano, Floriano.


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    Este artigo propõe-se a fazer uma reflexão sobre a inovação e o conhecimento firmando alguns conceitos e desafios; analisa algumas práticas institucionais relacionadas ao processo inovativo, especialmente à Universidade. Além disso, pretende posicionar-se com uma proposta metodológica e apresentar método que permita identificar e avaliar os diversos graus de inovação no interior das organizações. Juntamente com esse processo, neste trabalho, de natureza bibliográfica e abordagem qualitativa, mesmo limitado pelo espaço e proposta, encaminha-se o delineamento de uma visão mais abrangente sobre a inovação, não a restringindo à questão puramente tecnológica, mas usando a tecnologia como meio, ferramenta.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Inovação. Conhecimento. Universidade. Cultura organizacional. Tecnologia

    Planetary and Light Motions From Newtoinian Theory: An Amusing Exercise

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    We attempt to see how closely we can formally obtain the planetary and light path equations of General Relativity by employing certain operations on the familiar Newtonian equation. This article is intended neither as an alternative to nor as a tool for grasping Einstein's General Relativity. Though the exercise is understandable by readers at large, it is especially recommended to the teachers of Relativity for an appreciative understanding of its peculiarity as well as its pedagogical value in the teaching of differential equations.Comment: 7 page

    Induced Parity Breaking Term in Arbitrary Odd Dimensions at Finite Temperature

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    We calculate the exact parity odd part of the effective action (Γodd2d+1\Gamma_{odd}^{2d+1}) for massive Dirac fermions in 2d+1 dimensions at finite temperature, for a certain class of gauge field configurations. We consider first Abelian external gauge fields, and then we deal with the case of a non-Abelian gauge group containing an Abelian U(1) subgroup. For both cases, it is possible to show that the result depends on topological invariants of the gauge field configurations, and that the gauge transformation properties of Γodd2d+1\Gamma_{odd}^{2d+1} depend only on those invariants and on the winding number of the gauge transformation.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, no figure

    Correlation between the limit values of laboratory and clinical mycotoxicosis

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    Analysis of feed for the presence of fungi and mycotoxins is a request necessary to meet in order to ensure a healthy and economical production in livestock. These tests are related to legal regulation which prescribes the maximum legislated content (MLC), both for the presence of mycotoxins and the total number of fungi in certain feeds. Health problems that can occur during the production of animals are sometimes caused by the presence of mycotoxins in the feed. Laboratory testing is a good practice to confirm a suspicion, and allows timely treatment of contaminated feed. Potential problems arise under circumstances when there is a clinical outcome of mycotoxicosis and animal and laboratory findings suggest that the obtained values are below the level that is within the MLC. For these reasons, the subject of our research was to investigate the occurrence of mycotoxins and mold in feed, as well as the clinical presentation for animals that were fed with the feed with allowed values of these agents according to the recommended levels. The aim of this paper was to highlight the problems associated with clinical correlation of sick animals and laboratory findings, and suggest their overcoming. In the period of one year, a total of 176 samples of feed (complete mixture for broilers, corn and soy products) were examined for the presence of fungi, 106 samples were examined for the presence of mycotoxins and 26 flocks of broilers and turkeys were clinically observed. Standard methods were used for isolation of molds and the ELISA test was used for the detection of mycotoxins. Clinical and pathomorphological observation of the flocks was done to determine the natural indicators of production. Studies indicated a problem because clinical and pathomorphological findings in some cases were not correlated with laboratory findings of molds and mycotoxins in the feed, and in some cases it did not necessarily mean that the animals were healthy. Synergism and cumulative effects of mycotoxins, on the one hand, and the characteristics of each species and product category on the other hand, can create specific circumstances that can lead to disease and can increase even though the values prescribed by legislation have been met. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 031071

    Interfacial separation between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces: comparison between theory and numerical techniques

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    We study the distribution of interfacial separations P(u) at the contact region between two elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces. An analytical expression is derived for P(u) using Persson's theory of contact mechanics, and is compared to numerical solutions obtained using (a) a half-space method based on the Boussinesq equation, (b) a Green's function molecular dynamics technique and (c) smart-block classical molecular dynamics. Overall, we find good agreement between all the different approaches.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure