79 research outputs found

    Radar Team (Remaja Tanggap Darurat) as an Effort to Improve the Flood Disaster Emergency Skills

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    Background: Bumi Village, Surakarta is one of the areas that are often flooded. The causes of flooding in the village are the overflow of the Premulung River and sedimentation of Jenes River. Flood of course can cause physical and non- physical damage. Flood emergency in the Bumi Village needs immediate action. One of the society elements that has potential to be mobilized in flood disaster emergency is teenagers, so RADAR (Remaja Tanggap Darurat) team building is one of the solutions in prevention and handling flood disaster in Bumi Village, Laweyan. Purpose: To determine the influence of the RADAR team on improving emergency flood disaster in Bumi Village, Laweyan, Surakarta. Methods: This study is observational by Cross Sectional design. Primary data obtained by observation, and secondary data obtained from related documents. Results: The success of this study is shown by the increase of knowledge that can be seen from the increase of pretest-postest questionnaires average score, from 11,2 to 23,1. Conclusion: The RADAR (Remaja Tanggap Darurat) team was proven to improve flood disaster emergency skills in the Bumi Village, Laweyan, Surakarta

    Potency of Citrus Peels (Citrus Aurantiifolia (Cristm.) Swingle) Ethanolic Extract as Chemopreventive Agent Through Downregulation of C-myc Expression and Inhibition of 7.12-dimethylbenz[a]antrachene Induced Female Sprague Dawley Rats Breast Cell Proliferation

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    The using of natural-based medicine is growing rapidly in societies. Besides being cheap and affordable, natural-based medicine is relatively safer than the synthetic drugs. Peel of Citrus aurantifolia (Cristm.) Swingle) is one of the chemopreventive agent which contain flavonoids have potency as anticarcinogenic agent. This study is designed to study the potency of Citrus aurantifolia peel ethanolic extract in proliferation inhibition of Rattus norvegicus mammary cell of Sprague Dawley strain which is induced by 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Rats were divided into five groups consist of DMBA treatment, CMC-Na treatment, extract 1500 mg/kgBW treatment, treatment of DMBA+ extract 750 mg/kgBW and DMBA+ extract 1500 mg/kgBW. At the beginning of the tenth week of the study, breasts was isolated and stored in 10% formalin buffer. Observation of cell proliferation was done by AgNOR method. C-Myc expression observed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). Observation of mammary cell with AgNOR method indicated that the treatment of Citrus aurantifolia peel ethanolic extract can inhibit cell proliferation significantly. Dosage 1500 mg/kgBW gave higher inhibition effect than dosage 750 mg/kgBW. IHC result showed that treatment of Citrus aurantifolia peel ethanolic extract decrease the expression of c-Myc. Dosage 750 mg/kgBW gave lower decreasing effect than dosage 1500 mg/kgBW. Citrus aurantifolia peel ethanolic extract inhibited the proliferation of mammary cell induced DMBA through the inhibition of c-Myc expression in dose dependent phenomena so that it is a potential chemopreventive agent

    Penggunaan Adas dan Pule sebagai Penghilang Rasa Sakit dalam USAdha Bali (USAdha Dalem)

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    Usadha Bali merupakan salah satu warisan budaya bangsa yang memuat tentang pemanfaatan tanaman obat untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan yang ada di Bali. Pengobatan dengan tanaman obat masih menjadi salah satu pilihan bagi masyarakat Bali dalam mengobati penyakit-penyakit degeneratir. Dalam kajian ini akan dilakukan penelusuran penggunaan tanaman obat dalam USAda disesuaikan dengan kajian ilmiah yang mendukung terhadap pemanfaatan sesuai dengan Usadha Bali. Terdapat beberapa tanaman yang memiliki kesesuaian manfaat antara penggunaan dalam USAdha Bali dengan kajian ilmiah, tetapi ada juga yang tidak sesuai. Adas dan pule merupakan tanaman yang pemanfaatannya dalam USAda Bali (USAdha dalem) dan kajian ilmiah memiliki khasiat yang sama yaitu sebagai peghilang rasa sakit. Untuk tanaman dalam Usadha Bali yang belum memiliki kajian ilmiah yang sesuai dapat dijadikan sebagai ide awal untuk dilakukan pengujian secara ilmiah

    Quantitative analysis of powder mixtures by raman spectrometry : the influence of particle size and its correction

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    Particle size distribution and compactness have significant confounding effects on Raman signals of powder mixtures, which cannot be effectively modeled or corrected by traditional multivariate linear calibration methods such as partial least-squares (PLS), and therefore greatly deteriorate the predictive abilities of Raman calibration models for powder mixtures. The ability to obtain directly quantitative information from Raman signals of powder mixtures with varying particle size distribution and compactness is, therefore, of considerable interest In this study, an advanced quantitative Raman calibration model was developed to explicitly account for the confounding effects of particle size distribution and compactness on Raman signals of powder mixtures. Under the theoretical guidance of the proposed Raman calibration model, an advanced dual calibration strategy was adopted to separate the Raman contributions caused by the changes in mass fractions of the constituents in powder mixtures from those induced by the variations in the physical properties of samples, and hence achieve accurate quantitative determination for powder mixture samples. The proposed Raman calibration model was applied to the quantitative analysis of backscatter Raman measurements of a proof-of-concept model system of powder mixtures consisting of barium nitrate and potassium chromate. The average relative prediction error of prediction obtained by the proposed Raman calibration model was less than one-third of the corresponding value of the best performing PLS model for mass fractions of barium nitrate in powder mixtures with variations in particle size distribution, as well as compactness

    Neraca Timpang Bagi Si Miskin: Penelitian Skema dan Penyaluran Dana Bantuan Hukum di Lima Wilayah di Indonesia

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    Diterbitkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum membawa harapan baru bagi penegakan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia, khususnya membuka akses keadilan bagi masyarakat miskin. Perjuangan 40 tahun Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia dalam memastikan keadilan untuk semua lapisan masyarakat, pada akhirnya memperoleh pengakuan dan jaminan oleh Negara. Kami sangat mengapresiasi dan menyambut baik komitmen Negara melalui sistim Bantuan Hukum ini. Namun demikian, sistim ini bukan tanpa kelemahan. Alokasi anggaran yang kurang responsif terhadap kebutuhan faktual bantuan hukum, merupakan salah satu bentuk kelemahan dari sistim ini. Meskipun potensi anggaran bantuan hukum yang tersebar di berbagai instansi Pemerintahan cukup besar jika diintegrasikan ke dalam sistim ini. Kelemahan ini ditengarai akibat dari penyusunan kebijakan yang kurang partisipatif dan minimnya basis penelitian lapangan

    Mapping ergonomics application to improve SMEs working condition in industrially developing countries: a critical review

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    In industrially developing countries (IDC), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for the highest proprotion of employment. Unfortunately, the working conditions in SMEs are often very poor and expose employees to a potentially wide range of health and safety risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 161 articles related to ergonomics application in SMEs, using Indonesia as a case study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of ergonomics application and identify areas that can be improved to promote effective ergonomics for SMEs in IDC. The most urgent issue found is the need for adopting participatory approach in contrast to the commonly implemented top-down approach. Some good practices in ergonomics application were also revealed from the review, e.g. a multidisciplinary approach, unsophisticated and low-cost solutions, and recognising the importance of productivity. The review also found that more work is still required to achieve appropriate cross-cultural adaptation of ergonomics application. Practitioner Summary: Despite continuous efforts in addressing ergonomics issues in SMEs of IDC, workers are still exposed to poor work conditions. We reviewed factual-based evidence of current ergonomics application to inform future strategies of ergonomics in IDC, using Indonesia as a case study

    Ligand-receptor co-evolution shaped the jasmonate pathway in land plants.

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    The phytohormone jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile) regulates defense, growth and developmental responses in vascular plants. Bryophytes have conserved sequences for all JA-Ile signaling pathway components but lack JA-Ile. We show that, in spite of 450 million years of independent evolution, the JA-Ile receptor COI1 is functionally conserved between the bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha and the eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana but COI1 responds to different ligands in each species. We identified the ligand of Marchantia MpCOI1 as two isomeric forms of the JA-Ile precursor dinor-OPDA (dinor-cis-OPDA and dinor-iso-OPDA). We demonstrate that AtCOI1 functionally complements Mpcoi1 mutation and confers JA-Ile responsiveness and that a single-residue substitution in MpCOI1 is responsible for the evolutionary switch in ligand specificity. Our results identify the ancestral bioactive jasmonate and clarify its biosynthetic pathway, demonstrate the functional conservation of its signaling pathway, and show that JA-Ile and COI1 emergence in vascular plants required co-evolution of hormone biosynthetic complexity and receptor specificity