5,646 research outputs found

    Enhanced performance in polymer photovoltaic cells with chloroform treated indium tin oxide anode modification

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    Enhanced performance of a poly(3-hexylthiophene):(6,6)-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester bulk heterojunction polymer photovoltaic cell is reported by modifying the indium tin oxide (ITO) anode with chloroform solution. Instead of the traditional UV-ozone treatment, the optimized chloroform modification on ITO anode can result in an enhancement in the power conversion efficiency of an identical device, originating from an increase in the photocurrent with negligible change in the open-circuit voltage. The performance enhancement is attributed to the work function modification of the ITO substrate through the surface incorporation of the chlorine, and thus improved charge collection efficiency. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

    Surface plasmon-enhanced electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes incorporating Au nanoparticles

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    Surface plasmon-enhanced electroluminescence (EL) in an organic light-emitting diode is demonstrated by incorporating the synthesized Au nanoparticles (NPs) in the hole injection layer of poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonic acid. An increase of ∼25% in the EL intensity and efficiency are achieved for devices with Au NPs, whereas the spectral and electrical properties remain almost identical to the control device. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals that the EL enhancement is ascribed to the increase in spontaneous emission rate due to the plasmonic near-field effect induced by Au NPs. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Towards Big data Governance in Cybersecurity

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    Big data refers to large complex structured or unstructured data sets. Big data technologies enable organisations to generate, collect, manage, analyse, and visualise big data sets, and provide insights to inform diagnosis, prediction, or other decision-making tasks. One of the critical concerns in handling big data is the adoption of appropriate big data governance frame- works to: 1) curate big data in a required manner to support quality data access for effective machine learning, and 2) ensure the framework regulates the storage and processing of the data from providers and users in a trustworthy way within the related regulatory frame- works (both legally and ethically). This paper proposes a framework of big data governance that guides organisations to make better data-informed business decisions within the related regularity framework, with close attention paid to data security, privacy and accessibility. In order to demonstrate this process, the work also presents an example implementation of the framework based on the case study of big data governance in cyber- security. This framework has the potential to guide the management of big data in different organisations for information sharing and cooperative decision-making

    Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence

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    In this note, we use techniques from integrable systems to study relations between gauge theories. The Gauge/Bethe correspondence, introduced by Nekrasov and Shatashvili, identifies the supersymmetric ground states of an N=(2,2) supersymmetric gauge theory in two dimensions with the Bethe states of a quantum integrable system. We make use of this correspondence to relate three different quiver gauge theories which correspond to three different formulations of the Bethe equations of an integrable spin chain called the tJ model.Comment: 30 pages, published in JHEP. LaTeX problem correcte

    Specific β-Tubulin Isotypes Can Functionally Enhance or Diminish Epothilone B Sensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells

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    Epothilones are a new class of microtubule stabilizing agents with promising preclinical and clinical activity. Their cellular target is β-tubulin and factors influencing intrinsic sensitivity to epothilones are not well understood. In this study, the functional significance of specific β-tubulin isotypes in intrinsic sensitivity to epothilone B was investigated using siRNA gene knockdown against βII-, βIII- or βIVb-tubulins in two independent non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines, NCI-H460 and Calu-6. Drug-treated clonogenic assays showed that sensitivity to epothilone B was not altered following knockdown of βII-tubulin in both NSCLC cell lines. In contrast, knockdown of βIII-tubulin significantly increased sensitivity to epothilone B. Interestingly, βIVb-tubulin knockdowns were significantly less sensitive to epothilone B, compared to mock- and control siRNA cells. Cell cycle analysis of βIII-tubulin knockdown cells showed a higher percentage of cell death with epothilone B concentrations as low as 0.5 nM. In contrast, βIVb-tubulin knockdown cells displayed a decrease in epothilone B-induced G2-M cell cycle accumulation compared to control siRNA cells. Importantly, βIII-tubulin knockdowns displayed a significant dose-dependent increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells upon treatment with epothilone B, as detected using caspase 3/7 activity and Annexin-V staining. Higher concentrations of epothilone B were required to induce apoptosis in the βIVb-tubulin knockdowns compared to control siRNA, highlighting a potential mechanism underlying decreased sensitivity to this agent. This study demonstrates that specific β-tubulin isotypes can influence sensitivity to epothilone B and may influence differential sensitivity to this promising new agent

    Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Global Warming in the Tibetan Plateau during the Last 50 Years Based on a Generalised Temperature Zone - Elevation Model

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    Temperature is one of the primary factors influencing the climate and ecosystem, and examining its change and fluctuation could elucidate the formation of novel climate patterns and trends. In this study, we constructed a generalised temperature zone elevation model (GTEM) to assess the trends of climate change and temporal-spatial differences in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) using the annual and monthly mean temperatures from 1961-2010 at 144 meteorological stations in and near the TP. The results showed the following: (1) The TP has undergone robust warming over the study period, and the warming rate was 0.318°C/decade. The warming has accelerated during recent decades, especially in the last 20 years, and the warming has been most significant in the winter months, followed by the spring, autumn and summer seasons. (2) Spatially, the zones that became significantly smaller were the temperature zones of -6°C and -4°C, and these have decreased 499.44 and 454.26 thousand sq km from 1961 to 2010 at average rates of 25.1% and 11.7%, respectively, over every 5-year interval. These quickly shrinking zones were located in the northwestern and central TP. (3) The elevation dependency of climate warming existed in the TP during 1961-2010, but this tendency has gradually been weakening due to more rapid warming at lower elevations than in the middle and upper elevations of the TP during 1991-2010. The higher regions and some low altitude valleys of the TP were the most significantly warming regions under the same categorizing criteria. Experimental evidence shows that the GTEM is an effective method to analyse climate changes in high altitude mountainous regions

    Pan-arthropod analysis reveals somatic piRNAs as an ancestral defence against transposable elements

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    In animals, small RNA molecules termed PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) silence transposable elements (TEs), protecting the germline from genomic instability and mutation. piRNAs have been detected in the soma in a few animals, but these are believed to be specific adaptations of individual species. Here, we report that somatic piRNAs were likely present in the ancestral arthropod more than 500 million years ago. Analysis of 20 species across the arthropod phylum suggests that somatic piRNAs targeting TEs and mRNAs are common among arthropods. The presence of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in chelicerates (horseshoe crabs, spiders, scorpions) suggests that arthropods originally used a plant-like RNA interference mechanism to silence TEs. Our results call into question the view that the ancestral role of the piRNA pathway was to protect the germline and demonstrate that small RNA silencing pathways have been repurposed for both somatic and germline functions throughout arthropod evolution.We thank A. McGregor, D. Leite, M. Akam, R. Jenner, R. Kilner, A. Duarte, C. Jiggins, R. Wallbank, A. Bourke, T. Dalmay, N. Moran, K. Warchol, R. Callahan, G. Farley and T. Livdahl for providing the arthropods. H. Robertson provided the D. virgifera genome sequence. This research was supported by a Leverhulme Research Project Grant (RPG-2016-210 to F.M.J., E.A.M. and P.S.), a European Research Council grant (281668 DrosophilaInfection to F.M.J.), a Medical Research Council grant (MRC MC-A652-5PZ80 to P.S.), an Imperial College Research Fellowship (to P.S.), Cancer Research UK (C13474/A18583 and C6946/A14492 to E.A.M.), the Wellcome Trust (104640/Z/14/Z and 092096/Z/10/Z to E.A.M.) and a National Institutes of Health R37 grant (GM62862 to P.D.Z.)

    Geospatial information infrastructures

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Geospatial information infrastructures (GIIs) provide the technological, semantic,organizationalandlegalstructurethatallowforthediscovery,sharing,and use of geospatial information (GI). In this chapter, we introduce the overall concept and surrounding notions such as geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial datainfrastructures(SDI).WeoutlinethehistoryofGIIsintermsoftheorganizational andtechnologicaldevelopmentsaswellasthecurrentstate-of-art,andreflectonsome of the central challenges and possible future trajectories. We focus on the tension betweenincreasedneedsforstandardizationandtheever-acceleratingtechnological changes. We conclude that GIIs evolved as a strong underpinning contribution to implementation of the Digital Earth vision. In the future, these infrastructures are challengedtobecomeflexibleandrobustenoughtoabsorbandembracetechnological transformationsandtheaccompanyingsocietalandorganizationalimplications.With this contribution, we present the reader a comprehensive overview of the field and a solid basis for reflections about future developments

    Quantum Sine(h)-Gordon Model and Classical Integrable Equations

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    We study a family of classical solutions of modified sinh-Gordon equation, $\partial_z\partial_{{\bar z}} \eta-\re^{2\eta}+p(z)\,p({\bar z})\ \re^{-2\eta}=0with with p(z)=z^{2\alpha}-s^{2\alpha}.Weshowthatcertainconnectioncoefficientsforsolutionsoftheassociatedlinearproblemcoincidewiththe. We show that certain connection coefficients for solutions of the associated linear problem coincide with the QfunctionofthequantumsineGordon-function of the quantum sine-Gordon (\alpha>0)orsinhGordon or sinh-Gordon (\alpha<-1)$ models.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure