221 research outputs found

    Znajdywanie odpowiedniości punktów charakterystycznych na obrazach stereowizyjnych

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    Doctoral Theses: 1. Dedicated Methods of Analysis and Processing of Stereovision Images Enable to Improve a Quality of Stereo Correspondence Results. 2. Introduction of New Attributes of Feature Points Allows to Improve the Efficiency of the Stereo Correspondence Algorithms. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a method that allows to find matches between feature points on stereo vision images. Proposed method is dedicated to medical applications. Achieving the goal of the dissertation required several partial goals. 1. Developing of medical images segmentation method. 2. Developing of matching method. 3. Evaluation of matching quality. 4. Evaluation of influence of the selected feature points attributes on stereo correspondence quality. 5. Final optimization of algorithms to work on subcutaneous vessels images. Results presented in the thesis. • Three image segmentation methods BGOM, SSSB and BLG. • Three matching methods MED, MED-NDD and MED-RGB. • First method (MED) is based on the assumption that the correct disparity is the minimal distance between given feature point on the left image and all feature points on the right image in the given row. • Second method (MED-NDD) improves the results obtained with the first method by 30% for selected images. • Third method (MED-RGB) improves the results obtained with the first method by 30% for selected images. • Quality evaluation of the created disparity map accordingly to three accuracy criteria and reference ground true disparity map. • Evaluation of influence of the new feature point attributes to stereo correspondence results. Attributes were properly selected improving an average results by 12%. However, to clearly state the values of error-minimizing attributes would have to be carried out further research on properly prepared image database. • Dedicated algorithms to cope with medical images of subcutaneous vessels that present much better effectiveness in comparison to existing widely used methods. • Proposed in dissertation algorithms are the quickest what follows from the presented comparisons. The methods were tested on three groups of test images namely solids, subcutaneous vessels and real images from the Middlebury College Stereo Vision library.. Based on the above, it must be stated that the conducted research confirms the correctness of the theses formulated at the beginning of the work

    Wsparcie, podtrzymanie i wzmocnienie - analiza egzystencjalno-poznawcza

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    Backing-up is most frequently associated with situations and circumstances of the temporariness of human existence. Reinforcement refers to activities connected with structuring and restructuring of psychological noethical life: the activation of the development of personal maturity and motivation ‘towards life’ is concerned. Support and reinforcement are two different and complementary processes and needs of life accompanying human existence. Support is of a more social character. It refers to the activeness of forces and rules of social life. Support is more of a psychological quality. It facilitates charging natural desires, resources and possibilities of individuals. They all structure and develop existence and shape its ‘being and becoming’Podtrzymanie najczęściej wiąże się z sytuacjami i okolicznościami temporalności dziania się ludzkiej egzystencji. Wzmocnienie odnosi się do działań związanych ze strukturyzacją i restrukturyzacją życia psychicznonoetycznego: chodzi tu o uaktywnienie rozwoju dojrzałości osobowościowej i motywacji „ku życiu”. Wsparcie i wzmocnienie są to dwa różne, choć komplementarne procesy i potrzeby życia towarzyszące rozwojowi ludzkiej egzystencji. Wsparcie ma bardziej charakter socjalny. Odwołuje się do aktywności sił, reguł życia społecznego. Wzmocnienie jest bardziej jakością psychologiczną. Służy zasilaniu naturalnych pragnień, zasobów i możliwości jednostek. Jedne i drugie strukturyzują i rozwijają egzystencję i kształtują jej „bycie i stawanie się

    On the double-mode RR Lyrae variables of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy

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    Frequency analysis of more than 300 stars of the OGLE database on Sculptor galaxy has led to the discovery of 18 double-mode RR Lyrae (RRd) variables. This yields a 20% incidence rate for double-mode pulsation among the variables previously classified as first overtone RR Lyrae stars in this galaxy. Most of the RRd stars cover the period range of 0.47d < P_0 < 0.49d but there are two stars with longer periods of ~0.54d. All variables fit well in the pattern of the P_0 --> P_1/P_0 diagram, spanned by the RRd stars of the Galactic globular clusters and those of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). It follows from our previous investigations that the luminosities and masses of the RRd stars in Galactic globular clusters and in the LMC are almost independent of metallicity. By assuming that the Sculptor RRd variables also obey this rule, with the aid of the pulsation equations we estimate their metallicities. For most of the stars we get [Fe/H]~ -1.5, which is the same value as that obtained from a semi-empirical method for the average metallicity of the fundamental mode (RRab) stars. Two RRd stars have considerably lower metallicities, but even those are within the range corresponding to the RRab stars. The narrower metallicity range of the RRd stars is in agreement with their observed luminosity range, which is about three times smaller than that of the RRab stars.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Analysis of changes in groundwater and soil conditions in a highly urbanized area due to deep building foundations

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    The article describes an urban environment and the anthropogenic factors that influence groundwater and soil conditions. Deep building foundations impact on changes in both groundwater flow and soil consistency, which may occur due to filtration phenomena. Suffusion and internal erosion were described, determining the criteria applied for assessment of soil susceptibility to these phenomena. The results of numerical modelling executed with Visual Modflow software are presented. It is stated that the creation of deep building foundations in an extensively urban area may influence the groundwater and soil conditions

    Homotransplantation of multiple visceral organs

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    It was technically possible to perform simultaneous homotransplantation of multiple visceral organs including the liver, spleen, pancreas, omentum and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Arterialization of the cooled graft was accomplished through the donor aorta which was removed with the graft and attached to that of the recipient dog. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage after surgery accounted for a high operative mortality and was thought to be due to denervation of the graft. The five dogs which survived the immediate trauma of surgery lived for five and a half to nine days. After the second day, these animals were physically active and able to resume oral alimentation. In three dogs, there was metabolic evidence of rejection of the liver. In two others, jaundice did not develop. These observations were compared with chemical, hematologic and pathologic data obtained in previous experiments involving homotransplantation of the liver alone. In some cases, there was less evidence of host versus graft rejection after the multiple organ transplants. Other data in the present study suggested the possibility that a significant graft versus host reaction may have been an important contributory cause of death. © 1962

    Automated Nonlinear Stellar Pulsation Calculations: Applications to RR Lyrae stars. The Slope of the Fundamental Blue Edge and the First RRd Model Survey

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    We describe a methodology that allows us to follow the pulsational behavior of an RR Lyrae model consistently and automatically along its evolutionary track throughout the whole instability strip. It is based on the powerful amplitude equation formalism, and resorts to a judicious combination of numerical hydrodynamical simulations, the analytical signal time-series analysis, and amplitude equations. A large-scale survey of the nonlinear pulsations in RR Lyr instability strip is then presented, and the mode selection mechanism is delineated throughout the relevant regions of parameter space. We obtain and examine two regions with hysteresis, where the pulsational state depends on the direction of the evolutionary tracks, namely a region with either fundamental (RRab) or first overtone (RRc) pulsations and a region with either fundamental (RRab) or double-mode (RRd) pulsations. The regions where stable double-mode (DM, or RRd) pulsations occur are very narrow and hard to find in astrophysical parameter (L, M, T_eff, X, Z) space with hydrodynamic simulations, but our systematic and efficient methodology allows us to investigate them with unprecedented detail. It is shown that by simultaneously considering the effects of mode selection and of horizontal branch evolution we can naturally solve one of the extant puzzles involving the topologies of the theoretical and observed instability strips, namely the slope of the fundamental blue edge. The importance of the interplay between mode selection and stellar evolutionary effects is also demonstrated for the properties of double-mode RR Lyr. Finally, the Petersen diagram of double-mode RR Lyr models is discussed for the first time.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted to be published in A&

    Contemporary techniques of data acquisition for preparation of numerical models of hydrotechnical structures

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    This paper presents an analysis of possible uses of contemporary data acquiring methods for elaborating hydrotechnical object numerical models. The subject is considered in two aspects – preparation of a geometrical model based on the results of a geodetic survey of the structure as well as subsoil parameters, and data acquisition for building material characteristics. The results presented for non-invasive measurements of hydrotechnical concrete parameters and geometry of the modelled object are based on the example of Rożnów Dam. The research uses data obtained by terrestrial laser scan and sclerometer tests (taken with a S chmidt hammer)