672 research outputs found

    Jesuit Education Circling the Globe

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    Interacciones entre Procalus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) y Lithraea caustica (Sapindales, Anacardiaceae). Un caso de monofagia en el matorral de Chile central

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    Experiments and observations have been perfomed in order to show the effective dependence of Procalus (Chrysomelidae) beetles on Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae) shrubs in a preandean matorral site in Central Chile. Procalus insects, particularely P. viridis, are only found on L. caustica, even when they are not able to recognize their host plant while flying. This fact could be explained by the obsewation that beetles abandon L. caustica shrubs more slowly than other shrub species. This behavior of adults is coherent with lamae constraints because the latter feed only on L. caustica new leaves in spite of their previous alimentary experience. The above results support the idea that Procalus beetles are monophagous of L. caustica in the study site. Finally, as the phenology of L. caustica in the study site is highly unpredictable both intra and interannually, a possible phenological coupling mechanism is proposed to explain this monophagous relationship.En este trabajo se reafizan experimentos y observaciones con el proposito de mostrar el grado de dependencia de los coleópteros del género Procalus (Chrysomelidae) sobre el arbusto Lithraea caustica (Anacardiaceae) en un sector de matorral preandino en Chile central. Los resultados indican que los insectos del género Procalus, en particular P. viridis, no son capaces de reconocer su planta hospedadora en vuelo, aunque se distribuyen solo sobre L. caustica. Esto podria tener su explicación en el hecho de que los insectos abandonan los arbustos de L. caustica más lentamente de lo que lo hacen con otras especies arbustivas. Esta conducta de los adultos es coherente con las limitaciones biológicas de las lamas, pues éstas, tengan o no experiencia alimentaria previa, sólo se alimentan de hojas nuevas de L. caustica. Se muestra asila monofagia de Procalus por L. caustica en el lugar de estudio. Sin embargo, como la fenologia de L. caustica en el mismo lugar es altamente impredecible de año en año e incluso dentro del atio, se propone un posible mecanismo de acopiamiento fenológico entre los coleópteros del género Procalus y L. caustica

    Sequential Transfer in Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model

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    We are interested in how to design reinforcement learning agents that provably reduce the sample complexity for learning new tasks by transferring knowledge from previously-solved ones. The availability of solutions to related problems poses a fundamental trade-off: whether to seek policies that are expected to achieve high (yet sub-optimal) performance in the new task immediately or whether to seek information to quickly identify an optimal solution, potentially at the cost of poor initial behavior. In this work, we focus on the second objective when the agent has access to a generative model of state-action pairs. First, given a set of solved tasks containing an approximation of the target one, we design an algorithm that quickly identifies an accurate solution by seeking the state-action pairs that are most informative for this purpose. We derive PAC bounds on its sample complexity which clearly demonstrate the benefits of using this kind of prior knowledge. Then, we show how to learn these approximate tasks sequentially by reducing our transfer setting to a hidden Markov model and employing spectral methods to recover its parameters. Finally, we empirically verify our theoretical findings in simple simulated domains.Comment: ICML 202

    Pure Exploration under Mediators' Feedback

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    Stochastic multi-armed bandits are a sequential-decision-making framework, where, at each interaction step, the learner selects an arm and observes a stochastic reward. Within the context of best-arm identification (BAI) problems, the goal of the agent lies in finding the optimal arm, i.e., the one with highest expected reward, as accurately and efficiently as possible. Nevertheless, the sequential interaction protocol of classical BAI problems, where the agent has complete control over the arm being pulled at each round, does not effectively model several decision-making problems of interest (e.g., off-policy learning, partially controllable environments, and human feedback). For this reason, in this work, we propose a novel strict generalization of the classical BAI problem that we refer to as best-arm identification under mediators' feedback (BAI-MF). More specifically, we consider the scenario in which the learner has access to a set of mediators, each of which selects the arms on the agent's behalf according to a stochastic and possibly unknown policy. The mediator, then, communicates back to the agent the pulled arm together with the observed reward. In this setting, the agent's goal lies in sequentially choosing which mediator to query to identify with high probability the optimal arm while minimizing the identification time, i.e., the sample complexity. To this end, we first derive and analyze a statistical lower bound on the sample complexity specific to our general mediator feedback scenario. Then, we propose a sequential decision-making strategy for discovering the best arm under the assumption that the mediators' policies are known to the learner. As our theory verifies, this algorithm matches the lower bound both almost surely and in expectation. Finally, we extend these results to cases where the mediators' policies are unknown to the learner obtaining comparable results

    Truncating Trajectories in Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning

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    In Reinforcement Learning (RL), an agent acts in an unknown environment to maximize the expected cumulative discounted sum of an external reward signal, i.e., the expected return. In practice, in many tasks of interest, such as policy optimization, the agent usually spends its interaction budget by collecting episodes of fixed length within a simulator (i.e., Monte Carlo simulation). However, given the discounted nature of the RL objective, this data collection strategy might not be the best option. Indeed, the rewards taken in early simulation steps weigh exponentially more than future rewards. Taking a cue from this intuition, in this paper, we design an a-priori budget allocation strategy that leads to the collection of trajectories of different lengths, i.e., truncated. The proposed approach provably minimizes the width of the confidence intervals around the empirical estimates of the expected return of a policy. After discussing the theoretical properties of our method, we make use of our trajectory truncation mechanism to extend Policy Optimization via Importance Sampling (POIS, Metelli et al., 2018) algorithm. Finally, we conduct a numerical comparison between our algorithm and POIS: the results are consistent with our theory and show that an appropriate truncation of the trajectories can succeed in improving performance

    Beekeeping practice: effects of Apis mellifera virgin queen management on ovary development

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    International audienceAbstractNewly emerged virgin queens are frequently imprisoned in cages either inside or outside of colonies before delivery to a new hive. Ovary integrity and proper functioning is the primary factor in a queen’s success as the colony mother. In this work, histological studies on ovaries are used to evaluate the effect of virgin queen imprisonment both out and inside the colony. The results show that the ovarian follicles of virgin queens maintained out of the colony advance only until the beginning of differentiation of oocytes and nurse cells, the vitellarium does not differentiate, and cell death is observed. For virgin queens caged inside a colony, oogenesis progresses until nurse cell and oocyte differentiation is completed, and the vitellarium shows initial differentiation. The results suggest that the best method for a head start of a queen’s fertility is to maintain her inside the colony until introduction into a new hive

    Optimizing Empty Container Repositioning and Fleet Deployment via Configurable Semi-POMDPs

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    With the continuous growth of the global economy and markets, resource imbalance has risen to be one of the central issues in real logistic scenarios. In marine transportation, this trade imbalance leads to Empty Container Repositioning (ECR) problems. Once the freight has been delivered from an exporting country to an importing one, the laden will turn into empty containers that need to be repositioned to satisfy new goods requests in exporting countries. In such problems, the performance that any cooperative repositioning policy can achieve strictly depends on the routes that vessels will follow (i.e., fleet deployment). Historically, Operation Research (OR) approaches were proposed to jointly optimize the repositioning policy along with the fleet of vessels. However, the stochasticity of future supply and demand of containers, together with black-box and non-linear constraints that are present within the environment, make these approaches unsuitable for these scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework, Configurable Semi-POMDPs, to model this type of problems. Furthermore, we provide a two-stage learning algorithm“, Configure & Conquer” (CC), that first configures the environment by finding an approximation of the optimal fleet deployment strategy, and then "conquers" it by learning an ECR policy in this tuned environmental setting. We validate our approach in large and real-world instances of the problem. Our experiments highlight that CC avoids the pitfalls of OR methods and that it is successful at optimizing both the ECR policy and the fleet of vessels, leading to superior performance in world trade environments

    Modal parameters identification with environmental tests and advanced numerical analyses for masonry bell towers: a meaningful case study

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    Abstract In the first part, a dynamic monitoring for non-destructive evaluation of heritage structures is discussed with reference to a case study, namely the Pomposa Abbey belfry, located in the Ferrara Province (Italy). The main dynamic parameters constitute an important reference to define an advanced numerical model, discussed in the second part, based on Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics (NSCD) method. Schematised as a system of rigid blocks undergoing frictional sliding and plastic impacts, the tower has exhibited complex dynamics, because of both geometrical nonlinearity and the non-smooth nature of the contact laws. First, harmonic oscillations have been applied to the basement of the tower and a systematic parametric study has been conducted, aimed at correlating the system vulnerability to the values of amplitude and frequency of the assigned excitation corroborated by the dynamic identification results. In addition, numerical analyses have been done to highlight the effects of the friction coefficient and of the blocks geometries on the dynamics, in particular on the collapse modes. Finally, a study of the tower stability against seismic excitations has been addressed and 3D simulations have been performed with a real earthquake

    Morphometric analysis of the supraorbital, infraorbital and mental foramen and their relationship with sex : computed tomographic study in a brazilian population

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    Orientador: Alexandre Rodrigues FreireDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o alinhamento dos forames supra-orbitais, infra-orbitais e mentais em relação à linha média de acordo com o sexo e o lado em uma amostra de crânios tomográficos de uma amostra brasileira por análise morfométrica em 3D. Um total de 116 tomografias computadorizadas de adultos, crânios e mandíbulas humanos secos, foram selecionados aleatoriamente na faixa etária de 19 a 100 anos (57,31), ambos os sexos. As medidas foram realizadas no software Rhinoceros 5 a partir do plano sagital mediano referenciado. Os resultados contínuos foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk, seguido pelo teste t pareado de Student ou Wilcoxon, para verificar se há diferenças em relação aos lados direito e esquerdo; para verificar se há diferenças entre os resultados contínuos do mesmo lado, o teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk foi realizado e seguido pelo teste ANOVA One-Way ou Kruskal-Wallis. Para corrigir o valor de p para múltiplas comparações, os testes post-hoc de comparações múltiplas de Tukey ou Dunn também foram realizados para ANOVA de uma via e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, respectivamente. Os níveis de significância e confiança foram estabelecidos, respectivamente, em 5% e 95%. Quando comparados os forames supraorbital, infraorbital e mental do mesmo lado, ocorreu um resultado estatisticamente significante para todas as comparações de ambos os lados em relação aos indivíduos do sexo masculino e feminino (p <0,0001). Exceto para medidas que envolvem SOF-FML, todos os resultados contínuos mostraram um resultado estatisticamente significativo para comparações entre os lados direito e esquerdo dos indivíduos. O presente trabalho mostrou na análise morfométrica tridimensional que não encontramos alinhamento do forame em nenhum dos estudadosAbstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the alignment of the supraorbital, infraorbital and mental foramina in relation to the midline according to the sex and the side in a sample of CT skulls of a Brazilian sample by 3D morphometric analysis. A total of 116 CT scans from adults dried human skulls and mandibles were selected at random ranging in age from 19 to 100 years (?57.31), both sexes. Measurements were performed in Rhinoceros 5 software from the median sagittal plane referenced. Continuous outcomes underwent the Shapiro-Wilk¿s normality test followed by Student¿s paired t test or Wilcoxon¿s test to check for differences regarding the right and left sides; to check for differences between continuous outcomes at the same side, the Shapiro-Wilk¿s normality test was performed and followed by the One-Way ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis test. To correct the p-value for multiple comparisons, the Tukey¿s or Dunn¿s multiple comparisons post-hoc tests were also performed for One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test, respectively. The significance and confidence levels were set, respectively, at 5% and 95%. When the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental foramina of the same side were compared, a statistically significant result occurred for all comparisons for both sides regarding male and female individuals (p<0.0001). Except for measures involving SOF-FML, all continuous outcomes showed a statistically significant result for comparisons between the right and left sides of individuals. The present work showed in 3-D morphometric analysis that we did not find foramina alignment in any of those studiedMestradoAnatomiaMestre em Biologia Buco-Dental88882.434533/2019-01CAPE