56 research outputs found

    Assessing the model performance of an integrated hydrological and biogeochemical model for discharge and nitrate load predictions

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    International audienceIn this study, we evaluate the performance of the SWAT-N model, a modified version of the widely used SWAT version, for discharge and nitrate predictions at the mesoscale Dill catchment (Germany) for a 5-year period. The underlying question is, whether the model efficiency is sufficient for scenario analysis of land-use changes on both water quantity and quality. The Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) algorithm is used to calibrate the model for daily discharge at the catchments outlet. Model performance is assessed with a split-sampling as well as a proxy-basin test using recorded hydrographs of four additional gauges located within the catchment. The efficiency regarding nitrate load simulation is assessed without further calibration on a daily, log-daily, weekly, and monthly basis as compared to observations derived from an intensive sampling campaign conducted at the catchments outlet. A new approach is employed to test the spatial consistency of the model, where simulated longitudinal profiles of nitrate concentrations were compared with observed longitudinal profiles. It is concluded that the model efficiency of SWAT-N is sufficient for the assessment of scenarios for daily discharge predictions. SWAT-N can be employed without further calibration for nitrate load simulations on both a weekly and monthly basis with an acceptable degree of accuracy. However, the model efficiency for daily nitrate load is insufficient, which can be attributed to both data uncertainty (i.e. point-source effluents and actual farming practise) as well as structural errors. The simulated longitudinal profiles meet the observations reasonably well, which suggests that the model is spatially consistent

    Modelling of point and non-point source pollution of nitrate with SWAT in the river Dill, Germany

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    International audienceWe used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate point and non-point source pollution of nitrate in a mesoscale mountainous catchment. The results show that the model efficiency for daily discharge is 0.81 for the calibration period (November 1990 to December 1993) and 0.56 for the validation period (April 2000 to January 2003). The model efficiency for monthly nitrate load is 0.66 and 0.77 for the calibration period (April 2000 to March 2002) and validation period (April 2002 to January 2003), respectively. However, the model efficiency for daily loads is low (0.15), which cannot only be attributed to the quality of input data of point source effluents. An analysis of the internal fluxes and cycles of nitrogen pointed out considerable weaknesses in the models conceptualisation of the nitrogen modules which will be improved in future research

    Tissue-specific patterns of allelically-skewed DNA methylation

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    While DNA methylation is usually thought to be symmetrical across both alleles, there are some notable exceptions. Genomic imprinting and X chromosome inactivation are two well-studied sources of allele-specific methylation (ASM), but recent research has indicated a more complex pattern in which genotypic variation can be associated with allelically-skewed DNA methylation in cis. Given the known heterogeneity of DNA methylation across tissues and cell types we explored inter- and intra-individual variation in ASM across several regions of the human brain and whole blood from multiple individuals. Consistent with previous studies, we find widespread ASM with >4% of the ~220,000 loci interrogated showing evidence of allelically-skewed DNA methylation. We identify ASM flanking known imprinted regions, and show that ASM sites are enriched in DNase I hypersensitivity sites and often located in an extended genomic context of intermediate DNA methylation. We also detect examples of genotype-driven ASM, some of which are also tissue-specific. These findings contribute to our understanding about the nature of differential DNA methylation across tissues and have important implications for genetic studies of complex disease. As a resource to the community, ASM patterns across each of the tissues studied are available in a searchable online database: http://epigenetics.essex.ac.uk/ASMBrainBlood

    The impacts of increased heat stress events on wheat yield under climate change in China

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    China is the largest wheat producing country in the world. Wheat is one of the two major staple cereals consumed in the country and about 60% of Chinese population eats the grain daily. To safeguard the production of this important crop, about 85% of wheat areas in the country are under irrigation or high rainfall conditions. However, wheat production in the future will be challenged by the increasing occurrence and magnitude of adverse and extreme weather events. In this paper, we present an analysis that combines outputs from a wide range of General Circulation Models (GCMs) with observational data to produce more detailed projections of local climate suitable for assessing the impact of increasing heat stress events on wheat yield. We run the assessment at 36 representative sites in China using the crop growth model CSM-CropSim Wheat of DSSAT 4.5. The simulations based on historical data show that this model is suitable for quantifying yield damages caused by heat stress. In comparison with the observations of baseline 1996-2005, our simulations for the future indicate that by 2100, the projected increases in heat stress would lead to an ensemble-mean yield reduction of –7.1% (with a probability of 80%) and –17.5% (with a probability of 96%) for winter wheat and spring wheat, respectively, under the irrigated condition. Although such losses can be fully compensated by CO2 fertilization effect as parameterized in DSSAT 4.5, a great caution is needed in interpreting this fertilization effect because existing crop dynamic models are unable to incorporate the effect of CO2 acclimation (the growth enhancing effect decreases over time) and other offsetting forces

    Impacts of 21st‐century climate change on montane habitat in the Madrean Sky Island Archipelago

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    Aim The Madrean Sky Island Archipelago is a North American biodiversity hotspot composed of similar to 60 isolated mountains that span the Cordilleran Gap between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Madre Occidental. Characterized by discrete patches of high-elevation montane habitat, these "sky islands" serve as stepping stones across a "sea" of desert scrub/grassland. Over this coming century, the region is expected to shift towards a warmer and drier climate. We used species distribution modelling to predict how the spatial distribution of montane habitat will be affected by climate change. Location Madrean Sky Island Archipelago, south-west United States and north-west Mexico (latitude, 29-34 degrees N; longitude, 107-112 degrees W). Methods To approximate the current distribution of montane habitat, we built species distribution models for five high-elevation species (Ceanothus fendleri, Pinus strobiformis, Quercus gambelii, Sciurus aberti, and Synuchus dubius). The resulting models were projected under multiple climate change scenarios-four greenhouse gas concentration trajectories (RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5) for each of three climate models (CCSM4, MPI-ESM-LR, and NorESM1-M)-to generate predicted distributions for the years 2050 and 2070. We performed chi-squared tests to detect any future changes to total montane habitat area, and Conover-Iman tests to evaluate isolation among the discrete montane habitat patches. Results While the climate models differ with respect to their predictions as to how severe the effects of future climate change will be, they all agree that by as early as year 2050, there will be significant montane habitat loss and increased montane habitat patch isolation across the Madrean Archipelago region under a worst-case climate change scenario (RCP 8.5). Main conclusions Our results suggest that under 21st-century climate change, the Madrean Sky Islands will become increasingly isolated due to montane habitat loss. This may affect their ability to serve as stepping stones and have negative implications for the region's biodiversity.University of Arizona Center for Insect ScienceOpen access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Assessing the model performance of an integrated hydrological and biogeochemical model for discharge and nitrate load predictions

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    In this study, we evaluate the performance of the SWAT-N model, a modified version of the widely used SWAT version, for discharge and nitrate predictions at the mesoscale Dill catchment (Germany) for a 5-year period. The underlying question is, whether the model efficiency is sufficient for scenario analysis of land-use changes on both water quantity and quality. The Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) algorithm is used to calibrate the model for daily discharge at the catchments outlet. Model performance is assessed with a split-sampling as well as a proxy-basin test using recorded hydrographs of four additional gauges located within the catchment. The efficiency regarding nitrate load simulation is assessed without further calibration on a daily, log-daily, weekly, and monthly basis as compared to observations derived from an intensive sampling campaign conducted at the catchments outlet. A new approach is employed to test the spatial consistency of the model, where simulated longitudinal profiles of nitrate concentrations were compared with observed longitudinal profiles. It is concluded that the model efficiency of SWAT-N is sufficient for the assessment of scenarios for daily discharge predictions. SWAT-N can be employed without further calibration for nitrate load simulations on both a weekly and monthly basis with an acceptable degree of accuracy. However, the model efficiency for daily nitrate load is insufficient, which can be attributed to both data uncertainty (i.e. point-source effluents and actual farming practise) as well as structural errors. The simulated longitudinal profiles meet the observations reasonably well, which suggests that the model is spatially consistent