597 research outputs found

    Deep RNA-Seq profile reveals biodiversity, plant-microbe interactions and a large family of NBS-LRR resistance genes in walnut (Juglans regia) tissues.

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    Deep RNA-Seq profiling, a revolutionary method used for quantifying transcriptional levels, often includes non-specific transcripts from other co-existing organisms in spite of stringent protocols. Using the recently published walnut genome sequence as a filter, we present a broad analysis of the RNA-Seq derived transcriptome profiles obtained from twenty different tissues to extract the biodiversity and possible plant-microbe interactions in the walnut ecosystem in California. Since the residual nature of the transcripts being analyzed does not provide sufficient information to identify the exact strain, inferences made are constrained to the genus level. The presence of the pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora was detected in the root through the presence of a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Cryptococcus, the causal agent of cryptococcosis, was found in the catkins and vegetative buds, corroborating previous work indicating that the plant surface supported the sexual cycle of this human pathogen. The RNA-Seq profile revealed several species of the endophytic nitrogen fixing Actinobacteria. Another bacterial species implicated in aerobic biodegradation of methyl tert-butyl ether (Methylibium petroleiphilum) is also found in the root. RNA encoding proteins from the pea aphid were found in the leaves and vegetative buds, while a serine protease from mosquito with significant homology to a female reproductive tract protease from Drosophila mojavensis in the vegetative bud suggests egg-laying activities. The comprehensive analysis of RNA-seq data present also unraveled detailed, tissue-specific information of ~400 transcripts encoded by the largest family of resistance (R) genes (NBS-LRR), which possibly rationalizes the resistance of the specific walnut plant to the pathogens detected. Thus, we elucidate the biodiversity and possible plant-microbe interactions in several walnut (Juglans regia) tissues in California using deep RNA-Seq profiling

    A pilot 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial comparing metacognitive training to psychoeducation in schizophrenia: effects on insight

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    Poor insight in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) is linked with negative outcomes. This single-centre, assessor-blind, parallel-group 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial (RCT) tested whether metacognitive training (MCT) (compared to psychoeducation) may improve insight and outcomes in outpatients with SSD assessed: at baseline (T0); after treatment (T1) and at 1-year follow-up (T2). Insight (primary outcome) was measured with (i) the Schedule for Assessment of Insight-Expanded version- (SAI-E), including illness recognition (IR), symptom relabelling (SR), treatment compliance (TC) and total insight scores (TIS); and (ii) the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS). Between-group comparisons were nonsignificant, while within the MCT group (but not within controls) there was a significant medium effect size for improved TIS at T2 (d = 0.67, P = 0.02). Secondary outcomes included cognitive measures: Jumping to Conclusions (JTC), Theory of Mind (ToM), plus symptom severity and functioning. Compared to psychoeducation, MCT improved the PANSS excitement (d = 1.21, P = 0.01) and depressed (d = 0.76, P = 0.05) factors at T2; and a JTC task both at T1 (P = 0.016) and at T2 (P = 0.031). Participants in this RCT receiving MCT showed improved insight at 1-year follow-up, which was associated with better mood and reduced JTC cognitive bias. In this pilot study, no significant benefits on insight of MCT over psychoeducation were detected, which may have been due to insufficient power

    Estudio farmacoeconómico del tratamiento antitabáquico en un entorno clínico en Albacete.

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    Introducción. El coste del tabaquismo en vidas, sufrimiento y dinero es muy importante. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es realizar una evaluación fármaco-económica de los tratamientos utilizados en un entorno clínico en Albacete. Material y métodos. 1484 pacientes que acudieron a la Unidad de Tratamiento Especializado en Tabaquismo del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete desde el 1 de Enero de 2008 hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 2012, reali- zándose estudio retrospectivo donde se recogieron variables relacionadas con el éxito y fracaso, además de con el uso de los diferentes tratamientos. Se utilizaron la Chi-cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher. Para variables cuantitativas se utilizó el ANOVA y la V de Cramer para la correlación. Resultados. Los costes por éxito: el psicológico, 583 euros (€); la vareniclina, 1828 €; el bupropion, 1230 € y la TSN, 2038 €. El coste por el paciente que no había fracasado fue de 806 € para la vareniclina, 495 € para el bupropion, 585 € para la TSN y 307 € para la psicológica. Conclusión. Los tratamientos antitabáquicos son medidas eficientes para el sistema sanitario

    Acquisition of uropygial gland microbiome by hoopoe nestlings

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    Mutualistic symbioses between animals and bacteria depend on acquisition of appropriate symbionts while avoiding exploitation by non-beneficial microbes. The mode of acquisition of symbionts would determine, not only the probability of encountering but also evolutionary outcomes of mutualistic counterparts. The microbiome inhabiting the uropygial gland of the European hoopoe (Upupa epops) includes a variety of bacterial strains, some of them providing antimicrobial benefits. Here, the mode of acquisition and stability of this microbiome is analyzed by means of Automated rRNA Intergenic Spacer Analysis and two different experiments. The first experiment impeded mothers’ access to their glands, thus avoiding direct transmission of microorganisms from female to offspring secretions. The second experiment explored the stability of the microbiomes by inoculating glands with secretions from alien nests. The first experiment provoked a reduction in similarity of microbiomes of mother and nestlings. Interestingly, some bacterial strains were more often detected when females had not access to their glands, suggesting antagonistic effects among bacteria from different sources. The second experiment caused an increase in richness of the microbiome of receivers in terms of prevalence of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) that reduced differences in microbiomes of donors and receivers. That occurred because OTUs that were present in donors but not in receivers incorporated to the microbiome of the latter, which provoked that cross-inoculated nestlings got similar final microbiomes that included the most prevalent OTUs. The results are therefore consistent with a central role of vertical transmission in bacterial acquisition by nestling hoopoes and support the idea that the typical composition of the hoopoe gland microbiome is reached by the incorporation of some bacteria during the nestling period. This scenario suggests the existence of a coevolved core microbiome composed by a mix of specialized vertically transmitted strains and facultative symbionts able to coexist with them. The implications of this mixed mode of transmission for the evolution of the mutualism are discussedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)Junta de Andalucí

    A particle swarm optimization approach using adaptive entropy-based fitness quantification of expert knowledge for high-level, real-time cognitive robotic control

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    Abstract: High-level, real-time mission control of semi-autonomous robots, deployed in remote and dynamic environments, remains a challenge. Control models, learnt from a knowledgebase, quickly become obsolete when the environment or the knowledgebase changes. This research study introduces a cognitive reasoning process, to select the optimal action, using the most relevant knowledge from the knowledgebase, subject to observed evidence. The approach in this study introduces an adaptive entropy-based set-based particle swarm algorithm (AE-SPSO) and a novel, adaptive entropy-based fitness quantification (AEFQ) algorithm for evidence-based optimization of the knowledge. The performance of the AE-SPSO and AEFQ algorithms are experimentally evaluated with two unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) benchmark missions: (1) relocating the UAV to a charging station and (2) collecting and delivering a package. Performance is measured by inspecting the success and completeness of the mission and the accuracy of autonomous flight control. The results show that the AE-SPSO/AEFQ approach successfully finds the optimal state-transition for each mission task and that autonomous flight control is successfully achieved

    Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16′N, 4°59′W, 1,070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. A multiproxy analysis provided comprehensive information about regional humidity and temperature changes. The analysis included sedimentological descriptions, physical properties, organic carbon and carbonate content, mineralogy and geochemical composition together with biological proxies including diatom and ostracod assemblages. A detailed pollen study enabled reconstruction of variations in vegetation cover, which were interpreted in the context of climate changes and human impact. Four distinct stages were recognized for the last 13,500 years: (1) a cold and dry episode that includes the Younger Dryas event (13,500–11,600 cal. year BP); (2) a humid and warmer period characterizing the onset of the Holocene (11,600–8,700 cal. year BP); (3) a tendency toward a drier climate during the middle Holocene (8,700–4,650 cal. year BP); and (4) a return to humid conditions following landscape modification by human activity (pastoral activities, deforestation) in the late Holocene (4,650–2,200 cal. year BP). Superimposed on relatively stable landscape conditions (e.g. maintenance of well established forests), the typical environmental variability of the southern European region is observed at this site.The Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), the Spanish National Parks agency, the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science, and the European Social Fund

    Revealing the last 13,500 years of environmental history from the multiproxy record of a mountain lake (Lago Enol, northern Iberian Peninsula)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-009-9387-7.We present the Holocene sequence from Lago Enol (43°16′N, 4°59′W, 1,070 m a.s.l.), Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. A multiproxy analysis provided comprehensive information about regional humidity and temperature changes. The analysis included sedimentological descriptions, physical properties, organic carbon and carbonate content, mineralogy and geochemical composition together with biological proxies including diatom and ostracod assemblages. A detailed pollen study enabled reconstruction of variations in vegetation cover, which were interpreted in the context of climate changes and human impact. Four distinct stages were recognized for the last 13,500 years: (1) a cold and dry episode that includes the Younger Dryas event (13,500–11,600 cal. year BP); (2) a humid and warmer period characterizing the onset of the Holocene (11,600–8,700 cal. year BP); (3) a tendency toward a drier climate during the middle Holocene (8,700–4,650 cal. year BP); and (4) a return to humid conditions following landscape modification by human activity (pastoral activities, deforestation) in the late Holocene (4,650–2,200 cal. year BP). Superimposed on relatively stable landscape conditions (e.g. maintenance of well established forests), the typical environmental variability of the southern European region is observed at this site.The Spanish Inter-Ministry Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), the Spanish National Parks agency, the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Science, and the European Social Fund

    Terahertz metamaterials on flexible polypropylene substrate

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11468-014-9724-1In this work, we present a metamaterial working at terahertz frequencies made over a flexible polypropylene sub-strate. The experimental measurements, in accordance with the numerical calculations, show the metamaterial reliance on the impinging electric field polarization. The structure s symmetry yields purely electrical resonant responses eliminating bianisotropy effects. The widely used bendable polypropylene polymer may promote the insertion of metamaterial-based structures with special electromagnetic response in a number of objects of our daily lives such as textiles, automotive components, and sensingThis work was supported by the Spanish MICINN under contracts CONSOLIDER EMET CSD2008-00066 and TEC2011-28664-C02-02 and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the program INNOVA 2011.Ortuño Molinero, R.; García Meca, C.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2014). Terahertz metamaterials on flexible polypropylene substrate. Plasmonics. 9(5):1143-1147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-014-9724-1S1143114795Smith DR, Padilla WJ, Vier DC, Nemat-Nasser SC, Schultz S (2000) Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity. Phys Rev Lett 84:4184–4187Pendry JB (2000) Negative refraction makes a perfect lens. Phys Rev Lett 85:3966–3969Zhang X, Liu Z (2008) Superlenses to overcome the diffraction limit. Nat Mater 7:435–441Pendry JB, Schurig D, Smith DR (2006) Controlling electromagnetic fields. Science 312:1780–1782Schurig D, Mock JJ, Justice BJ, Cummer SA, Pendry JB, Starr AF, Smith DR (2006) Metamaterial electromagnetic cloak at microwave frequencies. Science 314:977–980Rodríguez-Cantó PJ, Martínez-Marco M, Rodríguez-Fortuño FJ, Tomás-Navarro B, Ortuño R, Peransí-Llopis S, Martínez A (2011) Demonstration of near infrared gas sensing using gold nanodisks on functionalized silicon. Opt Express 19:7664–7672Rodríguez-Fortuño FJ, Martínez-Marco M, Tomás-Navarro B, Ortuño R, Martí J, Martínez A, Rodríguez-Cantó PJ (2011) Highly-sensitive chemical detection in the infrared regime using plasmonic gold nanocrosses. Appl Phys Lett 98:133118O’Hara FJ, Singh R, Brener I, Smirnova E, Han J, Taylor AJ, Zhang W (2008) Thin-film sensing with planar terahertz metamaterials: sensitivity and limitations. Opt Express 16:1786–1795Tao H, Landy NI, Bingham CM, Zhang X, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ (2008) A metamaterial absorber for the terahertz regime: design, fabrication and characterization. Opt Express 16:7181–7188Iwaszczuk K, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Zhang X, Averitt RD, Jepsen PU (2012) Flexible metamaterial absorbers for stealth applications at terahertz frequencies. Opt Express 20:635–643Tao H, Bingham CM, Strikwerda AC, Pilon D, Shrekenhamer D, Landy NI, Fan K, Zhang X, Padilla WJ, Averitt RD (2008) Highly flexible wide angle of incidence terahertz metamaterial absorber: design, fabrication, and characterization. Phys Rev B 78:241103(R)Tao H, Bingham CM, Pilon D, Fan K, Strikwerda AC, Shrekenhamer D, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD (2010) A dual band terahertz metamaterial absorber. J Phys D: Appl Phys 43:225102Padilla WJ, Taylor AJ, Highstrete C, Lee M, Averitt RD (2006) Dynamical electric and magnetic metamaterial response at terahertz frequencies. Phys Rev Lett 96:107401Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD (2006) Active terahertz metamaterial devices. Nature 444:597–600Chen HT, O’Hara FJ, Azad AK, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD, Shrekenhamer DB, Padilla WJ (2008) Experimental demonstration of frequency-agile terahertz metamaterials. Nature Photon 2:295–298Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Zide JMO, Bank SR, Gossard AC, Taylor AJ, Averitt RD (2007) Ultrafast optical switching of terahertz metamaterials fabricated on ErAs/GaAs nanoisland superlattices. Opt Lett 32:1620–1622Chen HT, Palit S, Tyler T, Bingham CM, Zide JMO, O’Hara FJ, Smith DR, Gossard AC, Averitt RD, Padilla WJ, Jokerst NM, Taylor AJ (2008) Hybrid metamaterials enable fast electrical modulation of freely propagating terahertz waves. Appl Phys Lett 93:091117Chen HT, Padilla WJ, Cich MJ, Azad AK, Averitt RD, Taylor AJ (2009) A metamaterial solid-state terahertz phase modulator. Nat Photon 3:148Driscoll T, Andreev GO, Basov DN, Palit S, Cho SY, Jokerst NM, Smith DR (2007) Tuned permeability in terahertz split-ring resonators for devices and sensors. Appl Phys Lett 91:062511Debus C, Bolivar PH (2007) Frequency selective surfaces for high sensitivity terahertz sensing. Appl Phys Lett 91:184102Al-Naib IAI, Jansen C, Koch M (2008) Thin-film sensing with planar asymmetric metamaterial resonators. Appl Phys Lett 93:083507Leonhardt U, Philbin TG (2010) Geometry and light: the science of invisibility. Dover, MineolaDi Falco A, Ploschner M, Krauss TF (2010) Flexible metamaterials at visible wavelengths. New J Phys 12:113006Tao H, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Bingham CM, Padilla WJ, Zhang X, Averitt RD (2008) Terahertz metamaterials on free-standing highly-flexible polyimide substrates. Appl Phys 41:232004Tao H, Amsden JJ, Strikwerda AC, Fan K, Kaplan DL, Zhang X, Averitt RD, Omenetto FJ (2010) Metamaterial silk composites at terahertz frequencies. Adv Mater 22:3527–3531Chen ZC, Han NR, Pan ZY, Gong YD, Chong TC, Hong MH (2011) Tunable resonance enhancement of multi-layer terahertz metamaterials fabricated by parallel laser micro-lens array lithography on flexible substrates. 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    Wikipedia Information Flow Analysis Reveals the Scale-Free Architecture of the Semantic Space

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    In this paper we extract the topology of the semantic space in its encyclopedic acception, measuring the semantic flow between the different entries of the largest modern encyclopedia, Wikipedia, and thus creating a directed complex network of semantic flows. Notably at the percolation threshold the semantic space is characterised by scale-free behaviour at different levels of complexity and this relates the semantic space to a wide range of biological, social and linguistics phenomena. In particular we find that the cluster size distribution, representing the size of different semantic areas, is scale-free. Moreover the topology of the resulting semantic space is scale-free in the connectivity distribution and displays small-world properties. However its statistical properties do not allow a classical interpretation via a generative model based on a simple multiplicative process. After giving a detailed description and interpretation of the topological properties of the semantic space, we introduce a stochastic model of content-based network, based on a copy and mutation algorithm and on the Heaps' law, that is able to capture the main statistical properties of the analysed semantic space, including the Zipf's law for the word frequency distribution