1,508 research outputs found

    El pati escolar i la integració social d'alumnes estrangers

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    Atualização e aderência em hipertensão arterial sistêmica

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    A prevalência da hipertensão arterial sistêmica varia de 30 a 40% da população adulta. A não adesão ao tratamento é um fator de risco não reconhecido. O objetivo desta videoaula foi de abordar a importância da aderência do paciente à terapêutica para combate à hipertensão arterial sistêmica

    Best Photo Selection

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    The rising of digital photography underlies a clear change on the paradigm of the photography management process by amateur photographers. Nowadays, taking one more photo comes for free, thus it is usual for amateurs to take several photos of the same subject hoping that one of them will match the quality standards of the photographer, namely in terms of illumination, focus and framing. Assuming that the framing issue is easily solved by cropping the photo, there is still the need to select which of the well framed photos, technically similar in terms of illumination and focus, are going to be kept (and in opposition which photos are going to be discarded). The process of visual observation, on a computer screen, in order to select the best photo is inaccurate and thus becomes a generator of insecurity feelings that may lead to no discarding of photos at all. In this work, we propose to address the issue of how to help the amateur photographer to select the best photo from a set of similar photos by analysing them in technical terms. The result is a novel workflow supported by a software package, guided by user input, which will allow the sorting of the similar photos accordingly to their technical characteristics (illumination and focus) and the user requirements. As a result, we expect that the process of choosing the best photo, and discarding of the remaining, becomes reliable and more comfortable

    Student satisfaction and student interaction in online learning

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    This work project aims to study what factors can best predict student satisfaction in online learning. A survey was designed based on existing research and distributed among Masters students. The predictor variables were student-content, student-instructor, student-student and student-technology interactions. The data was analyzed using multiple regressions and ANOVAs. The results confirm that student-content and student-instructor interactions area focal point of online learning while suggesting the opposite for student-technology interaction and being inconclusive for student-student interaction. The conclusions should be analyzed with the study limitations in mind, namely the sample used and the COVID-19 pandemic situation

    Low-Power and Low-Noise Clock Generator for High-Speed ADCs

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    The rapid development of high-performance communication technologies reflects a clear trend in demanding requirements imposed on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Thus, it appears that these requirements imply higher frequencies not only for the input signal but also higher sampling frequencies, which translates into a higher sensitivity of the circuit to thermal noise and consequent increase in phase-noise. This arises as to the main purpose of this document, which will seek, as its main objective, the development of an architecture that allows the generation of multiple clock signals at high input frequencies with low jitter and low power dissipation to make ADCs more efficient and faster. This dissertation proposes an architecture implemented by a Clock Buffer that converts a differential input signal into a single-ended output signal, a Digital Buffer that transforms a sine wave into a square wave, and finally a Multi Clock Phase Generator (MPCG), consisting of Shift Registers. Both architectures are implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology. The architecture is powered by a LVDS signal with an amplitude of 200 mV and a frequency of 1 GHz, in order to output 8 square wave clock signals with an amplitude of 1.2 V and with a frequency of 125 MHz. The signals obtained at the output later will feed an architecture of 8 Time-Interleaved ADCs. The total area of the implemented circuit is about 8054.3 μm2, for a dissipated power of 5.3 mW and a jitter value of 1.13 ps. This new architecture will be aimed at all types of entities that work with devices that are made up of high-speed performance ADCs, to improve the operation of these same devices, making the processing from a continuous signal to a discrete signal as efficiently as possible.O rápido desenvolvimento das tecnologias de comunicação de alto desempenho, reflete uma tendência clara na exigência dos requisitos impostos aos conversores analógico-digital (ADCs). Deste modo, verifica-se que estes requisitos implicam elevadas frequências não só sinal de entrada, como também frequências elevadas de amostragem o que se traduz numa maior sensibilidade do circuito ao ruído térmico e consequente aumento ruído de fase. Esta problemática, surge como propósito principal deste documento, no qual se procurará, como objetivo principal, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura que permita gerar múltiplos sinais de relógio a altas frequências de entrada e períodos de amostragem, com um baixo jitter e baixa energia consumida de forma a tornar mais eficiente e rápido o funcionamento de ADCs. Ruido térmico. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura composta por um amplificador de sinal de relógio que converte o duplo sinal de entrada num único sinal de saída, um amplificador digital que transforma uma onda sinusoidal numa onda quadrada e por fim um gerador de fase múltipla de sinais de relógio (MPCG), constituído por registos de deslocamento. Ambas as arquiteturas são implementadas em tecnologia CMOS de 130 nm. A arquitetura é alimentada com um sinal LVDS de 200 mV de amplitude e com uma frequência de 1 GHz, de forma a obter à saída 8 sinais de relógio de onda quadrada com uma amplitude de 1,2 V e com 125 MHz de frequência. Os sinais obtidos à saída posteriormente alimentarão uma arquitetura de 8 canais com multiplexagem temporal. A área total do circuito implementado é cerca de 8054,3 μm2, para uma potência dissipada de 5,3 mW e para um valor de jitter de 1,13 ps. Esta nova arquitetura será direcionada para todo o tipo de entidades que trabalham com dispositivos que são constituídos por ADCs de alta velocidade de desempenho, de forma a poder melhorar o funcionamento desses mesmos dispositivos, tornando o processamento de sinal continuo para sinal discreto o mais eficiente possível

    Big data analytics in healthcare : are end-users ready?

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    This dissertation aims to understand if end-users are aware of big data analytics, and given this, if the perceived value of healthcare products that use big data techniques is sufficient to surpass their concerns for sharing personal data. Additionally, it is tested whether they are interested in purchasing such products. In order to address this topic, the theoretical foundations are based on the Theory of Reasoned Model, which studies human’s decision-making process. Based on the data from a questionnaire directed to end-users, a Chi-square test studies if it exists an association between the different variables and Simple Linear Regressions evaluate the strength of the associations. The results obtained from both type of tests prove that a higher perception of value from health products that require the use of big data technologies (PV) is positively correlated with a superior willingness to share personal data (WTS), as well as a higher willingness to buy (WTB), a positive word of mouth for both sharing data (WoM_sd) and purchasing such devices (WoM_d). Finally, three Multiple Regression models are created. The first model explains WTB as a positive influence of PV, WTS, WoM_d and WoM_sd. The second regression tests the WoM_d dimension as a result of PV, WTB and WTS. The third model shows that WoM_sd is explained by PV, WTB and WTS. These three models are in line with the previous conclusions obtained from both the Chi-Square test and the Simple Linear Regressions.Esta dissertação tem como objetivo compreender se os consumidores finais estão cientes das técnicas analiticas de big data e, em caso afirmativo, se o valor percepcionado de produtos na área da saúde que usem tecnologias big data é suficiente para ultrapassar os receios de partilha de dados pessoais. Adicionalmente é testado se estes estão interessados na compra de tais produtos. Para tal, a abordagem teórica é baseada no modelo Theory of Reasoned Action, o qual estuda o processo de tomada de decisão do ser humano. Com base nos dados obtidos através de um questionário destinado aos consumidores finais, um teste de tabelas de contingência de Qui-quadrado testa se existe associação entre as diferentes variáveis, enquanto regressões lineares simples avaliam a força destas associações. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que uma maior percepção de valor dos produtos de saúde que exigem o uso de tecnologias big data (PV) está positivamente corelacionada com uma maior predisposição para a partilha de dados pessoais (WTS), bem como uma maior intenção para a aquisição deste tipo de produtos (WTB) e, finalmente, com uma positiva recomendação, tanto para a partilha de dados pessoais (WoM_sd) como para a compra de tais dispositivos (WoM_d). Finalmente, são criados três modelos de regressões lineares múltiplas. O primeiro modelo relaciona a dimensão de WTB com uma influência positiva de PV, WTS, WoM_d e WoM_sd. A segunda regressão testa a dimensão de WoM_d associada a PV, WTB e WTS. O terceiro modelo mostra que WoM_sd é explicado por PV, WTB e WTS. Estes três modelos estão em linha com as conclusões anteriormente obtidas no teste Qui-quadrado e nas regressões lineares simples

    Public–Private Partnerships : the case of a local Public-Private Partnership in Braga

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    This document describes a case of a Public-Private Partnership in a local city in Portugal. In the last years the governments of Portugal used in an intensive way this modality to do infrastructures of public interest and it’s known the financial consequences which many of those constructions brought to the state, mainly the highly value of costs associated with the constructions. But it isn’t just in the national governments that this type of contracts are being used, since the last years the local governments started to use this modality to do constructions that in the traditional way wasn’t possible because of the limit of borrowing that the municipalities are subject too. Because of the small dimension of these contracts, there aren’t a lot of studies about this because the information is very difficult to get. However, the studies in this area are very important, because if the contracts done by the local governments have the quality of those at a national level, we can have in hands a big issue since the financial consequences which could arise in the future for the population would increase and could be insupportable for some local governments and it should be needed to start to do renegotiations of the contracts to decrease the financial charges
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