1,410 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Tansformasional Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Pada Pt.bank Sulut (Kantor Pusat)

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    Empowerment of human resources in the company right will result in an increase thecompany's ability to obtain and retain the best people in the field. Utilization of human resourcesmanagement right can also motivate each individual to perform the work in accordance with companyobjectives. No matter how modern technology is used, or how much money it is prepared, but without ahuman resources professional it all becomes meaningless.This study aims to determine whether Transformational Leadership and OrganizationalCommitment to Achievement employees working at PT Bank Sulawesi (Central Office). This study used aquantitative approach. The main variable in this study is Transformational Leadership OrganizationalCommitment and Employee Job Performance.In this study population of 252 respondents PT. Bank of North Sulawesi with a sample of 45employees. From the results of the data obtained through questionnaires and calculated with SPSS 19using the multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression has obtained significant data. Afteranalyzing the correlation and regression methods were then tested with hypothesis testing, in this case thehypothesis testing using t-test testing. In testing the t test assumed in transformational leadershipvariable count T T able and accept H 1 when T count T table = 5.925> 1.682.The results of calculation between Transformational Leadership and Organizational CommitmentAgainst Employee Job Performance with regression analysis showed that the TransformationalLeadership and Organizational Commitment influential Against Employee Job Performance In NorthSulawesi PT Bank (Central Office)

    Muslim Diaspora in the West and International HRM

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    Interest in Islam and how Muslims organise themselves within the so-called Western world has largely stemmed from the flow of Muslim immigration since the 1960s and the 1970s (Loobuyck, Debeer, & Meier, 2013). Many of these immigrants have come to these new lands in the hope of making a better life for themselves economically, or to escape the political or religious pressures of their homeland (Lebl, 2014). Initially, deeming the influx of these foreigners to be largely irrelevant, there was little interest in their presence by the different governments across many jurisdictions. Typically, scant interest was shown towards entering into dialogue with the Muslim immigrant community. Indeed, until the 1990s, it was not uncommon for Islam to be perceived as a strange, foreign religion that was best managed through outsourcing to respective consulates (Loobuyck et al., 2013). Yet, migration and work-based mobility has a significant influence on the world of work and societies in which organisations are embedded. Many individuals migrate for better employment perspectives, as well as due to chain migration, betterment in the quality of life and based on fleeing famine, war and terror zones globally (Sharma & Reimer-Kirkham, 2015; Valiūnienė, 2016). Migration could involve upward as well as downward mobility/ wages, depending on the country and organisation. For example, minimum wages differ from € 184 in Bulgaria up to € 1923 in Luxembourg (Valiūnienė, 2016). Migration also contributes to the lived religion of diasporic communities as they navigate their faith at work (Sharma & Reimer-Kirkha

    A novel framework for integrating real-time optimization and optimal scheduling : Application to heat and power systems

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    The optimization of heat and power systems operation is a complex task that involves continuous and discrete variables, operating and environmental constraints, uncertain prices and demands and transition constraints for startups or shutdowns. This work proposes a novel methodology for integrating scheduling optimization and real-time optimization (RTO) in order to face and solve such optimization problem. In a first stage, an offline optimization finds a scheduling for the whole horizon under study, which sets the startups and shutdowns of pieces of equipment with long transition times. A second stage solves a multiperiod RTO, which corrects the forecasts and adapts the model before optimiz-ing the process. Although the proposed methodology is illustrated through a case study consisting in a heat and power system, it can be generalized to other systems and processes. The obtained results show significant improvements in comparison with applying the results of a single offline scheduling optimization.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Response of spinal myoclonus to a combination therapy of autogenic training and biofeedback

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Clinical evidence indicates that certain types of movement disorders are due to psychosomatic factors. Patients with myoclonic movements are usually treated by a variety of therapeutic agents. Autogenic training (AT), a recognized form of psychosomatic therapies, is suitable for certain types of neurological diseases. We describe a patient with myoclonus who failed to respond to conventional medical therapy. His symptoms were exaggerated by psychogenic factors, especially anger.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 42-year-old man was admitted to our hospital, Preventive Welfare Clinic, for severe paroxysmal axial myoclonus of the left shoulder and abdominal muscles. The initial diagnosis was "combination of spinal segmental myoclonus and propriospinal myoclonus". The myoclonic movements did not occur during sleep but were aggravated by bathing, alcohol drinking, and anger. Psychological examination indicated hostile attribution. Although considered not to be a case of psychogenic myoclonus, a "<it>psychogenic factor</it>" was definitely involved in the induction of the organic myoclonus. The final diagnosis was "combination of spinal segmental myoclonus and propriospinal myoclonus accompanied by features of psychosomatic disorders". The patient underwent psychosomatic therapy including AT and surface electromyography (EMG)-biofeedback therapy and treatment with clonazepam and carbamazepine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AT and EMG-biofeedback resulted in shortening the duration and reducing the amplitude and frequency of the myoclonic discharges.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Psychosomatic therapy with AT and surface EMG-biofeedback produced excellent improvement of myoclonic movements and allowed the reduction of the dosage of conventional medications.</p

    Ácido indolbutírico, estiolamento de ramos e ferimento na base, no enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de caramboleira.

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    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a influência do estiolamento, técnica de incisão na base da estaca e aplicação do ácido indolbutírico (AIB) no enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de caramboleira.Suplemento. Edição dos Resumos do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Fisiologia Vegetal, Gramado, set. 2007

    A novel framework for integrating real-time optimization and optimal scheduling : Application to heat and power systems

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    The optimization of heat and power systems operation is a complex task that involves continuous and discrete variables, operating and environmental constraints, uncertain prices and demands and transition constraints for startups or shutdowns. This work proposes a novel methodology for integrating scheduling optimization and real-time optimization (RTO) in order to face and solve such optimization problem. In a first stage, an offline optimization finds a scheduling for the whole horizon under study, which sets the startups and shutdowns of pieces of equipment with long transition times. A second stage solves a multiperiod RTO, which corrects the forecasts and adapts the model before optimiz-ing the process. Although the proposed methodology is illustrated through a case study consisting in a heat and power system, it can be generalized to other systems and processes. The obtained results show significant improvements in comparison with applying the results of a single offline scheduling optimization.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    The impact of social motivation on cooperative learning and assessment preferences

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    This study explores the assessment preferences of 453 postgraduate business students in New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand using a survey linking motivational and educational preferences. This study compares the needs of Western students (Australian and New Zealand), Asian (Thai) and international students (predominantly Chinese and Indian students) in Australia and New Zealand (ANZAC). One major finding is that students from these three countries who are socially motivated prefer 'cooperative learning'. Further, the study specifically shows that students from Thailand are more socially motivated than students from Australia and New Zealand (ANZAC) while International ANZAC students have the greatest desire for cooperative learning. It also shows that group assessment poses quite significant challenges for local ANZAC students and therefore, remedial intervention from universities is essential if group assessments are to remain relevant and useful in achieving meaningful teaching and learning outcomes. © 2011 eContent Management

    Estiolamento, incisão na base da estaca e uso do ácido indolbutírico na propagação da caramboleira por estacas lenhosas.

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    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito do estiolamento, da incisão na base da estaca e do tratamento com ácidoindolbutírico (AIB) no enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de caramboleira. As estacas foram padronizadas com um par de folhasinteiras e 12 cm de comprimento