821 research outputs found

    Disfuncionalidades en la regulación de los recursos hídricos en Mendoza (Argentina)

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    Mendoza es una provincia con un intenso aprovechamiento de las aguas mediante un modelo productivo estructurado mediante sistemas de oasis irrigados. El agua subterránea ha jugado un rol vital para expandir la frontera agrícola y mitigar los efectos nocivos en períodos de escasez. El aprovechamiento de las aguas en diversos usos está caracterizado por conflictos de intereses y disfuncionalidades que producen consecuencias contrarias al funcionamiento de un determinado sistema social. A partir de un análisis centrado en el acceso al recurso hídrico frente a los recientes balances hídricos aprobados por la Autoridad Hídrica Provincial, el trabajo problematiza sobre cómo los instrumentos de orden regulatorios en ocasiones se disocian entre sí, generando tensiones en la eficacia y eficiencia normativa. Las conclusiones brindan elementos de juicios para compatibilizar y adecuar los instrumentos de regulación vigentes, y así evitar graves distorsiones de difícil solución en la gestión hídrica.Mendoza is a province with an intense use of water through a productive model structured by irrigated oasis systems. Groundwater has played a vital role in expanding the agricultural frontier and alleviating harmful effects in times of scarcity. The use of water in various uses is characterized by conflicts of interest and dysfunctionalities that produce consequences contrary to the functioning of a given social system. Based on an analysis focused on access to water resources in the face of recent water balances approved by the Provincial Water Authority, the paper analyzes how the regulatory instruments sometimes dissociate from each other, creating tensions in efficiency and normative efficiency . The conclusions provide elements of judgments to reconcile and adapt the existing regulatory instruments, and thus avoid serious distortions that are difficult to solve in water management.Fil: Pinto, Mauricio E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.Fil: Buccheri, Mauricio J.. Instituto Nacional del Agua. Centro de Economía, Legislación y Administración del Agua

    Water permits and concessions for irrigation in Argentina. Status quaestionis and trends in comparative perspective

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    The article analyzes permits and concession granting water rights for irrigation in the various provincial legal frameworks of Argentina. The study was structured in the light of four dimensions concerning the conditions for the access and subsistence of water rights for irrigation granted by permits and concessions; 1) ownership of the property to be irrigated; 2) the term; 3) rights forfeiture for the lack of use; and 4) the water right attachment to the property. From a comparative analysis of the regulation some trends and findings arise. Highlights Most of the provinces provide for granting the water right to person other than the landowner, showing a trend towards flexibility in this variable. Establishing reasonable terms to water rights is valued as very positive or positive, while excessive terms –long or short- are considered negative very negative. Short term forfeiture for lack of use entails a strong promotion of production, something that prevent from keeping idle flows of water and speculation. Appurtenance is considered a positive element, but it is more positive when developed together with mechanisms that allow flexibility so as to allow authorities to assess due rights reallocation.The article analyzes permits and concession granting water rights for irrigation in the various provincial legal frameworks of Argentina. The study was structured in the light of four dimensions concerning the conditions for the access and subsistence of water rights for irrigation granted by permits and concessions; 1) ownership of the property to be irrigated; 2) the term; 3) rights forfeiture for the lack of use; and 4) the water right attachment to the property. From a comparative analysis of the regulation some trends and findings arise. Highlights Most of the provinces provide for granting the water right to person other than the landowner, showing a trend towards flexibility in this variable. Establishing reasonable terms to water rights is valued as very positive or positive, while excessive terms –long or short- are considered negative very negative. Short term forfeiture for lack of use entails a strong promotion of production, something that prevent from keeping idle flows of water and speculation. Appurtenance is considered a positive element, but it is more positive when developed together with mechanisms that allow flexibility so as to allow authorities to assess due rights reallocation

    Impact of Sanitary and Technical Measures on Brazilian Exports of Poultry Meat

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    The major objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of technical and sanitary measures introduced by the main world importers upon Brazilian poultry meat in the international market. The impact of the measures is estimated using a gravity model constructed with disaggregated data about bilateral poultry meat between Brazil and its major trade partners for the period from 1996 to 2009. The gravity model is estimated with a fixed effects model and the results indicate that the impact of TBT and SPS measures upon Brazilian poultry meat exports is ambiguous. The results indicated that the existence of technical and sanitary regulations related to labelling might be stimulating trade of this product, while the presence regulations related to compliance appears to reduce the volume of Brazilian exports of poultry meat. In addition, the existence of prohibitive (and/or subject to quarantine) technical and sanitary measures may present a positive impact upon the traded volume of Brazilian exports of poultry meat. This result is relevant since it indicates the importance in considering different characteristics and content of regulations to analyse the impacts of TBT and SPS measures upon trade.Technical and Sanitary measure, Poultry meat, Gravity equation, International Relations/Trade,

    The integration of land management and environmental instruments : the requirement of a regulatory coordination

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    La gestión pública del ambiente y del territorio en Argentina, y en particular en la Provincia de Mendoza, presenta regulaciones jurídicas sectoriales con diversos puntos de conexión, con instituciones y procedimientos legislados desde ambas especialidades en base a marcos conceptuales y herramientas provenientes de distintos enfoques paradigmáticos. Se procura un análisis comparativo entre ambos regímenes, atendiendo a la posibilidad de una coordinación reglamentaria que integre las instituciones propias de cada una de dichas especialidades en un sistema armónico que potencie la consecución del interés general.Environment and land public management in Argentina, and, particularly, in the Province of Mendoza, shows sectorial legal regulations with various connection points with institutions and legislated procedures from both specialties, based on conceptual frameworks and tools from different paradigmatic approaches. A comparative analyses between the two regimes is sought, responding to the possibility of a regulatory coordination, integrating their own institutions of each of these specialties in a harmonious system that enhances the achievement of the general interest.Fil: Pinto, Mauricio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agraria

    PPA y tasa de cambio: una evaluación para Colombia y países de la región frente a las crisis financieras

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    En este trabajo se evaluó un modelo de tasa de cambio de equilibrio con capital (CHEER) que considera de manera conjunta la teoría del poder adquisitivo y la paridad de tasa de interés, los países seleccionados fueron Brasil, Colombia, México, Perú y como país extranjero Estados Unidos, adicionalmente se hizo un énfasis especial en el caso Colombiano. Se consideraron las series de la tasa de cambio, la tasa de interés y el índice de precio al consumidor IPC entre febrero de 1999 a diciembre de 2014, en este periodo los países analizados contaban con un régimen de tasa de cambio flexible. Se utilizó un modelo de corrección de errores (VECM) y se consideró una variable adicional para medir el impacto de la crisis financiera del 2008. Los resultados respaldan la existencia de una relación de largo plazo entre las variables seleccionadas para todos los países a excepción de Perú.Abstract This paper test a capital enhance equilibrium exchange rate model (CHEER) that considers the purchasing power parity and the interest rate parity simultaneously; Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru were selected, United States was the foreign country, additionally a special review on the Colombian case was made. The exchange rate, interest rate and consumer price index where used in the period between February 1999 and December 2014, during which all countries have a floating exchange rate regime. A vector error-correction models (VECM) was estimated and an additional variable for analyze the impact of 2008 financial crisis was included. The results support the existence of a relation in the long run among the variables selected except for the case of Peru.Maestrí

    Analysis of the Potrerillos Fund experience and its possible extension to other areasunder irrigation in Mendoza : economic-financial, legal, environmental and territorial development aspects

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    La presente investigación propone un estudio interdisciplinario de los mecanismos financieros para la realización de obras hídricas, con el objetivo de determinar las condiciones económicas y jurídicas de funcionamiento óptimo del denominado "Fondo Potrerillos" que rige en la cuenca del río Mendoza, con análisis de sus aspectos ambientales y territoriales, y determinación y diseño de un régimen de aplicación que permita extender sus beneficios a otras áreas de oasis en las que aún no se aplica. Metodológicamente se basa en una estrategia mixta (cuantitativa/cualitativa) para elaborar una teoría económica explicativa de la realidad existente, y a partir de ella proponer políticas públicas de desarrollo con los respectivos diseños normativos. Como resultado principal se pretende realizar un aporte al conocimiento de las condiciones de funcionamiento actual y potencial de las referidas instituciones, incluyendo una propuesta de implementación en el sistema de riego de Gualtallary.The present investigation proposes an interdisciplinary study of the financial mechanisms for the realization of water works, with the objective of determining the economic and legal conditions of optimal functioning of the so-called "Potrerillos Fund" that governs the Mendoza river basin, with analysis of its environmental and territorial aspects, and determination and design of an application regime that allows extending its benefits to other areas of oases in which it has not yet been applied. Methodologically it is based on a mixed strategy (quantitative / qualitative) to elaborate an explanatory economic theory of the existing reality, and from it to propose public policies of development with the respective normative designs. The main result is to make a contribution to the knowledge of the current and potential operating conditions of the aforementioned institutions, including a proposal for implementation in the irrigation system of Gualtallary

    Los dominios originario e indígena

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    La reforma constitucional de 1994 incorporó distintas alteraciones al texto vigente, abordando desde novedosas ópticas la materia dominial. En concreto, refiere expresamente al dominio originario de los recursos naturales (art.124), y a la "propiedad comunitaria" indígena (art. 75 inc. 17). El presente trabajo procurará desentañar el contenido de estos "nuevos" dominios a partir de la génesis de ambos institutos y su evolución hasta el derecho constitucional vigente. Ello nos exigirá analizar la cuna de tales institutos y su desarrollo mediante las instituciones propietarias de cada época mediante figuras contrastables con las correspondientes a los regímenes civiles, mineros, y con el dominio público. La problemática que se pretende dilucidar, no es otra que la delimitación del contenido de tales configuraciones normativas, en el concepto de que, aunque novedosas en el derecho constitucional positivo, tal contenido es determinado por su configuración normativa histórica.Fil: Pinto, Mauricio

    Heterogeneity Index of Trade and Actual Heterogeneity Index – the case of maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pesticides

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    Non-tariff measures (NTMs) beyond traditional trade policy instruments define the requirements that importing countries imposed on foreign products. Due to differences across countries, requirements for supplying foreign markets can lead to trade costs and thus hamper international trade. In this paper, we introduce two regulatory heterogeneity indexes which are subsequently applied to the case maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides. The Heterogeneity Index of Trade (HIT) reflects the respective differences across countries based on the assumption that the mere fact of difference in requirements causes trade costs. Taking the HIT index as a starting point, the Actual Heterogeneity Index (AHI) specially considers the situation where the requirements demanded by the importing country are stricter than those of the exporting country. The focuses is on the pesticide MRLs that the EU27 and 10 trade partner countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Russia and the US) apply on a set of agri-food products (cheese, beef, pig meat, potatoes, tomatoes, apples and pears, aubergines, peppers, maize, barley and rape seed). In particular, we take the EU export perspective as the benchmark for the comparison and calculate the indexes. The indexes identify if the respective MRLs are similar or dissimilar, equal, stricter or more lenient, and the results of our analysis thus point out potential areas for negotiating equivalence or other strategies in order to overcome the possible trade-restricting impact of diverging MRLs.Non-tariff measures (NTMs), maximum residue levels (MRLs), regulatory heterogeneity index, agri-food trade, index analysis, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,