284 research outputs found

    CODEX-CT-1 experiment: Quenching of fuel bundle after long term oxidation in hydrogen rich steam KFKI-2008-01/G

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    The cleaning tank incident at the unit 2 of Paks NPP in 2003 resulted in severe fuel damage of 30 assemblies. The fuel rods heated up due to insufficient cooling and the zirconium components suffered heavy oxidation. Opening of the tank and quenching of the assemblies by cold water led to fragmentation of brittle zirconium components. Due to the poor instrumentation there were many open questions concerning the course of the incident and the behaviour of fuel assemblies. In order to improve the understanding of the phenomena that took place during the Paks-2 incident integral tests have been carried out in the CODEX (Core Degradation Experiment) facility. The tests simulated the whole scenario of the incident using electrically heated fuel rods. The final state of the fuel rods showed many similarities with the conditions observed after the incident at the NPP and for this reason it is very probable that the thermal conditions and chemical reactions were also similar in the tests and in the incident. The post-test examination of CODEX-CT-1 bundle indicated that the high degree of embrittlement was a common result of oxidation and hydrogen uptake by the Zr components

    CODEX-CT-2 experiment: Long term treatment in high temperature hydrogen and water quenching of a fuel bundle KFKI-2008-02/G

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    The simulation of the Paks-2 incident was carried out in the frame of an experimental programme in the CODEX facility with electrically heated fuel rod bundles. The main boundary conditions for the CODEX-CT-2 were similar to the previous CODEX-CT-1 test. The most significant difference between the two tests was the operation of the air let down valve that was open in the first test and closed in the second one. In the second test the hydrogen produced in the Zr-steam reaction could not escape from the test section and it prevented the access of steam to the Zr surfaces and caused much less oxidation than was observed in the first tests. The final quench by water led to temperature excursion in the bundle and in the shroud. The final state of the bundle was very brittle, the fuel rods and the shroud were cracked and fragmented

    Extracellular deposition of matrilin-2 controls the timing of the myogenic program during muscle regeneration.

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    Here, we identify a role for the matrilin-2 (Matn2) extracellular matrix protein in controlling the early stages of myogenic differentiation. We observed Matn2 deposition around proliferating, differentiating and fusing myoblasts in culture and during muscle regeneration in vivo. Silencing of Matn2 delayed the expression of the Cdk inhibitor p21 and of the myogenic genes Nfix, MyoD and Myog, explaining the retarded cell cycle exit and myoblast differentiation. Rescue of Matn2 expression restored differentiation and the expression of p21 and of the myogenic genes. TGF-β1 inhibited myogenic differentiation at least in part by repressing Matn2 expression, which inhibited the onset of a positive-feedback loop whereby Matn2 and Nfix activate the expression of one another and activate myoblast differentiation. In vivo, myoblast cell cycle arrest and muscle regeneration was delayed in Matn2(-/-) relative to wild-type mice. The expression levels of Trf3 and myogenic genes were robustly reduced in Matn2(-/-) fetal limbs and in differentiating primary myoblast cultures, establishing Matn2 as a key modulator of the regulatory cascade that initiates terminal myogenic differentiation. Our data thus identify Matn2 as a crucial component of a genetic switch that modulates the onset of tissue repair

    Terrestrial ecosystem process model Biome-BGCMuSo v4.0: summary of improvements and new modeling possibilities

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    The process-based biogeochemical model Biome- BGC was enhanced to improve its ability to simulate carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles of various terrestrial ecosystems under contrasting management activities. Biome-BGC version 4.1.1 was used as a base model. Improvements included addition of new modules such as the multilayer soil module, implementation of processes related to soil moisture and nitrogen balance, soil-moisture-related plant senescence, and phenological development. Vegetation management modules with annually varying options were also implemented to simulate management practices of grasslands (mowing, grazing), croplands (ploughing, fertilizer application, planting, harvesting), and forests (thinning). New carbon and nitrogen pools have been defined to simulate yield and soft stem development of herbaceous ecosystems. The model version containing all developments is referred to as Biome-BGCMuSo (Biome-BGC with multilayer soil module; in this paper, Biome-BGCMuSo v4.0 is documented). Case studies on a managed forest, cropland, and grassland are presented to demonstrate the effect of model developments on the simulation of plant growth as well as on carbon and water balance

    The effect of COVID-19 vaccination status on all-cause mortality in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Hungary during the delta wave of the pandemic

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    The high mortality of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is effectively reduced by vaccination. However, the effect of vaccination on mortality among hospitalised patients is under-researched. Thus, we investigated the effect of a full primary or an additional booster vaccination on in-hospital mortality among patients hospitalised with COVID-19 during the delta wave of the pandemic. This retrospective cohort included all patients (n = 430) admitted with COVID-19 at Semmelweis University Department of Medicine and Oncology in 01/OCT/2021–15/DEC/2021. Logistic regression models were built with COVID-19-associated in-hospital/30 day-mortality as outcome with hierarchical entry of predictors of vaccination, vaccination status, measures of disease severity, and chronic comorbidities. Deceased COVID-19 patients were older and presented more frequently with cardiac complications, chronic kidney disease, and active malignancy, as well as higher levels of inflammatory markers, serum creatinine, and lower albumin compared to surviving patients (all p < 0.05). However, the rates of vaccination were similar (52–55%) in both groups. Based on the fully adjusted model, there was a linear decrease of mortality from no/incomplete vaccination (ref) through full primary (OR 0.69, 95% CI: 0.39–1.23) to booster vaccination (OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.13–0.72, p = 0.006). Although unadjusted mortality was similar among vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, this was explained by differences in comorbidities and disease severity. In adjusted models, a full primary and especially a booster vaccination improved survival of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 during the delta wave of the pandemic. Our findings may improve the quality of patient provider discussions at the time of admission

    Magneto-acoustic waves in a gravitationally stratified magnetized plasma: eigen-solutions and their applications to the solar atmosphere

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    Magneto-acoustic gravity (MAG) waves have been studied intensively in the context of astrophysical plasmas. There are three popular choices of analytic modeling using a Cartesian coordinate system: a magnetic field parallel, perpendicular, or at an angle to the gravitational field. Here, we study a gravitationally stratified plasma embedded in a parallel, so called vertical, magnetic field. We find a governing equation for the auxiliary quantity Θ = p 1/ρ 0, and find solutions in terms of hypergeometric functions. With the convenient relationship between Θ and the vertical velocity component, v z , we derive the solution for v z . We show that the four linearly independent functions for v z can also be cast as single hypergeometric functions, rather than the Frobenius series derived by Leroy & Schwartz. We are then able to analyze a case of approximation for a one-layer solution, taking the small wavelength limit. Motivated by solar atmospheric applications, we finally commence study of the eigenmodes of perturbations for a two-layer model using our solutions, solving the dispersion relation numerically. We show that, for a transition between a photospheric and chromospheric plasma embedded in a vertical magnetic field, modes exist that are between the observationally widely investigated three and five minute oscillation periods, interpreted as solar global oscillations in the lower solar atmosphere. It is also shown that, when the density contrast between the layers is large (e.g., applied to photosphere/chromosphere-corona), the global eigenmodes are practically a superposition of the same as in each of the separate one-layer systems