9,759 research outputs found

    Renormalization group improvement of the spectrum of Hydrogen-like atoms with massless fermions

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    We obtain the next-to-next-to-leading-log renormalization group improvement of the spectrum of Hydrogen-like atoms with massless fermions by using potential NRQED. These results can also be applied to the computation of the muonic Hydrogen spectrum where we are able to reproduce some known double logs at O(m\alpha^6). We compare with other formalisms dealing with log resummation available in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX. Minor changes, note added, final versio

    A trivial observation on time reversal in random matrix theory

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    It is commonly thought that a state-dependent quantity, after being averaged over a classical ensemble of random Hamiltonians, will always become independent of the state. We point out that this is in general incorrect: if the ensemble of Hamiltonians is time reversal invariant, and the quantity involves the state in higher than bilinear order, then we show that the quantity is only a constant over the orbits of the invariance group on the Hilbert space. Examples include fidelity and decoherence in appropriate models.Comment: 7 pages 3 figure

    Striations in the Taurus molecular cloud: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability or MHD waves?

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    The origin of striations aligned along the local magnetic field direction in the translucent envelope of the Taurus molecular cloud is examined with new observations of 12CO and 13CO J=2-1 emission obtained with the 10~m submillimeter telescope of the Arizona Radio Observatory. These data identify a periodic pattern of excess blue and redshifted emission that is responsible for the striations. For both 12CO and 13CO, spatial variations of the J=2-1 to J=1-0 line ratio are small and are not spatially correlated with the striation locations. A medium comprised of unresolved CO emitting substructures (cells) with a beam area filling factor less than unity at any velocity is required to explain the average line ratios and brightness temperatures. We propose that the striations result from the modulation of velocities and the beam filling factor of the cells as a result of either the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability or magnetosonic waves propagating through the envelope of the Taurus molecular cloud. Both processes are likely common features in molecular clouds that are sub-Alfvenic and may explain low column density, cirrus-like features similarly aligned with the magnetic field observed throughout the interstellar medium in far-infrared surveys of dust emission.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraints on Regge models from perturbation theory

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    We study the constraints that the operator product expansion imposes on large NcN_c inspired QCD models for current-current correlators. We focus on the constraints obtained by going beyond the leading-order parton computation. We explicitly show that, assumed a given mass spectrum: linear Regge behavior in nn (the principal quantum number) plus corrections in 1/n1/n, we can obtain the logarithmic (and constant) behavior in nn of the decay constants within a systematic expansion in 1/n1/n. Our example shows that it is possible to have different large nn behavior for the vector and pseudo-vector mass spectrum and yet comply with all the constraints from the operator product expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; two references added, numerical analysis extended, main conclusions unchange

    The role of noise and initial conditions in the asymptotic solution of a bounded confidence, continuous-opinion model

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    We study a model for continuous-opinion dynamics under bounded confidence. In particular, we analyze the importance of the initial distribution of opinions in determining the asymptotic configuration. Thus, we sketch the structure of attractors of the dynamical system, by means of the numerical computation of the time evolution of the agents density. We show that, for a given bound of confidence, a consensus can be encouraged or prevented by certain initial conditions. Furthermore, a noisy perturbation is added to the system with the purpose of modeling the free will of the agents. As a consequence, the importance of the initial condition is partially replaced by that of the statistical distribution of the noise. Nevertheless, we still find evidence of the influence of the initial state upon the final configuration for a short range of the bound of confidence parameter

    Effective field theories for heavy quarkonium

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    We review recent theoretical developments in heavy quarkonium physics from the point of view of Effective Field Theories of QCD. We discuss Non-Relativistic QCD and concentrate on potential Non-Relativistic QCD. Our main goal will be to derive QCD Schr\"odinger-like equations that govern the heavy quarkonium physics in the weak and strong coupling regime. We also discuss a selected set of applications, which include spectroscopy, inclusive decays and electromagnetic threshold production.Comment: 162 pages, 30 figures, revised version, references added. Accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Noisy continuous--opinion dynamics

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    We study the Deffuant et al. model for continuous--opinion dynamics under the influence of noise. In the original version of this model, individuals meet in random pairwise encounters after which they compromise or not depending of a confidence parameter. Free will is introduced in the form of noisy perturbations: individuals are given the opportunity to change their opinion, with a given probability, to a randomly selected opinion inside the whole opinion space. We derive the master equation of this process. One of the main effects of noise is to induce an order-disorder transition. In the disordered state the opinion distribution tends to be uniform, while for the ordered state a set of well defined opinion groups are formed, although with some opinion spread inside them. Using a linear stability analysis we can derive approximate conditions for the transition between opinion groups and the disordered state. The master equation analysis is compared with direct Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the master equation and the Monte-Carlo simulations do not always agree due to finite-size induced fluctuations that we analyze in some detail

    Ultrasoft NLL Running of the Nonrelativistic O(v) QCD Quark Potential

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    Using the nonrelativistic effective field theory vNRQCD, we determine the contribution to the next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) running of the effective quark-antiquark potential at order v (1/mk) from diagrams with one potential and two ultrasoft loops, v being the velocity of the quarks in the c.m. frame. The results are numerically important and complete the description of ultrasoft next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) order effects in heavy quark pair production and annihilation close to threshold.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; minor modifications, typos corrected, references added, footnote adde

    Quantum Electrodynamics of the Helium Atom

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    Using singlet S states of the helium atom as an example, I describe precise calculation of energy levels in few-electron atoms. In particular, a complete set of effective operators is derived which generates O(m*alpha^6) relativistic and radiative corrections to the Schr"odinger energy. Average values of these operators can be calculated using a variational Schr"odinger wave function.Comment: 23 pages, revte
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