236 research outputs found

    Control of the textural properties of nanocrystalline boehmite (Îł-AlOOH) regarding its peptization ability

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    Kneading-extrusion is a key shaping process, especially used to prepare extrudates for catalytic applications. It usually involves several successive steps, mainly used to control textural properties such as pore diameter and pore volume of Îł-alumina catalyst supports. The ability to successfully tune these properties is highly dependent on the boehmite precursor features. This work aims at understanding the influence of the peptization and neutralization steps on the textural properties of boehmite exhibiting similar crystallite size and shape but different peptization abilities. Three kinds of boehmite (low, medium and high peptization ability) obtained either by precipitation or by alkoxide hydrolysis were subjected to a peptization and neutralization steps in order to simulate the full shaping process of kneading extrusion. After peptization and neutralization, no significant changes were found in crystallite shape and size, but only in their spatial arrangement. For the boehmite exhibiting the lowest peptization ability, the particle packing seems to be frozen and no modifications result from peptization or neutralization. However for boehmite with the medium peptization ability, obtained by precipitation from the same precursors as the low peptizable sample, the particles were initially poorly organised and their spatial packing was very affected by the peptization and neutralization phases, giving a narrower pore size distribution than the synthesized powder. Though the third boehmite, obtained by alkoxide hydrolysis, was fully peptizable, this does not allow tailoring the textural properties, whatever the phase of the shaping process. Finally the partially peptizable boehmite seems to be the most versatile starting material for the control of the textural properties

    Comparaison de deux methodes de volumes finis en electromagnetisme

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    Nous présentons dans ce rapport une comparaison de deux méthodes de volumes finis dans le domaine temporel appliquées à la résolution des équations de Maxwell. Les deux formulations diffèrent essentiellement dans la définition des volumes finis en maillages non structurés qui sont soit centrés aux noeuds ou bien centrés sur les éléments. Deux types de gradients sont également étudiés pour la deuxième formulation et diverses expériences numériques bidimensionnelles sont présentées afin de valider et comparer les différentes approches proposées

    Tackling scalability issues in mining path patterns from knowledge graphs: a preliminary study

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    Features mined from knowledge graphs are widely used within multiple knowledge discovery tasks such as classification or fact-checking. Here, we consider a given set of vertices, called seed vertices, and focus on mining their associated neighboring vertices, paths, and, more generally, path patterns that involve classes of ontologies linked with knowledge graphs. Due to the combinatorial nature and the increasing size of real-world knowledge graphs, the task of mining these patterns immediately entails scalability issues. In this paper, we address these issues by proposing a pattern mining approach that relies on a set of constraints (e.g., support or degree thresholds) and the monotonicity property. As our motivation comes from the mining of real-world knowledge graphs, we illustrate our approach with PGxLOD, a biomedical knowledge graph

    TORC1 coordinates the conversion of Sic1 from a target to an inhibitor of cyclin-CDK-Cks1

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    Eukaryotic cell cycle progression through G1–S is driven by hormonal and growth- related signals that are transmitted by the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) pathway. In yeast, inactivation of TORC1 restricts G1–S transition due to the rapid clearance of G1 cyclins (Cln) and the stabilization of the B-type cyclin (Clb) cyclin- dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor Sic1. The latter mechanism remains mysterious but requires the phosphorylation of Sic1-Thr173 by Mpk1 and inactivation of the Sic1- pThr173-targeting phosphatase (PP2ACdc55) through greatwall kinase-activated endosulfines. Here we show that the Sic1-pThr173 residue serves as a specific docking site for the CDK phospho-acceptor subunit Cks1 that sequesters, together with a C-terminal Clb5-binding motif in Sic1, Clb5-CDK-Cks1 complexes, thereby preventing them from flagging Sic1 for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. Interestingly, this functional switch of Sic1 from a target to an inhibitor of cyclin-CDK-Cks1 also operates in proliferating cells and is coordinated by the greatwall kinase, which responds to both Cln-CDK-dependent cell-cycle and TORC1-mediated nutritional cues

    Feasibility and Reliability of Four Pain Self-Assessment Scales and Correlation With an Observational Rating Scale in Hospitalized Elderly Demented Patients

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    Background. Acute and chronic pain is common in hospitalized demented elderly people, yet there are limited data about the performance of pain assessment tools in this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of four pain self-assessment scales in this population and compare their performance to an observational pain rating scale. Methods. Our prospective clinical study was conducted in an acute-care and intermediate-care geriatric hospital on 160 consecutive inpatient referrals to the dementia consultation who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria for dementia. Exclusion criteria were delirium, terminal care, and severe sensory impairment. Four unidimensional self-assessment tools—the verbal, horizontal visual, vertical visual, and faces pain scales—were administered in randomized order to mild, moderate, and severely demented patients. An observational pain rating scale was independently completed by the nursing team. Results. Only 12% of the 160 patients (mean age 85 years, 71% women) understood no scale. Respectively, 97%, 90%, and 40% of patients with mild, moderate, and severe dementia understood at least one scale (p <.05). There was a nonsignificant trend toward poorer comprehension of the faces scale. Test-retest reliability was high for all four self-assessment scales, and the correlation between these scales was very strong (Spearman's rs = 0.81-0.95; p <.001). Observational rating correlated moderately with self-assessment and tended to underestimate pain intensity (rs = 0.31-0.40; p <.05). Conclusions. Self-assessment pain scales can be used reliably in the vast majority of older hospitalized patients with mild to moderate dementia and in nearly half of those with severe dementia. Observational pain rating scales correlate only moderately with self-assessment and should be reserved for those few patients who have demonstrated that they cannot complete a self-assessmen

    Photophysical processes and photochemical reactions involved in poly (N-vinylcarbazole) and in copolymers with carbazole units.

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    LPMM UMR CNRS-UBP 6505 Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand (63) et StateUniversity of Moldova Kishinev (Moldavie).This paper is devoted to the analysis of the photochemical behaviour of copolymers with carbazole units exposed to long-wavelength radiation. These copolymers are constitued of two types of carbazolylethyl methracrylate units (CEM) with octyl methacrylate moieties (OMA). The exposure of copolymers and PVK to UV light results in dramatic modifications of the physical and photophysical properties of the polymer. These modifications can be correlated with modifications of the chemical structure of the matrix. The photoageing of copolymers and PVK has been analysed by fluorescence, ESR, UV-vis and infrared spectroscopies. The effects of crosslinking and chain scissions were determined by gel fraction measurements and size exclusion chromotography

    Modification des conditions de maturation du raisin en Bourgogne viticole liée au réchauffement climatique

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    Les répercussions du changement climatique, en particulier celles qui sont liées à l’augmentation des températures, s’observent dans de nombreux vignobles dans le monde. En Bourgogne, depuis 20 ans, cette évolution thermique modifie les conditions de la maturation, moment-clef pour la typicité du vin et sa signature terroir-millésime. Après une étude de l’évolution des températures en Bourgogne montrant en particulier une rupture en 1987-1988, une analyse comparée des conséquences phénologiques, à partir des données thermiques et des dates des stades de développement, est proposée pour deux sites côte-d’oriens en Côte et en Hautes-Côtes de Beaune (Savigny-lès-Beaune et La Rochepot). Les résultats montrent un transfert latitudinal et altitudinal des températures et des indices viticoles sur 20-30 ans, ainsi qu’un « double effet » du réchauffement climatique lors de la maturation, lié à l’augmentation des températures et au décalage temporel de cette période, qui se place de plus en plus souvent en août.Impacts of climate change such as those related to global warming, are observed in many vineyards in France and as in other vineyards in the world. In Burgundy, since 20 years, this evolution of the temperatures changes the maturation conditions, key time for "typicité" and signature of "terroir-millésime". After a study of the changes in Burgundy temperatures (which shows a thermal rupture in 1987-1988), a comparative analysis of the phenologic consequences is performed using thermal data and development dates for two vineyard sites in Côte and Hautes-Côtes de Beaune (Savigny-lès-Beaune et La Rochepot). The results show a latitudinal and vertical transfer of the temperatures and vine’s indexes over a 20-30 year period as well as a double effect of climate warming in the maturation stage attributed to the increase in temperatures and the time shift of this period (which occurs most often in August)

    A large new subset of TRIM genes highly diversified by duplication and positive selection in teleost fish

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In mammals, the members of the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family are involved in various cellular processes including innate immunity against viral infection. Viruses exert strong selective pressures on the defense system. Accordingly, antiviral TRIMs have diversified highly through gene expansion, positive selection and alternative splicing. Characterizing immune TRIMs in other vertebrates may enlighten their complex evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe here a large new subfamily of TRIMs in teleosts, called finTRIMs, identified in rainbow trout as virus-induced transcripts. FinTRIMs are formed of nearly identical RING/B-box regions and C-termini of variable length; the long variants include a B30.2 domain. The zebrafish genome harbors a striking diversity of finTRIMs, with 84 genes distributed in clusters on different chromosomes. A phylogenetic analysis revealed different subsets suggesting lineage-specific diversification events. Accordingly, the number of <it>fintrim </it>genes varies greatly among fish species. Conserved syntenies were observed only for the oldest <it>fintrims</it>. The closest mammalian relatives are <it>trim16 </it>and <it>trim25</it>, but they are not true orthologs. The B30.2 domain of zebrafish finTRIMs evolved under strong positive selection. The positions under positive selection are remarkably congruent in finTRIMs and in mammalian antiviral TRIM5α, concentrated within a viral recognition motif in mammals. The B30.2 domains most closely related to finTRIM are found among NOD-like receptors (NLR), indicating that the evolution of TRIMs and NLRs was intertwined by exon shuffling.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The diversity, evolution, and features of finTRIMs suggest an important role in fish innate immunity; this would make them the first TRIMs involved in immunity identified outside mammals.</p

    The impact of nanocrystallite size and shape on phase transformation: Application to the boehmite/alumina transformation

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    The thermal activation of oxyhydroxides is a key industrial process in preparing oxide materials. When dealing with nanoparticles, the phase transition properties are drastically modified. By preparing size- and shape-controlled boehmite nanoparticles, we demonstrate that the transformation temperature into γ-alumina is significantly altered. Rhombus crystallites were obtained from boehmite precipitated at basic pH, whereas crystallites precipitated at pH 4.5 were hexagonal. For the same crystallite size (ca. 4.5 nm), the transition temperature of the hexagonal crystallites was 315 °C whereas that of the rhombus ones was only 270 °C. A thermodynamic model was developed to rationalize these observations: the transition temperature results from a compromise between the crystallite size and the ratio of the lateral and basal surfaces. Consequently, the as-determined kinetic data could be a powerful tool for developing new efficient calcination processes and optimizing alumina properties

    TORC1 regulates Pah1 phosphatidate phosphatase activity via the Nem1/Spo7 protein phosphatase complex

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    The evolutionarily conserved target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) controls growth-related processes such as protein, nucleotide, and lipid metabolism in response to growth hormones, energy/ATP levels, and amino acids. Its deregulation is associated with cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Among other substrates, mammalian TORC1 directly phosphorylates and inhibits the phosphatidate phosphatase lipin-1, a central enzyme in lipid metabolism that provides diacylglycerol for the synthesis of membrane phospholipids and/or triacylglycerol as neutral lipid reserve. Here, we show that yeast TORC1 inhibits the function of the respective lipin, Pah1, to prevent the accumulation of triacylglycerol. Surprisingly, TORC1 regulates Pah1 in part indirectly by controlling the phosphorylation status of Nem1 within the Pah1-activating, heterodimeric Nem1-Spo7 protein phosphatase module. Our results delineate a hitherto unknown TORC1 effector branch that controls lipin function in yeast, which, given the recent discovery of Nem1-Spo7 orthologous proteins in humans, may be conserved
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