7,113 research outputs found

    Influence of gouge thickness and grain size on permeability of macrofractured basalt

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    Fractures allow crystalline rocks to store and transport fluids, but fracture permeability can also be influenced significantly by the existence or absence of gouge and by stress history. To investigate these issues, we measured the water permeability of macrofractured basalt samples unfilled or infilled with gouge of different grain sizes and thicknesses as a function of hydrostatic stress and also under cyclic stress conditions. In all experiments, permeability decreased with increasing effective pressure, but unfilled fractures exhibited a much greater decrease than gouge-filled fractures. Macrofractures filled with fine-grained gouge had the lowest permeabilities and exhibited the smallest change with pressure. By contrast, the permeability changed significantly more in fractures filled with coarser-grained gouge. During cyclic pressurization, permeability decreased with increasing cycle number until reaching a minimum value after a certain number of cycles. Permeability reduction in unfilled fractures is accommodated by both elastic and inelastic deformation of surface asperities, while measurements of the particle size distribution and compaction in gouge-filled fractures indicate only inelastic compaction. In fine-grained gouge this is accommodated by grain rearrangement, while in coarser-grained gouge it is the result of both grain rearrangement and comminution. Overall, sample permeability is dominated by the gouge permeability, which decreases with increasing thickness and is also sensitive to the grain size and its distribution. Our results imply that there is a crossover depth in the crust below which the permeability of well-mated fractures (e.g., joints) becomes lower than that of gouge-filled fractures (e.g., shear faults)

    Vanishing Cosmological Constant by Gravitino-Dressed Compactification of 11D Supergravity

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    We consider compactifications induced by the gravitino field of eleven dimensional supergravity. Such compactifications are not trivial in the sense that the gravitino profiles are not related to pure bosonic ones by means of a supersymmetry transformation. The basic property of such backgrounds is that they admit ψ\psi-torsion although they have vanishing Riemann tensor. Thus, these backgrounds may be considered also as solutions of the teleparallel formulation of supergravity. We construct two classes of solutions, one with both antisymmetric three-form field, gravity and gravitino and one with only gravity and gravitino. In these classes of solutions, the internal space is a parallelized compact manifold, so that it does not inherit any cosmological constant to the external spacetime. The latter turns out to be flat Minkowski in the maximally symmetric case. The elimination of the cosmological constant in the spontaneously compactified supergravity seems to be a generic property based on the trading of the cosmological constant for parallelizing torsion.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Lattice worldline representation of correlators in a background field

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    We use a discrete worldline representation in order to study the continuum limit of the one-loop expectation value of dimension two and four local operators in a background field. We illustrate this technique in the case of a scalar field coupled to a non-Abelian background gauge field. The first two coefficients of the expansion in powers of the lattice spacing can be expressed as sums over random walks on a d-dimensional cubic lattice. Using combinatorial identities for the distribution of the areas of closed random walks on a lattice, these coefficients can be turned into simple integrals. Our results are valid for an anisotropic lattice, with arbitrary lattice spacings in each direction.Comment: 54 pages, 14 figure

    Stimulated emission of polarization-entangled photons

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    Entangled photon pairs -- discrete light quanta that exhibit non-classical correlations -- play a crucial role in quantum information science (for example in demonstrations of quantum non-locality and quantum cryptography). At the macroscopic optical field level non-classical correlations can also be important, as in the case of squeezed light, entangled light beams and teleportation of continuous quantum variables. Here we use stimulated parametric down-conversion to study entangled states of light that bridge the gap between discrete and macroscopic optical quantum correlations. We demonstrate experimentally the onset of laser-like action for entangled photons. This entanglement structure holds great promise in quantum information science where there is a strong demand for entangled states of increasing complexity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX

    Modeling Bacterial DNA: Simulation of Self-avoiding Supercoiled Worm-Like Chains Including Structural Transitions of the Helix

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    Under supercoiling constraints, naked DNA, such as a large part of bacterial DNA, folds into braided structures called plectonemes. The double-helix can also undergo local structural transitions, leading to the formation of denaturation bubbles and other alternative structures. Various polymer models have been developed to capture these properties, with Monte-Carlo (MC) approaches dedicated to the inference of thermodynamic properties. In this chapter, we explain how to perform such Monte-Carlo simulations, following two objectives. On one hand, we present the self-avoiding supercoiled Worm-Like Chain (ssWLC) model, which is known to capture the folding properties of supercoiled DNA, and provide a detailed explanation of a standard MC simulation method. On the other hand, we explain how to extend this ssWLC model to include structural transitions of the helix.Comment: Book chapter to appear in The Bacterial Nucleoid, Methods and Protocols, Springer serie

    A humanised anti-IGF-1R monoclonal antibody (AVE1642) enhances Bortezomib-induced apoptosis in myeloma cells lacking CD45

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    The humanised form of an antagonistic anti-IGF-1R mAb (AVE1642) selectively inhibits the growth of CD45neg myeloma cells. AVE1642 strongly increased bortezomib-induced apoptosis, correlated with an increase of Noxa expression. These results support the therapeutic use of anti-IGF-1R/bortezomib in CD45neg Myeloma patients, particularly those with the most aggressive form, t(4,14)

    Quantum fluctuations can promote or inhibit glass formation

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    The very nature of glass is somewhat mysterious: while relaxation times in glasses are of sufficient magnitude that large-scale motion on the atomic level is essentially as slow as it is in the crystalline state, the structure of glass appears barely different than that of the liquid that produced it. Quantum mechanical systems ranging from electron liquids to superfluid helium appear to form glasses, but as yet no unifying framework exists connecting classical and quantum regimes of vitrification. Here we develop new insights from theory and simulation into the quantum glass transition that surprisingly reveal distinct regions where quantum fluctuations can either promote or inhibit glass formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Physics. 22 pages, 3 figures, 1 Tabl

    Battery capacity design for electric vehicles considering the diversity of daily vehicles miles traveled

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    In this paper, we study battery capacity design for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The core of such design problems is to find a good tradeoff between minimizing the capacity to reduce financial costs of drivers and increasing the capacity to satisfy daily travel demands. The major difficulty of such design problems lies in modeling the diversity of daily travel demands. Based on massive trip records of taxi drivers in Beijing, we find that the daily vehicle miles traveled (DVMT) of a driver (e.g., a taxi driver) may change significantly in different days. This investigation triggers us to propose a mixture distribution model to describe the diversity in DVMT for various driver in different days, rather than the widely employed single distribution model. To demonstrate the merit of this new model, we consider value-at-risk and mean-variance battery capacity design problems for BEV, with respect to conventional single and new mixture distribution models of DVMT. Testing results indicate that the mixture distribution model better leads to better solutions to satisfy various drivers

    Optical Lattices: Theory

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    This chapter presents an overview of the properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a periodic potential. This system has attracted a wide interest in the last years, and a few excellent reviews of the field have already appeared in the literature (see, for instance, [1-3] and references therein). For this reason, and because of the huge amount of published results, we do not pretend here to be comprehensive, but we will be content to provide a flavor of the richness of this subject, together with some useful references. On the other hand, there are good reasons for our effort. Probably, the most significant is that BEC in periodic potentials is a truly interdisciplinary problem, with obvious connections with electrons in crystal lattices, polarons and photons in optical fibers. Moreover, the BEC experimentalists have reached such a high level of accuracy to create in the lab, so to speak, paradigmatic Hamiltonians, which were first introduced as idealized theoretical models to study, among others, dynamical instabilities or quantum phase transitions.Comment: Chapter 13 in Part VIII: "Optical Lattices" of "Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment," edited by P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, 2007) - pages 247-26
