1,888 research outputs found

    Environmental feature exploration with a single autonomous vehicle

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.In this paper, a sliding mode based guidance strategy is proposed for the control of an autonomous vehicle. The aim of the autonomous vehicle deployment is the study of unknown environmental spatial features. The proposed approach allows the solution of both boundary tracking and source seeking problems with a single autonomous vehicle capable of sensing the value of the spatial field at its position. The movement of the vehicle is controlled through the proposed guidance strategy, which is designed on the basis of the collected measurements without the necessity of pre-planning or human intervention. Moreover, no a priori knowledge about the field and its gradient is required. The proposed strategy is based on the so-called sub-optimal sliding mode controller. The guidance strategy is demonstrated by computer based simulations and a set of boundary tracking experimental sea trials. The efficacy of the algorithm to autonomously steer the C-Enduro surface vehicle to follow a fixed depth contour in a dynamic coastal region is demonstrated by the results from the trial described in this paper.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)Innovate UKAutonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV) Ltd., Portcheste

    Evolution of leaf-form in land plants linked to atmospheric CO2 decline in the Late Palaeozoic era

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    The widespread appearance of megaphyll leaves, with their branched veins and planate form, did not occur until the close of the Devonian period at about 360 Myr ago. This happened about 40 Myr after simple leafless vascular plants first colonized the land in the Late Silurian/Early Devonian, but the reason for the slow emergence of this common feature of present-day plants is presently unresolved. Here we show, in a series of quantitative analyses using fossil leaf characters and biophysical principles, that the delay was causally linked with a 90% drop in atmospheric pCO2 during the Late Palaeozoic era. In contrast to simulations for a typical Early Devonian land plant, possessing few stomata on leafless stems, those for a planate leaf with the same stomatal characteristics indicate that it would have suffered lethal overheating, because of greater interception of solar energy and low transpiration. When planate leaves first appeared in the Late Devonian and subsequently diversified in the Carboniferous period, they possessed substantially higher stomatal densities. This observation is consistent with the effects of the pCO2 on stomatal development and suggests that the evolution of planate leaves could only have occurred after an increase in stomatal density, allowing higher transpiration rates that were sufficient to maintain cool and viable leaf temperatures

    Long-term perspectives on terrestrial and aquatic carbon cycling from palaeolimnology

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    Lakes are active processors and collectors of carbon (C) and thus recognized as quantitatively important within the terrestrial C cycle. Better integration of palaeolimnology (lake sediment core analyses) with limnological C budgeting approaches has the potential to enhance understanding of lacustrine C processing and sequestration. Palaeolimnology simultaneously assimilates materials from across lake habitats, terrestrial watersheds, and airsheds to provide a uniquely broad overview of the terrestrial-atmospheric-aquatic linkages across different spatial scales. The examination of past changes over decadal–millennial timescales via palaeolimnology can inform understanding and prediction of future changes in C cycling. With a particular, but not exclusive, focus on northern latitudes we examine the methodological approaches of palaeolimnology, focusing on how relatively standard and well-tested techniques might be applied to address questions of relevance to the C cycle. We consider how palaeolimnology, limnology, and sedimentation studies might be linked to provide more quantitative and holistic estimates of lake C cycling and budgets. Finally, we use palaeolimnological examples to consider how changes such as terrestrial vegetation shifts, permafrost thaw, the formation of new lakes and reservoirs, hydrological modification of inorganic C processing, land use change, soil erosion and disruption to global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles might influence lake C cycling

    Analysis of optimal phenotypic space using elementary modes as applied to Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    BACKGROUND: Quantification of the metabolic network of an organism offers insights into possible ways of developing mutant strain for better productivity of an extracellular metabolite. The first step in this quantification is the enumeration of stoichiometries of all reactions occurring in a metabolic network. The structural details of the network in combination with experimentally observed accumulation rates of external metabolites can yield flux distribution at steady state. One such methodology for quantification is the use of elementary modes, which are minimal set of enzymes connecting external metabolites. Here, we have used a linear objective function subject to elementary modes as constraint to determine the fluxes in the metabolic network of Corynebacterium glutamicum. The feasible phenotypic space was evaluated at various combinations of oxygen and ammonia uptake rates. RESULTS: Quantification of the fluxes of the elementary modes in the metabolism of C. glutamicum was formulated as linear programming. The analysis demonstrated that the solution was dependent on the criteria of objective function when less than four accumulation rates of the external metabolites were considered. The analysis yielded feasible ranges of fluxes of elementary modes that satisfy the experimental accumulation rates. In C. glutamicum, the elementary modes relating to biomass synthesis through glycolysis and TCA cycle were predominantly operational in the initial growth phase. At a later time, the elementary modes contributing to lysine synthesis became active. The oxygen and ammonia uptake rates were shown to be bounded in the phenotypic space due to the stoichiometric constraint of the elementary modes. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated the use of elementary modes and the linear programming to quantify a metabolic network. We have used the methodology to quantify the network of C. glutamicum, which evaluates the set of operational elementary modes at different phases of fermentation. The methodology was also used to determine the feasible solution space for a given set of substrate uptake rates under specific optimization criteria. Such an approach can be used to determine the optimality of the accumulation rates of any metabolite in a given network

    Anthropometric indices of Gambian children after one or three annual rounds of mass drug administration with azithromycin for trachoma control.

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    BACKGROUND: Mass drug administration (MDA) with azithromycin, carried out for the control of blinding trachoma, has been linked to reduced mortality in children. While the mechanism behind this reduction is unclear, it may be due, in part, to improved nutritional status via a potential reduction in the community burden of infectious disease. To determine whether MDA with azithromycin improves anthropometric indices at the community level, we measured the heights and weights of children aged 1 to 4 years in communities where one (single MDA arm) or three annual rounds (annual MDA arm) of azithromycin had been distributed. METHODS: Data collection took place three years after treatment in the single MDA arm and one year after the final round of treatment in the annual MDA arm. Mean height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height z scores were compared between treatment arms. RESULTS: No significant differences in mean height-for-age, weight-for-age or weight-for-height z scores were found between the annual MDA and single MDA arms, nor was there a significant reduction in prevalence of stunting, wasting or underweight between arms. CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not provide evidence that community MDA with azithromycin improved anthropometric outcomes of children in The Gambia. This may suggest reductions in mortality associated with azithromycin MDA are due to a mechanism other than improved nutritional status

    A thermodynamic unification of jamming

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    Fragile materials ranging from sand to fire-retardant to toothpaste are able to exhibit both solid and fluid-like properties across the jamming transition. Unlike ordinary fusion, systems of grains, foams and colloids jam and cease to flow under conditions that still remain unknown. Here we quantify jamming via a thermodynamic approach by accounting for the structural ageing and the shear-induced compressibility of dry sand. Specifically, the jamming threshold is defined using a non-thermal temperature that measures the 'fluffiness' of a granular mixture. The thermodynamic model, casted in terms of pressure, temperature and free-volume, also successfully predicts the entropic data of five molecular glasses. Notably, the predicted configurational entropy avoids the Kauzmann paradox entirely. Without any free parameters, the proposed equation-of-state also governs the mechanism of shear-banding and the associated features of shear-softening and thickness-invariance.Comment: 16 pgs double spaced. 4 figure

    Beyond LLM in M-theory

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    The Lin, Lunin, Maldacena (LLM) ansatz in D = 11 supports two independent Killing directions when a general Killing spinor ansatz is considered. Here we show that these directions always commute, identify when the Killing spinors are charged, and show that both their inner product and resulting geometry are governed by two fundamental constants. In particular, setting one constant to zero leads to AdS7 x S4, setting the other to zero gives AdS4 x S7, while flat spacetime is recovered when both these constants are zero. Furthermore, when the constants are equal, the spacetime is either LLM, or it corresponds to the Kowalski-Glikman solution where the constants are simply the mass parameter.Comment: 1+30 pages, footnote adde