46 research outputs found

    Effect of Exercise on Drug-Related Falls Among Persons with Alzheimer's Disease : A Secondary Analysis of the FINALEX Study

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    Introduction No study has investigated how exercise modifies the effect of fall-related drugs (FRDs) on falls among people with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Objective The aim of this study was to investigate how exercise intervention and FRDs interact with fall risk among patients with AD. Methods In the FINALEX trial, community-dwelling persons with AD received either home-based or group-based exercise twice weekly for 1 year (n = 129); the control group received normal care (n = 65). The number of falls was based on spouses' fall diaries. We examined the incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for falls among both non-users and users of various FRDs (antihypertensives, psychotropics, drugs with anticholinergic properties [DAPs]) in both control and combined intervention groups. Results Between the intervention and control groups, there was no difference in the number of falls among those without antihypertensives or psychotropics. In the intervention group taking antihypertensives, the IRR was 0.5 falls/person-year (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.4-0.6), while in the control group, the IRR was 1.5 falls/person-year (95% CI 1.2-1.8) [p <0.001 for group, p = 0.067 for medication, p <0.001 for interaction]. Among patients using psychotropics, the intervention group had an IRR of 0.7 falls/person-year (95% CI 0.6-0.9), while the control group had an IRR of 2.0 falls/person-year (95% CI 1.6-2.5) [p <0.001 for group, p = 0.071 for medication, p <0.001 for interaction]. There was a significant difference in falls between the intervention and control groups not using DAPs (0.6, 95% CI 0.5-0.7; 1.2, 95% CI 1.0-1.4), and between the intervention and control groups using DAPs (1.1, 95% CI 0.8-1.3; 1.5, 95% CI 1.0-2.1) [p <0.001 for group, p = 0.014 for medication, p = 0.97 for interaction]. Conclusion Exercise has the potential to decrease the risk for falls among people with AD using antihypertensives and psychotropics.Peer reviewe

    Hepatic Fat Accumulation Is Modulated by the Interaction between the rs738409 Variant in the PNPLA3 Gene and the Dietary Omega6/Omega3 PUFA Intake

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    A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), the rs738409, in the patatin like phospholipase 3 gene (PNPLA3) has been recently associated with increased hepatic steatosis and ALT levels in adults and children. Given the potential role of PNPLA3 in fatty liver development, we aimed to explore whether the influence of PNPLA3 genotype on hepatic fat in obese youth might be modulated by dietary factors such as essential omega polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) intake.We studied 127 children and adolescents (56 boys, 71 girls; 58 Caucasians; 30 African Americans and 39 Hispanics; mean age 14.7±3.3; mean BMI 30.7±7.2). The dietary composition was assessed by the Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R version 2011). The patients underwent a MRI study to assess the liver fat content (HFF%), ALT measurement and the genotyping of the rs738409 SNP by automatic sequencing.As previously observed, HFF% and ALT levels varied according to the genotype in each ethnicity. ALT levels and HFF% were significantly influenced by the interaction between genotype and omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio (n-6/n-3), p = 0.003 and p = 0.002, respectively. HFF% and ALT levels were, in fact, related to the n-6/n-3 consumption only in subjects homozygote for the G allele of the rs738409 (r2 = 0.45, p =  0.001 and r2 = 0.40, p = 0.006, respectively).These findings suggest that the association of a high dietary n-6/n-3 PUFA with fatty liver and liver damage in obese youths may be driven by a predisposing genotype

    OSBPL10, a novel candidate gene for high triglyceride trait in dyslipidemic Finnish subjects, regulates cellular lipid metabolism

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    Analysis of variants in three genes encoding oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP) homologues (OSBPL2, OSBPL9, OSBPL10) in Finnish families with familial low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (N = 426) or familial combined hyperlipidemia (N = 684) revealed suggestive linkage of OSBPL10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with extreme end high triglyceride (TG; >90th percentile) trait. Prompted by this initial finding, we carried out association analysis in a metabolic syndrome subcohort (Genmets) of Health2000 examination survey (N = 2,138), revealing association of multiple OSBPL10 SNPs with high serum TG levels (>95th percentile). To investigate whether OSBPL10 could be the gene underlying the observed linkage and association, we carried out functional experiments in the human hepatoma cell line Huh7. Silencing of OSBPL10 increased the incorporation of [3H]acetate into cholesterol and both [3H]acetate and [3H]oleate into triglycerides and enhanced the accumulation of secreted apolipoprotein B100 in growth medium, suggesting that the encoded protein ORP10 suppresses hepatic lipogenesis and very-low-density lipoprotein production. ORP10 was shown to associate dynamically with microtubules, consistent with its involvement in intracellular transport or organelle positioning. The data introduces OSBPL10 as a gene whose variation may contribute to high triglyceride levels in dyslipidemic Finnish subjects and provides evidence for ORP10 as a regulator of cellular lipid metabolism

    Effect of two microbial phytase preparations on phosphorus utilisation in broilers fed maize-soybean meal based diets

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    The present study was carried out to determine the effect of two microbial phytases, Aspergillus niger (FINASEâ FP-500, 291 PU (phytase units)/g) and Trichoderma reesei phytase (FINASEâ P, 5880 PU/g) on phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) utilisation and ileal P and Ca digestibility in broiler chickens fed diets based on maize and soybean meal. A total of 96 Ross broiler chickens housed four birds to a cage were used. Four dietary treatments consisted of a positive control supplemented with dicalcium phosphate (17 g/kg), a negative control without inorganic P, basal diet without inorganic P supplemented with Aspergillus niger phytase (2.6 g/kg) and basal diet without inorganic P supplemented with Trichoderma reesei phytase (0.13 g/kg). Both phytases provided 750 PU/kg feed. P retention per unit intake was lowest and P excretion highest in birds fed the positive control diet with inorganic P (PSulavuus- ja tasekokeessa selvitettiin kahden erilaisen fytaasientsyymilisäyksen vaikutuksiamaissi-soijarouherehuseosta saaneiden broilereiden fosforin hyväksikäyttöön ja eritykseen. Tutkittavat fytaasientsyymivalmisteet, FINASEâ FP-500 ja FINASEâ P, oli tuotettu kahdella erilaisella mikrobikannalla, Aspergillus nigerillä tai Trichoderma reeseillä. Kokeessa oli 96 broilerpoikasta, joiden ikä kokeen alussa oli 21 ja lopussa 37 vuorokautta. Broilereita pidettiin kolmikerroksisessa häkkipatterissa neljän eläimen häkeissä. Rakeistetun koerehun pääasiallisina raaka-aineina olivat maissi ja soijarouhe. Koekäsittelyjä oli neljä: positiivinen vertailu, jossa dikalsiumfosfaattitäydennys, negatiivinen vertailu ilman epäorgaanista fosforitäydennystä sekä kaksi rehua ilman epäorgaanista fosforia, joihin oli lisätty joko Aspergillus tai Trichoderma pohjaista fytaasientsyymiä. Molemmat fytaasientsyymilisäykset paransivat selvästi maissi-soijarouhe-rehun fosforin käyttökelpoisuutta ja vähensivät ulosteissa erittyvän fosforin määrää. Kasvifosforin hyväksikäyttö parani 38,5 %:sta 51,1%:iin verrattuna rehuun, joka ei sisältänyt epäorgaanista fosforia tai fytaasientsyymiä. Myös fosforin ohutsuolisulavuus parantui fytaasientsyymin vaikutuksesta. Sekä Aspergillus että Trichoderma fytaasin vaikutukset fosforin hyväksikäyttöön olivat samanlaiset. Fytaasientsyymi paransi myös rehun kalsiumin hyväksikäyttöä, mutta vaikutukset muiden ravintoaineiden hyväksikäyttöön tai sulavuuteen olivat vähäisiä

    Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids and metabolisable energy value in grains for broilers

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    Using ileal digestible amino acids in feed optimising will intensify feed protein utilizing and decrease nitrogen excretion to the environment. The study determined the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) coefficients of amino acids in barley, wheat, oats, triticale, maize, and dehulled oats in the diets of 180 Ross broiler chickens (aged 2435 days). The birds were fed semi-purified diets that contained grain as the sole protein source and chromium-mordanted straw as an indigestible marker. The AID coefficients of the nutrients were assessed using the slaughter technique, and the apparent metabolisable energy (AME) was determined using total excreta collection. The ileal digestibility of the dry matter and organic matter were the highest in maize. The AME of maize was higher than that of other cereals. The ileal digestibility of crude protein was higher in wheat than that in barley, oats and dehulled oats. The AME of wheat was similar to that of barley and oats but lower than that of triticale and dehulled oats. The amino acid AID was highest in wheat (0.86) and triticale (0.85) and lowest in oats (0.79) and barley 0.77). The average amino acid AID was 0.81 in dehulled oats. The threonine AID was the same in all tested ingredients. The lysine, methionine, and cystine AID coefficients were 0.81, 0.79, and 0.71 respectively for barley; 0.86, 0.84, and 0.38 respectively for oats; 0.87, 0.86, and 0.53 respectively for dehulled oats; 0.84, 0.90, and 0.66 respectively for maize; 0.89, 0.88, and 0.77 respectively for triticale; and 0.87, 0.85, and 0.71 respectively for wheat. Results indicated that AME values of domestic grains (barley, oats and wheat) are in the same level. Especially, low AME value of wheat needs further investigation.;Aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuuteen perustuvavalkuaisarvojärjestelmä tarkentaa siipikarjan rehusuunnittelua. Se vähentää valkuaisen yliruokintaa ja typpipäästöjä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ohran, vehnän, kauran, ruisvehnän, maissin ja kuoritun kauran aminohappojen näennäinen ohutsuolisulavuus 180 Ross-broilereilla (ikä 2435 päivää). Linnut ruokittiin puolipuhdistetuilla rehuilla, joissa vilja oli ainoa valkuaisen lähde. Ravintoaineiden näennäinen ohutsuolisulavuus määritettiin teurastustekniikalla ja näennäinen muuntokelpoinen energia kokonaiskeruulla. Maissin kuiva-aineen ja orgaanisen aineen ohutsuolisulavuus oli korkein. Myös maissin näennäinen muuntokelpoinen energia-arvo oli korkein. Raakaproteiinin ohutsuolisulavuus oli korkeampi vehnässä kuin ohrassa, kaurassa ja kuoritussa kaurassa. Vehnän näennäinen muuntokelpoinen energia-arvo oli sama kuin ohran ja kauran, mutta alhaisempi kuin ruisvehnän ja kuoritun kauran. Vehnän ja ruisvehnän aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuudet olivat korkeimmat ja kauran ja ohran alhaisimmat. Treoniinin aminohappojen ohutsuolisulavuus oli sama kaikissa viljoissa. Lysiinin, metioniin ja kystiinin näennäinen ohutsuolisulavuus oli 0,81, 0,79 ja 0,71 ohrassa, 0,86, 0,84 ja 0,38 kaurassa, 0,87, 0,86 ja 0,53 kuoritussa kaurassa, 0,84, 0,90 ja 0,66 maississa, 0,89, 0,88 ja 0,77 ruisvehnässä sekä 0,87, 0,85 ja 0,71 vehnässä. Kokeen tulokset osoittivat, että kotimaisten viljojen, ohran, kauran ja vehnän, muuntokelpoiset energia-arvot ovat samalla tasolla. Erityisesti vehnän matalan energia-arvon varmentaminen vaatii lisäselvityksiä

    Apparent ileal amino acid digestibility and the nutritive value of the triticale cultivars Moreno and Ulrika for growing-finishing pigs

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    Both digestibility and performance experiments were carried out to evaluate the nutritive value of triticale for growing-finishing pigs.In experiment 1,the apparent ileal and faecal digestibility of nutrients in barley (Hordeum vulgare cv.Viivi)and two triticale (Tritico secale cultivars, Moreno and Ulrika, were measured using six cannulated barrows with a body weight (BW)of 82-107 kg.In experiment 2,132 pigs were used over 25-100 kg BW to study the effects of replacing barley in a barley-soyabean meal-based diet with graded amounts of triticale cv.Moreno (25,50,75,or 100%) and cv.Ulrika (50 or 100%).The apparent ileal and faecal digestibilities of dry matter and organic matter were higher for both triticale cultivars than for barley (P 0.05).The apparent ileal digestibility of lysine averaged 65.6, 70.8, and 70.5% for barley and triticale cv.Moreno and Ulrika,respectively.The net energy content of triticales (11.5 MJ kg-1 DM)was 0.4 MJ kg -1 DM higher than that of barley.The replacement of barley with the triticale cultivars Moreno and Ulrika exerted a positive quadratic effect on daily weight gain and the feed conversion ratio of pigs from 50 to 100 kg and from 25 to 100 kg BW (PRuisvehnä lajikkeiden Ulrika ja Moreno sekä ohralajikkeen Viivi ravintoaineiden ohutsuoli-ja kokonaissulavuudet selvitettiin kuudella ohutsuolikanyloidulla leikkosialla 82-107 kg elopainoisina. Lisäksi kasvatuskokeessa 25,50,75 tai 100% ohrasta korvattiin Morenolla tai 50 tai 100% Ulrikalla.Kasvatuskokeessa oli 132 lihasikaa,joiden aloituspaino oli 25 kg. Ruisvehnien kuiva-aineen ja orgaanisen aineen näennäiset ohutsuoli-ja kokonaissulavuudet olivatparempia kuin ohran. Ohran ja ruisvehnien valkuaisen ja aminohappojen sulavuuksissa ei sen sijaan ollut eroja.Ruisvehnien kuiva-aineen nettoenergia-arvo oli 0,4 MJ/kg suurempi kuin ohran, mutta aminohappopitoisuuden suhde energiapitoisuuteen pienempi kuin ohran. Sikojen päiväkasvu ja rehuhyötysuhde paranivat loppukasvatuskaudella korvattaessa ohraa ruisvehnällä. Korvattaessa ohraa yli 75 % Morenolla tai yli 50 %Ulrikalla, kasvu ja rehuhyö tysuhde alkoivat kuitenkin huonontua.Ruhon lihaprosentti laski korvattaessa ohraa Morenolla ja Ulrikalla.Tämän vuoksi ruisvehnää voidaan käyttää 50-75 % lihasikojen rehun ohrasta