976 research outputs found

    Langevin dynamics with a tilted periodic potential

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    We study a Langevin equation for a particle moving in a periodic potential in the presence of viscosity γ\gamma and subject to a further external field α\alpha. For a suitable choice of the parameters α\alpha and γ\gamma the related deterministic dynamics yields heteroclinic orbits. In such a regime, in absence of stochastic noise both confined and unbounded orbits coexist. We prove that, with the inclusion of an arbitrarly small noise only the confined orbits survive in a sub-exponential time scale.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figure

    Laboratory simulation of cometary x rays using a high-resolution microcalorimeter

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    X-ray emission following charge exchange has been studied on the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory electron beam ion traps EBIT-I and EBIT-II using a high-resolution microcalorimeter. The measured spectra include the K-shell emission from hydrogenlike and heliumlike C, N, O, and Ne needed for simulations of cometary x-ray emission. A comparison of the spectra produced in the interaction of O8+ with N2 and CH4 is presented that illustrates the dependence of the observed spectrum on the interaction gas.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Thermal diffusion of supersonic solitons in an anharmonic chain of atoms

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    We study the non-equilibrium diffusion dynamics of supersonic lattice solitons in a classical chain of atoms with nearest-neighbor interactions coupled to a heat bath. As a specific example we choose an interaction with cubic anharmonicity. The coupling between the system and a thermal bath with a given temperature is made by adding noise, delta-correlated in time and space, and damping to the set of discrete equations of motion. Working in the continuum limit and changing to the sound velocity frame we derive a Korteweg-de Vries equation with noise and damping. We apply a collective coordinate approach which yields two stochastic ODEs which are solved approximately by a perturbation analysis. This finally yields analytical expressions for the variances of the soliton position and velocity. We perform Langevin dynamics simulations for the original discrete system which fully confirm the predictions of our analytical calculations, namely noise-induced superdiffusive behavior which scales with the temperature and depends strongly on the initial soliton velocity. A normal diffusion behavior is observed for very low-energy solitons where the noise-induced phonons also make a significant contribution to the soliton diffusion.Comment: Submitted to PRE. Changes made: New simulations with a different method of soliton detection. The results and conclusions are not different from previous version. New appendixes containing information about the system energy and soliton profile

    Statistical Analysis of Different Muon-antineutrino->Electron-antineutrino Searches

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    A combined statistical analysis of the experimental results of the LSND and KARMEN \numubnueb oscillation search is presented. LSND has evidence for neutrino oscillations that is not confirmed by the KARMEN experiment. This joint analysis is based on the final likelihood results for both data sets. A frequentist approach is applied to deduce confidence regions. At a combined confidence level of 36%, there is no area of oscillation parameters compatible with both experiments. For the complementary confidence of 1-0.36=64%, there are two well defined regions of oscillation parameters (sin^2(2th),Dm^2) compatible with both experiments.Comment: 25 pages, including 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    New speleothem data from Molinos and Ejulve caves reveal Holocene hydrological variability in northeast Iberia

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    New speleothem records from northeastern Iberian caves provide data to explore the climatic patterns during the Holocene. We present delta C-13 and Mg/Ca from three speleothems from two different caves located in the Iberian Range allowing replication of the climatic signal for several millennia. Through the integration of those stalagmites covering since the Holocene onset to 2 ka, the early Holocene (11.7-8.5 ka) appears as the wettest interval. A marked change towards aridity is observed during the middle Holocene (8.5-4.8 ka) and an increase of humidity afterwards (4.8-2 ka). This three-part pattern, contrasting with other Iberian sequences, seems to be associated with the different role that seasonality has played in the response of different proxies (or records) to changes in water availability. Interpreting our speleothem records as changes in winter-spring precipitation along the Holocene allows reconciling previous data on hydrological variability from the western Mediterranean borderlands

    Strange stars in Krori-Barua space-time

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    The singularity space-time metric obtained by Krori and Barua\cite{Krori1975} satisfies the physical requirements of a realistic star. Consequently, we explore the possibility of applying the Krori and Barua model to describe ultra-compact objects like strange stars. For it to become a viable model for strange stars, bounds on the model parameters have been obtained. Consequences of a mathematical description to model strange stars have been analyzed.Comment: 9 pages (two column), 12 figures. Some changes have been made. " To appear in European Physical Journal C

    Accuracy of Achenbach Scales in the Screening of ADHD in a Community Mental Health Clinic

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    Objective To use receiver-operating characteristics analysis to identify multilevel diagnostic likelihood ratios and provide a framework for the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children (5–10 years old) and adolescents (11–18 years old) in an outpatient setting. Method Caregiver, teacher, and youth reports from the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) were obtained for 299 children and 321 adolescents with multiple imputation of missing data. The reference standard was diagnosis of ADHD based on case history and a semistructured diagnostic interview masked to the ASEBA measurements. Results In children, caregiver-reported Attention Problems (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.74) outperformed all other subscales of the caregiver and teacher measures (AUCs ≤ 0.72). In the older sample, caregiver- and teacher-reported Attention Problems (caregiver AUC = 0.73; teacher AUC = 0.61) were best at identifying ADHD. Inclusion of caregiver and teacher reports significantly (p < .001 for all comparisons) increased prediction of ADHD diagnosis, whereas youth self-report did not. Conclusion Caregiver-reported Attention Problems were more useful than teacher-reports and self-report in identifying ADHD. Combining caregiver and teacher reports improved identification. Multilevel likelihood ratios are provided to facilitate routine clinical use

    Social roles and aging from a life-span perspective

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    Este trabalho investigou os papéis sociais e as tarefas evolutivas desempenhados por adultos. O local escolhido para investigação foi um assentamento de famílias de baixa renda do Distrito Federal criado em 1989. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo 17 questões abertas e 15 questões fechadas, preenchido pela primeira autora durante uma visita domiciliar. Participaram 98 respondentes (73 F e 25 M), sendo 51 entre 50 e 59 anos e 47 a partir de 60 anos. Os resultados apontaram que este grupo é heterogêneo e que seus papéis sociais são influenciados pelas variáveis demográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, ocupação, naturalidade e estado civil) e também pelas variáveis relativas à moradia atual. Concluiu-se também que as expectativas sociais, o suporte social e a escolarização são fatores de suma importância para oferecer recursos para a otimização e compensação necessárias a um envelhecimento bem sucedido. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study investigated the social roles and developmental tasks of adults. The study took place in a settlement of low-income families, created in The Federal District in 1989. Data were collected through a questionnaire composed of 17 open and 15 closed questions, administered by the first author during a home visit. There were 98 respondents, 73 female and 25 male, being 51 between 50 to 59 years old and 47 elders above the age of 60. The result indicated that this group is heterogeneous and that its social roles are influenced by the demographic variables - age, sex, educational level, work, place of the birth and marital status, as well for the relative variables to current residence. The data allow the conclusion that social expectations, social support and the educational level are important resources for the optimization and necessary compensation to successful aging
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