1,111 research outputs found

    Asombro y conocimiento: una mirada al pathos platónico

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    Se analiza el papel del pathos como condición de emergencia del logos y de la episteme, lo cual nos lleva a reconocer que a la par de una concepción intelectualista de la teoría platónica del conocimiento, en la que es necesaria la supresión de todos los elementos irracionales que nublan el juicio, existe otra perspectiva, sobre todo sustentada en el Fedro, en la cual el pathos, expresado sea como asombro, como sufrimiento o como manía amorosa, no es solamente una etapa que se debe superar para acceder a la intuición de las Formas, sino que ella misma se convierte en una experiencia cognitiva que devuelve al conocimiento su carácter humano

    Eficacia del diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo por células fetales libres en sangre materna 1990-2014. Revisión sistemática

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    ANTECEDENTES: El aislamiento de células fetales libres o ADN fetal en sangre materna abre una ventana de posibilidades diagnósticas no invasivas para patologías monogénicas y cromosómicas, además de permitir la identificación del sexo y del RH fetal. Actualmente existen múltiples estudios que evalúan la eficacia de estos métodos, mostrando resultados costo-efectivos y de menor riesgo que el estándar de oro. Este trabajo describe la evidencia encontrada acerca del diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura. OBJETIVOS: El objetivo de este estudio fue reunir la evidencia que cumpla con los criterios de búsqueda, en el tema del diagnóstico fetal no invasivo por células fetales libres en sangre materna para determinar su utilidad diagnóstica.  MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura con el fin de determinar si el diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo por células fetales libres en sangre materna es efectivo como método de diagnóstico.  RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 5,893 artículos que cumplían con los criterios de búsqueda; 67 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión: 49.3% (33/67) correspondieron a estudios de corte transversal, 38,8% (26/67) a estudios de cohortes y el 11.9% (8/67) a estudios casos y controles. Se obtuvieron resultados de sensibilidad, especificidad y tipo de prueba. CONCLUSIÓN: En la presente revisión sistemática, se evidencia como el diagnóstico prenatal no invasivo es una técnica feasible, reproducible y sensible para el diagnóstico fetal, evitando el riesgo de un diagnóstico invasivo.BACKGROUND: Isolation of free fetal cells or fetal DNA in maternal blood opens a window of possibilities for the noninvasive diagnosisof monogenic and chromosomal disorders, andin addition it allows the identification of fetal sex and RH. Currently, there are many studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these methods, showing cost-effective and less risky results than the gold standard. This paper describes the evidence found for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis after conducting a systematic review of the literature. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to collect evidence that meets the search criteria on the matter of noninvasive fetal diagnosis through free fetal cells in maternal blood, to determine its diagnostic utility. METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted to determine whether noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal cells in maternal free blood is effective as a diagnostic method. RESULTS: 5,893 articles that met the search criteria were found; 67 met the inclusion criteria: 49.3% (33/67) were of cross-sectional studies, 38.8% (26/67) for cohort and 11.9% (8/67) case-control studies. Overall sensitivity, specificity and type of test were obtained. CONCLUSION: In this systematic review, evidence was foundthat noninvasive prenatal diagnosis is a feasible, reproducible and sensitive technique for fetal diagnosis, avoiding the risk of an invasive diagnosis.Ningun

    Pensar lo Político. Ontología y Mundo Contemporáneo

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    Los vertiginosos cambios del mundo actual reclaman una reflexión desde los más diversos derroteros disciplinarios y, en esta tarea, la filosofía no es la excepción. Sin embargo, la complejidad de los dilemas contemporáneos demanda un examen desde la propia ontología, pues así como el Ser se dice de muchas maneras, la política es también un affaire que se dice de variados modos, en tanto termina reflejando y enriqueciendo tal pluralidad ontológica. Los textos aquí reunidos comparten una preocupación común: interrogarse por el Ser de la política y la manera que ésta, y sus expresiones contemporáneas, nos arrojan a habitar un mundo lleno de contradicciones y retos. La forma como vivimos el tiempo, como enfrentamos la globalización, la manera como territorializamos el espacio, como creamos alternativas frente a las lógicas dominantes, como nos insertamos o intentamos frenar la aceleración de lo cotidiano, como reconstruimos nuestras prácticas e ideas sobre la libertad, incluso, el modo de edificar nuestro estar en común, son cuestiones en las que lo político y el mundo contemporáneo terminan repensando muchos de los temas y conceptos ontológicos clásicos. Vivimos tiempos críticos no sólo porque parecen violentar nuestras visiones y formas de vida tradicionales, sino sobre todo porque nos invitan a pensar de maneras inéditas, así como a plantearnos otras formas de acción, nuevos conceptos y herramientas de pensamiento

    Devenires de la Literatura y la Filosofía

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    Los textos aquí reunidos, que transitan de la filosofía a la literatura y viceversa, son un intento de pensar el devenir no como mero cambio, sino como un proceso inagotable que se opone al principio de no contradicción, que privilegia lo inacabado, lo indiferenciado, lo que se resiste a toda resolución permanente. Por ello mismo es también un devenir cargado de potencia, de posibilidades heterogéneas que pueden permitirnos salir de la Imagen del pensamiento y, así, pensar la diferencia.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V

    Propuesta de gestión por procesos para la mejora del almacén de la empresa comercializadora de productos de refrigeración industrial CENFRICO E.I.R.L

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    El objetivo principal fue identificar las causas que generan las diferencias de inventario en el almacén de la empresa CENFRICO E.I.R.L. con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia operativa y reducir los errores en actividades críticas como recepción, almacenamiento, picking, embalaje y despacho. El problema identificado en la empresa era un incremento considerable de diferencias de inventarios en los últimos dos años, debido a la falta de organización en el almacén, lo que generaba confusión, duplicidad de esfuerzos y falta de toma de decisiones, impactando negativamente en la rentabilidad. La metodología utilizada incluyó herramientas como la lista de verificación de ISO 9001:2015 y la evaluación de desempeño del almacén, con un enfoque de gestión por procesos. Se emplearon técnicas de recolección de datos como observación directa y análisis documental. Los resultados obtenidos incluyeron la identificación de deficiencias en los procesos de almacén por lo que se propone la implementación de estrategias de gestión por procesos. Se desarrollaron documentos como mapas de procesos, fichas de indicadores, perfiles de puestos, planes de capacitación, procedimientos de almacén, formatos y flujogramas. En conclusión, se determinó que la falta de procesos estandarizados en el almacén de CENFRICO E.I.R.L generaba una gestión caótica del inventario, afectando la rentabilidad de la empresa. Se recomendó que la alta dirección mostrara un compromiso activo con la propuesta de gestión por procesos para mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad del servicio ofrecida a los clientes.The main objective was to identify the causes that generate inventory discrepancies in the warehouse of the company CENFRICO E.I.R.L. in order to improve operational efficiency and reduce errors in critical activities such as receiving, storage, picking, packaging, and dispatching. The problem identified in the company was a considerable increase in inventory discrepancies over the last two years, due to lack of organization in the warehouse, leading to confusion, duplication of efforts, and lack of decision-making, negatively impacting profitability. The methodology used included tools such as the ISO 9001:2015 checklist and warehouse performance evaluation, with a process management approach. Data collection techniques such as direct observation and document analysis were employed. The results obtained included the identification of deficiencies in warehouse processes, leading to the proposal of implementing process management strategies. Documents such as process maps, indicator sheets, job profiles, training plans, warehouse procedures, formats, and flowcharts were developed. In conclusion, it was determined that the lack of standardized processes in the warehouse of CENFRICO E.I.R.L generated chaotic inventory management, affecting the company's profitability. It was recommended that top management show active commitment to the process management proposal to improve efficiency and the quality of service offered to customers.Trabajo de investigació

    Risk factors associated with negative in-vivo diagnostic results in bovine tuberculosis-infected cattle in Spain

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    BACKGROUND Despite great effort and investment incurred over decades to control bovine tuberculosis (bTB), it is still one of the most important zoonotic diseases in many areas of the world. Test-and-slaughter strategies, the basis of most bTB eradication programs carried out worldwide, have demonstrated its usefulness in the control of the disease. However, in certain countries, eradication has not been achieved due in part to limitations of currently available diagnostic tests. In this study, results of in-vivo and post-mortem diagnostic tests performed on 3,614 animals from 152 bTB-infected cattle herds (beef, dairy, and bullfighting) detected in 2007-2010 in the region of Castilla y León, Spain, were analyzed to identify factors associated with positive bacteriological results in cattle that were non-reactors to the single intradermal tuberculin test, to the interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay, or to both tests applied in parallel (Test negative/Culture + animals, T-/C+). The association of individual factors (age, productive type, and number of herd-tests performed since the disclosure of the outbreak) with the bacteriology outcome (positive/negative) was analyzed using a mixed multivariate logistic regression model. RESULTS The proportion of non-reactors with a positive post-mortem result ranged from 24.3% in the case of the SIT test to 12.9% (IFN-γ with 0.05 threshold) and 11.9% (95% CI 9.9-11.4%) using both tests in parallel. Older (>4.5 years) and bullfighting cattle were associated with increased odds of confirmed bTB infection by bacteriology, whereas dairy cattle showed a significantly lower risk. Ancillary use of IFN-γ assay reduced the proportion of T-/C + animals in high risk groups. CONCLUSIONS These results demonstrate the likelihood of positive bacteriological results in non-reactor cattle is influenced by individual epidemiological factors of tested animals. Increased surveillance on non-reactors with an increased probability of being false negative could be helpful to avoid bTB persistence, particularly in chronically infected herds. These findings may aid in the development of effective strategies for eradication of bTB in Spain

    Chronic and acute effects on skin temperature from a sport consisting of repetitive impacts from hitting a ball with the hands

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    Valencian handball consists in hitting the ball with the hands and it may contribute to injury development on the hands. This study aimed to analyze skin temperature asymmetries and recovery after a cold stress test (CST) in professional players of Valencian handball before and after a competition. Thirteen professional athletes and a control group of ten physically active participants were measured. For both groups, infrared images were taken at the baseline condition; later they underwent a thermal stress test (pressing for 2 min with the palm of the hand on a metal plate) and then recovery images were taken. In athletes, the images were also taken after their competition. Athletes at baseline condition presented lower temperatures (p < 0.05) in the dominant hand compared with the non-dominant hand. There were asymmetries in all regions after their match (p < 0.05). After CST, a higher recovery rate was found after the game. The regions with the most significant differences in variation, asymmetries and recovery patterns were the index, middle and ring fingers, and the palm of the dominant hand. Taking into account that lower temperatures and the absence of temperature variation may be the consequence of a vascular adaptation, thermography could be used as a method to prevent injuries in athletes from Valencian handball

    Impact of moderate coronary atherosclerosis on long-term left ventricular remodeling after aortic valve replacement

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    Background: The role of coronary atherosclerosis (CA+) in ventricular remodeling after aortic valve replacement (AVR) for isolated aortic stenosis (AS) is not well defined. We sought to evaluate the impact of not revascularized moderate coronary atherosclerosis in long-term left ventricular (LV) remodeling after AVR. Methods: We assessed by coronariography the coronary artery disease in 66 patients referred for AVR and evaluated morphological and functional LV data by echocardiography both preoperatively and postoperatively (3 &#177; 1.2 years). Results: In patients without coronary atherosclerosis, hypertrophy regression was more intense and the absolute reverse remodeling was higher in LV mass index (&#8211;55.8 &#177; 36 g/m2 vs &#8211;28.4 &#177; 34 g/m2, p = 0.004), reduction of LV dimensions (LV end-diastolic diameter [LVEDD]: &#8211;4.1 &#177; 7.4 mm vs &#8211;2.2 &#177; 8.3 mm, p = 0.04), and regression of wall thickness (interventricular septum [IVS]: &#8211;3.3 &#177; 2.6 mm vs &#8211;1.6 &#177; 2.2 mm, p = 0.01; and posterior wall thickness [PWT]: &#8211;2.1 &#177; 2.1 mm vs 0.6 &#177; 2.1 mm, p = 0.012). Conclusions: After AVR for AS, not revascularized moderate coronary atherosclerosis determines a long-term lesser degree of LV hypertrophy regression and a worse absolute reverse remodeling of LV mass index, LVEDD, IVS and PWT. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 3: 277&#8211;281

    Sustained benefit of left ventricular remodelling after valve replacement for aortic stenosis

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    Background: Valve replacement for aortic stenosis (AS) determines negative ventricular remodelling. We used cross sectional and Doppler echocardiography to check how rapidly it occurs and to assess if these changes are sustained over time. Methods: We evaluated in 34 patients subjected to aortic valve replacement for AS morphological and functional (ejection fraction and E:A ratio) left ventricular data by echocardiography prior to surgery and 2 postoperative studies: early after surgery (pQ1) and at mid-term evolution (pQ2). Results: Left ventricular mass index was reduced at pQ1 (from 152 &#177; 47 g/m2 to 113 &#177; 31 g/m2; p < 0.01) as well as end-diastolic (from 51.3 mm to 48.3 mm; p < 0.03), end-systolic (from 32.2 mm to 29.4 mm; p < 0.02), interventricular septum (from 12.9 mm to 10.3 mm; p < 0.01), and posterior wall (from 12.5 mm to 11 mm; p < 0.01) dimensions. Left ventricular ejection fraction (from 61.2% to 65.2%; p < 0.04) and E:A ratio (from 0.94 to 0.98; p < 0.01) increased significantly at pQ1. There were no significant differences in measurements between pQ1 and pQ2. Conclusions: Aortic valve replacement surgery leads to a rapid negative left ventricular remodelling during the first 7 months, including a decrease in myocardial hypertrophy and an improvement in systolic and diastolic function. These beneficial hemodynamic changes are sustained for at least 3 years