7,171 research outputs found

    Caring for the Whole Self: Analyzing the Relationship Between Graduate Students’ Involvement on Campus and the Onset of Imposter Syndrome

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    The purpose of this study was to enhance the current understanding of Imposter Syndrome in the context of student involvement on campus, specifically the University of San Diego’s (USD) graduate student population in an effort to better understand how higher education institutions can support students’ growing mental health concerns and take action to add or adjust current resources to benefit those who may need it. The research question that guided this inquiry was if a graduate student’s level of involvement on campus affects one\u27s mental health, specifically, the onset and prevalence of Imposter Syndrome? My findings suggest that there is a slight correlation between the level of student involvement and the severity to which this mental health issue is prevalent. By focusing on this prevalent issue through the lens of Higher Education, I was able to connect developmental and psychological theories together to guide the work that I would do in my personal and professional life

    The Comeback: COVID-19’s Impact and the Return of Sports

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    Recent promising vaccine news has many U.S. citizens finally seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel and maybe even thinking about making travel plans to a tropical destination, to Europe, or perhaps catch a ballgame. Unfortunately, however, the pandemic is still ongoing. Throngs of people wary of the vaccine and new COVID-19 variants popping up likely mean we are not entirely out of the pandemic’s grasp. And let us not forget the price paid in lives already: three million lives worldwide and half a million in the United States. So, it may seem a little distasteful to talk about COVID-19 and its impact on the sports industry, but sports matter economically and to our individual and collective psyche. This post was originally published on the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal website on April 26, 2021. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above

    Evaluating Component Assembly Specialization for 3D FFT

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    The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a widely-used building block for many high-performance scienti c applications. Ef- cient computing of FFT is paramount for the performance of these applications. This has led to many e orts to implement machine and computation speci c optimizations. However, no existing FFT library is capable of easily integrating and au- tomating the selection of new and/or unique optimizations. To ease FFT specialization, this paper evaluates the use of component-based software engineering, a programming paradigm which consists in building applications by assembling small software units. Component models are known to have many software engineering bene ts but usually have insucient performance for high-performance scienti c applications. This paper uses the L2C model, a general purpose high-performance component model, and studies its performance and adaptation capabilities on 3D FFTs. Experiments show that L2C, and components in general, enables easy handling of 3D FFT specializations while obtaining performance comparable to that of well-known libraries. However, a higher-level component model is needed to automatically generate an adequate L2C assembly

    Cocoa Yield Development of Different Sites, Varieties, Production Systems and Years, in Alto Beni, Bolivia

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    One of the most essential limiting factors of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) productivity worldwide is pests and diseases. Each of the major production regions has its specific pests and diseases. Reported yield losses range from minor to almost 100 per cent. In Alto Beni, located in the Amazonian watershed of the department La Paz, Bolivia, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and its local partners are addressing several problems of cocoa producers using a participatory technology development approach. Problems were identified in a participatory way and are, in order of priority, i) to reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, mainly the cocoa mirid (Monalonion dissimulatum) and Frosty Pod Rot (Moniliophthora roreri); ii) to evaluate the productivity of different cocoa varieties (local selections, introduced clones), and iii) to document the management practices and plantation layouts of high yielding cocoa farmers. In order to develop novel biological pest control measures, both the knowledge of cocoa yield development in the course of the harvest period, as well as the dynamics of pests and diseases are of great interest. Data from three different research activities of the mentioned project are analysed for yield development, the appearance, and the incidence of pests and diseases, where available. The research data are from: a) On-farm trials in multiple locations which were established in 2004. The performance of 16 cocoa varieties has been assessed for 3 years (2010–2012). b) Four high yielding cocoa farmers’ fields (2012 only). c) A long-term field experiment assessing the sustainability of five cocoa production systems (2011 and 2012). The trial investigates the influence of monocultures and different agroforestry systems under organic and conventional management on the yield development, among other agronomic, economic and environmental parameters

    Magnetic nanoparticles for biosensing and immunoprecipitation

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    Our world is rapidly changing and its future is on our hands. Great effort is being done against overexploitation of natural resources, uncontrolled hunting and pollution. A great concerning fact is due to pollution which is causing a continuous greenhouse effect and new cancer cases every single day. Nowadays, it is possible to improve the detection of lethal elements in the environment, to fight against cancer in a smarter manner, with less pain and with more efficiency but, more important, to use the same low-cost, fast and environmentally friendly tool for these purposes and more. This reality is thanks to previous works and findings regarding the Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs), which are employable in a wide variety of applications such as magnetic recording media, resonance imaging, heavy metals ions removal and biomedicine (specifically in the hyperthermic treatment of malignant cells, site-specific drug delivery and separation of proteins and cell population). MNPs have special properties such as superparamagnetic, high field irreversibility, high saturation field, extra anisotropy contributions or shifted loops after field cooling, biocompatibility, long durability, low toxicity and cost. In this context, this project intends 1) to develop through a novel synthesis method, a biosensor capable to detect mercury in water by irreversible inhibition of the enzyme Horseradish Peroxidase attached onto the surface of different coated MNPs being able to approximate its detections to those limits stablished by the Environmental Protecting Agency of the United States of America; and 2) to use these high valuable nanoparticles as an immunoprecipitation vehicle through the attachment of a polyclonal antibody onto the surface of functionalized MNPs, selective against a suppressor protein. MNPs of about 10 nm were obtained within one minute via co-precipitation method enhanced by high power ultrasound. Experimental design has been used in order to optimize the preparation process from hours to just one minute. The composition, structure, size and morphology analyses of these MNPs have been carried out through X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy showing the correct achievement of the MNPs. Moreover, different coating agents have been tested in order to functionalize MNPs surface with the aim of attaching later biomolecules, such as enzymes and antibodies

    Cardiac-evoked long-range quantum entanglement in the conscious brain

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    We report observations of cardiac-evoked long-range zero quantum coherence (ceZQC) in human brain tissue which were not accompanied by an alternation of short-range quantum coherence. For every cardiac pulsation, ceZQC emerged over the entire brain tissue for a period of 270 ±\pm 180 ms. We observed this quantum effect in 40 human volunteers, if and only if they were awake. This link to conscious awareness suggests that the information held in the long-range quantum phenomenon is used and manipulated in conscious-related computation

    On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on Massive MIMO

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    Massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are one possible key technology for next generation wireless communication systems. Claims have been made that massive MU-MIMO will increase both the radiated energy efficiency as well as the sum-rate capacity by orders of magnitude, because of the high transmit directivity. However, due to the very large number of transceivers needed at each base-station (BS), a successful implementation of massive MU-MIMO will be contingent on of the availability of very cheap, compact and power-efficient radio and digital-processing hardware. This may in turn impair the quality of the modulated radio frequency (RF) signal due to an increased amount of power-amplifier distortion, phase-noise, and quantization noise. In this paper, we examine the effects of hardware impairments on a massive MU-MIMO single-cell system by means of theory and simulation. The simulations are performed using simplified, well-established statistical hardware impairment models as well as more sophisticated and realistic models based upon measurements and electromagnetic antenna array simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for presentation at Globe-Com workshop on Massive MIM

    Factores que complican la nutrición en pacientes embarazadas que asisten a la Sede de Sector Apante del municipio de Matagalpa en el II semestre del año 2016

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    Según MINSA (Ministerio de Salud). La nutrición es un proceso biológico mediante el cual, el cuerpo recibe y utiliza de forma equilibrada energía y nutrientes de los alimentos que se consumen cada día, permite que nuestro organismo funcione adecuadamente para crecer, trabajar y desarrollarse plenamente. Durante la gestación se produce un gasto metabólico; por ello la dieta debe aportar proteínas, vitaminas y minerales, elementos esenciales para que él bebe crezca adecuadamente. La deficiencia de estos nutrientes puede llevar a la obesidad o desnutrición; siendo como tales un problema grave, que se puede complicar, y a consecuencia su hijo tiene el riesgo de morir o de presentar alteraciones. El presente trabajo está basado en los factores que complican la nutrición en pacientes embarazadas que asisten a la Sede del Sector Apante en la ciudad de Matagalpa. Evaluar la calidad en la toma de medidas antropométricas según las normas del programa, para comprobar si se cumplen en los servicios de salud, y estandarizar planes de cuidados según las necesidades nutricionales de la paciente en estudio. El universo lo constituyeron 8 gestantes, para esta selección se aplicó un muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia. Se elaboró un instrumento (encuestas) que constó de 16 ítems dividido de acuerdo a los objetivos de investigación. Como resultado se obtuvo que los factores predisponentes son: el nivel de escolaridad, el desempleo de la embarazada, el ingreso salarial bajo, los tiempos de comida que consume; se evaluó la calidad de la toma de las medidas antropométricas según las normas del programa, y se realizaron planes de cuidado según las necesidades presentadas en las gestantes en estudi
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