858 research outputs found

    Reactivity of Nellore steers in two feedlot housing systems and its relationship with plasmatic cortisol

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    To evaluate reactivity to assess the temperament of Nellore steers in two feedlot housing systems (group pen or individual pen) and its relationship with plasmatic cortisol, 36 experimental units were observed five times at 28-day intervals of weight management during a 112-day feedlot confinement. A reactivity score scale ranging from 1 to 5 was applied when an animal was in the chute system. To the calmest animal, a reactivity score of 1 was ascribed and to the most agitated, 5. Blood samples were collected for cortisol analysis. No differences were found in reactivity and feedlot system. There was a relationship noted between reactivity and feedlot time in both housing systems (Pb0.01). There was a relation between reactivity and cortisol levels for group animals (P=0.0616) and for individual ones (Pb0.01). Cortisol levels varied among housing systems (Pb0.01). Feedlot time influenced the cortisol levels (Pb0.09 individual; Pb0.01 group) and when variable time was included, these levels changed, decreasing in the group pen and increasing in individual pens. The continuous handling reduces reactivity and plasmatic cortisol, and group pen system seems to be less stressfully than individual pens

    Environmental geochemistry of Argemela mine area (Barco, Central Portugal)

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    Environmental geochemistry of Argemela mine area (Barco, Central Portugal

    Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of portuguese olive oil

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    The main goal of this paper was to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of olive oil production in Portugal. A life-cycle model and inventory were implemented for the entire production process, including a comprehensive analysis of olive cultivation, olive oil extraction, packaging, and distribution. Data originates from five differently-sized Portuguese olive growers and from a total of six olive oil mills, representing the three extraction processes in use: three-phase extraction, two-phase extraction, and traditional pressing. The results show that the GHG intensity lies in the range 1.8-8.2 kg CO2eq/liter and that the main contributors were fertilizers (production and field emissions). Efficient use of fertilizers thus seems to be a key factor for mitigating the GHG intensity of olive oil production.This research was supported by project ECODEEP (Eco-efficiency and Eco-management in the Agro Industrial sector, FCOMP–05–0128–FEDER–018643) and the Portuguese Scienc

    An artificial fish swarm filter-based Method for constrained global optimization

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    Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, M. Fernanda P. Costa and Edite M.G.P. Fernandes, An Artificial Fish Swarm Filter-Based Method for Constrained Global Optimization, B. Murgante, O. Gervasi, S. Mirsa, N. Nedjah, A.M. Rocha, D. Taniar, B. Apduhan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part III, LNCS 7335, pp. 57–71, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.An artificial fish swarm algorithm based on a filter methodology for trial solutions acceptance is analyzed for general constrained global optimization problems. The new method uses the filter set concept to accept, at each iteration, a population of trial solutions whenever they improve constraint violation or objective function, relative to the current solutions. The preliminary numerical experiments with a wellknown benchmark set of engineering design problems show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Oxidative damage and photosynthetic impairment in tropical rice cultivars upon exposure to excess iron

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    ABSTRACT Iron plays a pivotal role in the redox reactions of photosynthesis and metabolic processes such as chlorophyll synthesis. Iron availability in waterlogged soils can reach toxic levels and promote oxidative stress. Fe toxicity is the most concerning of stresses for rice in many lowland environments around the world and may cause severe impairments in rice photosynthesis. This study aimed to investigate the extension of oxidative stress after excess Fe exposure and its effects on the photosynthesis of rice cultivars with differential sensitivity. Three Brazilian rice cultivars (EPAGRI 107, BRSMG SELETA and BR IRGA 409) were grown in Hoagland nutrient solution (pH 4.0) with two Fe-EDTA doses corresponding to excess Fe (7 mM) and control (0.009 mM) treatments. After just three days of excess Fe exposure, there was a significant increase in iron concentration in the shoots. The BR IRGA 409 cultivar exhibited higher Fe accumulation in its shoots, and the EPAGRI 107 cultivar recorded the lowest values, which were below the critical toxicity level, as a resistance strategy. Impairment in light energy partitioning and oxidative damage became evident before changes in stomatal resistance, chlorophyll content, maximal PSII quantum yield or visual symptoms for the most sensitive cultivar (BR IRGA 409). The photosynthesis limitations, in addition to the impairment of excess energy dissipation in rice from iron toxicity, are the results of oxidative damage

    Feeding strategies and energy to protein ratio on tambaqui performance and physiology

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of feed deprivation and refeeding with diets containing different energy to protein ratios (E/P) on the performance and physiology of juvenile tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). A 4x2 factorial arrangement with three replicates was used, with four E/P ratios (11.5, 10.5, 9.5, and 8.5 kcal g-1 digestible energy per protein) and two feeding regimens (with and without deprivation), during 60 days. Fish from the food-deprived group were fasted for 14 days and refed from the fifteenth to the sixtieth day, whereas the remaining fish were fed for 60 days. At the end of the experimental period, weight of fish subjected to food deprivation was lower than that of those continuously fed; however, this condition did not influence the physiological parameters analyzed. Tambaqui fed 11.5 kcal g-1 achieved lower final weight than those fed with the other diets, in both regimens. Among the physiological parameters, only plasma protein presented significant increase in fish fed 8.5 kcal g-1, in both feeding regimens, probably due to the higher dietary protein concentration. These results indicate that fish show a partial compensatory growth, and that 10.5 kcal g-1 can be recommended for the diet of juvenile tambaqui
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