16 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Praktik Pencucian Alat Makan Dengan Jumlah Total Bakteri Pada Alat Makan di Warung Penyet Pleburan Semarang Tahun 2007

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    Kampus Pleburan sangat padat dengan aktifitas masyarakat dan mahasiswa terutama penyediaan makanan setiap hari. Penyajian makanan bisa menimbulkan masalah apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik, sehingga dapat berpengaruh pada produktifitas mahasiswa dan masyarakat sekitar. Penyebabnya adalah penggunaan alat makan yang tidak bersih, proses pencucian yang kurang baik serta penanganan alat makan yang kurang baik setelah dicuci. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara praktik pencucian alat makan dengan jumlah total bakteri pada alat makan di warung penyet Pleburan Semarang 2007. Jenis penelitian ini adalah correlational research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua warung penyet yang berada di Jl. Hayam Wuruk, JL. Kusumawardani, JL. Pleburan Barat, dan JL. Erlangga Barat yang berjumlah 20 warung. Analisis data menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 warung yang diuji jumlah total bakteri yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan ( 100 koloni/cm2) hanya 40 %. Jumlah bakteri tertinggi sebesar 1905 koloni/cm2 dan terendah sebesar 5 koloni/cm2. Untuk skor praktik pencucian alat makan oleh responden, didapatkan hasil bahwa dari 20 responden, skor maksimal adalah 25 dan skor minimalnya adalah 10 dengan nilai mean adalah 17. Praktik pencucian alat makan berhubungan secara significan dengan jumlah total bakteri pada alat makan ( r = - 0,877 ). Di mana semakin tinggi skor praktik pencucian alat makan (piring) yang diperoleh, maka semakin kecil jumlah bakteri pada alat makan (piring) tersebut. Bagi penjual makanan harus teratur mengganti air pencucian, setelah pencucian alat makan ditempatkan di tempat yang bersih, tertutup, dan tidak saling ditumpuk serta dibiarkan kering dengan sendiri. Jika memakai lap usahakan menggunakan lap yang kering dan bersih dengan persediaan yang cukup. Kepada instansi kesehatan harus ada pemantauan secara berkala baik secara fisik maupun mikrobiologi sekaligus memberikan informasi kepada pengelola warung penyet mengenai kebersihan dan kesehatan

    Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan dengan Kualitas Tidur pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Bago

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    Pregnancy is the fertilization of the ovum and spermatozoa, followed by the nidation (implantation) process, which is classified into three trimesters. Mothers will experience increased anxiety when entering the third trimester, approaching delivery time. Anxiety has an impact, including feeling depressed and feeling uncomfortable, causing a decrease in sleep quality. The design used is descriptive correlation by measuring two variables, and the approach used is cross-sectional. Namely, the independent and dependent variables are carried out simultaneously. The population of this study were all pregnant women in their third trimester at the Bago Health Center. There were 84 populations, and the results of the sample calculation using the Lemeshow formula obtained 42 respondents. The sampling technique includes non-probability sampling. This study's results indicate a relationship between anxiety levels and sleep quality in third-trimester pregnant women at the Bago Health Center. The results of this study also show that anxiety levels have a strong relationship with sleep quality. The direction of the correlation in this study is negative, which means that if the level of anxiety is high, the quality of sleep is poor

    Gambaran Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ibu Tidak Memberikan ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cakru, Kencong

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is needed due to the low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to identify the description of maternal factors not to provide exclusive breastfeeding at the Public Health Centre of Cakru Kencong-Jember Regency. The study used a cross-sectional study. This study was conducted on 127 mothers who had infants aged 0-6 months and did not give exclusive breastfeeding with a total sampling technique. Data collection used a questionnaire about knowledge, family support, and formula milk exposure in January - February 2019. The results showed that most respondents had the most factors affecting mothers not to give exclusive breastfeeding, namely low education factors (31.5% ), good knowledge (95,3%), not working or housewives (76.4%), low socio-economic (74.8%), supportive family supports (96.1%), and exposure to formula milk exposed (70.1%) in breastfeeding is not exclusive at the Public Health Centre of Cakru Kencong-Jember. The study illustrated that the factors of education, housewives, socio-economics, and formula milk exposure are very dominant in decreasing the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding so that mothers are reluctant to give breast milk exclusively to infants aged 0-6 months on the grounds that breast milk does not adequately meet their baby's needs

    Hubungan Dukungan Suami dengan Kesiapan Persalinan pada Ibu Hamil Usia Remaja di Sukowono, Jember

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    Childbirth readiness is a birth planning process and anticipation of actions to prevent complications. Teenage pregnant women (<20 years) are at risk because at that age the productive and mental functions are immature. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between husband’s support and childbirth readiness of teenage pregnant women in Sukowono Community Health Center, Jember. The study used correlational approach with cross-sectional study design. Sample size was 34 teenage pregnant women, collected using total sampling. Data was obtained by using questionnaire of husband’s support (validity: 0.759-0.820 and reliability: 0.789) and childbirth readiness (validity: 0.488-0.835 and reliability 0.957). Data analysis used the spearman test. The study showed that the respondents had less husband support, i.e. 19 people and the childbirth readiness was 20 people. The results showed that there was a relationship between husband’s support and childbirth readiness (p value=0,000) and h r=0,623. This study indicated that the higher of husband’s support which receive by pregnant women, the higher of the childbirth readiness. Teenage pregnant women who have good husband’s support will prepare mature labor plan, and further provides safety to mother and fetus

    Gambaran Dukungan Sosial Ibu Hamil dengan Preeklampsia di RSUD Dr. Abdoer Rahem Situbondo

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    The first cause of maternal death in East Java is caused by preeclampsia. The impact of preeclampsia can be physiological and psychological. The other impact is driven by the lack of social support like husbands’ support, families, friends, and the environment, which could worsen mothers’ preeclampsia. Social support can encourage pregnant women with preeclampsia to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression. The study was to describe the social support of pregnant women with preeclampsia at dr. Abdoer Rahem hospital Situbondo. This study used a descriptive-analytic study with a total sample of 60 pregnant women with preeclampsia. The instrument in this study used a Medical Outcomes Study: Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) questionnaire consisting of 19 questions. Data analysis in this study used univariate analysis. The results of this study indicate that the value of social support in 60 respondents is in a moderate condition (51.7%). This case requires good social support to motivate mothers to improve their health status. In increasing social support, the relations of pregnant women with preeclampsia are included in giving health care workers information and education

    Pengaruh Permainan Ular Tangga terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap dalam Menghadapi Menarche pada Siswi SDN Pringgowirawan 01 Sumberbaru Kabupaten Jember (The effect of snack and ladder game to the knowladge and attitude to confront menarche for the students of elementary school 01 Sumberbaru, Jember)

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    Menarche is the beginning of menstruation in young women and information about menarche is needed so that students can prepare themselves to confront menarche. The snake and ladder game is an educative game method that is appropriate for elementary school students. The purpose of this research was conducted to determine the effect of snake and ladder game on knowledge and attitude to confront menarche for elementary school students. This research is quasy experiment with two treatment group pretest-posttest design using 30 respondents with 15 respondents experimental group and 15 respondents comparing group (control). Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The result showed that there was increasing knowledge of menarche by 40.1% from the treated group, and positive attitude confront of menarche increased by 46.6% after given intervention (p = 0.001/p <0.05), meaning that H1 was accepted, there are significant differences in knowledge and attitude between pre-test and post-test so the snake and ladder game affects the knowledge and attitude to confront menarche in the treated group. The snake and ladder game can improve knowledge and attitude to confront of menarche and learning method by using snack and ladder game can be one of the media to convey information to the elementary school students. Keywords : menarche, snack and ladder gam


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    Latar Belakang : M asa usia dini merupakan masa tumbuh kembang yang terbaik dan sering disebut sebagai masa keemasan atau golden age . Pada masa ini orangtua dapat mengenalkan pendidikan seksual kepada anak sesuai deng an tahap usianya. Berdasarkan data Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) kasus kekerasan pada anak tiap tahunnya terus meningkat, di tahun 2016 terdapat 120 kasus. Hal ini menegaskan bahwa pendidikan seksual perlu ditanamkan sejak dini pada anak. Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakuakn di TK ABA Wirobrajan I dan II didapatkan hasil bahwa kedua TK tersebut belum pernah mendapatkan penyuluhan t entang pendidikan seksual anak. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan pendidikan seksual dinid terhadap ti ngkat pengetahuan pada ibu di TK ABA Wirobrajan I dan II. Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pre experimental design dengan rancangan one group pre test - post test dengan analisis Paired t - test. Pengambilan sample dengan teknik total sampli ng, dengan jumlah 30 responden. Hasil : Berdasarkan analisis didapatkan nilai rata - rata pre test 76,06 dan nilai rata - rata postest 81,06 yang keduanya menunjukkan nilai yang baik dengan selisih rata - rata 5,00. Nilai p value = 0,025 < α = 0,05. Simpulan dan Saran : A da pengaruh penyuluhan pendidikan seksual dini terhadap tingkat pengetahuan pada ibu di TK ABA Wirobrajan I dan II. Bagi ibu diharapkan dengan diberikannya penyuluhan pendidikan seksual, mampu dan bersedia menerapkan pendidikan sesksual secara dini pada an ak


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    Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah accupressure dapat mengurangi tingkat nyeri persalinan pada ibu bersalin kala 1 di Rumah Sakit Jember Klinik Kabupaten Jember.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimen rancangan one grup pretest posttest dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional. Sample 34 ibu hamil dengan nyeri persalinan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah acidental sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Wilcoxson Test.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini ialah responden berusia rata-rata ibu adalah 19-30 tahun. Paritas terbanyak ialah multigravida. Sebagian besar pendidikan responden ialah tinggi (SMA-PT). Pekerjaan ibu rata-rata ialah ibu rumah tangga. Rata-rata skala nyeri persalinan sebelum terapi adalah 6 dan sesudah terapi adalah 5.Simpulan: Tingkat kepercayaan yang digunakan ialah 95% dengan p value (0,0001) < ? (0,05) dengan hasil terdapat perbedaan nyeri persalinan sebelum dan sesudah terapi accupressure di rumah sakit.Kata kunci: akupresure, nyeri persalinan, persalinan kala 1


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    Background: Chronic periodontitis occurred mostly in productive ages. Chronic periodontitis was started by adherence and accumulation of plaque bacteria that caused vascular enhancement, PMN infiltration, and periodontal tissue destruction. This process caused bone calcium solubitily which went trough blood stream and excreted to gungiva sulci. Calcium in periodontal tissue could be found both in extracellular and intracellular matrix. Purpose: Purpose of this study was to know calcium level in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis and compare calcium level in chronic periodontitis and gingivitis. Method: This study was analytic observational with cross sectional approach and got admission from ethic comission of Dental Faculty, Gadjah Mada University. The subjects were patients who came to dental hospital of Jember University. The subjects had to full fill informed consent. The subjects were selected according inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects  complying inclusion criteria were divided into gingivitis group (PI score 0 – 0.7) and chronic periodontitis (PI score 1 – 8.0). Gingival crevicular fluid samples were collected from teeth which got gingivitis and chronic periodontitis, GCF was absorbed using paperpoint and stored inside eppendorf tube. Paperpoint was added with 50 μL 0.02 M PBS pH 7.4 and 100 μL distilled water. Calcium level was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Result: The result showed there was calcium in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis. Mean of calcium level of chronic periodontitis was higher than  gingivitis. Conclusion: This study concluded there was calcium in gingival crevicular fluid of chronic periodontitis and calcium level of chronic periodontitis was higher than gingivitis. Keywords: gingival crevicular fluid, calcium, periodontal tissue, chronic periodontiti

    THE MIX ORALIT-HONEY AND ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS IN JEMBER Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to SCITEPRESS Proceedings

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    Introduction: Acute gastroenteritis is the most common disease occurring in children under the age of five, which is defined as a sudden increase in frequency and changes in the consistency of the feces. Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of infant and under-five mortality in Indonesia. Methods: This study using pre experiment with randomized control group pretest-post-test. The sample used 16 respondents according to the inclusion criteria. The variables studied were giving mixing oralit and honey in children with acute gastroenteritis. Data were collected and analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test. Result And Analysis: The results of this study proved that giving oralit mix therapy with honey gives a significant effect on the indicator of diarrhea frequency so condition from children is getting better. Discussion And Conclusion: The addition of honey in an oral re-hydration solution may reduce and improve the recovery of the defecate frequency of acute gastroenteritis. Provision of honey as an anti-bacterial and prebiotic to children with gastroenteritis