42 research outputs found

    Una revisión bibliométrica de la Revista de Psicología Política de España: tópicos actuales y pendientes: A bibliometric review of the Journal of Political Psychology of Spain: current and pending topics

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    Reflexionar sobre el avance y desarrollo de las ciencias, contribuye a vislumbrar  necesidades, limitaciones, dificultades y alcances de cada disciplina. La bibliometría para este estudio permitió identificar la actividad y producción científica que se genera en investigación en psicología política, vislumbrar avances, temas, temporalidades y tendencias. Se analizó la Revista de Psicología Política de España, sus publicaciones de 1990 a 2014. Se trata de un estudio ex - post facto retrospectivo (Montero y León, 2005). La población de estudio fueron los 49 números publicados, el análisis de datos se apoyó en datos cuantitativos bibliométricos. Se encontraron temas que han prevalecido en la psicología política, desde principios de los 90’s hasta 2014 (participación política, conducta del voto, autoritarismo…).Actualmente el tema de mapas curriculares de universidades, predictores de éxito, Género, Derechos Humanos, Políticas Públicas (diversidad sexual, salud mental) están en la agenda; reflexiones epistemológicas son necesarias para la psicología política

    Gobernanza y salud mental: aportes para su abordaje en materia de políticas públicas

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the conceptualization of the term governance on public mental health programs. METHODS In this systematic review, we analyzed the scientific literature published in the international scenario during 15 years (from 2000 to 2015). The databases analyzed were: Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO and PubMed. Governance and mental health were the descriptors. We included relevant articles according to our subject of study and levels of analysis: (i) the concept of governance in mental health; (ii) process and decision spaces; (iii) strategic and pertinent actors who operate in the functioning of the health system, and (iv) social regulations. We excluded letters to the editor, news articles, comments and case reports, incomplete articles and articles whose approach did not include the object of study of this review. RESULTS We have found five conceptualizations of the term governance on mental health in the area of provision policies and service organization. The agents were both those who offer and those who receive the services: we identified several social norms. CONCLUSIONS The concept of governance in mental health includes standards of quality and attention centered on the patient, and incorporates the consumers of mental healthcare in the decision-making process.OBJETIVO Analizar la conceptualización del término gobernanza en las políticas de salud mental. MÉTODOS En esta revisión sistemática se analizó literatura científica publicada en el ámbito internacional durante 15 años (de 2000 hasta 2015). Las bases de datos analizadas fueron: Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO y PubMed. Los descriptores fueron gobernanza y salud mental. Fueron incluidos artículos relevantes de acuerdo a nuestro objeto de estudio y niveles de análisis: (i) concepto de gobernanza en salud mental; (ii) proceso y espacios de decisión; (iii) actores estratégicos y de interés que intervienen en el funcionamiento del sistema de salud, y (iv) normas sociales. Se excluyeron cartas al editor, noticias, comentarios y reporte de caso, artículos incompletos y artículos que no incluyeran en su abordaje el objeto de estudio de esta revisión. RESULTADOS Se reportaron cinco conceptualizaciones del término gobernanza en salud mental en el ámbito de políticas de provisión y organización de servicios. Los actores fueron desde proveedores a usuarios de servicios; se identificaron diversas normas sociales. CONCLUSIONES El concepto de gobernanza en salud mental incorpora estándares de calidad y atención centrada en el paciente, e incluye a los usuarios en la toma de decisiones

    Factores psicosociales del trabajo y efectos psicológicos en comerciantes informales en Morelos, México: Una exploración preliminar

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    Despite of the fact that most of the Latin-American workforce is composed by workers in the informal economy, there are few studies about the job psychosocial factors and psychological consequences occurring in these workers, which is the main goal of this preliminary study.  Through a quanti-qualitative approach, positive and negative psychosocial job factors were explored, as well as their relationship with mental health, job stress, job satisfaction, burnout and engagement in a sample of informal street vendors in the City of Cuernavaca Morelos, México (N=116). The results showed a higher presence of positive psychosocial factors than the negatives (e.g gratifying tasks, sharing with others, etc., versus environmental risks, struggle with clients, etc.), and even there were few bivariate associations with the psychological effects, the multidimensional scaling analyses confirm a sort of component of the nature of intrinsically motivating work linked to positive effects (e.g satisfaction, engagement), and a negative interaction-people dimension closer to negative effects (e.g mental health, burnout) (S-Stress=.07731, RSQ=.97006). This preliminary study allows us to identify a specific-context psychosocial factors in these informal vendors which are absent in traditional standardized questionnaires, also we could identify structural dimensions and relationships among variables in order to contribute to the understanding of this phenomena and its strategic consideration for the solution of problems and better work conditions in this sector in Latin America.La mayor parte de la fuerza laboral en Latinoamérica está compuesta por personas que trabajan en la economía informal, a pesar de eso, son pocos los estudios que estudian los factores psicosociales laborales a los que se encuentran expuestas estas personas y sus consecuencias psicológicas, objetivo del presente estudio preliminar. Mediante una exploración cuanti-cualitativa se identificaron factores psicosociales, negativos y positivos, y su relación con la salud mental, el estrés, la satisfacción, el burnout y el engagement laboral en una muestra de comerciantes informales en la ciudad de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México (N=116). Los resultados mostraron una mayor presencia de factores psicosociales positivos sobre los negativos (e.g tareas gratificantes, compartir con gente, etc., versus, riesgos ambientales, batallar con clientes, etc.), y aunque mostraron pocas relaciones bivariadas con los efectos psicológicos, los análisis de escalamiento multidimensional confirmaron un componente de motivación intrínseca en la naturaleza del trabajo que es más cercano a los efectos positivos (e.g satisfacción, engagement), y una dimensión de interacción negativa con las personas, que se vinculó más a los efectos negativos (e.g burnout y pobre salud mental) (S-Stress=.07731, RSQ=.97006). Este estudio preliminar permitió identificar factores psicosociales muy específicos en el contexto de estos comerciantes informales que son inexistentes en escalas estandarizadas, así como una estructura de dimensiones y relaciones trascendentes entre variables, lo que puede contribuir a la comprensión futura de estos fenómenos y su consideración estratégica en la solución de problemas y condiciones de trabajo de este sector en América Latina.A maior parte da força de trabalho na América Latina é composta por pessoas que trabalham na economia informal, apesar disso, existem poucos estudos que estudam os fatores psicossociais do trabalho aos quais essas pessoas estão expostas e suas conseqüências psicológicas, o objetivo de presente estudo preliminar. Por meio de uma exploração quali-quantitativa, foram identificados fatores psicossociais, negativos e positivos, e sua relação com a saúde mental, estresse, satisfação, esgotamento e engagement do trabalho em uma amostra de comerciantes informais na cidade de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. (N = 116). Os resultados mostraram uma maior presença de fatores psicossociais positivos em relação aos negativos (por exemplo, gratificação de tarefas, compartilhamento com pessoas etc., versus, riscos ambientais, brigas com clientes etc.) e, embora mostrassem poucas relações bivariadas com efeitos psicológicos, as análises de escalamiento multidimensional confirmou um componente da motivação intrínseca na natureza do trabalho que está mais próxima dos efeitos positivos (por exemplo, satisfação, engagement) e uma dimensão de interação negativa com as pessoas, que estava mais ligada aos efeitos negativos (por exemplo, burnout) e problemas de saúde mental) (S-Stress = 0,07731, RSQ = 0,97006). Este estudo preliminar permitiu identificar fatores psicossociais muito específicos no contexto desses comerciantes informais inexistentes em escalas padronizadas, bem como uma estrutura de dimensões e relações transcendentes entre variáveis, que podem contribuir para a compreensão futura desses fenômenos e sua consideração estratégica. na solução de problemas e condições de trabalho desse setor na América Latina

    Health social research in a context of violence: a look from the ethics

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    Durante el sexenio presidencial 2006-2012 inició una lucha contra el narcotráfico, la cual continuó con el actual presidente y sigue ocupando uno de los primeros lugares en la agenda política de México. Esta lucha ha movilizado las fuerzas de seguridad nacional y sus consecuencias han traspasado el ámbito político y trastocado a la sociedad en su conjunto. Éste es tan sólo uno de los escenarios que enfrenta el país, históricos conflictos comunitarios y una atmósfera de violencia generalizada alimentada por secuestros, homicidios y diversas clases de crímenes, lo acompañan. Este ensayo reflexiona sobre la forma en que la investigación social, concretamente la fase del trabajo que se realiza en campo, se ha visto también afectada por este contexto. El trabajo expone algunos obstáculos que las personas que realizan trabajo de campo (investigadores, estudiantes, entrevistadores y encuestadores) tienen que enfrentar. Analiza de qué manera este contexto está afectando la investigación social que se lleva a cabo, comprometiendo seriamente los resultados y reflexiona desde la ética de la investigación, señalando la falta de medidas de protección para el personal que participa en este tipo de estudios.During the 2006-2012 six-year presidential term, a battle against drug trafficking began, which has been continued by the current president and it still occupies one of the first positions on the political agenda of Mexico. This battle has mobilized the national security forces and its consequences have gone through the political sphere and reached society as a whole. This is just one of the scenarios faced by the country; historical community conflicts and an atmosphere of generalized violence fueled by kidnappings, homicides, and various kinds of crimes accompany it. This essay thinks through how social research, namely the fieldwork phase, has also been affected by this context. The paper shows some obstacles that people working in the field (researchers, students, interviewers, and pollsters) have to face. It examines how this context is affecting the social research carried out, seriously compromising the results, and thinks over the research ethics, pointing out the lack of protective measures for the personnel participating in this kind of studies

    Experiencias y creencias de madres sobre la lactancia materna exclusiva en una región de México

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    Objetivo: explorar las experiencias y creencias sobre la lactancia materna exclusiva de madres que acuden a consulta nutricional a un hospital público. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo en la ciudad de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, México. Participaron 31 madres lactantes en cuatro grupos focales. Se realizó análisis de contenido convencional. Resultados: las participantes reconocen la lactancia materna como la alimentación ideal para sus hijos, no obstante, señalan carencias de información en materia de lactancia y abogan por una orientación más completa y veraz. Diversas circunstancias comprometen el amamantamiento y hacen la lactancia poco placentera en términos de sensación física. Las mujeres resaltan el papel de la madre y abuela como principal fuente de apoyo e información a diferencia del personal de salud. Consideraciones finales: la educación en lactancia humana debe fortalecerse. El personal sanitario debe incrementar su papel y presencia para promover la lactancia materna exclusiva

    The challenges facing indigenous communities in Latin America as they confront the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) pandemic struck Latin America in late February and is now beginning to spread across the rural indigenous communities in the region, home to 42 million people. Eighty percent of this highly marginalized population is concentrated in Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. Health care services for these ethnic groups face distinct challenges in view of their high levels of marginalization and cultural differences from the majority. Drawing on 30 years of work on the responses of health systems in the indigenous communities of Latin America, our group of researchers believes that countries in the region must be prepared to combat the epidemic in indigenous settings marked by deprivation and social disparity. We discuss four main challenges that need to be addressed by governments to guarantee the health and lives of those at the bottom of the social structure: the indigenous peoples in the region. More than an analysis, our work provides a practical guide for designing a response to COVID-19 in indigenous communities. Resumen La pandemia de coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) golpeó a América Latina a fines de febrero y ahora está comenzando a extenderse por las comunidades indígenas y rurales de la región, hogar de 42 millones de personas. El 80% de esta población altamente marginada se concentra en Bolivia, Guatemala, México y Perú. Los servicios de atención médica para estos grupos étnicos enfrentan desafíos distintos en vista de sus altos niveles de marginación y diferencias culturales de la mayoría. Con más de 30 años de trabajo e investigación sobre las respuestas de los sistemas de salud dirigida a las comunidades indígenas de América Latina, consideramos que los países de la región deben estar preparados para combatir la epidemia en contextos indígenas marcados por la privación y la disparidad social. Discutimos cuatro desafíos principales que deben ser abordados por los gobiernos para garantizar la salud y la vida de los que se encuentran en la parte inferior de la estructura social: los pueblos indígenas de la región. Este análisis proporciona una guía práctica para diseñar e implementar una respuesta a COVID-19 en comunidades indígenas

    La capacidad de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores: un estudio cualitativo en zonas urbanas empobrecidas de México

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    Recently, the proportion of elderly people (EP) has increased considerably in Mexico, as well as the number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) dedicated to helping poor people. Our objective was to analyze the capacity of the CSOs to implement actions in order to improve the quality of life of the poor EP in urban areas. In 2005, fourteen interviews were conducted with personnel of ten CSOs who worked in poor zones of four Mexican cities. The interview guide and the analysis were based on the internal structure and the external context that affect CSO's capacity. Within the main achievements, we identified an the increase in the participation and self-management of people and in the number of actions carried out in order to improve quality of people's life. The main obstacles identified were: the CSOs responsiveness, which is always lower than the population demands; their target population is not only EP; and insufficient financing. The attention provided by CSOs to EP is scarce, but essential. It is necessary to promote a culture of prevention and interest in the EP, and support to CSOs.Recientemente en México se ha incrementado la proporción de adultos mayores (AM) y de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) que ayudan a los pobres. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la capacidad que tienen las OSC de implementar acciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de los AM pobres de zonas urbanas. En 2005 se realizaron 14 entrevistas al personal de diez OSC que trabajaban en colonias pobres de cuatro ciudades de México. La guía de entrevista y el análisis se basaron en la estructura interna y el contexto externo que afecta la capacidad de las OSC. Entre los principales logros se destacan una mayor participación y autogestión de la gente y el número de acciones realizadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Los principales obstáculos identificados son una demanda poblacional que supera la capacidad de respuesta de las OSC, una población objetivo que generalmente no son los AM y un financiamiento insuficiente. La atención proporcionada por las OSC a los AM, aunque trascendental, es escasa, por tanto es necesario promover una cultura de prevención e interés en los AM y de apoyo a las OSC

    Development and validation of a Screening Questionnaire of Family Mistreatment against Older Adults for use in primary care settings in Mexico

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    The abuse of older adults is a serious public health issue that can be difficult to identify at the first level of care. Medical and nursing personnel are sometimes unable to identify older adults who suffer family mistreatment. This can occur when victims feel shame or as a result of cultural factors. In the light of this, healthcare personnel require a screening tool that can be used to identify signs of mistreatment. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a screening tool for detecting the familial mistreatment of older adults in primary care settings. A mixed method cross‐sectional study was carried out in three phases between 2009 and 2012 in Mexico. The formative phase involved using a qualitative methodology to identify terms that older adults use to identify practices defined as forms of mistreatment. On this basis, the second phase involved the design of a screening tool through the formation of items in collaboration with a panel of experts. These items were tested on older adults to ensure their intelligibility. Finally, validity and reliability levels were evaluated through the application of the screening tool to a sample of older adults at a primary care facility and at a legal centre. These findings were discussed with gerontologists, and the data were analysed through an exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation and Cronbach's alpha using STATA v13. From the results, we generated a screening tool that is culturally and socially tailored to older adults in Mexico. The tool has a Cronbach's alpha of 0.89, a sensitivity value of 86% (p < .05) and a specificity value of 90% (p < .05) for positive answers to the tool's 15 items. Applying this tool at the first level of care could limit damage to older adults’ health and could lower the frequency of emergency room use in hospitals.publishedVersio

    Influenza vaccination hesitancy in large urban centers in South America : qualitative analysis of confidence, complacency and convenience across risk groups

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    Influenza vaccination coverage in countries of Latin America is low among priority risk groups, ranging from 5 to 75% among older people. This paper aims to describe and analyze the determinants of influenza vaccination hesitancy through the lens of the 3C model of confidence, complacency and convenience among middle-class, urban risk group populations in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, countries in South America with contrasting vaccination coverage. Focus groups were conducted among four risk groups: pregnant women, mothers of children aged =60 years in samples of urban residents. Adults with risk factors expressed the most detailed perceptions about confidence in the vaccine. A wide range of perceptions regarding complacency were expressed across risk groups and countries, with pregnant women and mothers showing greater concerns while convenience had a narrower and generally more positive range of perceptions. Participants from Chile and Paraguay expressed the most contrasts regarding confidence and complacency. Information and communication strategies need to be tailored for risk groups while confidence and complacency should be addressed in synergy

    Influenza vaccination hesitancy in five countries of South America : confidence, complacency and convenience as determinants of immunization rates

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    Introduction: Influenza morbidity and mortality are significant in the countries of South America, yet influenza vaccination is as low as 56.7% among pregnant women, reaching 76.7% of adults with chronic diseases. This article measures the relative values for the vaccination hesitancy indicators of confidence, complacency and convenience by risk-groups in urban areas of five countries of South America with contrasting vaccination rates, analyzing their association with sociodemographic variables and self-reported immunization status. Methods: An exit survey was applied to 640 individuals per country in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, distributed equally across risk groups of older adults, adults with risk factors, children <=6 and pregnant women. Indicators were constructed for vaccine confidence, complacency and convenience. Analysis of variance and multiple logistic analysis was undertaken. Results: Adults with risk factors are somewhat more confident of the influenza vaccine yet also more complacent. Convenience is higher for mothers of minors. Children and older adults report higher levels of vaccination. The 3Cs are more different across countries than across risk groups, with values for Chile higher for confidence and those for Uruguay the lowest. Complacency is lower in Brazil and higher in Uruguay. Results suggest that confidence and complacency affect vaccination rates across risk groups and countries. Conclusions: Influenza vaccine confidence, complacency and convenience have to be bolstered to improve effective coverage across all risk groups in the urban areas of the countries studied. The role played by country contextual and national vaccination programs has to be further researched in relation to effective coverage of influenza vaccine