872 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the channels and blood parameters of chickens complemented with chromium and their productive acting

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    P?ginas 15-19Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo evalu? el efecto del cromo en dietas para pollo de engorde con diferentes niveles de inclusi?n. Se evalu? : peso inicial, peso final, ganancia de peso, conversi?n, consumo, rendimiento en canal, peso de alas, pechuga, pernil, colesterol, glicemia y HDL. Se emplearon 96 aves distribuidas en 4 tratamientos con 4 repeticiones y 6 aves en cada una, alimentadas con cromo a partir del d?a noveno de vida hasta el d?a 35. Los tratamientos 1, 2, 3, y 4 conten?an cromo en 0ppm, 0,5 ppm, 1 ppm, y 1,5 ppm en la dieta respectivamente. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p0,05) en el consumo de alimento. Pese a lo anterior los mejores resultados obtenidos se presentaron en los tratamientos 2. Peso final (1983.3 g vs 2032,3 g), ganancia de peso (1811,9 g vs 1859,9 g ), conversi?n (1,666 vs 1,670). Con respecto al consumo el tratamiento control presento consumo m?s bajo (3305 g vs 3395 g), y rendimiento en canal el tratamiento control presento mejor rendimiento con respecto a los dem?s tratamientos (71,8 % vs 71,3 %). Con respecto a los cortes los resultados favorecen a los tratamientos con cromo, alas (172,9 g vs 181,5 g), pechugas (536,3 g vs 545,1 g), perniles (699,1 g vs 708,6 g). Se determin? que el tratamiento 2 presenta los mejores resultados econ?micos.ABSTRACT. This project aims to evaluate the effect of chromium in breeding chicken diets with different inclusion levels. The items evaluated were: initial weight, final weight, increase in weight, conversion, consumptions, carcass development, wings, breasts, and legs weight, cholesterol, blood sugar, and HDL. A sample of 96 birds was used distributed in 4 treatments with 4 repetitions and 6 birds each, fed with chromium since the 9th day of life until day 35. Treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 had chromium concentrations of 0 ppm, 0,5 ppm, 1 ppm, and 1,5 ppm in their diet respectively. No significant differences were found (p0,05) was food consumption. Nevertheless, the best results were found in birds subjected to treatment 2: Final weight (1983,3 g vs. 2032,3 g), increase in weight (1811,9 g vs. 1859,9 g), and conversion (1.666 vs. 1.670). Regarding consumption, the control treatment presented the lowest rate (3305 g vs. 3395 g); and regarding yield in channel, the control treatment presented better outputs than the others (71,8 % vs 71,3 %). Examining other criteria, outputs favor chromium treatments: wings (172,9 g vs. 181,5 g), breasts (536,3 g vs. 545,1 g), and legs (669,1 g vs. 708,6 g). Therefore, it was determined that treatment 2 brings better economic results

    Sociedades fracturadas : la exclusión social en Centroamérica

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    El presente texto tiene un doble origen. Por un lado, desde hace ya varios años en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Sede de Costa Rica, se ha venido desarrollando un enfoque sobre las carencias materiales de la población, alternativo al de pobreza. Se ha elaborado una propuesta teórica y metodológica en torno al concepto de exclusión social que se ha aplicado en estudios tanto de alcance regional como nacional. Por otro lado, el Estado de la Región, para su IV Informe, identificó la problemática de la exclusión social como una de las cuestiones centrales a abordar en Centroamérica. En este sentido, ambas instituciones colaboraron para generar documentos a base de estudios tanto de tipo cuantitativo como cualitativo, que han servido de insumos para la elaboración del capítulo 10 de este IV informe

    Indirect Encoding Evolutionary Learning Algorithm for the Multilayer Morphological Perceptron

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    Abstract This article describes an indirectly encoded evolutionary learning algorithm to train morphological neural networks. The indirect encoding method is an algorithm in which the training of the neural network is done by finding the solution without considering the exact connectivity of the network. Looking for the set of weights and architecture in a reduced search space, this simple, but powerful training algorithm is able to evolve to a feasible solution using up to three layers required to perform the pattern classification. This type of representation provides the necessary compactness required by large networks. The algorithm was tested using Iris Fisher data and a prototype was written using Matlab

    Implementación e integración en OpenCASA de módulos para estudios de acumulación y recuento celular

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    El grupo BIOFITER (Biología, Fisiología y Tecnologías de la Reproducción) de la Universidad de Zaragoza ha desarrollado recientemente OpenCASA, un software libre y abierto para el estudio de ciertas características de los espermatozoides. En el presente trabajo se van a ampliar las funcionalidades de esta aplicación mediante el desarrollo de dos nuevos módulos:1 - Módulo de estudio de la acumulación celular: permitirá proporcionar información visual de la acumulación dinámica de células en torno a una sustancia quimioatrayente.2 - Módulo de recuento celular: proporciona el número de espermatozoides / mL de una muestra.<br /

    Comparison of quantification methods for the condensed tannin content of extracts of Pinus pinaster bark

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    Bark from Pinus Pinaster is an interesting source of polyphenolic natural compounds, that can be used successful1y as total or partial replacement of conventional phenolic resins. These compounds, among other applications, are used as adhesives in the wood agglomerate industry. In this kind of application some problems remain to be solved in order to obtain a Pine extract of commercial value. It is necessary to optimise tije extraction procedure and select a suitable method for the quantification of the tannin content of the bark. In order to study these problems, the tannin extraction from the Pine bark was tested with an alkaline solution (NaOH), and with a fractionation procedure based on a sequence of an organic (ethanol) and aqueous extraction. The phenolic content of each extract or fraction was evaluated by the FolinCiocalteu colorimetric assay for total phenols and two procedures using the Stiasny reaction: the gravimetric Stiasny method and the indirect colorimetric procedure that uses the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent to evaluate the total phenols present in the extract solution before and after it condenses with formaldehyde. The yield value when the alkaline extraction is used is substantially higher than the values obtained with organic or aqueous solutions. However, the selectivity of the process is low. In fact, it was found that the alkaline extract Formaldehyde Condensable Phenolic Material (FCPM) content represents 9596 % of the total phenols content of the extract but this fraction is only ~ 40 % of the total mass of extract. So, the alkaline extract is relatively poor in phenolic material, exhibiting a large variety of non-phenolic extractives. On the other end, ethanol provides a very rich phenolic extract, in which 96 % of total phenols are condensable with formaldehyde, but exhibits a relatively low extraction yield. The aqueous extract presents the lowest extraction yield with low content either in phenolic material as in FCPM, but, as most of the phenolics had already been extracted by the previous organic extraction, especially the low molecular weight fractions, this result was predictable

    The Closest View of a Dwarf Galaxy: New Evidence on the Nature of the Canis Major over-density

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    We present a first deep colour-magnitude diagram of the putative central region (0.5 deg x 0.5 deg) of the Canis Major stellar over-density (l,b)=(240,-8) found by Martin et al. (2004), which has been proposed as the remnant of a dwarf satellite accreted onto the Milky Way on a near-equatorial orbit. We find a narrow (in apparent magnitude) main-sequence, extending 6 magnitudes below the turn-off to our limiting magnitude of B ~ 24.5 mag. This main sequence has very high constrast (>3) with respect to the thin/thick disk/halo background; its narrowness at brighter magnitudes clearly implies the presence of a distinct and possibly still bound stellar system. We derived the line-of-sight size (r_{1/2}) of this system based on the B-band width of the lower main sequence, obtaining 0.94 +/- 0.18 (random) +/- 0.18 (systematic) kpc. That size matches a model prediction for the main body of the parent galaxy of the Monoceros tidal stream. The high density contrast and limited spatial extent in the radial direction are very hard to reconcile with the alternative explanation put forward to explain the Canis Major stellar-overdensity: a flared or warped Galactic disk viewed in projection (Momamy et al. 2004). We also derived a central surface brightness of mu_{V,0}= 23.3 +/- 0.1 mag arcsec^{-2} and an absolute magnitude of M_{V}=-14.5 +/- 0.1 mag. These values place the Canis Major object in the category of dwarf galaxy in the the L_{V}--size and M_V - mu_{V} planes for such objects. However, like the Sagittarius dwarf, it is an outlier in the[Fe/H] -M_V plane in the sense that it is too metal rich for its estimated absolute magnitude. This suggests that the main mechanism driving its recent and current star formation history (possibly tidal stripping) is different to that of isolated dwarfs.Comment: Accepted version in Astrophysical Journal Part 1. Include a new figure, some changes in the derive CMa dwarf properties, main conclusions unchanged. 5 Pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. High resolution version can be downloaded from:ftp://ftp.iaa.csic.es/pub/ddelgado/canismajor.ps.g

    Efecto del estradiol sobre la funcionalidad del espermatozoide ovino

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    El estradiol (E2) es una hormona esencial en la reproducción de los mamíferos, pero además de su acción genómica a nivel sistémico, también puede ejercer rápidas acciones no genómicas sobre los espermatozoides ya que se encuentra presente en el tracto reproductor femenino y los espermatozoides presentan receptores para esta hormona. Entre las acciones propuestas podría encontrarse la modulación de un fenómeno clave como es la capacitación espermática, que es el conjunto de cambios que sufre el espermatozoide en el tracto reproductor femenino y que le confieren capacidad fecundante. También podría jugar un papel relevante en la supervivencia espermática o incluso sobre su movimiento guiado hacia el ovocito mediante quimiotaxis. Hasta la fecha no existen estudios sobre la influencia del E2 en la funcionalidad espermática de la especie ovina, ni evidencias sobre su capacidad quimioatrayente. En base a estos antecedentes en este trabajo se planteó como objetivo principal estudiar el efecto del estradiol sobre el movimiento y la direccionalidad de los espermatozoides ovinos, así como en la funcionalidad de los mismos. Para ello se llevaron a cabo dos abordajes experimentales. El primero consistió en la inclusión de estradiol a dos concentraciones distintas (100 pM y 1 μM) en la capa de recogida de un medio de selección espermática, para valorar su influencia sobre el porcentaje de recuperación celular, así como la funcionalidad y el grado de exposición del receptor de estradiol en los espermatozoides recuperados. El segundo se centró en el estudio de la capacidad quimiotáctica del E2 usando para ello una cámara específica y un software de análisis de direccionalidad de movimiento desarrollado en nuestro grupo. La inclusión de estradiol en la capa de recogida dio lugar a un incremento significativo del porcentaje de recuperación celular con respecto al método estándar sin hormonas. Además el porcentaje de espermatozoides capacitados y con exposición de fosfatidilserina recuperados fue significativamente menor que en el eyaculado. La concentración de 1 μM provocó también un incremento en la cantidad de espermatozoides que presentan el receptor de estradiol β en su región apical. Sin embargo, no se observaron cambios en la motilidad, integridad de membrana o fosforilación en residuos de tirosina. Se demostró también la capacidad quimiotáctica del E2 sobre espermatozoides ovinos capacitados in vitro

    Image Feature Extraction Acceleration

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    Image feature extraction is instrumental for most of the best-performing algorithms in computer vision. However, it is also expensive in terms of computational and memory resources for embedded systems due to the need of dealing with individual pixels at the earliest processing levels. In this regard, conventional system architectures do not take advantage of potential exploitation of parallelism and distributed memory from the very beginning of the processing chain. Raw pixel values provided by the front-end image sensor are squeezed into a high-speed interface with the rest of system components. Only then, after deserializing this massive dataflow, parallelism, if any, is exploited. This chapter introduces a rather different approach from an architectural point of view. We present two Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) where the 2-D array of photo-sensitive devices featured by regular imagers is combined with distributed memory supporting concurrent processing. Custom circuitry is added per pixel in order to accelerate image feature extraction right at the focal plane. Specifically, the proposed sensing-processing chips aim at the acceleration of two flagships algorithms within the computer vision community: the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm and the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). Experimental results prove the feasibility and benefits of this architectural solution.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-38921-C02, IPT-2011- 1625-430000, IPC-20111009Junta de Andalucía TIC 2338-2013Xunta de Galicia EM2013/038Office of NavalResearch (USA) N00014141035

    Homing Pigeons Only Navigate in Air with Intact Environmental Odours: A Test of the Olfactory Activation Hypothesis with GPS Data Loggers

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    A large body of evidence has shown that anosmic pigeons are impaired in their navigation. However, the role of odours in navigation is still subject to debate. While according to the olfactory navigation hypothesis homing pigeons possess a navigational map based on the distribution of environmental odours, the olfactory activation hypothesis proposes that odour perception is only needed to activate a navigational mechanism based on cues of another nature. Here we tested experimentally whether the perception of artificial odours is sufficient to allow pigeons to navigate, as expected from the olfactory activation hypothesis. We transported three groups of pigeons in air-tight containers to release sites 53 and 61 km from home in three different olfactory conditions. The Control group received natural environmental air; both the Pure Air and the Artificial Odour groups received pure air filtered through an active charcoal filter. Only the Artificial Odour group received additional puffs of artificial odours until release. We then released pigeons while recording their tracks with 1 Hz GPS data loggers. We also followed non-homing pigeons using an aerial data readout to a Cessna plane, allowing, for the first time, the tracking of non-homing homing pigeons. Within the first hour after release, the pigeons in both the Artificial Odour and the Pure Air group (receiving no environmental odours) showed impaired navigational performances at each release site. Our data provide evidence against an activation role of odours in navigation, and document that pigeons only navigate well when they perceive environmental odours

    Metodolog?a para medir el riesgo de un portafolio de opciones europeas sobre ?ndices utilizando valor en riesgo y simulaci?n de Monte Carlo

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    La presente tesis busca medir el riesgo de portafolios de opciones europeas (Calls y Puts) sobre el ?ndice S&P 500; as? mismo se consider? el ?ndice VIX como volatilidad pronosticada de las opciones del S&P 500. Se elabor? el procedimiento de la simulaci?n del portafolio con opciones y S&P 500, usando la metodolog?a Black and Scholes (valorizaci?n de opciones), Valor en riesgo y la Simulaci?n Monte Carlo para hallar los valores de los portafolios. Se trabajaron dos escenarios: un portafolio s?lo con ?ndices S&P 500 y un portafolio con ?ndices y opciones. El estudio culmina con los siguientes resultados: primero, trabajar con opciones de precios bajos inyecta riesgo al portafolio; segundo, las opciones Puts ayudan a compensar las p?rdidas porque te paga cuando el ?ndice cae ; tercero, incluir una mayor proporci?n de opciones en un portafolio genera que se pueda disminuir el riesgo hasta un punto, en el cual se presentan portafolios con desviaciones est?ndar m?s grandes; y cuarto, un portafolio con menor proporci?n de opciones, el portafolio se vuelve menos riesgoso, acotando p?rdidas y reduciendo ganancias. Por lo tanto, seg?n los objetivos del el inversionista se formar? el portafolio seg?n su apetito al riesgo
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