14 research outputs found

    Impact on the Quality of Life of an Educational Program for the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are a major cause for concern in public health and the main causes of sick leave. Treatments for WMSD have given disappointing results; prevention is the best strategy, but results of preventive measures have not been consistent. To the best of our knowledge there are few studies in literature that evaluated the impact of a specific program aimed at preventing WMSD on the quality of life of employed persons.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and one clerical and production workers in a steel trading company were enrolled in an open-label randomized controlled clinical trial (parallel groups) to compare the efficacy of an educational program for primary prevention of WMSD with control intervention. The primary outcome was a change in the physical functioning domain of the quality of life (QL) measured by Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36). The intervention group underwent six consecutive weekly sessions concerning specific orientations for the prevention of WMSD, while the control group received general health education in an identical schedule. The SF-36 and theses Work Limitation Questionnaire (WLQ) were evaluated at weeks zero, five and 26.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Baseline characteristics of the interventions groups were comparable, and both groups comprised predominantly young healthy individuals. No significant differences in the variation of the SF-36 and WLQ between the groups were observed at weeks five and 26. However, both groups demonstrated improvement in some aspects of SF-36, suggesting that both educational interventions have beneficial impacts on QL.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A specific educational program aimed at the preventing of WMSD was comparable with general health orientation for the improvement of QL and work capacity in a sample of healthy workers during a six month period.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00981877">NCT00874718</a></p> <p>Trial Registration</p

    Economic Evaluation of Population-BasedBRCA1/BRCA2Mutation Testing across Multiple Countries and Health Systems

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    Clinical criteria/Family history-based BRCA testing misses a large proportion of BRCA carriers who can benefit from screening/prevention. We estimate the cost-effectiveness of population-based BRCA testing in general population women across different countries/health systems. A Markov model comparing the lifetime costs and effects of BRCA1/BRCA2 testing all general population women ≥30 years compared with clinical criteria/FH-based testing. Separate analyses are undertaken for the UK/USA/Netherlands (high-income countries/HIC), China/Brazil (upper-middle income countries/UMIC) and India (low-middle income countries/LMIC) using both health system/payer and societal perspectives. BRCA carriers undergo appropriate screening/prevention interventions to reduce breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Outcomes include OC, BC, and additional heart disease deaths and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER)/quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Probabilistic/one-way sensitivity analyses evaluate model uncertainty. For the base case, from a societal perspective, we found that population-based BRCA testing is cost-saving in HIC (UK-ICER = 5639/QALY;USAICER=-5639/QALY; USA-ICER = -4018/QALY; Netherlands-ICER = 11,433/QALY),anditappearscosteffectiveinUMIC(ChinaICER=-11,433/QALY), and it appears cost-effective in UMIC (China-ICER = 18,066/QALY; Brazil-ICER = 13,579/QALY),butitisnotcosteffectiveinLMIC(IndiaICER=13,579/QALY), but it is not cost-effective in LMIC (India-ICER = 23,031/QALY). From a payer perspective, population-based BRCA testing is highly cost-effective in HIC (UK-ICER = 21,191/QALY,USAICER=21,191/QALY, USA-ICER = 16,552/QALY, Netherlands-ICER = 25,215/QALY),anditiscosteffectiveinUMIC(ChinaICER=25,215/QALY), and it is cost-effective in UMIC (China-ICER = 23,485/QALY, Brazil-ICER = 20,995/QALY),butitisnotcosteffectiveinLMIC(IndiaICER=20,995/QALY), but it is not cost-effective in LMIC (India-ICER = 32,217/QALY). BRCA testing costs below 172/test(ICER=172/test (ICER = 19,685/QALY), which makes it cost-effective (from a societal perspective) for LMIC/India. Population-based BRCA testing can prevent an additional 2319 to 2666 BC and 327 to 449 OC cases per million women than the current clinical strategy. Findings suggest that population-based BRCA testing for countries evaluated is extremely cost-effective across HIC/UMIC health systems, is cost-saving for HIC health systems from a societal perspective, and can prevent tens of thousands more BC/OC cases

    Health and economic impact of rotavirus vaccination in GAVI-eligible countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rotavirus infection is responsible for about 500,000 deaths annually, and the disease burden is disproportionately borne by children in low-income countries. Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a global recommendation that all countries include infant rotavirus vaccination in their national immunization programs. Our objective was to provide information on the expected health, economic and financial consequences of rotavirus vaccines in the 72 GAVI support-eligible countries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We synthesized population-level data from various sources (primarily from global-level databases) for the 72 countries eligible for the support by the GAVI Alliance (GAVI-eligible countries) in order to estimate the health and economic impact associated with rotavirus vaccination programs. The primary outcome measure was incremental cost (in 2005 international dollars [I])perdisabilityadjustedlifeyear(DALY)averted.Wealsoprojectedtheexpectedreductioninrotavirusdiseaseburdenandfinancialresourcesrequiredassociatedwithavarietyofscaleupscenarios.</p><p>Results</p><p>Underthebasecaseassumptions(70]) per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted. We also projected the expected reduction in rotavirus disease burden and financial resources required associated with a variety of scale-up scenarios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Under the base-case assumptions (70% coverage), vaccinating one single birth cohort would prevent about 55% of rotavirus associated deaths in the 72 GAVI-eligible countries. Assuming I25 per vaccinated child (~5perdose),thenumberofcountrieswiththeincrementalcostperDALYavertedlessthanI5 per dose), the number of countries with the incremental cost per DALY averted less than I200 was 47. Using the WHO's cost-effectiveness threshold based on per capita GDP, the vaccines were considered cost-effective in 68 of the 72 countries (~94%). A 10-year routine rotavirus vaccination would prevent 0.9-2.8 million rotavirus associated deaths among children under age 5 in the poorest parts of the world, depending on vaccine scale-up scenarios. Over the same intervention period, rotavirus vaccination programs would also prevent 4.5-13.3 million estimated cases of hospitalization and 41-107 million cases of outpatient clinic visits in the same population.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings suggest that rotavirus vaccination would be considered a worthwhile investment for improving general development as well as childhood health level in most low-income countries, with a favorable cost-effectiveness profile even under a vaccine price (1.51.5-5.0 per dose) higher than those of traditional childhood vaccines.</p