659 research outputs found

    Techniques for administering inhaled medicines to patients with bronchial asthma in nursing practice

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    Bronchial asthma due to complex etiopathogenesis, the frequency of exacerbations is a serious medical and social problem [10]. At the root of the disease lies the chronic inflammatory process, which is the main cause of symptoms [5,18]. In the therapy of bronchial asthma, the basis is drugs administered directly to the affected area of the inflammatory process by various inhalation techniques. Ignorance of drug inhalation techniques and/or failure of the patient/caregivers to make pharmacotherapy recommendations is associated with a risk of many side effects. In order for patient therapy to be safe and effective, it is necessary to carry out large-scale educational activities both among medical staff as well as patients and their caregivers in the field of aerosol therapy techniques. Streszczenie Astma oskrzelowa ze względu na złożoną etiopatogenezę, częstość zaostrzeń stanowi poważny problem medyczny jak i społeczny [10]. U podłoża choroby leży przewlekły proces zapalny, który jest główną przyczyną objawów [5,18]. W terapii astmy oskrzelowej podstawę stanowią leki podawane bezpośrednio do miejsca objętego procesem zapalnych za pomocą różnych technik inhalacyjnych. Nieznajomość technik inhalacji leków i / lub niestosowanie się pacjenta / jego opiekunów do zaleceń w zakresie farmakoterapii wiąże się z ryzykiem wielu działań niepożądanych. Aby terapia pacjentów była bezpieczna i skuteczna konieczne jest prowadzenie na szeroką skalę działań edukacyjnych zarówno wśród personelu medycznego jak też pacjentów i ich opiekunów z zakresu technik aerozoloterapii. Słowa kluczowe: astma oskrzelowa, techniki aerozoloterapii

    Problems in the education of the patient with allergic rhinitis

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) due to the complex pathogenesis and steady increase in the incidence of the disease in both children and adults, is a serious problem in modern medicine. The disease affects the quality of life of the patient and / or caregivers. The nurse / nurse plays a leading role in the care of patients with AR, participating in the process of diagnosis, therapy and prevention of disease. Standard in patient care with AR education is intended to prepare the patient for self-control disease

    Beauty redefined: Exploring media literacy perceptions and body image in young women

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    Investigating how a media literacy education intervention tool affects women’s self-objectification, self-esteem, and body satisfaction was the first purpose of the study. Secondly, participants’ perceptions of media literacy education interventions and of media imagery were explored. Objectification theory was used as a framework for understanding media imagery effects. One hundred and eighty three participants completed the online study. Participants were mainly recruited from the undergraduate Psychology participant pool at the University of Saskatchewan. The control group (n = 99) viewed a compilation of magazine advertisements and completed measures of self-objectification (i.e., the Self-Objectification Questionnaire), self-esteem (i.e., the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale), body satisfaction (i.e., the Body Image States Scale), and media attitudes (i.e., the Media Attitudes Questionnaire). The intervention group (n= 84) received a media literacy education intervention tool (i.e., the Evolution video, by Dove), viewed magazine advertisements, and completed the same measures of self-objectification, self-esteem, body satisfaction, and media attitudes. The intervention group also completed open-ended questions about their perceptions of the intervention. Analyses included independent t-tests, Pearson correlations, descriptive statistics, and thematic analysis. Results indicated no significant differences between the control and intervention conditions for self-esteem, self-objectification, body-satisfaction, and media attitudes. Although significant correlations were found, most were in the direction that did not align with the predictions. A descriptive analysis indicated that women’s perceptions of themselves are negatively affected by media material. The thematic analysis demonstrated that viewing the intervention was both positively and negatively perceived. Results and limitations of the current study are discussed. Implications for practice and future research are also identifie

    Problemy wychowania do sportu w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w świetle „Wychowania Fizycznego” (1920–1939)

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    Artykuł stanowi opis zawartości czasopisma "Wychowanie Fizyczne" ukazującego się w latach 1920-1939, które powstało z troski o rozwój sprawności fizycznej młodego pokolenia Polaków. Popularyzowało najnowsze zdobycze wiedzy z dziedziny wychowania fizycznego zarówno krajowe, jak i zagraniczne. Dużo uwagi poświęcało rozwojowi tej dziedziny wiedzy w różnych krajach świata. Informacje te były niejednokrotnie wynikiem podróży odbywanych przez autorów artykułów. Przez cały okres istnienia czasopismo miało charakter zawodowy. Uwzględniało potrzeby praktyki pedagogicznej. Zamieszczało doskonale opracowane materiały instruktażowe. Służyło nauczycielom wychowania fizycznego w upowszechnianiu i wdrażaniu najnowszych osiągnięć w tej dziedzinie. Wybuch II wojny światowej przerwał jego wydawanie.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The role of nursing staff in feeding a child with cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a systemic chronic disease that is characterized by chronic obstructive changes, recurrent respiratory tract infections, and digestive disorders and their consequences. In CF, digestive tract disorders include three functions: digestion, absorption and motor activity. Education on the subject of modified nutrition principles and their impact on the course of the disease, prevention of complications, length and quality of life of the child is a function of the therapy set

    Indigenous knowledge of soil and agriculture at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico

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    An Evaluation of Envy within Adolescent Friendships

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    Envy may be an unexplored component of adolescent social relationships. The main goal of the study was to determine if envy is experienced to a higher degree between best friends than with non-friends. A second goal was to assess the correlations between envy and friendship characteristics. A total of 109 seventh-grade students responded to 3 questionnaires, the Friendship Grid, the Best Friend/Non-Friend Envy Survey and the Friendship Qualities Questionnaire. No significant differences were found between reported envy for friends and non-friends. Envy significantly correlated with conflict (p \u3c .01) and exclusivity (p \u3c .05). A major challenge for future research is to develop a more accurate measure of envy-a survey format may not be the most useful technique. The relationship between envy and conflict and exclusivity demonstrates the importance of further research of envy in order to better understand the potentially negative effects of envy on friendships

    Healthcare professionals' perspectives on a mental health educational campaign for the public

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    Objective: To explore barriers and facilitators in implementing an educational campaign in mental health for the public in Qatar. Design: Qualitative study. Setting: Healthcare facilities across Qatar were used as the setting. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 healthcare providers from a variety of professions, including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dietitians, psychologists and administrators. Results: Findings indicate that these healthcare providers support the concept of public mental health education but feel that several factors need to be considered before any educational campaign is undertaken. A public mental health education campaign should target improving the public's mental health literacy as well as describing appropriate pathways to mental health care. Health care providers believe such educational campaigns should be started in schools so that mental health awareness can have a positive influence from a young age. The social media were viewed as a suitable platform to deliver positive messages relating to mental health to the public. Any educational campaign in mental health should consider the cultural context with which it is being delivered. In conclusion, healthcare providers appeared to have similar views on the importance of public mental health education but differed in their opinions of the challenges faced. Conclusion: Consideration of the message intended and how it is delivered should be addressed as part of a successful public mental health educational campaign.This report was made possible by the Young Scientists Research Experience Program (JSREP) grant # JSREP 06-005-3-002 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar foundation).Scopu