68 research outputs found


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    U prenaponskoj zaštiti na niskom naponu postoje tri klase uređaja prenaponske zaštite. Predstavljena metoda izbora uređaja prenaponske zaštite može se koristiti pri donošenju odluke koje klase treba biti uređaj prenaponske zaštite koji se postavlja u priključni mjerni ormarić objekta. Metoda je testirana na jednoj tipičnoj nazemnoj niskonaponskoj mreži u Hrvatskoj. S obzirom na dobro iskustvo s uređajima prenaponske zaštite klase II u transformatorskim stanicama u toj mreži, može se zaključiti da je uređaj prenaponske zaštite klae II sasvim primjeren i za objekte spojene na niskonaponsku mrežu.There are three clases of surge protective devices for low-voltage system. The method for the selection of surge protective devices presented can be used to determine which class of surge protectice device should be inastalled in the service entrance of a building. The method has been tested on a typical ovehead low-voltage network in Croatia. Based upon good experience with Class II surge protective devices in the transformer stations of this network, it can be concluded that Class II surge protective devices are quite suitable for buildings connected to a low-voltage network

    The new guidance algorithms for surface-to-air medium range missile

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    У раду су дати нови закони вођења применљиви на ракете земља-ваздух средњег домета, али и на друге типове летелица. Класични закони вођења као, нпр., пропорционална навигација, представљени су на нови начин, тј., изнова одређени и проширени помоћу теорије стабилности нелинеарних система методом Љапунова. Оптимални закони вођења за разне критеријуме оптималности представљени су за случај двостране оптимизације која се анализира теоријом диференцијалних игара (где циљ врши интелигентни - оптимални маневар избегавања ракете). На основу теорије система променљиве структуре одређени су закони вођења методом клизања. Коначна верификација одабраних закона вођења извршена је нумеричком симулацијом комплетног система самоновођене ракете као објекта са шест степени слободе кретања који има изразито нестационарне динамичке карактеристке и нелинеарне аеродинамичке коефицијенте. Ефикасност закона вођења типичне ракете земља-ваздух средњег домета испитана је против маневришућих циљева са различитим стратегијама избегавања ракете. Истражени методи самонавођења ракете успешно су примењени и на тзв. "паметну муницију" чиме је њихова прецизност вишеструко побољшана у односу на невођене пројектиле. Резултати нумеричке симулације су показани на примеру минобацачког пројектила управљаног импулсно-фреквентном модулацијом бочног вектора потиска.This work presents new guidance laws for surface-to-air medium-range missiles, applicable to other flight vehicles as well. The classical guidance laws such as proportional navigation, are presented in a new way, i.e., re-defined and expanded by using the stability theory of nonlinear systems using the method of Lyapunov. Optimal guidance laws for various criteria of optimality are presented in case of double-sided optimization which was analyzed by the differential games theory (where the target performed intelligent - optimal avoidance maneuver against the missile). Based on the theory of variable structure systems, various sliding-mode guidance laws were determined. Final verification of selected guidance laws was performed by numerical simulation of the complete system for a homing missile as an object with six degrees of freedom, which has highly nonstationary dynamic characteristic and nonlinear aerodynamic coefficients. The efficiency of guidance laws for typical surface- to-air medium-range missile was tested against maneuvering targets with different strategies for avoiding missiles. Explored homing methods were successful applied to the so-called. "smart munitions" for their accuracy improvement compared to unguided projectiles. Results of numerical simulations are shown in the case of mortar missile with a pulse jet control mechanism using the pulse-frequency modulation technique

    Polymerase chain reaction in the identification of periodontopathogens: A reliable and satisfactory method?

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    Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is considered one of the bacterial species of etiological importance in periodontitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serotype of A. actinomycetemcomitans in the subgingival biofilm in subjects with periodontal health and disease. Pooled samples of subgingival plaque were taken for culture-based identification of microorganisms. Colonies suspected to be A. actinomycetemcomitans were selected for molecular identification using either multiplex or conventional PCR in serotype-specific genotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In silico analysis showed that most selected colonies belong to the genus Campylobacter, although positive signals for serotypes of A. actinomycetemcomitans were obtained with these samples. Identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans by conventional PCR for 16S rRNA with one species-specific and one universal primer was inconclusive because an almost identical signal with Campylobacter gracilis was obtained. Although PCR-based methods for the identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans are more rapid, sequencing should not be omitted. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41008 and br. 173048

    Polymerase chain reaction in the identification of periodontopathogens: A reliable and satisfactory method?

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    Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is considered one of the bacterial species of etiological importance in periodontitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serotype of A. actinomycetemcomitans in the subgingival biofilm in subjects with periodontal health and disease. Pooled samples of subgingival plaque were taken for culture-based identification of microorganisms. Colonies suspected to be A. actinomycetemcomitans were selected for molecular identification using either multiplex or conventional PCR in serotype-specific genotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In silico analysis showed that most selected colonies belong to the genus Campylobacter, although positive signals for serotypes of A. actinomycetemcomitans were obtained with these samples. Identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans by conventional PCR for 16S rRNA with one species-specific and one universal primer was inconclusive because an almost identical signal with Campylobacter gracilis was obtained. Although PCR-based methods for the identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans are more rapid, sequencing should not be omitted

    Reaction of a 3-aryilidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative with polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex: unexpected isomerization to dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2)

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    The 3-arylidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative, 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one, was synthesized in a two-step condensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiosemicarbazide and ethyl chloroacetate. The ligand was structurally characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. In the reaction of the well-known polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex with the polydentate thiohydantoin type ligand, instead of the corresponding copper thiohydantoin complex, unexpectedly, the dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2) complex (1) was formed predominantly as the final stable product. The structure of the complex 1 was confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The cis-complex is obtained through assisted isomerization of the trans-form, in which the thiohydantoin derivative has a crucial role

    Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of thiazole bioisosteres of goniofufurone through in vitro antiproliferative activity and in vivo toxicity (vol 121, 105691, 2022)

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    The contribution corrects an equation from the paper: Delasoie, J., Radakovic, N., Pavic, A., & Zobi, F. (2020). Neovascularization Effects of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Drugs Chemisorbed on Coscinodiscus Diatoms Carriers Characterized by Spectromicroscopy Imaging. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7380. [https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207380

    Glossal Angiomyoma: Case Report

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    Mononuclear gold(III) complexes with phenanthroline ligands as efficient inhibitors of angiogenesis: A comparative study with auranofin and sunitinib

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    Gold(III) complexes with 1,7- and 4,7-phenanthroline ligands, [AuCl3(1,7-phen-kappa N7)] (1) and [AuCl3(4,7-phen-kappa N4)] (2) were synthesized and structurally characterized by spectroscopic (NMR, IR and UV-vis) and single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. In these complexes, 1,7- and 4,7-phenanthrolines are monodentatedly coordinated to the Au(III) ion through the N7 and N4 nitrogen atoms, respectively. In comparison to the clinically relevant anti-angiogenic compounds auranofin and sunitinib, gold(III)-phenanthroline complexes showed from 1.5- to 20-fold higher anti-angiogenic potential, and 13- and 118-fold lower toxicity. Among the tested compounds, complex 1 was the most potent and may be an excellent anti-angiogenic drug candidate, since it showed strong anti-angiogenic activity in zebrafish embryos achieving IC50 value (concentration resulting in an anti-angiogenic phenotype at 50% of embryos) of 2.89 mu M, while had low toxicity with LC50 value (the concentration inducing the lethal effect of 50% embryos) of 128 mu M. Molecular docking study revealed that both complexes and ligands could suppress angiogenesis targeting the multiple major regulators of angiogenesis, such as the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR-2), the matrix metalloproteases (MMP-2 and MMP-9), and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR1), where the complexes showed higher binding affinity in comparison to ligands, and particularly to auranofin, but comparable to sunitinib, an anti-angiogenic drug of clinical relevance.Related to published version: [https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1011]This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Pavić, A., Glišić, B., Vojnović, S., Warzajtis, B., Savić, N. D., Antić, M., Radenković, S., Janjić, G. V., Nikodinović-Runić, J., Rychlewska, U., & Djuran, M. I. (2017). Mononuclear gold(III) complexes with phenanthroline ligands as efficient inhibitors of angiogenesis: A comparative study with auranofin and sunitinib. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 174, 156–168. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2017.06.009

    Half convex functions

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