116 research outputs found

    Metallothionein gene identification and expression in the cockle ( Cerastoderma edule) under parasitism (trematodes) and cadmium contaminations

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    Parmi les organismes benthiques, les bivalves sont souvent utilisĂ©s comme bioindicateurs des pollutions environnementales, du fait de leur importante capacitĂ© de bioaccumulation des mĂ©taux lourds conduisant Ă  l'induction des mĂ©tallothionĂ©ines (MT). Les MT sont de petites protĂ©ines cytosoliques capables de fixer les mĂ©taux et qui sont impliquĂ©es dans l'homĂ©ostasie et la dĂ©toxication de ces mĂ©taux chez les organismes. Ces protĂ©ines peuvent ĂȘtre induites par un grand nombre de facteurs tels que les hormones, les stress physiques, le parasitisme. La quantification des MT en relation avec le parasitisme est rarement reportĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature, bien que le parasitisme soit omniprĂ©sent et trĂšs dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre chez les bivalves. De plus, seulement un petit nombre de gĂšnes de MT ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s chez les mollusques. Cette Ă©tude dĂ©crit la caractĂ©risation de la sĂ©quence partielle d'un gĂšne de MT (Cemt1) chez la coque Cerastoderma edule, qui prĂ©sente plus de 80 % d'homologie avec de nombreuses sĂ©quences de MT de bivalves. A partir de cette sĂ©quence, des amorces spĂ©cifiques, utilisables en PCR quantitative en temps rĂ©el, ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es. Le niveau d'expression du gĂšne Cemt1, ainsi que la quantitĂ© de protĂ©ine MT ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s chez des individus soumis Ă  diffĂ©rents paramĂštres : sans parasites ou infestĂ©s par le trĂ©matode digĂšne Himasthla elongata, et lors d'expositions au cadmium Ă  15 ”g Cd L−1. Des rĂ©sultats concordants ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus lors de la quantification des protĂ©ines MT et de l'analyse de l'expression du gĂšne Cemt1. Ceux-ci mettent en Ă©vidence que les concentrations en MT augmentent significativement par les deux types de traitement (infestation parasitaire et exposition au cadmium).Among benthic organisms, bivalves are often used as bioindicators of environmental pollution because of their high bioaccumulation capacities for heavy metals leading to metallothioneins (MT) induction. MT are small cytosolic metal-binding proteins involved in metal homeostasis and detoxification in living organisms. These proteins can also be induced by a wide range of factors, such as hormones, physical stress, parasitism. MT quantification in relation to parasitism is rarely reported in literature, while parasites are omnipresent and have deleterious impacts on bivalves. Moreover, only a few number of MT genes have been characterized in molluscs. This study describes the partial sequence of the MT gene (Cemt1) in the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule. The cockle's MT cDNA was sequenced and showed over 80% homology to several other bivalve MT sequences. This sequence was then used to determine MT specific primers which can be used in quantitative real time PCR. MT protein and gene expression levels were quantified for individuals selected under different conditions: free from or infected by the digenean trematode Himasthla elongata, and under cadmium exposure at 15 mu g Cd L-1. Results evidenced that MT concentrations were significantly increased by both treatments; parasite infection and Cd exposure. Moreover, congruent results between MT protein and gene expression levels were obtained

    Un essai de formation de capital humain

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    Paul-Pont Ika. Un essai de formation de capital humain. In: Tiers-Monde, tome 2, n°6, 1961. pp. 270-271

    Sensibilité et adaptation de populations de bivalves marins soumis à des stress multiples : infestation parasitaire, contamination microbienne et pollution métallique

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    Dans les Ă©cosystĂšmes littoraux, l‘activitĂ© anthropique, mais aussi le contexte naturel induisent chez les organismes aquatiques des situations de « multistress ». Parmi les sources potentielles de perturbation, trois d‘entre elles ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es : contamination mĂ©tallique, infection bactĂ©rienne et infestation parasitaire. Une approche intĂ©grĂ©e de leurs interactions sur la rĂ©ponse gĂ©nĂ©tique, protĂ©ique, cellulaire et populationnelle chez la coque Cerastoderma edule et la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum a Ă©tĂ© entreprise sur le terrain et en laboratoire. In situ, un suivi de deux ans a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© sur quatre populations de bivalves issues d‘environnements diffĂ©rents afin d‘estimer la santĂ© des populations (paramĂštres de dynamique de population), de la mettre en rapport avec les niveaux de base des stress subis (mĂ©taux, parasites) et dâ€˜Ă©valuer les rĂ©ponses adaptatives mises en place par les bivalves en termes de dĂ©toxication et de dĂ©fenses immunitaires. Cette approche a permis de dĂ©crire un certain nombre de scenarii concernant les relations entre des populations de bivalves et leur environnement. En laboratoire, des expĂ©riences de co-infestation contrĂŽlĂ©es (parasite trĂ©matode Himasthla elongata, bactĂ©rie Vibrio tapetis) en milieu indemne de mĂ©taux ou contaminĂ© au cadmium ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur certaines de ces populations et montrent que la rĂ©ponse des bivalves Ă  ces agressions multiples dĂ©pend des espĂšces, des combinaisons subies, et ne se dĂ©duit pas intuitivement Ă  partir des rĂ©ponses « mono-stress », soulignant ainsi la notion d‘interactions. MalgrĂ© la complexitĂ© et la diversitĂ© de ces derniĂšres, certains mĂ©canismes semblent prĂ©dominer quelle que soit l‘espĂšce Ă©tudiĂ©e. Alors que l‘infestation par le parasite ne semble pas modulĂ©e par la prĂ©sence du mĂ©tal ou de la bactĂ©rie dans le milieu, la bioaccumulation mĂ©tallique est fortement influencĂ©e par la prĂ©sence d‘un ou plusieurs agents pathogĂšnes. En plus de perturber l‘accumulation du polluant, la prĂ©sence d‘organismes pathogĂšnes interfĂšre dans les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©toxication cellulaire avec notamment une perturbation de la synthĂšse des mĂ©tallothionĂ©ines (MT). Des travaux menĂ©s plus particuliĂšrement sur la rĂ©ponse des MT chez la coque exposĂ©e Ă  un mĂ©tal, Ă  travers l‘expression de l‘isoforme Cemt1 et la synthĂšse de la protĂ©ine, confirment la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des observations (gĂ©nĂ©tique et protĂ©ique) ainsi que la nĂ©cessitĂ© d‘observer les rĂ©ponses des organismes Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles afin d‘avoir une vision globale des processus interactifs existants entre polluants et pathogĂšnes. Des interactions fortes sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es au niveau gĂ©nĂ©tique, protĂ©ique et immunitaire: « cadmium x trĂ©matode » chez la coque et « bactĂ©rie x trĂ©matode » chez la palourde. Enfin ces expĂ©riences, en parallĂšle du suivi in situ, mettent en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle majeur de l‘histoire de vie dans la sensibilitĂ© des organismes aux interactions polluants-pathogĂšnes.In coastal ecosystems, man-mediated activity and natural context induce a ?multistress? situation in aquatic organisms. Amongst potential perturbation sources, three of them were studied: metal contamination, bacterial infection and parasite infestation. An integrated approach of their interactions on genetic, protein, cellular and population dynamics responses in the cockle (Cerastoderma edule) and the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) was undertaken through field and laboratory studies. A two-years monitoring was conducted in four bivalve populations from different environments to estimate the fitness of populations (parameters of population dynamics), in relation with the baseline levels of stressors (metals, parasites) and with the adaptive responses implemented by bivalves in terms of detoxification and immunity. This approach allowed describing different scenarii concerning the relationship between bivalve populations and their environment. In laboratory, co-infection experiments (trematode parasite Himasthla elongata, bacteria Vibrio tapetis) were conducted on these populations in controlled condition with or without metal contamination (cadmium). They showed that the response of bivalves to stress is species-dependent. Combinations were not intuitively deduced from the "mono - stress" responses underscoring the concept of interactions. Despite the complexity and diversity of these interactions, some mechanisms predominated regardless of the studied species. While parasite infestation was not modulated by the presence of metal or bacteria in the environment, metal bioaccumulation in turn was strongly influenced by the presence of one or several pathogens. Beyond disrupting the accumulation of pollutants, the presence of pathogens interfered with the cellular detoxification mechanisms including impairment of the metallothionein (MT) synthesis. A focus on the response of MT in cockles exposed to a metal through the expression of isoform Cemt1 and protein synthesis confirmed the complementary of these observations (gene and protein). They also highlighted the need to analyze responses at different scales to obtain an overview of existing interactive process between pollutants and pathogens. Strong interactions were found: ?Cd x parasite? in the cockle and" bacteria x parasite "in the clam, at the genetic, protein and immune levels. Finally, these experiments highlighted the important role of life history on the sensitivity of organisms to pollutant-pathogen interactions

    Sensibilité et adaptation de populations de bivalves marins soumis à des stress multiples : infestation parasitaire, contamination microbienne et pollution métallique

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    Dans les Ă©cosystĂšmes littoraux, l‘activitĂ© anthropique, mais aussi le contexte naturel induisent chez les organismes aquatiques des situations de « multistress ». Parmi les sources potentielles de perturbation, trois d‘entre elles ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es : contamination mĂ©tallique, infection bactĂ©rienne et infestation parasitaire. Une approche intĂ©grĂ©e de leurs interactions sur la rĂ©ponse gĂ©nĂ©tique, protĂ©ique, cellulaire et populationnelle chez la coque Cerastoderma edule et la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum a Ă©tĂ© entreprise sur le terrain et en laboratoire. In situ, un suivi de deux ans a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© sur quatre populations de bivalves issues d‘environnements diffĂ©rents afin d‘estimer la santĂ© des populations (paramĂštres de dynamique de population), de la mettre en rapport avec les niveaux de base des stress subis (mĂ©taux, parasites) et dâ€˜Ă©valuer les rĂ©ponses adaptatives mises en place par les bivalves en termes de dĂ©toxication et de dĂ©fenses immunitaires. Cette approche a permis de dĂ©crire un certain nombre de scenarii concernant les relations entre des populations de bivalves et leur environnement. En laboratoire, des expĂ©riences de co-infestation contrĂŽlĂ©es (parasite trĂ©matode Himasthla elongata, bactĂ©rie Vibrio tapetis) en milieu indemne de mĂ©taux ou contaminĂ© au cadmium ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur certaines de ces populations et montrent que la rĂ©ponse des bivalves Ă  ces agressions multiples dĂ©pend des espĂšces, des combinaisons subies, et ne se dĂ©duit pas intuitivement Ă  partir des rĂ©ponses « mono-stress », soulignant ainsi la notion d‘interactions. MalgrĂ© la complexitĂ© et la diversitĂ© de ces derniĂšres, certains mĂ©canismes semblent prĂ©dominer quelle que soit l‘espĂšce Ă©tudiĂ©e. Alors que l‘infestation par le parasite ne semble pas modulĂ©e par la prĂ©sence du mĂ©tal ou de la bactĂ©rie dans le milieu, la bioaccumulation mĂ©tallique est fortement influencĂ©e par la prĂ©sence d‘un ou plusieurs agents pathogĂšnes. En plus de perturber l‘accumulation du polluant, la prĂ©sence d‘organismes pathogĂšnes interfĂšre dans les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©toxication cellulaire avec notamment une perturbation de la synthĂšse des mĂ©tallothionĂ©ines (MT). Des travaux menĂ©s plus particuliĂšrement sur la rĂ©ponse des MT chez la coque exposĂ©e Ă  un mĂ©tal, Ă  travers l‘expression de l‘isoforme Cemt1 et la synthĂšse de la protĂ©ine, confirment la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des observations (gĂ©nĂ©tique et protĂ©ique) ainsi que la nĂ©cessitĂ© d‘observer les rĂ©ponses des organismes Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles afin d‘avoir une vision globale des processus interactifs existants entre polluants et pathogĂšnes. Des interactions fortes sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es au niveau gĂ©nĂ©tique, protĂ©ique et immunitaire: « cadmium x trĂ©matode » chez la coque et « bactĂ©rie x trĂ©matode » chez la palourde. Enfin ces expĂ©riences, en parallĂšle du suivi in situ, mettent en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle majeur de l‘histoire de vie dans la sensibilitĂ© des organismes aux interactions polluants-pathogĂšnes.In coastal ecosystems, man-mediated activity and natural context induce a ?multistress? situation in aquatic organisms. Amongst potential perturbation sources, three of them were studied: metal contamination, bacterial infection and parasite infestation. An integrated approach of their interactions on genetic, protein, cellular and population dynamics responses in the cockle (Cerastoderma edule) and the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) was undertaken through field and laboratory studies. A two-years monitoring was conducted in four bivalve populations from different environments to estimate the fitness of populations (parameters of population dynamics), in relation with the baseline levels of stressors (metals, parasites) and with the adaptive responses implemented by bivalves in terms of detoxification and immunity. This approach allowed describing different scenarii concerning the relationship between bivalve populations and their environment. In laboratory, co-infection experiments (trematode parasite Himasthla elongata, bacteria Vibrio tapetis) were conducted on these populations in controlled condition with or without metal contamination (cadmium). They showed that the response of bivalves to stress is species-dependent. Combinations were not intuitively deduced from the "mono - stress" responses underscoring the concept of interactions. Despite the complexity and diversity of these interactions, some mechanisms predominated regardless of the studied species. While parasite infestation was not modulated by the presence of metal or bacteria in the environment, metal bioaccumulation in turn was strongly influenced by the presence of one or several pathogens. Beyond disrupting the accumulation of pollutants, the presence of pathogens interfered with the cellular detoxification mechanisms including impairment of the metallothionein (MT) synthesis. A focus on the response of MT in cockles exposed to a metal through the expression of isoform Cemt1 and protein synthesis confirmed the complementary of these observations (gene and protein). They also highlighted the need to analyze responses at different scales to obtain an overview of existing interactive process between pollutants and pathogens. Strong interactions were found: ?Cd x parasite? in the cockle and" bacteria x parasite "in the clam, at the genetic, protein and immune levels. Finally, these experiments highlighted the important role of life history on the sensitivity of organisms to pollutant-pathogen interactions

    Commentary: Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs

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    International audienceThis commentary addresses the important issue of the influence of plastic waste on marine disease risk recently raised by Lamb et al. (2018) in their article “Plastic waste associated with disease on coral reefs” and poses new questions beyond this comprehensive study

    Detection of ostreid herpesvirus 1 microvariant DNA in aquatic invertebrate species, sediment and other samples collected from the Georges River estuary, New South Wales, Australia

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    Ostreid herpesvirus 1 microvariants (OsHV-1) present a serious threat to the Australian Crassostrea gigas industry. Of great concern is the propensity for mortality due to the virus recurring each season in farmed oysters. However, the source of the virus in recurrent outbreaks remains unclear. Reference strain ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1 ref) and other related variants have been detected in several aquatic invertebrate species other than C. gigas in Europe, Asia and the USA. The aim of this study was to confirm the presence or absence of OsHV-1 in a range of opportunistically sampled aquatic invertebrate species inhabiting specific locations within the Georges River estuary in New South Wales, Australia. OsHV-1 DNA was detected in samples of wild C. gigas, Saccostrea glomerata, Anadara trapezia, mussels (Mytilus spp., Trichomya hirsuta), whelks (Batillaria australis or Pyrazus ebeninus) and barnacles Balanus spp. collected from several sites between October 2012 and April 2013. Viral loads in non-ostreid species were consistently low, as was the prevalence of OsHV-1 DNA detection. Viral concentrations were highest in wild C. gigas and S. glomerata; the prevalence of detectable OsHV-1 DNA in these oysters reached approximately 68 and 43%, respectively, at least once during the study. These species may be important to the transmission and/or persistence of OsHV-1 in endemically infected Australian estuaries

    Detection of ostreid herpesvirus 1 microvariant DNA in aquatic invertebrate species, sediment and other samples collected from the Georges River estuary, New South Wales, Australia

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    International audienceOstreid herpesvirus 1 microvariants (OsHV-1) present a serious threat to the Australian Crassostrea gigas industry. Of great concern is the propensity for mortality due to the virus recurring each season in farmed oysters. However, the source of the virus in recurrent outbreaks remains unclear. Reference strain ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1 ref) and other related variants have been detected in several aquatic invertebrate species other than C. gigas in Europe, Asia and the USA. The aim of this study was to confirm the presence or absence of OsHV-1 in a range of opportunistically sampled aquatic invertebrate species inhabiting specific locations within the Georges River estuary in New South Wales, Australia. OsHV-1 DNA was detected in samples of wild C. gigas, Saccostrea glomerata, Anadara trapezia, mussels (Mytilus spp., Trichomya hirsuta), whelks (Batillaria australis or Pyrazus ebeninus) and barnacles Balanus spp. collected from several sites between October 2012 and April 2013. Viral loads in non-ostreid species were consistently low, as was the prevalence of OsHV-1 DNA detection. Viral concentrations were highest in wild C. gigas and S. glomerata; the prevalence of detectable OsHV-1 DNA in these oysters reached approximately 68 and 43%, respectively, at least once during the study. These species may be important to the transmission and/or persistence of OsHV-1 in endemically infected Australian estuaries

    Protected Shores Contaminated with Plastic: From Knowledge to Action

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    Baztan, Juan... et. al.-- 11 pages, 3 figuresPeer Reviewe

    Zooplankton exposure to microplastics at global scale: Influence of vertical distribution and seasonality

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    Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous contaminants in the ocean. Zooplankton is thus widely exposed to MP ingestion. Here, we use a global coupled physical–biogeochemical model enriched with a 3D representation of MPs to assess the global zooplankton exposure to MPs. As expected, our results indicate that water MP concentration is the highest in the surface layers of subtropical gyres and coastal areas close to major MP sources, which is mostly due to floating MPs, while neutral MPs contaminate the mesopelagic zone. Additionally, we showed that floating MPs may be also transported to the mesopelagic waters during the seasonal deepening of the mixed layer depth. We then estimate zooplankton exposure to MPs based on water MP concentrations, plankton biomass, and zooplankton grazing rate. Two main drivers lead to high zooplankton exposure to MPs: 1) high water MP contamination and 2) intense grazing activity. Seasonally, re-stratification of surface waters may lead to MP vertical concentration coinciding with planktonic blooms, thus increasing contamination risk
