7,410 research outputs found

    On the propagation of oceanic waves driven by a strong macroscopic flow

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    In this work we study oceanic waves in a shallow water flow subject to strong wind forcing and rotation, and linearized around a inhomogeneous (non zonal) stationary profile. This extends the study \cite{CGPS}, where the profile was assumed to be zonal only and where explicit calculations were made possible due to the 1D setting. Here the diagonalization of the system, which allows to identify Rossby and Poincar\'e waves, is proved by an abstract semi-classical approach. The dispersion of Poincar\'e waves is also obtained by a more abstract and more robust method using Mourre estimates. Only some partial results however are obtained concerning the Rossby propagation, as the two dimensional setting complicates very much the study of the dynamical system

    Growth limiting conditions and denitrification govern extent and frequency of volume detachment of biofilms

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    This study aims at evaluating the mechanisms of biofilm detachment with regard of the physical properties of the biofilm. Biofilms were developed in Couette–Taylor reactor under controlled hydrodynamic conditions and under different environmental growth conditions. Five different conditions were tested and lead to the formation of two aerobic heterotrophic biofilms (aeHB1 and aeHB2), a mixed autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm (MAHB) and two anoxic heterotrophic biofilms (anHB1 and anHB2). Biofilm detachment was evaluated by monitoring the size of the detached particles (using light-scattering) as well as the biofilm physical properties (using CCD camera and image analysis). Results indicate that volume erosion of large biofilm particles with size ranging from 50 to 500 lm dominated the biomass loss for all biofilms. Surface erosion of small particles with size lower than 20 lm dominates biofilm detachment in number. The extent of the volume detachment events was governed by the size of the biofilm surface heterogeneities (i.e., the absolute biofilm roughness) but never impacted more than 80% of the mean biofilm thickness due to the highly cohesive basal layer. Anoxic biofilms were smoother and thinner than aerobic biofilms and thus associated with the detachment of smaller particles. Our results contradict the simplifying assumption of surface detachment that is considered in many biofilm models and suggest that discrete volume events should be considered

    Semiclassical and spectral analysis of oceanic waves

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    In this work we prove that the shallow water flow, subject to strong wind forcing and linearized around an adequate stationary profile, develops for large times closed trajectories due to the propagation of Rossby waves, while Poincar\'e waves are shown to disperse. The methods used in this paper involve semi-classical analysis and dynamical systems for the study of Rossby waves, while some refined spectral analysis is required for the study of Poincar\'e waves, due to the large time scale involved which is of diffractive type

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, May 1956

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    Alumnae Notes Anesthesiology at Jefferson Committee Reports Digest of Alumnae Meetings Graduation Awards - 1955 Marriages Necrology New Arrivals Physical Advances at Jefferson President\u27s Message School of Nursing Report Thomas A. Shallow Memorial Fun

    Quantum dot-cavity strong-coupling regime measured through coherent reflection spectroscopy in a very high-Q micropillar

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    We report on the coherent reflection spectroscopy of a high-quality factor micropillar, in the strong coupling regime with a single InGaAs annealed quantum dot. The absolute reflectivity measurement is used to study the characteristics of our device at low and high excitation power. The strong coupling is obtained with a g=16 \mueV coupling strength in a 7.3\mum diameter micropillar, with a cavity spectral width kappa=20.5 \mueV (Q=65 000). The factor of merit of the strong-coupling regime, 4g/kappa=3, is the current state-of-the-art for a quantum dot-micropillar system

    Trigger factor, one of the Escherichia coli chaperone proteins, is an original member of the FKBP family

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    AbstractThe trigger factor of Escherichia coli is known as a chaperone protein which forms soluble complexes with the precursor to outer membrane protein A and assists in the maintenance of translocation competence. Sequence analysis shows that trigger factor contains a domain belonging to the FK506-binding protein (FKBP) family and possessing all the amino acids necessary for FK506 binding and peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (Ppiase) activity. Consequently, this protein could be directly involved in the unfolding/folding processes occurring during translocation across the E. coli plasma membrane and, more generally, in facilitating protein folding. The central position of the FKBP domain within the trigger factor sequence as well as several original features of the loops surrounding the FK506-binding pocket are not found in any other FKBPs, making it undetectable by the Fkbp-Ppiase signature patterns

    Scenario’s voor woonlocatiebeleid in Vlaanderen: criteria en doorrekening

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    Current population growth rates in Flanders and Brussels are expected to lead to an increasing demand in the housing market. In quantitative terms, the currently available stock of construction land can easily meet such a demand. However, still undeveloped parcels are often remote, far removed from the labour market and other facilities, in locations where new housing is expected to further deteriorate the landscape while perhaps also posing a threat to the water system. The study on which this article reports proposes a number of criteria for regional residential planning, after which a number of development scenarios are built. Of the two most promising scenarios (called "guiding models" in the study), the first one is aimed at transit oriented development, while the second one attempts to minimize the overall traffic production through strengthening spatial proximity features. Ultimately, both models are combined into one scenario, which serves as input for the selection of areas of compaction in the forthcoming Spatial Policy Plan for Flanders.De huidige bevolkingsgroei in Vlaanderen en Brussel zal naar verwachting leiden tot een toenemende vraag op de woningmarkt. In kwantitatieve termen kan de huidige beschikbare voorraad bouwgrond moeiteloos aan deze toenemende vraag voldoen. Daar staat tegenover dat de nog onbebouwde percelen vaak afgelegen zijn, ver verwijderd van de arbeidsmarkt en voorzieningen, op locaties waar woningbouw het landschap wellicht verder zou aantasten en een potentiële bedreiging vormt voor de waterhuishouding. De studie waarover dit artikel rapporteert stelt een aantal criteria op voor regionale woonlocatieplanning en bouwt daar een reeks scenario’s rond. De twee meestbelovende van deze scenario’s (hierna “sturingsmodellen” genoemd) richten zich enerzijds op op het openbaar vervoer geënte knooppuntontwikkeling, en anderzijds op het minimaliseren van de verkeersproductie door in te zetten op het versterken van de ruimtelijke nabijheid. Uiteindelijk worden beide modellen gecombineerd tot één scenario, dat als input dient voor het selecteren van verdichtingsruimtes in het in opmaak zijnde Beleidsplan Ruimte Vlaanderen