10 research outputs found

    A review of Vellozo’s names for Polygalaceae in his Flora Fluminensis

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    Pastore, José Floriano B. (2013): A review of Vellozo's names for Polygalaceae in his Flora Fluminensis. Phytotaxa 108 (1): 41-48, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.108.1.2, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.108.1.

    A new combination in Dolichandra (Bignoniaceae) from Brazil.

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    The Florae Fluminensis was a colonial and pioneer study about the plants of the captaincy Rio de Janeiro and localities from São Paulo state, elaborated by Friar Vellozo. In the publication of the manuscript, many problems happened and this resulted in loss of priority from names of Vellozo. But in recent years, review in the nomenclature of the species has designated the correct authorship of many names. A new combination Dolichandra coccinea, based on Vellozo's Bignonia coccinea from Florae Fluminensis, for the species currently known as D. cynanchoides is provided. This taxonomic novelty was provided along with typification, nomenclatural, and taxonomic notes

    BayConcat FEB (ITS 1-2) con

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    Bayesian consensus tree (50 % majority rule) from the analysis with ITS data of Bidens and closely related outgroups

    Concat_FEB-2016 (ITS 1+2)

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    This is an alignment matrix of ITS sequences of Coreopsideae (Compositae). Three new sequences are new and the other ones were gotten from Genbank. The 5.8 part of ITS was excluded from the alignment

    Data from: An unusual new species of Bidens (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae) with its phylogenetic position and taxonomic notes

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    An unusual new species of Bidens (Asteraceae) from Brazil is described and its placement within the genus is elucidated by phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences. The new species, described as Bidens campanulata , is distinct in the genus based on its broadly campanulate corolla limb with long lobes, an extremely reduced involucre (shorter than the flower length), and the absence of awns on the pappus. This study presents a taxonomic treatment of the species of Bidens with discoid capitula endemic to the Brazilian Cerrado, including a key to the species, typification, and information on conservation status

    PAUP 2 Concat_FEB-2016 (ITS 1+2)

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    Phylogram of strict consensus of 1260 most parsimonious trees based on ITS data matrix, showing the relationship of the new species described and closely related groups of Coreopsidea

    Duas novas espécies de Polygala (Polygalaceae) da região da Chapada dos Veadeiros, GO, Brasil Two new species of Polygala (Polygalaceae) from Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás State, Brazil

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    Duas novas espécies de Polygala L. subgênero Polygala (Polygalaceae) endêmicas da região da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, são descritas sob o nome de Polygala suganumae e P. patens, ilustradas e sua morfologia comparada com espécies relacionadas.<br>Two new species of Polygala L. subgenus Polygala, endemic to the Chapada dos Veadeiros range, Goiás (Brazil), are described as Polygala suganumae and P. patens, illustrated, and their morphology is compared to related specie