2,043 research outputs found

    Supercritical Conversion Of The 3rd Blue Phase To The Isotropic-Phase In A Highly Chiral Liquid-Crystal

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    The results of two independent experiments in the vicinity of the “transition” from the third blue phase ( BPIII) to isotropic phase ( I) are reported for a highly chiral liquid crystal. Heat capacity measurements using a high-resolution calorimeter and dynamic light-scattering measurements using circularly polarized light have been performed. The data show a continuous evolution of BPIII into I with no critical fluctuations. This is strong evidence that the BPIII-I transition in this compound is supercritical, indicating that the BPIII and I phases possess the same macroscopic symmetry

    A critical review of executive coaching research: a decade of progress and what's to come.

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    This paper aims to summarise the current state of coaching research and to provide a basis for future research which will provide a frame of reference ensuring that research builds on previous studies and adds to knowledge rather than replicating previous findings in innocence. This approach will prevent wasted effort and resources in organisations and research. The paper is divided into three sections. The first two sections review the state of research over the past hundred years, with a greater focus on the past decade when coaching research has accelerated at warp speed. The paper divides the recent research into categories; the nature of coaching, coach behaviour studies, client behaviour studies, relationship studies and executive coaching impact studies. The third section considers the future direction research may take. It identifies key questions which the authors believe should be the focus of future research and highlights the work undertaken to support coaching researchers and published by the Coaching Foundation

    Extending the Power of the Concept Map

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    This pilot study introduces a scale to assess structural knowledge in concept maps. The need to increase our understanding of structural knowledge through improved assessment is made evident in a review of research that indicates that its quality is related to problem-solving abilities. The new scale is derived from Biggs and Collis' (1982) Structure of the Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy and Rumelhart and Norman's (1978) modes of learning (structuring, accretion, and tuning). It is applied to link descriptions in an enhanced concept map structure that has been dubbed the "concept map+." Eight levels link quality can be recognized with the new scale. This builds on the original concept assessment scale of Novak and Gowin (1984) where just three types of link quality were acknowledged.Cette étude pilote présente une échelle pour l'évaluation des connaissances structurelles dans les cartes conceptuelles. Une analyse de la recherche ayant révélé que la qualité des connaissances structurelles est liée aux habiletés de résolution de problèmes, il est évident qu'il faut améliorer nos méthodes d'évaluation pour mieux comprendre ces connaissances. La nouvelle échelle est basée sur la taxonomie de Biggs et Collis (1982) sur la structure résultats d'apprentissage (Structure of Learning Outcome, SOLO) et sur les modes d'apprentissage de Rumelhart et Norman (1978) : structuration, accroissement et adaptation. Elle est appliquée aux descriptions de liens dans une structure perfectionnée cartes conceptuelles que l'on appelle ? concept map+.?. Cette nouvelle échelle distingue niveaux dans la qualité des liens, augmentant ainsi l'échelle d'évaluation originale de Novak et Gowin (1984) qui comportait seulement trois niveaux de qualité des liens

    Workplace Coaching

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    Coaching psychology: exploring definitions and research contribution to practice?

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    This paper aims to provide an analytic review of contemporary coaching evidence and future research directions through reviewing the development of coaching (e.g. executive, health and life coaching) and coaching psychology definitions. We offer alternative perspectives from psychologist and non-psychologist coaching practice in the development of both traditions over the past two decades. As part of this paper we will summarise systematic reviews and meta-analyses in workplace coaching and outline the key messages for evidence-based practice. Three key messages are identified from this review. First, coaching itself is a professional helping relationship since the process mainly relies on reciprocal actions between the coach and coachee. Second, coachees should be placed in the centre of the coaching relationship, recognising their motivation to change is the essential antecedent for coaching success. Third, social psychological perspectives are an important element in dyadidyadic coaching interactions. Our aim in this paper is to encourage coaching scholars and practitioners towards future research collaborations in the interest of developing evidenced based practice in coaching

    Coaching Preferences in Lithuania, Baltic States and European Countries

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    The goal of this paper is to present received part of the data from the research about coaching situation in Lithuania in comparison with Baltic States and European countries. The whole survey was done by researchers from 45 European countries in 31 languages and approaching around 3000 participants of various roles – coaches, mentors, managers and leaders. It was done in 2018, in 31 languages, ranging from English, Spanish, French and German, to Greek, Catalan and Serbian. The aim of the research was to explore the nature of coaching and mentoring practices across Europe and Baltic States, and understand of the development of best practices. This survey was publicized through established coaching federations and management bodies, as well as online through social media interest groups. In total, approximately 100 organizations committed to sharing the research link with their members or to publishing details of the research on their website. Here is presented a part of the data about coaching situation in Lithuania as there is a big need of such researches. Cross-cultural comparison of coaching practice in Lithuania and other countries in Europe doesn’t exists at all as well as situation analysis of coaching specialists, their qualification, their commitment to local chapters, continuous development or their adherence to ethical codes of practices. Results shows that coaching situation in Lithuania is quite similar to European countries. It is still developing area and more and more becomes taken for granted, the coaches in Lithuania are high-educated specialists who spares a lot of time for self-development, that they still need to have supervisions and that individual coaching is more popular than organizational at the moment, and that strong regulation of coaching profession and specialists is still required.Straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti ir išanalizuoti tyrimo metu gautus duomenis apie koučingo situaciją Lietuvoje lyginant su kitomis Baltijos ir Europos valstybėmis. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 45 Europos valstybėse 31 kalba įskaitant ir anglų, ispanų, prancūzų, vokiečių, graikų, katalonų, serbų ir kt. Šiame tyrime dalyvavo 3000 dalyvių iš įvairių veiklos sričių – koučų, mentorių, vadovų ir įmonių savininkų. Viso tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti koučingo ir mentorystės esamą dabartinę praktiką Europoje ir Baltijos šalyse bei suprasti geriausias jos plėtros galimybes. Ši apklausa buvo vykdoma per įvairias Europos koučingo ir mentorystės asociacijas ir organizacijas, taip pat pasitelkiant socialinės žiniasklaidos interesų grupes. Iš viso maždaug 100 organizacijų dalinosi tyrimo anketa su savo nariais arba paskelbė tyrimo informaciją savo svetainėse. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama tik tam tikra tyrimo analizės dalis, susijusi būtent konkrečiai su koučingo situacija Lietuvoje ir jos palyginimas su kitomis valstybėmis. Toks išsamus koučingo situacijos tyrimas Europoje ir Baltijos šalyse dar nėra rengtas, todėl šis straipsnis itin aktualus koučingo profesijai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog koučingo padėtis Lietuvoje yra gana panaši į kitose Europos šalyse esančią situaciją. Koučingo specialistai Lietuvoje linkę naudoti įvairius koučingo įrankius, tokius kaip GROW ar orientuotą į sprendimus technikas, skiria nemažai dėmesio asmeniniam tobulėjimui, labiau linkę klausti grįžtamojo ryšio iš individualaus kliento nei vadovų. dauguma koučingo specialistų turi aukštąjį išsilavinimą, dauguma jų turi savo verslą, daug laiko skiria individualiems koučingo mokymams, sutartys dažniausiai sudaromos žodinės. Susitikimų metu dažniausiai analizuojami darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo klausimai, išlieka aktualu konsultacijų nutraukimo atsakomybė, skirtingų šalių atsakomybės konsultacijų metu ir konfidencialumas. Šie aspektai aktualūs tiek organizacijų, tiek individualiems klientams. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad Lietuvoje kaip ir kitose valstybėse, moterys yra dominuojančios šioje profesijoje. Nuo kitų Europos valstybių koučingas Lietuvoje skiriasi tuo, kad koučingo specialistais tampa gana jauni ir mažiau patyrę asmenys, jie dažniausiai dirba ties gyvenimo klausimais, ne organizaciniais, neturi priežiūros ir reguliavimo, tačiau daug laiko skiria asmeniniam tobulėjimui. Apibendrinant koučingo situacija Lietuvoje yra gana panaši į Europos šalių koučingo situaciją ir taip yra dėl kelių priežasčių. Viena vertus, mokymo mokyklos, vykdančios koučingo mokymus ir ugdančios specialistus, daugiausia yra grindžiamos Europos koučingo kultūra ir jos metodu, kuris pabrėžia kokybę, aukštus standartus ir tarptautines kompetencijas. Į įvairius tarptautinius renginius kviečiami koučingo specialistai dažniausiai atvyksta iš Europos ir specialiai iš Didžiosios Britanijos, formuojantys aktualią koučingo kultūrą ir praktiką. Kita vertus, daugiausia koučingo specialistams yra priimtinos dvi kalbos, skirtos koučingo medžiagos skaitymui ir saviugdai, tai anglų ir rusų, kas atitinkamai formuoja koučingo pagrindus. Taip pat ši profesija tebėra auganti ir turi labai daug galimybių padaryti ją prieinamesnę organizacijoms, taip pat labai svarbus teisinis šios profesijos reguliavimas ir paslaugų teikimo sutartys raštu

    Gli obiettivi della filosofia di Hume

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    Lo studio di Passmore può essere ormai considerato un classico della storiografia filosofica humiana, quattro almeno sono le ragioni di attualità di questo studio, anche dopo l'abbondante, talora eccessiva, (soprattutto anglosassone), letteratura humiana dell'ultimo cinquantennio. la centralità che viene ad assumere in Hume la riflessione morale, tesi, com'è noto, già anticipata da Kemp Smith, che nella sua ricostruzione del Trattato aveva prospettato la priorità dei libri II e III sul I, privilegiando, tra le fonti Hutcheson nella linea ShafetsburyHutcheson-Butler, (pur riconoscendo anche la linea Montaigne-Bayle, quella tradizionale Locke-Berkeley, e lo stesso newtonismo), interpretazione che ha fatto parlare, recentemente, di 'naturalismo normativa', ma che in Passmore si configura con modalità diverse fin dal I capitolo, non a caso intitolato In defense of the moral sciences, dove il moralismo di Hume spiegherebbe e chiarirebbe la connessione tra il primo Hume del Trattato e delle Ricerche, e lo Hume saggista morale, politico, storico, economista, e sarebbe piuttosto legato a quell' 'etica della credenza' che, secondo lo studioso australiano, caratterizza più propriamente l'illuminismo di Hume