9,232 research outputs found

    Long-wavelength limit of gyrokinetics in a turbulent tokamak and its intrinsic ambipolarity

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    Recently, the electrostatic gyrokinetic Hamiltonian and change of coordinates have been computed to order ϵ2\epsilon^2 in general magnetic geometry. Here ϵ\epsilon is the gyrokinetic expansion parameter, the gyroradius over the macroscopic scale length. Starting from these results, the long-wavelength limit of the gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations is taken for tokamak geometry. Employing the set of equations derived in the present article, it is possible to calculate the long-wavelength components of the distribution functions and of the poloidal electric field to order ϵ2\epsilon^2. These higher-order pieces contain both neoclassical and turbulent contributions, and constitute one of the necessary ingredients (the other is given by the short-wavelength components up to second order) that will eventually enter a complete model for the radial transport of toroidal angular momentum in a tokamak in the low flow ordering. Finally, we provide an explicit and detailed proof that the system consisting of second-order gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations leaves the long-wavelength radial electric field undetermined; that is, the turbulent tokamak is intrinsically ambipolar.Comment: 70 pages. Typos in equations (63), (90), (91), (92) and (129) correcte

    Quantitative representation of reactivity, selectivity and site activation concepts in organic chemistry

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    Indexación: ScieloReactivity, selectivity and site activation are classical concepts in chemistry which are amenable to quantitative representation, in terms of static global, local and non local density response functions. The use of these electronic indexes describing chemical interconversion is developed in this work along the perspective of the pioneering work conducted in Chile by the late Professor Fernando Zuloaga, to whom this article is dedicated in memoriam. While global responses, represented as derivatives of the electronic energy with respect to the total number of electrons quantitatively describe the propensity of a system to interconvert into another chemical species (chemical reactivity), the local counterparts assesses well those regions in the molecule where the reactivity pattern dictated by the global quantities is developed (selectivity). Site activation /deactivation may in turn be described by the variations in the local or regional patterns of reactivity, that may be induced by solvent effects or chemical substitution. These concepts are illustrated for a series of chemical reactions in Organic Chemistry, including electrocyclic processes, cycloadditions and electrophilic addition reactions. Some relationships between quantitative scales of reactivity and reaction mechanisms are discussed.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072004000100010&lang=p

    Applicability of satellite remote sensing for detection and monitoring of coal strip mining activities

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Large areas covered by orbital photography allows the user to estimate the acreage of strip mining activity from a few frames. Infrared photography both in color and in black and white transparencies was found to be the best suited for this purpose

    AIROscope stellar acquisition

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    The acquisition system which operates in conjunction with a balloon-borne TV system, boresighted to a telescope is described. It has two main functions, a star field monitor and an offset star tracker. The design of the system was strongly influenced by the TV camera, which uses the same interlaced scanning system as is employed in commercial television broadcasting. To reduce power and bandwidth requirements, the star field information transmitted in our system consists only of the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each star and its brightness. As a star field monitor the system provides video thresholding, camera blemish suppression, coordinate digitization in 3 axes, circuity to recognize as single star the dispersed video signals resulting from one star overlapping adjacent scanning lines and storage of all signals for readout by the telemetry at appropriate times

    Capturing coevolutionary signals in repeat proteins

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    The analysis of correlations of amino acid occurrences in globular proteins has led to the development of statistical tools that can identify native contacts -- portions of the chains that come to close distance in folded structural ensembles. Here we introduce a statistical coupling analysis for repeat proteins -- natural systems for which the identification of domains remains challenging. We show that the inherent translational symmetry of repeat protein sequences introduces a strong bias in the pair correlations at precisely the length scale of the repeat-unit. Equalizing for this bias reveals true co-evolutionary signals from which local native-contacts can be identified. Importantly, parameter values obtained for all other interactions are not significantly affected by the equalization. We quantify the robustness of the procedure and assign confidence levels to the interactions, identifying the minimum number of sequences needed to extract evolutionary information in several repeat protein families. The overall procedure can be used to reconstruct the interactions at long distances, identifying the characteristics of the strongest couplings in each family, and can be applied to any system that appears translationally symmetric

    Objectives and Measures for Energy and Mineral Cooperation: a note

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    SUMMARY The main constraints on Third World energy development are the high price of imported oil, shrinking resources of fuel wood, lack of financial resources and inadequate technical and management capacity. There is an urgent need for financial and technical assistance, particularly to provide ‘software’. This would be best provided by a specialist agency. RESUMEN Qbjetivos y medidas para la cooperación energética y minera Las mayores restricciones en el desarrollo energético del Tercer Mundo, residen en el alto precio del petróleo importado, la reducción de los recursos de leña, la falta de recursos financieros y la inadecuada capacidad técnica y administrativa. Existe urgente necesidad de asistencia técnica y financiera, especialmente de ‘programas’, los que serían mejor provistos por agencias especializadas. RÉSUMÉ Objectéfs et Mesures pour une Coopération de l'Energie et des Minéraux Les principales restrictions au développement de l'énergie du Tiers?Monde sont le prix élevé du pétrole importé, une diminution des ressources de bois?combustible, un manque de ressources financières et une capacité technique et gestionnaire inadéquate. Il y a un besoin urgent d'une aide financière et technique, particulièrement dans l'implantation du ‘logiciel’. Un organisme spécialisé serait le mieux placé à cette fin