18 research outputs found

    Resposta de Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) a diferentes densidades de ovos do hospedeiro natural, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

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    Avaliou-se em laboratorio (25oC), 70% UR e fotofase de 12 horas) a resposta de diferentes densidades de Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner ao aumento da densidade de ovos do hospedeiro Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). Uma, tres, cinco e 10 femeas do parasitoide, receberam, por um periodo de 24 h, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 ovos do hospedeiro. Os resultados indicaram uma interferencia mutua tanto do hospedeiro quanto do parasitoide, em tratamento com tres ou mais femeas confinadas nos tubos, e em baixas densidades de ovos do hospedeiro , resultando mum menor numero de ovos parasitados por femea. Numa densidade de 120 ovos do hospedeiro ou acima (no minimo 12 ovos disponiveis/femea) nao ocorreu inerferencia mutua. Respostas funcionais quadraticas foram verificadas para o numero de ovos parasitados com o aumento de densidade de ovos, para uma densidade de cinco ou mais parasitoides por recipiente

    Efeito de genótipos de milho no parasitismo por Trichogramma spp. em ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie).

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    Avaliou-se o parasitismo de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) por Trichogramma spp, em tres genotipos de milho (Zea mays L.); BR 205 (endosperma amarelo normal), BR 451 (endosperma branco, com alta qualidade proteica e BR 400 (endosperma amarelo e doce). Os genotipos foram semeados de duas maneiras; plantio dos tres genotipos ao mesmo tempo (1o ensaio) e plantio escalonado com intervalo de uma semana, para coincidir o florescimento, a saber; BR 205, BR 451 e BR 400. Em ambos os plantios nao houve efeito dos genotipos na infestacao de ovos de H. zea e no parasitismo desses por Trichogramma spp. (media de 8,0 no 1o e de 1,8 ovos/estilo-estigma, no 2o plantio). O parasitismo dos ovos significativamente de acordo com a cultivar, sendo de 62,4% para BR 451, 47,0% para BR 205 e 34,1% para BR 400

    The Impact II, a Very High-Resolution Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Instrument (QTOF) for Deep Shotgun Proteomics

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    Hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry is one of the two major principles used in proteomics. Although based on simple fundamentals, it has over the last decades greatly evolved in terms of achievable resolution, mass accuracy, and dynamic range. The Bruker impact platform of QTOF instruments takes advantage of these developments and here we develop and evaluate the impact II for shotgun proteomics applications. Adaption of our heated liquid chromatography system achieved very narrow peptide elution peaks. The impact II is equipped with a new collision cell with both axial and radial ion ejection, more than doubling ion extraction at high tandem MS frequencies. The new reflectron and detector improve resolving power compared with the previous model up to 80%, i.e. to 40,000 at m/z 1222. We analyzed the ion current from the inlet capillary and found very high transmission (>80%) up to the collision cell. Simulation and measurement indicated 60% transfer into the flight tube. We adapted MaxQuant for QTOF data, improving absolute average mass deviations to better than 1.45 ppm. More than 4800 proteins can be identified in a single run of HeLa digest in a 90 min gradient. The workflow achieved high technical reproducibility (R2 > 0.99) and accurate fold change determination in spike-in experiments in complex mixtures. Using label-free quantification we rapidly quantified haploid against diploid yeast and characterized overall proteome differences in mouse cell lines originating from different tissues. Finally, after high pH reversed-phase fractionation we identified 9515 proteins in a triplicate measurement of HeLa peptide mixture and 11,257 proteins in single measurements of cerebellum-the highest proteome coverage reported with a QTOF instrument so far

    A Novel LC System Embeds Analytes in Pre-formed Gradients for Rapid, Ultra-robust Proteomics

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    To further integrate mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics into biomedical research and especially into clinical settings, high throughput and robustness are essential requirements. They are largely met in high-flow rate chromatographic systems for small molecules but these are not sufficiently sensitive for proteomics applications. Here we describe a new concept that delivers on these requirements while maintaining the sensitivity of current nano-flow LC systems. Low-pressure pumps elute the sample from a disposable trap column, simultaneously forming a chromatographic gradient that is stored in a long storage loop. An auxiliary gradient creates an offset, ensuring the re-focusing of the peptides before the separation on the analytical column by a single high-pressure pump. This simplified design enables robust operation over thousands of sample injections. Furthermore, the steps between injections are performed in parallel, reducing overhead time to a few minutes and allowing analysis of more than 200 samples per day. From fractionated HeLa cell lysates, deep proteomes covering more than 130,000 sequence unique peptides and close to 10,000 proteins were rapidly acquired. Using this data as a library, we demonstrate quantitation of 5200 proteins in only 21 min. Thus, the new system - termed Evosep One analyzes samples in an extremely robust and high throughput manner, without sacrificing in depth proteomics coverage

    Relação entre tricomas foliares de genótipos de feijoeiro comum, Phaseolus vulgaris L. e resistência a Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Relationship between foliar trichomes of common bean genotypes, Phaseolus vulgaris L., and resistance to Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    Considerando que a pubescência foliar pode afetar a preferência alimentar do inseto, com o presente estudo objetivou-se verificar a influência da pilosidade dos folíolos na resistência de genótipos de feijoeiro a D. speciosa. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e oito repetições. Os tratamentos foram seis genótipos de feijoeiro: Emgopa Ouro e IAPAR 57, do centro de domesticação Mesoamericano (MA) e Jalo Precoce, Goiano Precoce, PR 10595142 e PR 10595146 do centro de domesticação Andino (AN). Cada parcela foi constituída por um vaso com 1,2 Kg de solo e uma planta encerrada em um telado individual. No 25º dia após o plantio, em cada telado foram liberados dez adultos de D. speciosa, após jejum de 24 horas, durante 72 horas. Os danos sofridos foram estimados de acordo com a área consumida em cada genótipo. Os tricomas das folhas dos genótipos foram contados usando microscópio estereoscópico (40x), com uma escala micrométrica sobre 1 cm² de área da superfície abaxial (AB) e adaxial (AD), contando-se os tricomas unciformes e aciculares presentes em cinco folhas de cada genótipo. O genótipo IAPAR 57 (MA) foi o preferido no teste de alimentação, enquanto os genótipos andinos foram menos consumidos por adultos de D. speciosa. Os genótipos apresentaram variabilidade quanto ao número de tricomas, tanto aciculares quanto unciformes, em ambas as superfícies, abaxial e adaxial. Os genótipos andinos não diferiram quanto ao número de tricomas unciformes na superfície adaxial. O somatório do número de tricomas aciculares e unciformes na superfície abaxial dos genótipos sugerem relação inversa entre esta característica e a área consumida por D. speciosa.<br>Considering that foliar pubescence may affect insect feeding preference on plant genotypes, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of leaflet pubescence on resistance of common bean genotypes to D. speciosa. The experiments were conducted in a completely randomised design, with six treatments and eight replicates. The treatments were six common bean genotypes, Emgopa Ouro and IAPAR 57, from Mesoamerican domestication center (MA), Jalo Precoce, Goiano Precoce, PR 10595142 and PR 10595146 from Andean domestication center (AN). Each replicate consisted of one pot with 1.2 kg soil and a plant placed in a individual cage. The genotypes were submitted to feeding test 25 days after planting, when ten adults of D. speciosa, starved for 24 hours, were released for 72 hours in each cage. Damage was estimated by area of foliage consumed on each genotype. Trichomes on both the abaxial (AB) and adaxial (AD) leaf surfaces were counted using a stereomicroscope (40 X), on 1 cm² area, with the hooked and straight trichomes being counted on five leaflets/genotype. The MA genotype IAPAR 57 was the most preferred on feeding test, while the AN genotypes were less eaten by Dispeciosa. The genotypes showed variability aceading to density of trichomes on both surfaces. Andean genotypes showed no difference in unciform trichome densities on AD surface. The total number of straight and hooked trichomes on AB leaf surface suggests inverse relation between this characteristic and the area consumed by Diabrotica speciosa

    Biological Activity of High Molecular Weight Phenolics from Olive Mill Wastewater

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    Olive oil production generates large amounts of recalcitrant compounds, the olive oil mill wastewater (OMWW), which represent one of the most contaminating effluents among those produced by the agrofood industries. Nowadays, this view has changed to one that recognizes the waste as a lowcost starting material rich in bioactive compounds, particularly biophenols, that can be extracted and applied as natural antioxidants for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The data reported in this paper indicate that the OMWW extracts, besides low molecular weight antioxidant phenolics such as tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, also contain phenolics with a molecular weight in the range of 600-5000 Da, which exhibit efficient scavenging activities against hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. This group of phenolics includes, besides verbascoside, isoverbascoside, and an oxidized form of verbascoside, a number of higher molecular weight phenolics arising from oxidative polymerization of hydroxytyrosol and caffeic acid. Overall, these higher molecular weight phenolics prove to be, in some in vitro tests, more efficient scavengers of hydrophilic hydroxyl radicals than hydroxytyrosol, which could be used for industrial applications as natural nontoxic antioxidants