2,004 research outputs found
The Occurrence of Laminarionema elsbetiae (Phaeophyceae) on Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (Rhodophyta) from the Patagonian Coasts of Argentina: Characteristics of the Relationship in Natural and Experimental Infections, and Morphology of the Epi-endophyte in Unialgal Free Cultures
The occurrence of Laminarionema elsbetiae (Ectocarpaceae, Phaeophyceae), as epi-endophyte of Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta), described from Santa Isabel, Rawson, Argentina. L. elsbetiae grows in the host tissues forming epi-endophytic relationship in the epidermal, cortical and medullar layers. Epiphytic thalli of L. elsbetiae were unbranched filaments emerging from hostis surface. Reproductive structures of L. elsbetiae on the host were absent. On the contrary, free cultured individuals formed different reproductive structures. Macrozoosporangia containing a single large motile zoospore originated from vegetative cells, they were conical to cylindrical in shape, 30-50 in length and 18-20 in wide. Uniseriate plurilocular zoosporangia were cylindrical shape, 40 in length and 10-13 in wide. Sexual fusion was not seen. In mixed cultures of L. elsbetiae with R. pseudopalmata fronds, L. elsbetiae infected the host, grew as in natural host and, formed macrosporangia between host subcortical cells. Gametophytes of L. elsbetiae were filaments with diffuse growth, branched with a branch pattern alternate or opposite. Gametangia were plurilocular, uni or biseriate and lateral. When mature they contained 2 to 6 isogametes. The presence L. elsbetiae on R. pseudopalmata could be defined as an epi-endophytic relationship. The percentage of infection of R. pseudopalmata thalli by L. elsbetiae was 34%.A25% of the infected thalli presented a low, non-symptomatic level infection, whereas a 62% and a 13% of them exhibited respectively moderate and high indexes of infection.Fil: Gauna, Maria Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Parodi, Elisa Rosalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Caceres, Eduardo Jorge. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Ficología y Micología; Argentin
Secondary zoospores in the algal endoparasite Maullinia ectocarpii (Plasmodiophorea).
The present paper deals with the ultrastructure of zoospores produced by the plasmodiophorid Maullinia ectocarpii , living in the marine algal host Ectocarpus siliculosus. The zoospores described here are very similar to secondary zoospores of Polymyxa graminis and Phagomyxa sp. (the latter an algal endopara- site, also). Our results indicate that M. ectocarpii produces two types of plasmodia, and suggest that is a species with a complete life cycle, as it is known for all the Plasmodiophormycota that have been studied. Sporogenic and sporangial plasmodia produce, respectively, primary zoospores with parallel flagella within thick walled resting sporangia, and secondary zoospores with opposite flagella within thin walled sporangia.Fil: Parodi, Elisa Rosalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Caceres, Eduardo Jorge. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Ficología y Micología; ArgentinaFil: Westermeier, Renato. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Muller, Dieter G.. Universität Konstanz; Alemani
Estrategia para la apertura del capital social de PETROPERÚ S.A.
Si se considera que una empresa cuenta con una cultura organizacional, basada en buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo, en el cual se encuentren comprendidos los sistemas de control interno empresarial y de gestión de riesgos corporativos y, además se mantiene una presentación internacional estándar de sus indicadores económicos-financieros, entre otras herramientas de gestión aceptadas internacionalmente, tal conjunción de instrumentos conllevará al fortalecimiento y crecimiento sostenido de la empresa, y generará valor agregado, que además facilitará y alineará, en general, su apertura al mercado de capitales, tanto nacional como internacional. Esta es una opción válida para atraer a la inversión privada.
Frente a la decisión de listar sus acciones en bolsa, Petroperú S.A. se vio obligada a incorporar estándares internacionales de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y a mostrar indicadores económicos - financieros y de gestión que, de forma transparente, le permitan al inversionista tomar una decisión confiable. Se parte de un análisis de contenido temático con entrevistas estructuradas, así como con la comparación de pares empresariales a través del benchmarking.
Se observó que aquellas empresas que cuentan con las herramientas de gestión previamente descritas, independientemente de su constitución como empresas de capital social exclusivamente estatal, pudieron incorporar capital privado, bajo un contexto societario de empresas de economía mixta.
La propuesta busca brindar confianza a los inversionistas a través de la complementación de prácticas de buen gobierno corporativo, coadyuvantes de una gestión eficiente y redundando en generar un marco de estabilidad y continuidad para Petroperú S.A., minimizando la injerencia de índole político en el manejo empresarial, lo cual a su vez permitirá el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos integrados en el upstream y downstream, generando un mayor valor a la empresa. Cabe resaltar que existen tres temas importantes que deben ser resueltos como condición previa a la apertura del capital, los cuales son: (i) la integración vertical, (ii) la recuperación del impuesto general a las ventas en la Amazonia y, (iii) el cierre financiero del Proyecto Modernización Refinería Talara (PMRT)
Perforated Patch Clamp in Non-Neuronal Cells, the Model of Mammalian Sperm Cells
Editor: Fatima Shad KaneezThis chapter deals with the steps required to obtain perforated patch-clamp recordings from
mammalian sperm cells. (in spite of the fact that these cells) In spite of the fact that these cells are not electrically excitable, they possess a number of conductances due to their
expression of ion channels and even neurotransmitter-gated ion-channels, many of which remain to be explored functionally and structurally. Detailed methods for obtaining cells suitable for electrophysiological recordings and protocols to perform patch-clamp
recordings are outlined in the text
Thoracic aorta cardiac-cycle related dynamic changes assessed with a 256-slice CT scanner
Objective: The aim of our study was to demonstrate whether the dynamic changes previously documented at the ascending and abdominal aorta are replicated at the thoracic aorta. Methods and results: A consecutive series of thirty patients referred to our institution to undergo CT angiography of the thoracic aorta (CTA) constituted the study population. Patients with diffuse aortic atherosclerosis were excluded from the analysis. All studies were acquired with a 256-MDCT scanner and ECG-gating was performed in all cases. Two orthogonal imaging planes (maximal and minimal diameters) were obtained at three different levels of the descending thoracic aorta, using the distance from the left subclavian artery as proximal landmark: 10, 40, and 80 mm distance. The mean age was 58.9±15.7 years and 16 (53%) patients were male. Descending aorta measurements at 10, 40, and 80 mm distance from the left subclavian artery were all significantly larger within the systolic window (P<0.01 for all comparisons). Measurements of the maximal diameter were systematically larger than the minimal diameters among all aortic positions including ungated, systolic, and diastolic measurements (P<0.05 for all comparisons). Conclusions: The main finding of our pilot investigation was that the thoracic descending aorta undergoes significant conformational changes during the cardiac cycle, irrespective from the distance from the left subclavian artery.Fil: Carrascosa, Patricia. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Capuñay, Carlos. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Deviggiano, Alejandro. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Granillo, Gaston Alfredo. Diagnóstico Maipú; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sagarduy, María Inés. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Cortines, Patricio. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Carrascosa, Jorge. Diagnóstico Maipú; ArgentinaFil: Parodi, Juan C.. Sanatorio Trinidad; Argentin
Synaptotoxicity of Alzheimer Beta Amyloid Can Be Explained by Its Membrane Perforating Property
The mechanisms that induce Alzheimer's disease (AD) are largely unknown thereby deterring the development of disease-modifying therapies. One working hypothesis of AD is that Aβ excess disrupts membranes causing pore formation leading to alterations in ionic homeostasis. However, it is largely unknown if this also occurs in native brain neuronal membranes. Here we show that similar to other pore forming toxins, Aβ induces perforation of neuronal membranes causing an increase in membrane conductance, intracellular calcium and ethidium bromide influx. These data reveal that the target of Aβ is not another membrane protein, but that Aβ itself is the cellular target thereby explaining the failure of current therapies to interfere with the course of AD. We propose that this novel effect of Aβ could be useful for the discovery of anti AD drugs capable of blocking these “Aβ perforates”. In addition, we demonstrate that peptides that block Aβ neurotoxicity also slow or prevent the membrane-perforating action of Aβ
Taller revisión de temas de matemática, modalidad e-learning y presencial
Presentamos una propuesta desarrollada por profesores del área Matemática y del área de Informática, de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLPam, pertenecientes a asignaturas de primer año de las distintas carreras que se dictan en la institución. La propuesta está basada en la selección de contenidos y metodologías de enseñanza adecuadas que tiendan a favorecer la articulación entre el Nivel Medio y la Universidad, en un contexto de reflexión y trabajo.
Las acciones se implementan en el último año de Nivel Medio, para tratar de ampliar los conocimientos de los estudiantes, intentado mejorar sus habilidades con el aprendizaje de la matemática y que éstos puedan ser aprovechados por aquellos que pretendan incursionar en carreras pertenecientes o no a nuestra Facultad. Estas acciones intentan ser una extensión universitaria de la institución al conjunto de la sociedad que la sustenta tanto en lo local, como en lo regional Se trabaja con dos tipos de metodología de enseñanza, una en forma Presencial y la otra en un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA), con el propósito de llegar a una comparación cualitativa de las mismas. Cuyo resultado permitirá tomar decisiones institucionales al momento de direccionar los esfuerzos.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
Neurobiological Bases of Learning and Their Role for the Paradigm Shift in Education
In recent years, neurobiology has produced the cellular foundations that account for the phenomena of memory and learning in mammals. Nevertheless, this information has not always been applied to educational processes. Our paper reviews the information regarding the cellular processes underlying learning and how these may impact or explain didactic processes, forcing us to rethink current paradigms
Development of Ex Vivo Model to Study the Effect of Rock Snot, <em>Didymosphenia geminata</em> (Lyngb.), on Cells and Gametes of Freshwater Fish
Rock snot, a species of diatom that produces nuisance growths in international freshwater rivers and streams, in Chile, Canada, New Zealand and other country, with consistently cold-water temperatures and low-nutrient levels, is produced by Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngb.) M. Schmidt (D. geminata) and is a complex problem in rivers. Its biology problem and its effects on ecosystems are still being investigated, yet no research has focused on the effects of D. geminata at the cellular level. We proposed to review and described an artificial river system to preserve D. geminata for obtained future study material to evaluate the effects of water contaminated by this diatom on cell models. Our preliminary results indicate the D. geminata altered several cell lines and cell function, and review of the literature suggested alteration in the biotic system on river with this plague. We proposed the described literature for exploring the possibility of building a model for maintaining D. geminata from Chilean rivers and used the biological material obtained from artificial river, like extract and contaminated water for studying the chronic effects on cells
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