1,346 research outputs found

    Finite lifetime eigenfunctions of coupled systems of harmonic oscillators

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    We find a Hermite-type basis for which the eigenvalue problem associated to the operator HA,B:=B(−∂x2)+Ax2H_{A,B}:=B(-\partial_x^2)+Ax^2 acting on L2(R;C2)L^2({\bf R};{\bf C}^2) becomes a three-terms recurrence. Here AA and BB are two constant positive definite matrices with no other restriction. Our main result provides an explicit characterization of the eigenvectors of HA,BH_{A,B} that lie in the span of the first four elements of this basis when AB≠BAAB\not= BA.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. Some typos where corrected in this new versio

    Modelling cytoskeletal traffic: an interplay between passive diffusion and active transport

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    We introduce the totally asymmetric exclusion process with Langmuir kinetics (TASEP-LK) on a network as a microscopic model for active motor protein transport on the cytoskeleton, immersed in the diffusive cytoplasm. We discuss how the interplay between active transport along a network and infinite diffusion in a bulk reservoir leads to a heterogeneous matter distribution on various scales. We find three regimes for steady state transport, corresponding to the scale of the network, of individual segments or local to sites. At low exchange rates strong density heterogeneities develop between different segments in the network. In this regime one has to consider the topological complexity of the whole network to describe transport. In contrast, at moderate exchange rates the transport through the network decouples, and the physics is determined by single segments and the local topology. At last, for very high exchange rates the homogeneous Langmuir process dominates the stationary state. We introduce effective rate diagrams for the network to identify these different regimes. Based on this method we develop an intuitive but generic picture of how the stationary state of excluded volume processes on complex networks can be understood in terms of the single-segment phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    On Kohn’s sums of squares of complex vector fields

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    This is a survey of some recent alternative way of proving a subelliptic estimate, first proven by J. J. Kohn, for certain sums of squares of complex vector fields. My approach here makes it possible to extend the result also to more general families of complex vector fields, to perturbations of sums of squares operators by a first-order complex term and furthermore to a pseudodifferential setting

    Motor proteins traffic regulation by supply-demand balance of resources

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    In cells and in vitro assays the number of motor proteins involved in biological transport processes is far from being unlimited. The cytoskeletal binding sites are in contact with the same finite reservoir of motors (either the cytosol or the flow chamber) and hence compete for recruiting the available motors, potentially depleting the reservoir and affecting cytoskeletal transport. In this work we provide a theoretical framework to study, analytically and numerically, how motor density profiles and crowding along cytoskeletal filaments depend on the competition of motors for their binding sites. We propose two models in which finite processive motor proteins actively advance along cytoskeletal filaments and are continuously exchanged with the motor pool. We first look at homogeneous reservoirs and then examine the effects of free motor diffusion in the surrounding medium. We consider as a reference situation recent in vitro experimental setups of kinesin-8 motors binding and moving along microtubule filaments in a flow chamber. We investigate how the crowding of linear motor proteins moving on a filament can be regulated by the balance between supply (concentration of motor proteins in the flow chamber) and demand (total number of polymerised tubulin heterodimers). We present analytical results for the density profiles of bound motors, the reservoir depletion, and propose novel phase diagrams that present the formation of jams of motor proteins on the filament as a function of two tuneable experimental parameters: the motor protein concentration and the concentration of tubulins polymerized into cytoskeletal filaments. Extensive numerical simulations corroborate the analytical results for parameters in the experimental range and also address the effects of diffusion of motor proteins in the reservoir.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Early features of autism spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by impairment in social interaction and communication along with repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped behaviors, interests and activities. It is important to detect this condition as soon as possible and promptly begin targeted treatments. This study aimed to report on age at onset, early signs, and mode at onset in 105 Italian patients with autism spectrum disorder, searching for correlations with a series of clinical and instrumental variables. METHODS: This retrospective cross-sectional study considered the following five categories of symptoms at onset: language, social interaction and relationships, stereotyped behavior and activities, motor skills, and regulation. Three modes of presentation were considered: a delay, a stagnation, or a regression of development, which were defined modes of onset of autism spectrum disorder. The age at onset, the category of clinical features, and the mode at onset were considered in the entire sample and statistically analyzed for several clinical variables. Statistical analysis was performed utilizing Fisher Exact test and Chi Square test. RESULTS: The first symptoms between 7 and 12\u2009months were evident in 41.9% of cases, and between 13 and 24\u2009months in 27.6%; no significant differences for the age at onset related to diagnosis, etiopathogenesis, early onset epilepsy, and intelligence quotient level emerged. Social interaction and relationships (93.3%) and language (92.4%) were the categories of early signs more represented in our sample. Delay in spoken language (to be understood as both verbal production and verbal comprehension) was one of the most common (even though not specific) symptoms prompting initial medical consultation for a possible diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. At onset, patients without intellectual disability manifested stagnation more often than delay or regression of development; patients with a severe/profound intellectual disability more frequently showed delay or regression of development. Language signs at onset were less frequent in cases with regression, whereas motor skill disorders prevailed in cases with delay at onset. Feeding problems were more numerous in cases with delay and stagnation of development. CONCLUSIONS: These data contribute to identifying an early trend of autism spectrum disorder, useful also for pediatricians

    Spectral Asymptotic Properties of Semiregular Non-commutative Harmonic Oscillators.

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    We study here the spectral Weyl asymptotics for a semiregular system, extending to the vector-valued case results of Helffer and Robert, and more recently of Doll, Gannot and Wunsch. The class of systems considered here contains the important example of the Jaynes–Cummings system that describes light-matter interaction

    Markov Process of Muscle Motors

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    We study a Markov random process describing a muscle molecular motor behavior. Every motor is either bound up with a thin filament or unbound. In the bound state the motor creates a force proportional to its displacement from the neutral position. In both states the motor spend an exponential time depending on the state. The thin filament moves at its velocity proportional to average of all displacements of all motors. We assume that the time which a motor stays at the bound state does not depend on its displacement. Then one can find an exact solution of a non-linear equation appearing in the limit of infinite number of the motors.Comment: 10 page

    The extended structure of the remote cluster B514 in M31. Detection of extra-tidal stars

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    We present a study of the density profile of the remote M31 globular cluster B514, obtained from HST/ACS observations. Coupling the analysis of the distribution of the integrated light with star counts we can reliably follow the profile of the cluster out to r~35", corresponding to ~130pc. The profile is well fitted, out to ~15 core radii, by a King Model having C=1.65. With an estimated core radius r_c=0.38", this corresponds to a tidal radius of r_t~17" (~65pc). We find that both the light and the star counts profiles show a departure from the best fit King model for r>~8" - as a surface brightness excess at large radii, and the star counts profile shows a clear break in correspondence of the estimated tidal radius. Both features are interpreted as the signature of the presence of extratidal stars around the cluster. We also show that B514 has a half-light radius significantly larger than ordinary globular clusters of the same luminosity. In the M_V vs. log r_h plane, B514 lies in a region inhabited by peculiar clusters, like Omega Cen, G1, NGC2419 and others, as well as by the nuclei of dwarf elliptical galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Exclusion processes on networks as models for cytoskeletal transport

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    We present a study of exclusion processes on networks as models for complex transport phenomena and in particular for active transport of motor proteins along the cytoskeleton. We argue that active transport processes on networks spontaneously develop density heterogeneities at various scales. These heterogeneities can be regulated through a variety of multi-scale factors, such as the interplay of exclusion interactions, the non-equilibrium nature of the transport process and the network topology. We show how an effective rate approach allows to develop an understanding of the stationary state of transport processes through complex networks from the phase diagram of one single segment. For exclusion processes we rationalize that the stationary state can be classified in three qualitatively different regimes: a homogeneous phase as well as inhomogeneous network and segment phases. In particular, we present here a study of the stationary state on networks of three paradigmatic models from non-equilibrium statistical physics: the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, the partially asymmetric simple exclusion process and the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with Langmuir kinetics. With these models we can interpolate between equilibrium (due to bi-directional motion along a network or infinite diffusion) and out-of-equilibrium active directed motion along a network. The study of these models sheds further light on the emergence of density heterogeneities in active phenomena.Comment: 55 pages, 26 figure

    Stepping and crowding of molecular motors: statistical kinetics from an exclusion process perspective

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    Motor enzymes are remarkable molecular machines that use the energy derived from the hydrolysis of a nucleoside triphosphate to generate mechanical movement, achieved through different steps that constitute their kinetic cycle. These macromolecules, nowadays investigated with advanced experimental techniques to unveil their molecular mechanisms and the properties of their kinetic cycles, are implicated in many biological processes, ranging from biopolymerisation (e.g. RNA polymerases and ribosomes) to intracellular transport (motor proteins such as kinesins or dyneins). Although the kinetics of individual motors is well studied on both theoretical and experimental grounds, the repercussions of their stepping cycle on the collective dynamics still remains unclear. Advances in this direction will improve our comprehension of transport process in the natural intracellular medium, where processive motor enzymes might operate in crowded conditions. In this work, we therefore extend the current statistical kinetic analysis to study collective transport phenomena of motors in terms of lattice gas models belonging to the exclusion process class. Via numerical simulations, we show how to interpret and use the randomness calculated from single particle trajectories in crowded conditions. Importantly, we also show that time fluctuations and non-Poissonian behavior are intrinsically related to spatial correlations and the emergence of large, but finite, clusters of co-moving motors. The properties unveiled by our analysis have important biological implications on the collective transport characteristics of processive motor enzymes in crowded conditions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 2 supplementary figure
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