7,462 research outputs found

    Program to compute the positions of the aircraft and of the aircraft sensor footprints

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    The positions of the ground track of the aircraft and of the aircraft sensor footprints, in particular the metric camera and the radar scatterometer on the C-130 aircraft, are estimated by a program called ACTRK. The program uses the altitude, speed, and attitude informaton contained in the radar scatterometer data files to calculate the positions. The ACTRK program is documented

    Active Microwave Properties of Vegetation Canopies

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    Potential users of radar imagery need a better fundamental understanding of the capabilities of radar systems for vegetation studies than past studies provide. One approach is the use of theoretical models to predict observable active microwave properties of vegetation. This in turn requires accurate observations of backscattering coefficients and other active microwave properties in field research studies. The background document for the SRAEC program emphasizes the need to relate electromagnetic parameters to classical biophysical descriptors and to understand the role of polarization, especially cross-polarization. The broad goal of this study is to increase the understanding of the effects of canopy structure on the active microwave properties of vegetation canopies, with particular attention to polarization

    Discording power of quantum evolutions

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    We introduce the discording power of a unitary transformation, which assesses its capability to produce quantum discord, and analyze in detail the generation of discord by relevant classes of two-qubit gates. Our measure is based on the Cartan decomposition of two-qubit unitaries and on evaluating the maximum discord achievable by a unitary upon acting on classical-classical states at fixed purity. We found that there exist gates which are perfect discorders for any value of purity, and that they belong to a class of operators that includes the $\sqrt{{SWAP}}. Other gates, even those universal for quantum computation, do not posses the same property: the CNOT, for example, is a perfect discorder only for states with low or unit purity, but not for intermediate values. The discording power of a two-qubit unitary also provides a generalization of the corresponding measure defined for entanglement to any value of the purity.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Eigenvalue Dynamics of a Central Wishart Matrix with Application to MIMO Systems

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    We investigate the dynamic behavior of the stationary random process defined by a central complex Wishart (CW) matrix W(t){\bf{W}}(t) as it varies along a certain dimension tt. We characterize the second-order joint cdf of the largest eigenvalue, and the second-order joint cdf of the smallest eigenvalue of this matrix. We show that both cdfs can be expressed in exact closed-form in terms of a finite number of well-known special functions in the context of communication theory. As a direct application, we investigate the dynamic behavior of the parallel channels associated with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in the presence of Rayleigh fading. Studying the complex random matrix that defines the MIMO channel, we characterize the second-order joint cdf of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the best and worst channels. We use these results to study the rate of change of MIMO parallel channels, using different performance metrics. For a given value of the MIMO channel correlation coefficient, we observe how the SNR associated with the best parallel channel changes slower than the SNR of the worst channel. This different dynamic behavior is much more appreciable when the number of transmit (NTN_T) and receive (NRN_R) antennas is similar. However, as NTN_T is increased while keeping NRN_R fixed, we see how the best and worst channels tend to have a similar rate of change.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures and 1 table. This work has been accepted for publication at IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory. Copyright (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected]

    A multi-epoch spectroscopic study of the BAL quasar APM 08279+5255: I. C IV absorption variability

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    Broad Absorption Lines indicate gas outflows with velocities from thousands km/s to about 0.2 the speed of light, which may be present in all quasars and may play a major role in the evolution of the host galaxy. The variability of absorption patterns can provide informations on changes of the density and velocity distributions of the absorbing gas and its ionization status. We collected 23 photometrical and spectro-photometrical observations at the 1.82m Telescope of the Asiago Observatory since 2003, plus other 5 spectra from the literature. We analysed the evolution in time of the equivalent width of the broad absorption feature and two narrow absorption systems, the correlation among them and with the R band magnitude. We performed a structure function analysis of the equivalent width variations. We present an unprecedented monitoring of a broad absorption line quasar based on 28 epochs in 14 years. The shape of broad absorption feature shows a relative stability, while its equivalent width slowly declines until it sharply increases during 2011. In the same time the R magnitude stays almost constant until it sharply increases during 2011. The equivalent width of the narrow absorption redwards of the systemic redshift only shows a decline. The broad absorption behaviour suggests changes of the ionisation status as the main cause of variability. We show for the first time a correlation of this variability with the R band flux. The different behaviour of the narrow absorption system might be due to recombination time delay. The structure function of the absorption variability has a slope comparable with typical optical variability of quasars. This is consistent with variations of the 200 A ionising flux originating in the inner part of the accretion disk.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear on Astronomy & Astrophysic
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