301 research outputs found

    Upaya Perlindungan Hak Cipta Kesenian dan Budaya Reog Ponorogo yang Sering Di Klaim Negara Tetangga

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    Pada zaman globalisasi dan era desentralisasi politik ini, kebudayaan daerah di Indonesia sedang mengalami perubahan akibat tekanan dari berbagai sudut Dalam konteks ini, pada tahun 2007 sebuah kontroversi muncul di Indonesia mengenai salah satu kesenian tradisional yang berasal dari Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Kontroversi itu berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat Ponorogo dan masyarakat luas Indonesia bahwa Malaysia telah mengklaim kesenian Reog Ponorogo lewat pencantuman kesenian tersebut dalam sebuah iklan pariwisata Malaysia, Kebudayaan daerah mengalami perubahan dari berbagai sudut, disertai masuknya unsur-unsur luar yang menantang identitas lokal. Namun desentralisasi politik di Indonesia dan pemindahan kewenangan dalam bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan ke dalam tangan Pemerintah Daerah mendorong pengembalian kepada identitas budaya daerah tersebut

    Tinjauan bagaimana regulasi tentang NFT dapat mempengaruhi perlindungan hukum terhadap konten diskriminatif dan pelecehan?

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi mendorong hampir seluruh bidang dalam kehidupan masyarakat menjadi sesuatu yang berbentuk digital terutama dalam bidang perdagangan. Saat ini masyarakat lebih memilih sesuatu yang bersifat praktis, cepat, dan efisien sehingga berbagai platform digital digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari Non Fungible Token (NFT) menjadi topik perbincangan hangat beberapa tahun terakhir, meskipun teknologi ini telah ada sejak tahun 2014, popularitas dan jumlah transaksi NFT terus meningkat drastis hingga menciptakan suatu trend baru karena banyak mencatat transaksi dengan harga yang fantasti

    How to Interpret and Apply Doctrinal Principles in Indonesian Corporate Law

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    Bagaimana menafsirkan dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Doktrin Hukum Korporat Indonesia, Karakteristik Perusahaan Berbicara tentang perusahaan, tentu tidak terlepas dari karakter yang melekat nya. Terdapat beberapa sudut pandang terkait karakteristik perusahaan. Karakter-karakter yang dimaksud, prinsip doktrin hukum korporat ada berbgai macam. Prinsip-prinsip maupun doktrin-doktrin atau bahkan peraturan perundang undangan yang megatur tentang perusahaan tidak dijadikan sebagai dasar tuntutan atau pertimbangan, atau perkara diajukan deangan mengugunakan peraturan perundang-undanga

    "Be anything – become a teacher". Negotiation and acquisition of job-related subject norms by prospective teachers

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    Öffentliche Diskurse über den Lehrberuf stehen aktuell wieder im Fokus wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Dabei ist wenig geklärt, welche Relevanz sie für Professionalisierungsprozesse besitzen. Für den Beitrag wurden Analysen öffentlicher Lehrer:innenbilder mit der Rekonstruktion einer Gruppendiskussion verschränkt, um so Subjektivierungsprozesse angehender Lehrpersonen nachzuzeichnen. Die Rekonstruktionen zeigen, wie antagonistische Subjektnormen einer entgrenzten Zuständigkeit – im Sinne von potenziell überfordernder Allzuständigkeit und idealisierender Omnipotenz – im Lehrberuf miteinander verwoben sind und wie sie von Lehramtsstudierenden ausgehandelt und angeeignet werden. Abschließend diskutieren wir vor diesem Hintergrund eine diskurstheoretische Perspektive auf Professionalisierung im Lehrberuf. (DIPF/Orig.)Public discourses about the teaching profession are currently again the focus of academic debate. At the same time, the relevance of these discourses for professionalisation processes is not well understood. For this article, analyses of public images of teachers were combined with the reconstruction of a group discussion in order to trace subjectivation processes of student teachers. The reconstructions show how antagonistic subject norms of a delimited responsibility - in the sense of potentially overtaxing all responsibility and idealising omnipotence - are interwoven in the teaching profession and how they are negotiated and appropriated by student teachers. Finally, we discuss a discourse-theoretical perspective on professionalisation of teachers against this context. (DIPF/Orig.

    Water users' association in Minor 10 (Shevare), Bhima Project: Farmers' experience

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    Water distributionWater ratesWater users' associationsFarmers' associationsPrivatizationIrrigation canals

    Attachment to Parents and the Close Relationships of First Semester College Students

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    This study investigated the relationship between parental attachment security and friendship and romantic relationship outcomes of first semester college students. 168 college freshmen completed a measure of parental attachment security before their first semester of college and measures to assess ease forming close relationships at college, satisfaction in close relationships at college, and social anxiety at the end of their first semester of college. Results of the study indicated that college students who were more securely attached to their parents at the beginning of the Freshmen year experienced greater ease forming close friendships and romantic relationships at college and more satisfaction in those close relationships


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    [USING THE DOCS. GOOGLE INTERNET MEDIA ON THE REDOX REACTION  SUBJECT IN CLASS X IPA SMAN 4 BENGKULU CITY  ] This research aims to know the results of learning: students in the class who are not given the preparation of learning at home, knowing the results of the teaching of students in a given grade of preparatory study at home using internet media, knowing the Docs. Google the difference in the results of student learning in the classroom are not given preparation home study with the results of a survey of students in a provided a homework preparatory sign Docs. Google internet media. The methods used in this research was quasi-experimental research is the entire population with grade X IPA SMAN 4 city of Bengkulu, Sample research, i.e., class experiments and classroom control. The results of the study in this research result of students pretest and posttest. Based on the results of the research conducted in mind that there is a significant difference between the results from student learning in the classroom are not given preparation home study with the results of a survey of students in a given a homework preparation home study using internet media Docs. Google via t-tests using SPSS 16 program. The learning outcomes of students in a given grade of preparatory education at home using Google Docs. Indicates the average rating of 77.0 while learning results of students in the class who are not given a homework preliminary with the average value of 68.6. Student Learning Outcomes in a given class homework preparation using Docs. Google may provide better results on the subject of redox reactions

    Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood: A Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Perspective

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    Previous research has demonstrated that the transition to parenthood is a time of change for couples during which marital satisfaction generally declines; however, not all couples experience declines in marital satisfaction during this time. Given that family-of origin experiences are thought to lay the foundation for adults' experiences in their close interpersonal relationships, the purpose of the current study was to examine remembered parental rejection during childhood as a predictor of individual differences in trajectories of change in marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood. Drawing upon the Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation perspective, marital aggression was considered as a mediating mechanism to better understand the process by which remembered rejection influences change in marital satisfaction. Additionally, the extent to which infant negative emotionality moderates the association between remembered parental rejection and both aggressive strategies to resolve conflict and change in marital satisfaction was examined. In an effort to extend theory and build upon previous research, both self- and partner-remembered parental rejection and aggressive conflict strategies were considered as predictors of change in marital satisfaction. Hypotheses were examined using data drawn from a study of family relationships across the transition to parenthood. Results demonstrated that there was significant variation around wives' but not husbands' trajectories of change in marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood. Remembered parental rejection was not linked with change in wives' marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood, independently or in conjunction with infant negative emotionality. In contrast, husbands' remembered maternal rejection was negatively associated with husband's marital satisfaction at six months postpartum, but only among husbands' whose infants were high on negative emotionality. Wives' remembered paternal rejection was negatively associated with husbands' marital satisfaction at six months postpartum. Infant negative emotionality was a significant negative predictor of wives' change in marital satisfaction across the transition to parenthood. There was no evidence of marital aggression as a mediating mechanism

    Marital aggression predicts infant orienting toward mother at six months

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    Abstract: Links between marital aggression and infant orienting toward mother in fearful and frustrating contexts were examined in 92 mother-infant dyads when infants were six months. Results demonstrated that marital aggression was linked with less orienting toward mothers in frustrating situations, in fearful situations marital aggression was linked with less orienting among infants who were high on fear reactivity only
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