777 research outputs found

    La complejidad en la estructura académico administrativa en las instituciones de educación superior y la praxis docente

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    Las Instituciones de Educación Superior de hoy y el entorno que las rodea dificultan la función misional del docente. La praxis docente está dispuesta a retos, cambios inesperados donde el docente es un ser colectivo, colaborativo, humanista y con espíritu de liderazgo. Según Imbernon (2000), la universidad debe abandonar la concepción decimonónica de la que procede y ha quedado totalmente obsoleta, y debe asumir una nueva cultura tanto en la forma como en el contenido . Al no tener claridad en los objetivos su función misional de transmitir ese conocimiento hacia la sociedad no va estar lo suficientemente familiarizado con el eje fundamental de la docencia y no es preciso lograr un desarrollo integral del estudiante y de la sociedad en la cual se va a involucrar y las Instituciones de Educación Superior hacen parte de este proceso académico. Por otro lado, Burton Clark (1992) manifiesta que las características del conocimiento son determinantes de los rasgos propios que presentan las universidades como un tipo singular de institución, entonces, para entender las estructuras de las universidades, importa reparar en algunas notas del conocimiento moderno

    Cognitive-motor interventions based on virtual reality and instrumental activities of daily living (iADL): an overview

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    Non-invasive, non-pharmacological interventions utilizing virtual reality (VR) represent a promising approach to enhancing cognitive function in patients with degenerative cognitive disorders. Traditional “pen and paper” therapies often lack the practical engagement in everyday activities that older individuals encounter in their environment. These activities pose both cognitive and motor challenges, underscoring the necessity of understanding the outcomes of such combined interventions. This review aimed to assess the advantages of VR applications that integrate cognitive-motor tasks, simulating instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs). We systematically searched five databases–Scopus, Web of Science, Springer Link, IEEE Xplore, and PubMed, from their inception until January 31, 2023. Our review revealed that motor movements, coupled with VR-based cognitive-motor interventions, activate specific brain areas and foster improvements in general cognition, executive function, attention, and memory. VR applications that meld cognitive-motor tasks and simulate iADLs can offer significant benefits to older adults. Enhanced cognitive and motor performance can promote increased independence in daily activities, thereby contributing to improved quality of life

    A ROS-Based Open Tool for Controlling an Educational Mobile Robot

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    Commercial educational robots provide an accessible entry point into the world of robotics. However, their programming is often limited to specific platforms, which can make it challenging to acquire the skills necessary for industry and research. In this study, we introduce an open-access tool developed using C++ and Arduino IDE that enables us to manage a commercial mobile robot through the Robot Operating System (ROS) middleware. This provides programmers with the ability to work in a powerful programming environment, such as Python. The robot used is the CrowBot BOLT, a kit based on ESP32 that enables wireless communication and includes various peripherals for application development. The mobile robot topics include robot velocities, RGB LEDs, a buzzer, a programmable button, and proximity, light, and line sensors. The proposal is assessed using two controllers: one for proximity and the other for tracking angular light. Both controllers are developed using Visual Studio Code. The experimental results demonstrated the proper functioning of the tool. Additionally, the response time was evaluated, and it was found that optimal performance is achieved at a frequency of 10 Hz. In summary, this proposal provides an accessible option for students and developers seeking to gain skills in robotics using ROS. The project’s repository is located at https://github.com/joseVarelaAldas/ROS-Crowbot

    La recepción de la Revolución Mexicana en América del Sur

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    This article studies the reaction of the governments, and, in some cases, of the public opinion of the more politically active countries in South America, when confronted with the Mexican revolutionary movements of 1910. It follows the steps of the reformists processes, strongly oriented towards the left side of the political spectrum, from the beginning of the 1920’s until the years of the Spanish Civil War. The central argument proposes that the South American governments, most of them from an oligarchic-rightist extraction, firmly allied with the United States, maintained diplomatic missions in Mexico City basically due to the country’s condition of a laboratory for radical leftist reforms that could very well spread to the south of the continent. Information was needed to prevent contamination. Furthermore, the article discusses the opportunity of the so-called Mexican Revolution represented for the failed efforts of the ABC block – Argentina, Brazil, Chile – towards the consolidation as the hegemonic political formation of Latin America, and the role the overheated political environment of México City played in the re-enacting of South America’s old territorial disputes.This article studies the reaction of the governments, and, in some cases, of the public opinion of the more politically active countries in South America, when confronted with the Mexican revolutionary movements of 1910. It follows the steps of the reformists processes, strongly oriented towards the left side of the political spectrum, from the beginning of the 1920’s until the years of the Spanish Civil War. The central argument proposes that the South American governments, most of them from an oligarchic-rightist extraction, firmly allied with the United States, maintained diplomatic missions in Mexico City basically due to the country’s condition of a laboratory for radical leftist reforms that could very well spread to the south of the continent. Information was needed to prevent contamination. Furthermore, the article discusses the opportunity of the so-called Mexican Revolution represented for the failed efforts of the ABC block – Argentina, Brazil, Chile – towards the consolidation as the hegemonic political formation of Latin America, and the role the overheated political environment of México City played in the re-enacting of South America’s old territorial disputes.Este texto analiza la reacción de los gobiernos y, en menor medida, de la opinión pública de los países sudamericanos más activos políticamente, frente a los movimientos revolucionarios de México durante la década de 1910, y acompaña su comportamiento ante el desarrollo de los procesos reformistas, marcadamente de izquierda, que inician en 1920 y se prolongan hasta los años de la Guerra Civil en España. El argumento central propone que los gobiernos sudamericanos, la mayor parte de ellos de orientación oligárquico-derechista y firmes aliados de Estados Unidos, mantuvieron misiones diplomáticas en México  en razón de la conversión del país en un laboratorio de reformas radicales izquierdistas que podrían fácilmente extenderse al resto del continente. Era necesario contar con el mayor volumen de información posible para evitar el contagio. Se enfatiza también la oportunidad que la llamada ‘Revolución Mexicana’ representó para los fallidos esfuerzos de consolidación del bloque de Argentina, Brasil y Chile, el ABC, como la formación política hegemónica de América Latina, y el papel que el caldeado ambiente político de la ciudad de México tuvo en la re-escenificación de las viejas disputas territoriales sudamericanas

    Foreign Policy, Agrarian Unrest, and Missionary Praxis: the Italian Capuchins and the Relations Between Brazil and the Vatican at the Beginning of the Second Empire

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    Este artigo trata do papel desempenhado pelas missões apostólicas capuchinas dependentes da Sacra Congregação da Propaganda Fide nas relações entre o Império do Brasil e a Santa Sé. Baseado fundamentalmente em fontes vaticanas, o texto acompanha as negociações entre o Estado brasileiro, a cúria romana, os bispos diocesanos e as missões capuchinhas italianas para encontrarem pontos de convergência para resolver questões de política institucional e de definição de esferas de poder entre o Estado e a Igreja Católica, e assim permitir a ação missionária. Esse acerto se deu no contexto de uma conjuntura em que a problemática agrária brasileira assumia a forma assustadora de uma série infindável de insurreições e revoltas de populações de homens e mulheres livres e pobres do interior nordestino.This article deals with the role played by the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide’s Apostolic Missions in the political relations between the Empire of Brazil and the Holy See. Based mainly on Vatican sources, the text follows the negotiations between the Brazilian State, the Roman Curia, the Brazilian bishops, and the Italian Friar Capuchin Missions, in search of a common ground to solve institutional policy problems as well as the definition of power spheres between the State and the Catholic Church for the missionary practice to take place. Agreements were reach in the context of a threatening series of insurrections and revolts performed by communities of free men and women in the Northeastern countryside

    Messianismo e expropriação camponesa: Uma nova expedição ao Reino da Pedra Encantada do Rodeador: Pernambuco, 1820

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    O texto é um reestudo do 'acontecimento' conhecido na historiografia do século XIX como O Reino da Pedra Encantada do Rodeador, bem como uma análise da historiografia que construiu o 'acontecimento' e que se construiu ela mesma em torno da sua interpretação. Procurase estudar o episódio no contexto da desarticulação das sociedades de agricultores livres e pobres do Nordeste Oriental de finais do século XVIII e inícios do XIX e analisar, num caso específico, os modos de elaboração da historiografia que legitima a constituição do Estado nacional brasileiro do oitocentos.This article reestudies the 'incident' known in XIX-Century Brazilian literature as the Reino da Pedra Encantada do Rodeador, as well as the historiography that construed the 'incident' and, at the same time, built itself around its interpretation. It seeks to study the episode in the framework of the disintegration of the free and poor growers' societies of the Oriental Northeast at the end of the XVIIIth century and beginning of the XIXth, and to analyze the ways pursued by the elaboration of the historiography which would help to legitimate the building of the nineteenth-century national Brazilian State

    Ensayos sobre la nueva historia política de América Latina

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    Esta obra es resultado del Coloquio Internacional Los caminos de la democracia en América Latina, siglo XIX: revisión y balance de la nueva historia política. Los propósitos estaban centrados en analizar, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como del metodológico y a partir de estudios de situaciones empíricas, la naturaleza de las nuevas tendencias historiográficas que crecieron y se consolidaron en las últimas décadas del siglo pasado al amparo de una renovación de los enfoques y de los temas de la historia política del subcontinente, anclados casi todos ellos en la revaloración de la historia de la cultura política y en ejercicios de amalgama entre la historia de la cultura y la historia política propiamente dichas

    Land Suitability for Biological Wastewater Treatment in Lebanon and the Litani River Basin Using Fuzzy Logic and Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Biological wastewater treatment (BWWT) has been demonstrated to be a suitable procedure to degrade organic pollutants by utilizing natural processes. This paper presents a validated model to map land suitability for BWWT systems under the climatic conditions of Lebanon and the Litani River basin, using the Geographic Information System (GIS) and a machine learning approach for the Litani River Basin and Lebanon. The model was validated using fuzzy theory and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) modeling theory, and a final suitability map was created in Lebanon that combined potential areas for Biological Wastewater Treatment (BWWT) based on particular criteria. Results show that spatial distribution of the suitable areas for BWWT sites differs for each of the criteria and the total extent of these potential areas is 162.94 km2 all over Lebanon and 42.62 km2 in the Litani basin areas. This area covers around 1.55% of the Lebanese areas and can help more than 30 regions while the total number of beneficiaries can reach a minimum of 60,000 and a maximum of 180,000 which represents between 1.5% and 3.75% of the total population. These potential areas are identified through land suitability classes to sustain the remaining BWWT areas and can contribute to the riparian forest ecosystem and mitigate the impact of climate change

    IoT-Based Alternating Current Electrical Parameters Monitoring System

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    Energy monitors are indispensable for achieving efficient electrical grids and even more so in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), where electrical system data are monitored from anywhere in the world. This paper presents the development of a two-channel electrical parameter-monitoring system based on the M5 Stack Core2 kit. The acquisition of variables is done through PZEM 004T V3.0 sensors, and the data are sent to the ThingSpeak cloud database. Local readings are done through the LCD, and data re stored on a micro SD card. Remote monitoring is done through two applications, namely a web application and a mobile application, each designed for different purposes. To validate this proposal, a commercial device with IoT features (Gen 2 Vue Energy Monitor) is used, comparing the active power and active energy readings recorded continuously for 7 days. The results indicate an accuracy of up to 1.95% in power and 0.81% in energy, obtaining a low-cost compact product with multiple features