312 research outputs found

    Increasing the Hydropower Generation at the Rio das Antas with Seasonal Pumped Hydropower Storage

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    The increase in intermittent sources of electricity in national grids is increasing the need for energy storagesolutions. Brazil’s energy grid has a hydrothermal conformation that the provision of power to meet the demand iseasily met with its numerous hydropower generators if there is water available to turn their turbines. With the intent ofstoring water and energy with a small flooded area for a whole cascade of hydropower plants, this paper proposes theconstruction of a new seasonal pumped storage plant (SPHS), named São Tomé SPHS, at the head of the Antas river inthe Rio Grande do Sul state. Results show that the proposed SPHS plant would increase the hydropower in the dams incascade in around 260 MW. Apart from this, the SPHS plant could also be used to store energy generated from solarand wind sources and generate electricity during peak hours

    A comparative study of different battery geometries used in electric vehicles

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    Este artigo contribui com uma revisão das geometrias atuais e futuras das baterias de veículos elétricos, uma vez que há poucas comparações em relação aos critérios de desempenho na literatura. Com essas considerações, este artigo busca preencher essa lacuna comparando baterias comerciais com diferentes geometrias. Primeiramente, são apresentadas as especificações de cada bateria (encontradas nos sites dos fabricantes ou em mídias especializadas). Em seguida, os critérios de avaliação das baterias são definidos considerando duas aplicações distintas: carros econômicos e de alto desempenho, utilizando o método Teoria da Utilidade Multi-Atributo (MAUT). A partir dessa análise, a bateria de lâmina apresentou o melhor desempenho geral, com uma boa classificação para ambas as aplicações. A geometria cilíndrica veio em seguida, com uma classificação mais adequada para veículos de alto desempenho, e a geometria em forma de bolsa mostrou promessa para uso em veículos voltados principalmente para a economia. Por fim, é realizado um estudo de caso avaliando a aplicação de cada uma das baterias em um veículo comercial. Concluiu-se que, quando comparadas com as novas tecnologias, o potencial de melhoria em qualquer um dos critérios estudados é enorme. Em particular, a bateria de bolsa Licerion (Sion) apresentou o melhor desempenho em relação à autonomia e à relação capacidade-peso, enquanto a bateria cilíndrica 4680 (Panasonic) e a bateria de lâmina (BYD) foram superiores em relação à relação capacidade-volume e à relação capacidade-custo, respectivamente

    Temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy and domain wall tuning in BaTiO₃(111)/CoFeB multiferroics

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    Artificial multiferroics consist of two types of ferroic materials, typically a ferroelectric and a ferromagnet, often coupled interfacially by magnetostriction induced by the lattice elongations in the ferroelectric. In BaTiO3, the magnitude of strain induced by these elongations is heavily temperature dependent, varying greatly between each of the polar crystal phases and exerting a huge influence over the properties of a coupled magnetic film. Here, we demonstrate that temperature and, thus, strain are effective means of controlling the magnetic anisotropy in BaTiO3(111)/CoFeB heterostructures. We investigate the three polar phases of BaTiO3: tetragonal (T) at room temperature, orthorhombic (O) below 280 K, and rhombohedral (R) below 190 K across a total range of 77–420 K. We find two distinct responses: a step-like change in the anisotropy across the low-temperature phase transitions and a sharp high-temperature reduction around the ferroelectric Curie temperature, measured from hard axis hysteresis loops. Using our measurements of this anisotropy strength, we are then able to show by micromagnetic simulation the behavior of all possible magnetic domain wall states and determine their scaling as a function of temperature. The most significant changes occur in the head-to-head domain wall states, with a maximum change of 210 nm predicted across the entire range, effectively doubling the size of the domain wall as compared to room temperature. Notably, similar changes are seen for both high and low temperatures, which suggests different routes for potential control of magnetic anisotropy and elastically pinned magnetic domain walls

    Minimal model for aeolian sand dunes

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    We present a minimal model for the formation and migration of aeolian sand dunes. It combines a perturbative description of the turbulent wind velocity field above the dune with a continuum saltation model that allows for saturation transients in the sand flux. The latter are shown to provide the characteristic length scale. The model can explain the origin of important features of dunes, such as the formation of a slip face, the broken scale invariance, and the existence of a minimum dune size. It also predicts the longitudinal shape and aspect ratio of dunes and heaps, their migration velocity and shape relaxation dynamics. Although the minimal model employs non-local expressions for the wind shear stress as well as for the sand flux, it is simple enough to serve as a very efficient tool for analytical and numerical investigations and to open up the way to simulations of large scale desert topographies.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Deep seawater cooling and desalination: Combining seawater air conditioning and desalination

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    In tropical climates, the energy consumed by heating, ventilation and air conditioning can exceed 50% of the total energy consumption of a building. The demand for cooling is rising steadily, driven by global warming and rapidly increasing living standards in developing economies. In addition, there is a rise in water demand due to population increase, life quality, and global warming. Coastal areas with narrow continental shelves are the perfect site for implementing Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC), a renewable and low CO2 emission cooling process. This article proposes the combination of SWAC and reverse osmosis (RO) desalination with the objective of providing desalinated cold water for integrated water supply and cooling services. This combination was named Deep Seawater Cooling and Desalination (DSCD). It was found that DSCD can supply 49 MWt of cooling and 1 m3/s of water simultaneously with an electricity consumption of 12 MWe. DSCD has several benefits compared to SWAC and RO individually, such as in how the cooling service and water supply are delivered together, reducing distribution costs. A case study was performed in Malé, Maldives. It shows that the technology has substantial potential to contribute to the sustainable development of tropical islands

    Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology: An energy storage solution for islands, coastal regions, offshore wind power and hydrogen compression

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    The world is undergoing a substantial energy transition with an increasing share of intermittent sources of energy on the grid such as wind and solar. These variable renewable energy sources require an energy storage solution to allow a smooth integration of these sources. Batteries can provide short-term storage solutions. However, there is still a need for technologies that can provide weekly energy storage at locations without potential for pumped hydro storage. This paper presents innovative solutions for energy storage based on “buoyancy energy storage” in the deep ocean. The ocean has large depths where potential energy can be stored in gravitational based energy storage systems. The deeper the system, the greater the amount of stored energy. The cost of Buoyancy Energy Storage Technology (BEST) is estimated to vary from 50 to 100 USD/kWh of stored electric energy and 4,000 to 8,000 USD/kW of installed capacity. BES could be a feasible option to complement batteries, providing weekly storage cycles. As well as from storing energy, the system can also be used to compress hydrogen efficiently

    Hydropower impact on the river flow of a humid regional climate

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    Land use and water management have considerable impacts on regional climates. This paper proposes that in humid regions with low wind patterns the construction of hydropower storage reservoirs contributes to the increases in the probability of precipitation in the regional climate. This observation has been tested with a methodology that calculates the cumulative influence of reservoir construction in the basins surrounding with a proposed index named Cumulative Impact of Existing Reservoirs, and compares this index with the historical flow of the rivers. It was found that the construction of reservoirs in Brazil had a considerable impact on its river flows

    Challenges and opportunities for a South America Waterway System

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    South America has been developed from its coast to its hinterlands since the beginning of its Western colonization. However, to this point, no significant effort has been made to integrate its interior. Waterways transportation can be considered the most sustainable inland mode of transportation due to its low CO2 emissions per ton of cargo transport. With this in mind, this paper investigates the history, challenges and opportunities of the past proposals for the construction of the South America Waterway System (SAWS) connecting the La Plata, Amazon, and Orinoco river basins. It focuses on particular challenges of the proposed waterway. (i) a comparison between the deforestation surrounding existing road and waterway infrastructure in the Amazon, (ii) the large water level variation in the Amazon basin, (iii) and the alternatives for storing water to reduce the impacts of floods and droughts in the proposed waterway. We conclude that deforestation surrounding existing waterways is practically zero and that groundwater storage has an important role in storing water for the basin and reservoirs, a limited one. The SAWS can significantly foster South American integration, encourage sustainable extraction of natural resources in the region and help the conservation of the Amazon forest

    Methodology for ranking controllable parameters to enhance operation of a steam generator with a combined Artificial Neural Network and Design of Experiments approach

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    The operation of complex systems can drift away from the initial design conditions, due to environmental conditions, equipment wear or specific restrictions. Steam generators are complex equipment and their proper operation relies on the identification of their most relevant parameters. An approach to rank the operational parameters of a subcritical steam generator of an actual 360 MW power plant is presented. An Artificial Neural Network - ANN delivers a model to estimate the steam generator efficiency, electric power generation and flue gas outlet temperature as a function of seven input parameters. The ANN is trained with a two-year long database, with training errors of 0.2015 and 0.2741 (mean absolute and square error) and validation errors of 0.32% and 2.350 (mean percent and square error). That ANN model is explored by means of a combination of situations proposed by a Design of Experiment - DoE approach. All seven controlled parameters showed to be relevant to express both steam generator efficiency and electric power generation, while primary air flow rate and speed of the dynamic classifier can be neglected to calculate flue gas temperature as they are not statistically significant. DoE also shows the prominence of the primary air pressure in respect to the steam generator efficiency, electric power generation and the coal mass flow rate for the calculation of the flue gas outlet temperature. The ANN and DoE combined methodology shows to be promising to enhance complex system efficiency and helpful whenever a biased behavior must be brought back to stable operation

    Cooling down the world oceans and the earth by enhancing the North Atlantic Ocean current

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    The world is going through intensive changes due to global warming. It is well known that the reduction in ice cover in the Arctic Ocean further contributes to increasing the atmospheric Arctic temperature due to the reduction of the albedo effect and increase in heat absorbed by the ocean’s surface. The Arctic ice cover also works like an insulation sheet, keeping the heat in the ocean from dissipating into the cold Arctic atmosphere. Increasing the salinity of the Arctic Ocean surface would allow the warmer and less salty North Atlantic Ocean current to flow on the surface of the Arctic Ocean considerably increasing the temperature of the Arctic atmosphere and release the ocean heat trapped under the ice. This paper argues that if the North Atlantic Ocean current could maintain the Arctic Ocean ice-free during the winter, the longwave radiation heat loss into space would be larger than the increase in heat absorption due to the albedo effect. This paper presents details of the fundamentals of the Arctic Ocean circulation and presents three possible approaches for increasing the salinity of the surface water of the Arctic Ocean. It then discusses that increasing the salinity of the Arctic Ocean would warm the atmosphere of the Arctic region, but cool down the oceans and possibly the Earth. However, it might take thousands of years for the effects of cooling the oceans to cool the global average atmospheric temperature