534 research outputs found
Characterization of hair-follicle side population cells in mouse epidermis and skin tumors.
A subset of cells, termed side-population (SP), which have the ability to efflux Hoeschst 33342, have previously been demonstrated to act as a potential method to isolate stem cells. Numerous stem/progenitor cells have been localized in different regions of the mouse hair follicle (HF). The present study identified a SP in the mouse HF expressing the ABCG2 transporter and MTS24 surface marker. These cells are restricted to the upper isthmus of the HF and have previously been described as progenitor cells. Consistent with their SP characteristic, they demonstrated elevated expression of ABCG2 transporter, which participates in the dye efflux. Analysis of tumor epidermal cell lines revealed a correlation between the number of SP keratinocytes and the grade of malignancy, suggesting that the SP may play a role in malignant progression. Consistent with this idea, the present study observed an increased number of cells expressing ABCG2 and MTS24 in chemically induced skin tumors and skin tumor cell lines. This SP does not express the CD34 surface marker detected in the multipotent stem cells of the bulge region of the HF, which have been defined as tumor initiation cells. The present study concluded that a SP with properties of progenitor cells is localized in the upper isthmus of the HF and is important in mouse skin tumor progression
Detection & identification of hazardous narcotics and new psychoactive substances using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
According to the latest World Drug Report, released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), drug use is up 30% over the past decade and there are more drugs, and more types of drugs, than ever. Herein we use Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) for the rapid ID of narcotics in a range of concentrations – from pure forms (as it is likely to be smuggled & transported) to street forms, often mixed with conventional cutting agents. Using FTIR, 75% of “street sample” narcotics were rapidly identified, and the effects of cutting agents on identification (ID) were also investigated. The limit of detection of MDMA was assessed, with a correct ID shown from 25% w/v. Concentration was correlated with Hit Quality Index, showing the capability of FTIR use in concentration estimation
Growing dynamics of Internet providers
In this paper we present a model for the growth and evolution of Internet providers. The model reproduces the data observed for the Internet connection as probed by tracing routes from different computers. This problem represents a paramount case of study for growth processes in general, but can also help in the understanding the properties of the Internet. Our main result is that this network can be reproduced by a self-organized interaction between users and providers that can rearrange in time. This model can then be considered as a prototype model for the class of phenomena of aggregation processes in social networks
The N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist CPP alters synapse and spine structure and impairs long-term potentiation and long-term depression induced morphological plasticity in dentate gyrus of the awake rat
Long-term morphological synaptic changes associated with homosynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) and heterosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) in vivo, in awake adult rats were analyzed using three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of electron microscope images of ultrathin serial sections from the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. For the first time in morphological studies, the specificity of the effects of LTP and LTD on both spine and synapse ultrastructure was determined using an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist CPP (3-[(R)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl]-propyl-1-phosphonic acid). There were no differences in synaptic density 24 h after LTP or LTD induction, and CPP alone had no effect on synaptic density. LTP increased significantly the proportion of mushroom spines, whereas LTD increased the proportion of thin spines, and both LTP and LTD decreased stubby spine number. Both LTP and LTD increased significantly spine head evaginations (spinules) into synaptic boutons and CPP blocked these changes. Synaptic boutons were smaller after LTD, indicating a pre-synaptic effect. Interestingly, CPP alone decreased bouton and mushroom spine volumes, as well as post-synaptic density (PSD) volume of mushroom spines.These data show similarities, but also some clear differences, between the effects of LTP and LTD on spine and synaptic morphology. Although CPP blocks both LTP and LTD, and impairs most morphological changes in spines and synapses, CPP alone was shown to exert effects on aspects of spine and synaptic structure
The Accelerating Growth of Online Tagging Systems
Research on the growth of online tagging systems not only is interesting in
its own right, but also yields insights for website management and semantic web
analysis. Traditional models that describing the growth of online systems can
be divided between linear and nonlinear versions. Linear models, including the
BA model (Brabasi and Albert, 1999), assume that the average activity of users
is a constant independent of population. Hence the total activity is a linear
function of population. On the contrary, nonlinear models suggest that the
average activity is affected by the size of the population and the total
activity is a nonlinear function of population. In the current study,
supporting evidences for the nonlinear growth assumption are obtained from data
on Internet users' tagging behavior. A power law relationship between the
number of new tags (F) and the population (P), which can be expressed as F ~ P
^ gamma (gamma > 1), is found. I call this pattern accelerating growth and find
it relates the to time-invariant heterogeneity in individual activities. I also
show how a greater heterogeneity leads to a faster growth.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Identification of the B-cell tumor-specific molecular fingerprint using non-radiolabelled PCR consensus primers
The complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) of the immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain variable region (VH) is the most reliable molecular fingerprint for most if not all human B cells. The nucleotide sequence encoding for any B-cell tumor-specific VH CDR3 is currently identified by PCR sequencing based on procedures involving the usage of either radioactive materials, patient/family-specific primers, or bacterial cloning.
In six consecutive patients with follicular lymphoma we assessed the feasibility of a method that allows for identification of the tumor-specific VH CDR3 using consensus primers while avoiding both radioactive materials and bacterial cloning procedures.
The tumor-specific VH CDR3 was successfully identified in all six patients in nearly half the time typically required by any other method currently utilized. The feasibility of the proposed method was not significantly affected either by the tumor-specific Ig isotype, or by the tumor infiltration in the original biopsy specimen. In the three patients for whom tumor specimen-derived hybridomas were available, the tumor-specific VH CDR3 was also found in at least 8 of 10 of them.
The proposed method allows the ability to quickly identify the B-cell tumor-specific VH CDR3 using consensus primers while avoiding radioactive materials and bacterial cloning procedures
States and transitions in black-hole binaries
With the availability of the large database of black-hole transients from the
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, the observed phenomenology has become very
complex. The original classification of the properties of these systems in a
series of static states sorted by mass accretion rate proved not to be able to
encompass the new picture. I outline here a summary of the current situation
and show that a coherent picture emerges when simple properties such as X-ray
spectral hardness and fractional variability are considered. In particular,
fast transition in the properties of the fast time variability appear to be
crucial to describe the evolution of black-hole transients. Based on this
picture, I present a state-classification which takes into account the observed
transitions. I show that, in addition to transients systems, other black-hole
binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei can be interpreted within this framework.
The association between these states and the physics of the accretion flow
around black holes will be possible only through modeling of the full time
evolution of galactic transient systems.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, To appear in Belloni, T. (ed.): The Jet
Paradigm - From Microquasars to Quasars, Lect. Notes Phys. 794 (2009
Report of the ICCAT GBYP international workshop on Atlantic bluefin tuna growth
In the last Atlantic bluefin tuna assessment, an age-length database coming from direct ageing
was presented for the first time. It was observed that otolith age estimates for fish younger than
8 years old had a smaller size at age compared to spine (first dorsal fin radius) age estimates.
This difference, although small, was enough to misallocate the year class. This misallocation
was solved when introducing a vector of bias corrected aged otoliths based on paired otolithspine samples. We have identified two possible causes for over-estimating age in the otolith agelength data: the current age adjustment criterion (to convert the bands counting into ages) and
a reading bias in age estimations from some laboratories. Otolith preparation and reading
protocols have been reviewed. The edge type and marginal increment analysis showed that the
formation of opaque zones would seem likely to occur primarily between December through to
June, contrary to what was thought until now, for which a new criterion for age adjustment has
been proposed
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