15 research outputs found

    Nappi juttu! Nappi Naapuri -palvelun mahdollisuudet vapaaehtoistoiminnassa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää verkkoyhteisöllisyyttä ja naapuriapua tarjoavan Nappi Naapuri -palvelun mahdollisuuksia seniorityön vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinoimisessa. Työssä käydään läpi palvelun käytön mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita ikäihmisten auttamisessa nettipalvelun avulla. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on käytetty vapaaehtoistoiminnasta, yhteisöllisyydestä ja naapuriavusta sekä ikäteknologiasta olevia teorioita ja tutkimuksia. Tämän laadullisen opinnäytetyön aineisto on kerätty ryhmähaastattelun avulla, jossa haastateltiin viittä HelsinkiMission vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinaattoria. Tiedonhankintamenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja aineisto käsiteltiin sisällönanalyysillä aineistolähtöisesti. Tuloksissa esitetään Nappi Naapuri -palvelun mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita käytettäessä sitä vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinoimisessa. Palvelun käytettävyys ja luotettavuus nousivat haasteiksi haastateltavien omaa työtä pohdittaessa. Mahdollisuudet nähtiin yhteisöllisyyden ja naapuriavun lisäämisessä lähiyhteisöissä. Ikäihmisten erityisyys, tarpeet ja teknologiataidot nousivat haasteiksi arvioitaessa vapaaehtoistoiminnan järjestämistä nettipalvelun avulla. Ikäihmisten auttamisessa heidän teknologiataidot ovat nyt ja tulevaisuudessa sekä haasteita että mahdollisuuksia palvelun käytölle. Vapaaehtoistoiminnan järjestämisessä ja kansalaisaktiivisuuden lisäämisessä teknologian mahdollisuudet ovat hyvät. Se mahdollistaa yhä enemmän ihmisten osallisuutta ja vastavuoroisuutta. Nappi Naapuri- palvelu voi kasvaessaan tavoittaa paljon ihmisiä ja luoda uudenlaista kyläyhteisötoimintaa, jossa ihmiset auttavat ja saavat apua.The purpose of this thesis is to describe the opportunities and challenges in voluntary work coordination for the elderly. Nifty Neighbor - Place to Care is a non-profit, map and location based social web service to create contemporary neighborhood where you can meet people near you. Its aim is to increase social wellbeing and participation in our society. The theoretical context of this thesis is based on the concept of voluntary work, common good, sense of community and how elderly people use technology. The thesis was carried out using qualitative methods. Material was sourced and compiled through theme based group interview which were attended by five voluntary work coordinators of HelsinkiMissio. According to the results, there are some challenges and possibilities using Nifty Neighbor as a service tool in professional work. An example of the challenges faced is the use of the service and some reliability issues. These topics are especially important when there are elderly involved. Possibilities are in an increased sense of community through helping nearby neighbors. Technological skills of the elderly create both challenges and possibilities for using the service in the future. When organizing voluntary work and increasing citizen activity toward the common good, technology offers good possibilities. It makes participating easier and adds mutuality. Nifty Neighbor has its own place in helping elderly and it might reach a lot of people, creating a new kind of community where help is offered and received easily

    Recovery of cardiac function in cardiomyopathy caused by titin truncation

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    10.1001/jamacardio.2016.0208JAMA Cardiology12234-23

    Using high-resolution variant frequencies to empower clinical genome interpretation

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    10.1038/gim.2017.26Genetics in Medicine19101151-1158GEME

    Interleukin 11 therapy causes acute left ventricular dysfunction

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    AIMS : Interleukin 11 (IL11) was initially thought important for platelet production, which led to recombinant IL11 being developed as a drug to treat thrombocytopenia. IL11 was later found to be redundant for haematopoiesis and its use in patients is associated with unexplained and severe cardiac side effects. Here we aim to identify, for the first time, direct cardiomyocyte toxicities associated with IL11, which was previously believed cardioprotective. METHODS AND RESULTS: We injected recombinant mouse lL11 (rmIL11) into mice and studied its molecular effects in the heart using immunoblotting, qRT-PCR, bulk RNA-seq, single nuclei RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) and ATAC-seq. The physiological impact of IL11 was assessed by echocardiography in vivo and using cardiomyocyte contractility assays in vitro. To determine the activity of IL11 specifically in cardiomyocytes we made two cardiomyocyte-specific Il11ra1 knockout (CMKO) mouse models using either AAV9-mediated and Tnnt2-restricted (vCMKO) or Myh6 (m6CMKO) Cre expression and an Il11ra1 floxed mouse strain. In pharmacologic studies, we studied the effects of JAK/STAT inhibition on rmIL11-induced cardiac toxicities. Injection of rmIL11 caused acute and dose-dependent impairment of left ventricular ejection fraction (saline: 62.4% ± 1.9; rmIL11: 32.6% ± 2.9, p<0.001, n=5). Following rmIL11 injection, myocardial STAT3 and JNK phosphorylation were increased and bulk RNA-seq revealed upregulation of pro-inflammatory pathways (TNFa, NF?B and JAK/STAT) and perturbed calcium handling. snRNA-seq showed rmIL11-induced expression of stress factors (Ankrd1, Ankrd23, Xirp2), activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factor genes and Nppb in the cardiomyocyte compartment. Following rmIL11 injection, ATAC-seq identified the Ankrd1 and Nppb genes and loci enriched for stress-responsive, AP-1 transcription factor binding sites. Cardiomyocyte-specific effects were examined in vCMKO and m6CMKO mice, which were both protected from rmIL11-induced left ventricular impairment and molecular pathobiologies. In mechanistic studies, inhibition of JAK/STAT signalling with either ruxolitinib or tofacitinib prevented rmIL11-induced cardiac dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Injection of IL11 directly activates IL11RA/JAK/STAT3 in cardiomyocytes to cause acute heart failure. Our data overturn the earlier assumption that IL11 is cardioprotective and explain the serious cardiac side effects associated with IL11 therapy