74 research outputs found

    Daytime Naps, Motor Memory Consolidation and Regionally Specific Sleep Spindles

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence demonstrates that motor-skill memories improve across a night of sleep, and that non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep commonly plays a role in orchestrating these consolidation enhancements. Here we show the benefit of a daytime nap on motor memory consolidation and its relationship not simply with global sleep-stage measures, but unique characteristics of sleep spindles at regionally specific locations; mapping to the corresponding memory representation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Two groups of subjects trained on a motor-skill task using their left hand – a paradigm known to result in overnight plastic changes in the contralateral, right motor cortex. Both groups trained in the morning and were tested 8 hr later, with one group obtaining a 60–90 minute intervening midday nap, while the other group remained awake. At testing, subjects that did not nap showed no significant performance improvement, yet those that did nap expressed a highly significant consolidation enhancement. Within the nap group, the amount of offline improvement showed a significant correlation with the global measure of stage-2 NREM sleep. However, topographical sleep spindle analysis revealed more precise correlations. Specifically, when spindle activity at the central electrode of the non-learning hemisphere (left) was subtracted from that in the learning hemisphere (right), representing the homeostatic difference following learning, strong positive relationships with offline memory improvement emerged–correlations that were not evident for either hemisphere alone. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results demonstrate that motor memories are dynamically facilitated across daytime naps, enhancements that are uniquely associated with electrophysiological events expressed at local, anatomically discrete locations of the brain

    Fatigue, reduced sleep quality and restless legs syndrome in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: a web-based survey

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    To investigate the prevalence of fatigue, daytime sleepiness, reduced sleep quality, and restless legs syndrome (RLS) in a large cohort of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) and their impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Participants of a web-based survey answered the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, and, if the diagnostic criteria of RLS were met, the International RLS Severity Scale. Diagnosis of RLS was affirmed in screen-positive patients by means of a standardized telephone interview. HRQoL was assessed by using the SF-36 questionnaire. Age- and sex-matched control subjects were recruited from waiting relatives of surgical outpatients. 227 adult self-reported CMT patients answered the above questionnaires, 42.9% were male, and 57.1% were female. Age ranged from 18 to 78 years. Compared to controls (n = 234), CMT patients reported significantly higher fatigue, a higher extent and prevalence of daytime sleepiness and worse sleep quality. Prevalence of RLS was 18.1% in CMT patients and 5.6% in controls (p = 0.001). RLS severity was correlated with worse sleep quality and reduced HRQoL. Women with CMT were affected more often and more severely by RLS than male patients. With regard to fatigue, sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, RLS prevalence, RLS severity, and HRQoL, we did not find significant differences between genetically distinct subtypes of CMT. HRQoL is reduced in CMT patients which may be due to fatigue, sleep-related symptoms, and RLS in particular. Since causative treatment for CMT is not available, sleep-related symptoms should be recognized and treated in order to improve quality of life

    Desempenho ocupacional das famílias cuidadoras de pessoas com transtornos mentais atendidas em dispositivo de atenção psicossocial

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    With the process of psychiatric institutionalization, treatment of people with mental disorders, characterized by long before psychiatric hospitalizations, chronicity and social exclusion, went on to defend the humanized care, the integration of the individual in the family and society. The family of the person with a mental disorder, for a considerable time was excluded from the assistance provided to his family. He is currently an important partner of care, since most people who were treated in closed institutions, today live daily with their caregivers, at home. However, families often are not prepared to act as caretakers of close family members with mental disorders, and thus experience a context of overloads in everyday life. It is not uncommon the fact they have not with satisfactory support to deal with the complex situation of caring for a relative who needs care at length in daily life. This research aims to describe the areas of occupational performance (work, rest and sleep, leisure and social participation), the caregivers families before and after the mental illness of his family and the repercussions of this fact in daily life and living conditions of family caregivers; Identify among the areas of occupational performance (work, rest and sleep, leisure and social participation), those considered most important for family caregivers, and the strategies used by them for the development of these areas, with a view to changes in their daily lives and their living conditions. This is a qualitative, critical and reflective study. Approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley the Federal University of Paraíba, in the period from July 2014 to February 2015. The instrument for data collection was semi-structured interviews. Data collection took place in October and November 2014, after receiving the assent of the CEP. The material was subjected to the analysis of data according to Minayo (2008), following three methodological steps: pre-analysis, material exploration, processing of data and interpretation. The research findings revealed that with regard to the areas of occupational performance (work, rest and sleep, leisure and social participation) of family before becoming caregivers, four of them worked before the mental illness of their relatives and family, by the will of spouse, only performed housework. With regard to rest and sleep, the five family caregivers, two reported not enjoy a good rest and sleep before getting sick of your family, a fact surely occasioned negative impact on the dynamics of your everyday life . The other three caregivers had a good rest and sleep. It was identified that the leisure of the caregivers in this study, before the mental illness of the family, was designed and related to diverse aspects. The five family caregivers interviewed reported an active social participation, whether in church, community groups, in the family. With regard to the areas of occupational performance after mental illness the family, all family caregivers have had to stop work activities outside the home to care for relatives with mental disorders. The rest and sleep of them had to suffer. The leisure and social participation of family caregivers were determined by dynamic behavior of their relatives with mental disorders. With regard to the areas of occupational performance considered the most important by family caregivers, they elected two: rest and sleep and social participation. With the completion of this study, we can see the relevance of the intervention of health workers, because through dialogue and more systematic follow-up to these families, you can help minimize the impact of a life in organized care and overloads generated by these care and so contribute to improving the quality of life of families and caregivers also of users with mental disorders.Com o processo de desinstitucionalização psiquiátrica, o tratamento das pessoas com transtornos mentais antes caracterizados por longas internações psiquiátricas, cronificação e exclusão social, passou a defender o cuidado humanizado, a reinserção do indivíduo na família e na sociedade. A família da pessoa com transtorno mental, durante tempo considerável foi excluída da assistência prestada ao seu familiar. Atualmente é uma importante parceira do cuidado, pois muitas pessoas que eram tratadas em instituições fechadas, hoje convivem diariamente com seus cuidadores, no domicílio. Porém, as famílias, muitas vezes, não estão preparadas para atuar como cuidadoras desses familiares com transtornos mentais, e assim vivenciam um contexto de sobrecargas no cotidiano. Não é raro o fato de não contarem com suporte satisfatório para lidar com a complexa situação de cuidar de um familiar, o qual necessita de cuidados durante um tempo considerável no cotidiano. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever as áreas de desempenho ocupacional (trabalho; descanso e sono; lazer e participação social), das famílias cuidadoras, antes e após o adoecimento mental dos seus familiares e as repercussões desse fato no cotidiano e nas condições de vida dos familiares cuidadores; Identificar dentre as áreas de desempenho ocupacional (trabalho; descanso e sono; lazer e participação social), as que são consideradas mais importantes para os familiares cuidadores, e as estratégias utilizadas por eles para o desenvolvimento dessas áreas, com vistas a mudanças no seu cotidiano e nas suas condições de vida. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, crítico e reflexivo. Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa (CEP) do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, desenvolvido no período de julho de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015. O instrumento para coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada. A coleta de dados aconteceu nos meses de outubro e novembro de 2014, após recebimento do parecer favorável do CEP. O material foi submetido a análise de dados segundo Minayo (2008), seguindo três passos metodológicos: pré-análise, exploração do material, tratamento dos dados obtidos e interpretação. Os achados da pesquisa revelaram que no tocante às áreas de desempenho ocupacional (trabalho, descanso e sono, lazer e participação social) dos familiares antes de se tornarem cuidadores, quatro delas trabalhavam antes do adoecimento mental de seus familiares e uma familiar, por vontade do esposo, só realizava trabalhos domésticos. No que diz respeito ao descanso e sono, das cinco cuidadoras familiares, duas relataram não desfrutarem de um bom descanso e sono, antes do processo de adoecimento do seu familiar, fato este, com certeza, que ocasionava repercussões negativas na dinâmica de seu dia a dia. As outras três cuidadoras apresentavam bom descanso e sono. Identificou-se que o lazer das cuidadoras desse estudo, antes do adoecimento mental do familiar, era concebido e relacionado a aspectos diversificados. As cinco cuidadoras familiares entrevistadas relataram uma participação social atuante, seja na igreja, nos grupos comunitários e na família. No que diz respeito às áreas de desempenho ocupacional após o adoecimento mental do familiar, todas as cuidadoras familiares tiveram de interromper as atividades de trabalho fora de casa para cuidar de familiares com transtornos mentais. O descanso e sono delas apresentavam-se prejudicados. O lazer e a participação social das cuidadoras familiares eram determinados pela dinâmica de comportamento dos seus familiares com transtornos mentais. No concernente às áreas de desempenho ocupacional consideradas as mais importantes pelas cuidadoras familiares, estas elegeram duas: descanso e sono e participação social. Com a realização desse estudo, percebe-se a relevância da intervenção dos trabalhadores da saúde, pois mediante o diálogo e acompanhamento mais sistemático a essas famílias, pode-se contribuir para minimizar o impacto de uma vida organizada em cuidados e sobrecargas geradas por esses cuidados e assim colaborar para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das famílias cuidadoras e também dos usuários com transtornos mentais

    Learning new sensorimotor contingencies:Effects of long-term use of sensory augmentation on the brain and conscious perception

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    Theories of embodied cognition propose that perception is shaped by sensory stimuli and by the actions of the organism. Following sensorimotor contingency theory, the mastery of lawful relations between own behavior and resulting changes in sensory signals, called sensorimotor contingencies, is constitutive of conscious perception. Sensorimotor contingency theory predicts that, after training, knowledge relating to new sensorimotor contingencies develops, leading to changes in the activation of sensorimotor systems, and concomitant changes in perception. In the present study, we spell out this hypothesis in detail and investigate whether it is possible to learn new sensorimotor contingencies by sensory augmentation. Specifically, we designed an fMRI compatible sensory augmentation device, the feelSpace belt, which gives orientation information about the direction of magnetic north via vibrotactile stimulation on the waist of participants. In a longitudinal study, participants trained with this belt for seven weeks in natural environment. Our EEG results indicate that training with the belt leads to changes in sleep architecture early in the training phase, compatible with the consolidation of procedural learning as well as increased sensorimotor processing and motor programming. The fMRI results suggest that training entails activity in sensory as well as higher motor centers and brain areas known to be involved in navigation. These neural changes are accompanied with changes in how space and the belt signal are perceived, as well as with increased trust in navigational ability. Thus, our data on physiological processes and subjective experiences are compatible with the hypothesis that new sensorimotor contingencies can be acquired using sensory augmentation

    Recomendações para o registro/interpretação do mapeamento topográfico do eletrencefalograma e potenciais evocados: Parte II: Correlações clínicas

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    Chemodectoma of the larynx

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    Evaluating Confidence Measures in a Neural Network Based Sleep Stager

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    In this paper we report about an extensive investigation on neural networks -- multilayer perceptrons (MLP), in particular -- in the task of automatic sleep staging based on electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculogram (EOG) signals. After the important first step of preprocessing and feature selection (for which, a search-based selection technique could reduce the large number of features to a feature vector of size ten), the main focus was on evaluating the used of so-called "doubt-levels" and "confidence intervals" ("error bars") in improving the results by rejecting uncertain cases and patterns not well represented by the training set. The main technique used here is that of Bayesian inference to arrive at distributions of network weights based on training data. We compare the results of the full-blown Bayesian method with a reduced method calculating only the maximum posterior solution and with an MLP trained with the more common gradient descent technique for minimizing an err..